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1The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:37 pm



Tenjin strolled casually through the village, having just recently leaving Raphaels. Tenjin is heading somewhere to train his taijutsu, although not all of the power of ninjutsu was mastered he wanted to develop his taijutsu with enough power to be much more useful in regards to protecting Iwagakure no Sato from any harm that might befall it at some point. He still doesnt view his power to be at the level, equal to the othis shinobi of othis villages, like Raphael, and so he had decided to train in order to become more powerful and become one of the most efficient ANBU in his village. Before going to train though he decided to take a little time to go sightseeing in Kumogakure, and enjoy his time before going to train in what he calls his ANBU - preparatory training regiment, and get all dirty and beat up. After a short walk throughout the district, Tenjin was finally ready to go to the spar, so he headed out and into the training grounds.

Arriving out into a clearing full of sand and random rock pillar formations erecting out of the ground, he went around the area setting up eight different cones on the ground about five feet apart in a circle with one in the center of the circle, also for extra agility training, he put two cones on the six different rock pillars that surrounded the area no further away than ten meters and were also circles around the area with one enclosed closer to the center of the area. He merely stood those, the heat of the sun pounding down against the cloud, creating a deterrent so the only was Tenjin planned to sweat a little bit, was to begin his training because the weather was cool. In a pouch on his left he had some various ninja tools inside. All that was left now was for Tenjins will to show up and begin this training, hopefully he’d learn some new things and be able to develop even more skills in taijutsu and physical powers to protect Iwagakure no Sato with everything he’s got. Tenjin began his training by dashing from one cone to the other as fast as he can, and he will finish the smaller circle by dashing to the middle cone and body flickering over to the bigger circles middle cone, and then repeating the process of going to every individual cone before again going to the center cone in the bigger circle to appear in the smaller. This seemingly never ending training routine is what Tenjin calls the, infinity dash, and like its name, it has no ending as it is meant to train your speed. One simply finishes when they cant anymore. If anyone was to come see Tenjin, and not have the perceptual capabilities or speed, won’t be able to keep up as they would only see him slow down when stopping in the center cone to create the ram hand sign and body flickering.

WC: 501 / 2000

2The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty Re: The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:13 pm



The extensive military presence in the Cloud Village meant protesting in front of the exams would be difficult. But since this had been a detour, to begin with, Kaya was more than happy to enjoy the city, soak up the culture, and expand his understanding. Already he'd visited several temples in the surrounding ranges, meditated, and made offerings within them. Kaminari no Kuni, it seemed, was a land of old gods; some lost, some revered, some forgotten altogether. With the last of the incense dwindling, Kaya took a deep breath and uttered the final morning prayer to the spirit of the fourth southern peak.

It was the lastest of these temples, the shrine of Hui Fei, from which Kaya now descended back towards the city. After two days he found himself finally acclimating to the altitude; he had to admit the view from the mountains was fantastic. On the rare occasions the landscape below became unobstructed by the clouds, Kaya could plot his whole journey through to Fire Country and beyond. The boy could understand why this place would be strategic to build a village, the acclimation to height alone causes an immediate advantage to attackers, combined with harsh terrain, verticality, and warrior culture made Kumogakure unique even among the great cities.

With the Chuunin Exams in full force, the city began utilizing most of the outskirts to house training and provide space for guest nations at the event. Entire streets bore flags from a foreign land to signify their presence. The preacher thought immediately of street gangs jockeying for turf; he wondered whether the Kage themselves were here somewhere? To the right-hand side, new banners caught the boy's eye; he careened his neck upwards,

"Iwa-gakure," he muttered, entering the street. The flag reminded him immediately of his first morning in the city, when he'd been swept inside and met that boy: Tenjin. So far in life, in spite of his strong feelings towards village culture, Kaya had experienced little exposure to people from those villages. Expansion of understanding, then, was a worthy cause to seek him out again, or at least to try.

Not far down, the road opened up on one side to reveal a repurposed municipal park; raked sand and stone formations, smattered with Iwa ninja going about various training regiments. Throughout even the quarters occupied by visiting countries were the Kumogakure security watching over the festival. Perhaps this was, in some ways, the first step towards warring states coming together: a display of trust. Contemplating this, Kaya stepped forward onto the sand, bare feet not disturbing the grains at all. Eyes darted from left to right, watching each different training method and deciphering it before preparing an afternoon of forms and prayer for improving himself.

