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1WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Empty WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:21 pm



The beasts of the night sunk their claws into dray's very skin, piercing through every layer of the skin and bursting whatever cell came in contact with them.

Dray looked around him and all he saw was just a large forest that surrounded him. It looked familiar and if dray was right, this was konohagakure no sato's dense forest, on the outskirts of the village. Dray had been here quite a number of times, to train, meditate and do all sorts of things that this forest environment made possible. He would wonder why he was here since He did not remember having walked down here from the village. How he got here was a baffling thought. As he would then turn around to look behind him once again, he would be faced with the main village, konoha itself. Dray would look back again to see the forest he was in but magically, the area would have somehow changed from what it earlier was. Dray would cautiously walk into the village, looking at every corners but there seemed to be no sign of life. Dray would walk further into the village, trying to finding whoever he could but all would be to no avail. He would run down to his cousin, Asura's house but neither asura of any of his family members would be around. Dray would rush over to check the senju compound. Definetly, someone had to be there but he would be proved wrong again.

Dray would run through the village and up the hokage mountain. He would have at the back of his mind that a greater view was guaranteed if he was up there. Steadily but swiftly, dray would ascend to the top of the mountain, heaving a sigh of relief as he would then look from the top to over the village hidden in the leaf. Dray would scan the area for close to an hour at different angles of the mountain too after which he would sit down on the mountain and wonder what was happening. Just then, the mountain would suddenly lower to the ground as it would now be equal to ground level. Dray would jump up in suprise to this new change. Things were getting very weird and dray was not feeling any comfortable. Behind him, a voice would speak softly....
why? Why did you go? Why did you leave us to die? the voice would sob as dray would look backwards to see his younger sister, akira, sitting on a small grave. Dray could not help but would open his mouth in suprise yet with his eyes welling with water. With him remembering all of the good times he had spent with his sister, another voice, one more matured would speak from behind him again...
Iwhy? Why did you go? I told you not to go that morning, I did.... the voice would sob much more as dray would once again look to his back to see his mother.. Mia Senju.. Dray regretted not having listened but what if he had, he also would have been slaughtered like a pig...
I shall avenge you mother, I shall avenge you sister.. I shall, I promise... ......And you must! a stern voice which belonged to his fathe would say some metres away from him as both his father, his mother and sister would fade into the wind........

I shall, I shall, I shall...... dray would stutter from sleep as he would wake up to a dark night. Another one of the dreams that reminded him of his goal. To find his family's killer and murder him. He would not rest until this was done and till then, he would not stop training till he was best.
Dray would raise the green bedsheets off of himself to reveal his half naked form as he was only wearing shorts. He would toss the bedsheets to the side of the bed and get up from it. With a single turn to the right and another to the left, the "crracck" sound would be heard from these actions as he would also do this to his neck. He would run his hands from his huge chest down his well builts abs. Tons of physical