It was one such observation that caused Kaya to grin and move forward. At first, he couldn't be sure; he would have entirely lost the blurry shape running across the sand from spot to spot if not for his gift of perception. Even with his sharp eyes, Kaya still needed to approach before he could confirm and so he jumped once, arcing high above the sand before coming to land on the top of a nearby stone. At this distance, both the shape and aura of a familiar person would be clear.

"Tenjin," Kaya called out, waving his hand with a weary smile on his face "I was hoping I'd see you again before I left. It's been a long time since I met anybody friendly."

Tenjin, if he were paying attention, would plainly see Kaya before he spoke; the conspicuous afro and out of place rags would be a dead give away. Unlike the last time they'd met, Kaya now looked the part of a traveling preacher, namely dirtier.

"Is this your training? Or is this a method used by your village?" the smiling wanderer queried.


3The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty Re: The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Mon Mar 05, 2018 1:15 pm



Tenjin was able to stop his training when he heard his name being called out. Tenjin panted and laid on the ground, trying to get oxygen to regulate throughout his body as much as he possibly could, as he took in deep breaths and could feel his body regulating itself to the oxygen he took in. He slowly got up onto his feet as he rubbed his neck and cracked his knuckles as he got up to his full height and said, “Why it isn’t the preacher.” Tenjin noticed Kaya due to his hair, he didnt even have to look at his face. Tenjin then answered the preachers question before he was able to ask his own, “This is actually my created training. I’m trying to work on my taijutsu. How about you? How’s it going? And Have you got the opportunity to protest this ‘festival of war’?” Tenjin would finish asking this, but at the same time he didn't feel quite ready to finish his training, so he felt that it'd be better for him to get more exercise, even with Kaya there. As Kaya answered his question, Tenjin walked over to a tree and thought he'd try doing some pull ups this time in order to see how many he could do, and probably even compared to Kaya if he would like to make this a competition. He'd never done more than 100 pull ups before and he was curious to see how strong he was now. Tenjin wanted to also see how many Kaya could accomplish, so when reaching the tree Tenjin would ask Kaya, “How about a friendly competition? I know you do not fight, but are competitions part of the conflicts you try to go without?” Tenjin wanted to ask just to follow up after an answer, “You’ve told me a bit about your philosophy, but like me, you’re young. What have you experienced in life to give you such a strong conviction?” Tenjin wanted to know and see if he could get any more intelligent with the response provided. Tenjin has always been interested in people’s reasoning to becoming a shinobi, but Kaya appears to not want to be a shinobi which makes him a more interesting specimen. While listening to Kaya’s answer, Tenjin began to do some practice squats in order to make certain his legs didn't miss out as he then hopped up high and grabbed a strong and sturdy branch before pulling himself up and down.

Tenjin kept a smooth and slow motion throughout the entire exercise as he was excited and pleased to learn that he could accomplish many more pull ups then he thought he could as he continued to pull through them slowly and steadily. He was able to count his way to 69 before he started to feel a little tense in his arms as they were starting to slowly lose their grip and strength and stamina. He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth, as he was able to crank himself up to 93 and was on the verge of getting to 96 before he felt that he wouldn't be able to make it. He thus put in all the effort to make it as he knew that no success came without hardship as he kept himself pushing and pulling no matter what he felt was stopping his. he continued to pull himself through everything as he went and made it to 100 before he let go of the branch and fell onto his feet in front of the tree. He landed mainly to rub his arms as he could feel them locking up and he felt pain coming from them which he knew he would feel in the morning but this made him happy as he knew that it was all going to be better in the end. Tenjin then turned to Kaya, to see how he was doing with his training.

After resting for a little bit he got back up onto his feet and walked back over a log as he felt finally ready to practice his hand to hand combatting techniques. As he lifted the log up and glanced upwards to the sky, he then gripped the log hard as he got his arms ready and he chucked the log upwards high into the sky as he prepared for his attack. He watched the log come down slowly and steadily with his ace eyes as it twirled its way to the ground, Tenjin then followed the flying projectile and began punching the log until the log appeared to simply disappear into nothingness due to the frequency and the power behind each and every blow. Tenjin was able to land on all fours while the fragments of the log fell on and over a 3 meter radius around the young shinobi. Tenjin then asked Kaya, “You’ve said you dont like fighting.” while pausing for a little, Tenjin would appear slightly concerned before saying, “Do you understand that you might have to get into combat sometimes. This is a shinobi world afterall, that has permanently erased the grand era of peace that the legendary Naruto has created. I believe you were born in the wrong era my friend if you wish to never throw a punch.”

WC: 881

1,382 / 2,000

4The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty Re: The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Wed Mar 07, 2018 2:21 am



Kaya was pleased Tenjin recognized him; he'd considered the possibility that the Iwagakure Genin might not even remember him. The preacher watched as his companion stopped to catch his breath, taking a moment to examine the training Tenjin replied was of his own making. With a series of cones set up around a central point, almost reminiscent of his Kaya's own training methods; though throughout the preacher's training, the cones would be replaced with incense and Kaya would meditate at the center.

"No," Kaya began his reply laughing "I've been researching the country, enjoying the sites and mountain temples, I've been beginning to think that even as a way to celebrate battle, there is some good that can arise from bringing the nations together in this way."

The boy would watch then as Tenjin moved to continue his work out. The few village shinobi that Kaya had known all shared this similar trait; a focus and dedication to their training that, while of little use to Kaya himself, he found admirable. Such training did demand a strong will for the body to follow behind so that much of the process Kaya understood. Wandering along beside Tenjin while he moved to begin a new exercise and offered his challenge. Smiling, the boy nodded in response and watched Tenjin perform his first few sets before starting to mimic the movements. Whether through lack of effort or ability, Kaya's pace was much slower than his partner's.

"I've never been strong," Kaya mutters between pull-ups "I don't have strong chakra or sacred heritage. What I've always had is an urge for freedom. Do you know how much power it takes to be free in this world?"

With his words trailing off into a low growl, Kaya's arms dropped from the branch, and he let out a loud sigh. Not conditioned for physical training, Kaya would manage a meager sixty-four sets, which he said under his breath for the sake of keeping track. Taking his hands off his knees, Kaya would stand upright again and breathe deep, centering his mind and body, and catching his breath. As Kaya half expected, Tenjin was still going by the time his own arms had given out which left him with plenty of time to recover and continue.

"After," pause "At some point, I discovered a philosophy which seeks to protect freedom. It's not really about the war or the violence; I try to preserve the freedom of life, to merely live. I'm not a God, I don't choose who comes into the world or what they do with their lives, and I don't decide who leaves it either. You could say the act of existing is reason enough for something to deserve to exist."

The next moments, when Tenjin would hurl a log high above the sand and unleash a flurry of descending blows; Kaya would not copy. He could respect the combination of strength, speed, and coordination that went into Tenjin's maneuver, but that type of training would be far too strenuous and provide Kaya with little improvement. Instead, the preacher approached a log of his own and would use the time to perform a series of Katas utilizing his legs, shifting from point to point with practiced quickness, striking the wood with kicks but not applying enough force to impact it in a significant way. Performing these movements, Kaya even bore a resemblance to a real ninja. These motions were an exercise in control instead of strength, fighting against muscle memory just enough to alter each stance for this new obstacle.

"It's this same discipline that allows me to refine my inner strength in spite of my traditional weaknesses," his leg would snap back then rigid in an instant, sole pressed firmly to the wooden structure "through meditation and focus I can overcome my natural limits." He would lift his supporting leg, pivoting on the ankle against the log while twisting his body to extend his left arm to the ground, holding himself parallel with the sand. With his hand supporting himself, he would take his foot off the log and twist his body slowly upwards until he finishes in a one-armed handstand.

"You can beat a man until he can't attack anymore, and he will recover and come for you again. You can kill a man, and you make enemies of his allies. Ideally, you can convince a man not to fight, make your enemies into your friends, and then your army grows twice as large."

With an upside-down smirk, Kaya would launch upright and pirouette before coming to standing again and clasping his hands toward Tenjin before performing a slight bow.

"I'm prepared to defend the freedom of others to live. To use what strength I have to prevent all the harm I can."

"What of yourself? You're a trained shinobi... Have you ever killed a person? Would you wear it as a badge of honor?"


5The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty Re: The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:49 pm



There was a dragon upon the field of Kumogakyres training grounds, here and that dragon's name was none other than “Kaya the Preaching Non-Shinobi.” Although he wasn't the first person to express his philosophy to Tenjin, his was one of the best philosophies Tenjin has heard, and the philosophy itself is the best candidate for Tenjin to adopt, even if its fragments of the concepts. To speak of philosophies, Tenjins visualization of the world wasn't so pacifist, but more so something akin to utility, but that wasn't something that would fit Kaya. Kaya then asked a couple of questions that made Tenjin ponder his own ninja way. Tenjin could only smile a bit knowing that he just expressed his nindo to another shinobi he met in these exams and as he thought of the excitement that was filling the village due to the exams, Tenjin began to speak. “The next round in the Chuunin exams would start soon.” With an over exaggerated sigh and stretch of his body, Tenjin began to walk across the training grounds and toward his water bottle while also beginning to answer. “You mentioned that these games are able to bring villages together huh. What of a village that isnt united on its own?”

“I am a genin, I am hardly a trained shinobi. But being a ninja to me is the idea that the worth of a shinobi or kunoichi is solely determined by his or her contribution to the village over all, and in maximizing happiness or pleasure as summed among all people within the village by any and all means that they are possibly capable of achieving. Be it protecting the village as Kage or ANBU, or teaching it as an Academy Teacher, or Sensai.  It is, then, the total utility of individual shinobi or kunoichi which is important here. To benefit the village is the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Utility, after which the doctrine is named, is a measure of the relative satisfaction of the village from the shinobi, or desirability of the village, to keep the shinobi or kunoichi in operation. To be a shinobi can thus be described as a quantitative approach and thus easily measured.” Tenjin would take a long sip of his drink before talking again, “Long answer I know, but in short, no I have never killed someone, but yes, I would certainly wear it as a badge of honor.” Tenjins voice became more stern and serious.

Tenjin stood, and took off the top of his gi to stand shirtless and sweating already working to increase his strength. Tenjin has the blood of a champion in his veins, and he would not be greedy with it. He would see it that Kaya would also be inspired by his hard work as Tenjin is inpired by Kayas strong willed philosophy. Tenjin was able to take more logs and utilize them as weights, rather than targets for attacks. He lifted the heavy weights around the training grounds, heaving the wood like never before. Each one lifted and heaved across the field, as far as he was capable of throwing it. His strength and endurance, clearly developing with this training. The entire time he lifted and heaved the logs, he would continue to focus on his taijutsu specialization. He would focus his chakra into his muscle fiber, to manipulate his strength. After lifting and heaving logs, he would focus on smashing them beneath his fist once more. He would drop his small hands onto them, shattering them beneath his blow.

Tenjin then turned to Kaya to further elaborate on his ninja way, “You see, my ninja way starts from the basis that pleasure and happiness for the village and its inhabitants are of value, and the only things that is not valuable, is pain and suffering for the village and all of its inhabitants. Everything a shinobi does can thus be valued in regards to their possibility to cause happiness or prevent suffering in their village. Ninjas are instrumental in this cause, and must fight as soldier as a means to an end for their village. This focus on happiness and pleasure for their village and their inhabitants should dictate a ninjas decisions. To be a shinobi in a sense is a form of consequentialism - in that the worth of an individual shinobi or kunoichi is determined by the outcome of his or her life or the consequences of his or her actions - hence why I said that the ends do indeed justify the means.” Tenjin perception of a shinobi is simply a tool for the village to utilize when needed, and one is only sucessful when you are a valuable tool for your village. Tenjin then began to ask Kaya a very important question, “If war was to break out, would you decide to choose a village to shelter you or would you simply remain neutral and thus vulnerable to attacks from all angles?” This question was aksed because war does indeed appear to be looming as villages are conflicting with each other, and casualities espcieally collateral damage is just another aspect of war which Tenjin seems to find solace in knowing that his village will be there to fight along side him. Tenjin wondered if Kayas pacifist mentality may be dagerous if he is also against violence, but Tenjin wanted to also let Kaya know that his concers are sincere and if war does loom, Iwagakure, now being built with a concentration on academia, would surely accept this philosopher. Whehter Kaya would answer the questions or not, Tenjin will quickly drop in order to do some push ups so that he can continue his training with no delay. Each push up was actually surprisingly difficult as Tenjin was already exausted by all of his training, and although his struggles were noticeable, one would imediately notice that Tenjin is not one to easily give up as he pushed himself to continue despite sweat dripping down his face and onto the Kumo training grounds.

WC 1008

Tai C-B
2,000 / 2000

Jutsu Training (2 C-rank)
390 / 2000

Last edited by Tenjin on Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

6The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty Re: The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:49 pm



As Kaya spoke, his eyes studied Tenjin's face for any reactions. He was extremely familiar with discussing in this manner; allowing ideas to populate the field of war in place of blood and flesh. The Iwa Ninja seemed to be accepting the general premise of Kaya's philosophy well enough, which was a good start. As the preacher walked Tenjin through his reasoning, he would at least notice the other boy's face soften as he considered the words instead of just dismissing them. The dark-skinned boy would maneuver around Tenjin to allow him to grab his water; something that Kaya was just now realizing he wanted as well. In response to Tenjin's first remark, Kaya would reply;

"What of a world that's not united on its own?"

As Kaya listened to the boy's philosophy, it became clear that the two were not all that different in the end. The critical difference, Kaya supposed, was that Tenjin had grown up within a village and Kaya had not. The preacher could almost entirely agree with Tenjin's assessment if only having to replace the word 'village' with 'world'. Of course, Kaya also held the firm belief that the act of existing has intrinsic worth so those who weren't contributors, as Tenjin described them, still held equal claim to the lives given to them.

"Your form of 'worth economy' whereby the right to exist is determined by what you do with that existence seems unsettling." Kaya would say, pondering out loud the implications of a cosmic scorekeeper tallying each action against its consequence and deciding the ultimate worth of a life. The thought made him shudder; being silently judged by the security and instructors wandering around Kumo was terrible enough.

"I admire that you want to do good and help people. No matter whether you are from a village or not, that's a good thing from which to derive self-worth. I share your assessment of what should be done even if I don't agree with your reasoning. My world doesn't have the same banners yours does; to me, every person is my brother, and my 'village' is the world. The assessment of worth is ultimately pointless to me because there is no higher worth than merely having worth."

As Tenjin continued his rigorous workout, Kaya would break from the conversation briefly to sit in the sand and reflect. Closing his eyes, the boy would perform his training simultaneously with Tenjin's weightlifting. From the boy's core, he could feel the rhythmic pulse of life around them coursing through the earth, up into his body and back to the planet again. He meditated on the life-forces, their patterns, ebbs, and flows; stirring natural forces wove throughout the area, each passionate shinobi working in synchronization to maintain the vibrant ecosystem of life and nature. Tenjin probably didn't know it, but he would contribute to Kaya's meditation as well, his determined spirit giving the preacher lengthy ripples of life to study.

"I've been at war for a long time." Would be Kaya's initial response.

"But if chaos broke out tomorrow, what would I do? I suppose I'd do what I've always done; I would protect my home, I would defend my brothers, I would fight to prevent as much harm as possible, and I would offer refuge to anybody who sought it. But if all else fails? Are you asking me what happens when our backs are against the wall, hands closing in around our neck?"

He considered, for just a second, whether or not he should even continue. The inevitable climax of mankind's collective revolution; all the pent-up insurrection of a generation oppressed. Kaya almost grinned ear to ear at the very thought. To set that spark in motion, a blazing inferno from which the old would never emerge. But through this, the boy maintained his cross-legged meditation, face not even budging save for his musculature moving to breathe. If Tenjin were observant, he would notice even Kaya's breathing would slow to a crawl.

"I just hope it never gets that far." A complete lie.

With that, the boy's eyes shot open and he would stand in a single fluid motion. His partner already moved on to another exercise by the time Kaya started to approach, and when he was standing to Tenjin's side, he would clasp his hands and bow slightly.

"I'm glad I ran into you here today, Tenjin. Somewhere like this might be helpful for your training, but not for mine. I'm journeying to the Hei Shi monument to meditate this afternoon, and I have a long walk. I hope we see each other again while we're both here, but if we don't: I want you to show me the sights of your nation one day, you can tell me all the reasons you love your home."

For the first time, Kaya would grin warmly instead of wearily. He placed his hands in his pockets and would stay for any final words of parting from Tenjin before wandering away from the training grounds, mind churning with thoughts of upheaval.


2377 total
1500 trains taijutsu D to C
750 trains strength E to D
127 to the gods

7The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Empty Re: The King is Back (Training/Kaya) Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:59 pm



Tenjin believes that Kaya does slightly understand his question in regards to a village that isnt united. A world cannot be united if individuals within a village arent united. One must begin with the micro changes in order to effect the macro environment. Tenjin then realized that Kaya was preparing to leave, “Yeah, it was certainly great seeing you as well. I can definitely show you around Iwagakure, but only if you tell me your stories of your travels.” Tenjin was interested to hear about this villages and their system of living. Seeing Kaya walk away, Tenjin realized that he needed to train some more before he was able to leave too. Tenjin focused harder on his training as he decided to train some jutsus rathis than his physical capabilities. He wanted to train both the Transparent Escape Technique as well as the Chakra Disguise. He knew his goal was attainable, as he’d heard of the great and legendary Mu masters being able to utilize his chakra to the point of rendering himself invisible and unable to be sensed. He had never thought he’d need to train for that ability so soon, however, Tenjin tactics were not going to be as refined as Mu’s. regardless of expectations, though, he was in need of the discretion that those techniques allow for. If he mastered the invisibility technique, and the sensory suppression technique, though, he knew that it would be a lot harder to dodge his particle release techniques.

Tenjin could feel his chakra enveloping him as he concentrated, but this was a point at which he would not be able to envelop himself enough to disappear. He knew that, were he to figure out how to pass that point, he would in fact disappear. Experimenting, he tried using less chakra. Upon doing so, he felt himself becoming rathis blurred, for a lack of a better word. Scowling, Tenjin recalled how he'd gotten so desperate as to attempt this complicated technique so quickly. He'd been training in Kumogakure, making notes as to who he found to be worthy of great competition. The tense thought process passed, and Tenjin was left still visible. Returning to his desperate training. Tenjin shook free the memory of being beaten by Raphael. It annoyed him how often the memory sprang to mind now that he had lost his first battle. How did others, who have lost battle for nearly their entire lives, even function without being flooded by bad memories of the battle? Tenjin redirected his focus to his seemingly impossible task. An idea struck him. Perhaps he could cast a thin and condensed auro of chakra instead of manipulating the chakra around him once it was out of his body. He was pretty sure that was how Mu was able to become invisible, so why would the same not prove true for his newfound technique.

If Tenjin didn't have the arsenal of attacks capable of competing with a troubling challenger, he needed to be able to evade the attacks as best as he could. That's how he knew that the invisible technique was the only way. Tenjin concentrated hard as he attempted to shape his chakra even smaller and tighter before releasing it around his body. Finally, he felt ready, and released an aura of chakra around his body. Tenjin quickly stopped releasing the chakra, shocked at the results; he again didn't disappear. Needing to rethink his approach, Tenjin let his mind wander for inspiration.
As soon as Kaya had walked off, Tenjin was able to save the event in his memory palace in order to chronicle the events that had just transpired. Reaching in its pocket, his hand came out holding nothing. Checking his othis pockets, he found that they, too, had been emptied. All his shīruken and kunai had been left in the estate whise he was staying, Tenjin deduced, that he had no choice but to continue his jutsu training.

As his mind had wandered, Tenjin had found himself staring at a spider digging into the ground. As it dug, it applied its web to the outer walls of it's cave, ensuring it wouldn't collapse. As it progressed, the thin outer coating of web was nearly undetectable. Struck with inspiration, Tenjin prepared his chakra again, shaping it within himself carefully before releasing it. Although he could feel the outpouring of chakra, Tenjin couldn't quite see it. For a moment, he feared that they were dissolving faster than he could see, but he then noticed that he could still feel them as a part of a vestigial sense. Moving the the invisible chakra around his body, this was of course done experimentally, as Tenjin was understandably still not used to not being able to see his chakra.

Racing to complete his technique, Tenjin launched himself to attempt the technique once more. From that perspective, of othiss, Tenjin suspected that he was becoming more and more invisible. I appears as if the technique was a success, but not Tenjin needed to focus on training his new jutsu, the chakra suppression technique of course. This jutsu, will be able to be used in conjunction with his invisibility in order to not only be undetectable by sight, but also by sensory type shinobi.

"I believe it is important to have enough control of my chakra to be able to suppress it at will" Closing his eyes he flowed his chakra from it's starting position, the heart chakra point. Once he felt a sufficient amount summoned he began the molding process, in a way that quite different from the norm, but fairly efficient. The chakra flowed to his solar, the standard point of execution for most of his techniques, Were he trying to use the chakra offensively this would be the final point of contact before he began to use his jutsu, however with sensory suppression additional steps needed to be taken. In order to save time he split the pool of chakra up, allowing a bit over half of his reserves to flow upward as the rest moved down his body. It was difficult to do, and he could feel the volatile energy threatening to dissipate at a moments notice were he to gain more concentration, but still he held on. He felt the powerful chakra hit his throat point, pooling for barely a moment before continuing up to his third eye, and finally to the crown. He expected to need to move the focus point again once each point was active. The third eye would be the most useful for what he was attempting. This was work to be done before that step however.

Downward the second pool moved, the strong focus point of his solar chakra allowing swift release and activation. He found his strength ready nearly immediately, with no pause between his sacral and root chakra. Now he just needed to focus. Keeping his full body active in the channeling of chakra he moved the bulk of his power to the point in the center of his forehead. The third eye chakra point was integral in its ability to see past the void, and while it was a different energy source, he was certain it would work the same nonetheless. He flared up the power coursing through his body, and outward it flowed from his root. He seemed to find it most easy to expel high volumes of chakra through the root. This was something about the connection to the earth that made it ideal, almost as if it was the most open of his chakra points. With the guidance of the power coursing through his third eye he could feel the chakra easily fill the training grounds. He was making his chakra signature appear larger. He'd succeeded exceptionally in what had thought was going to be nearly impossible. That was a good sign.

To suppress his chakra, he needed to keep his concentration off of his own power. That, Tenjin believed would work. He took a deep breath, he counted each breath as it drew in, one, two. three..... And in a moment he felt it. He felt his chakra being nullified. He redoubled his efforts, trying to push more chakra into his third eye to power it up and then suppressing it swiftly. Then he believed is someone was tracking him, he found the trail would quickly go dead as Tenjin barely felt chakra surging through his body.

Tenjin was able to meditate and focus to supress his chakra. Tenjin was first able to prepare the technique, which caused Tenjin to change his chakra signature, and make it seem larger, smaller or even non-existent, due to a complex anachronism that the he creates in one's chakra changing their perspective to others. Tenjin was positive that this technique would work in battle, but as someone who hasnt utilized it in combat he was sure if it would properly work. Tenjin continued his meditation in order to once again try to manipualte his chakra signature. After completing the technique a couple of times, Tenjin was more than happy with the results. He decided to try and utilize his new found technique in a sparring match, or for the very least, against a sensory type of shinobi in order to better understand the mechanisms of the jutsu. After all, Tenjin wanted to be the second Mu, the ninja known as the non-shinobi due to his undetectable aspect. Tenjin gathered himself up and was able to dust himself after a long day of training. It appeared to be getting dark, which rather surprised Tenjin as he wanted to see the Chunin exams. But caught up in his training, it looks like Tenjin missed watching it live. At least, in this modern era, he is able to watch the recordings of the games on television, which was a golden opportunity for Tenjin to see the shinobi in action in order to prepare himself for what top expect when he becomes older. These shinobi are certainly the future of their village, and Tenjin realizes that probability has it that the next Kage of a village as well as their ANBU candidates, were competing in this years games. Hence why Tenjin has a special mission that he gave himself, which is to witness all of the contestants, and create a contingency plan in case Tenjin was able to verse them in the near future.


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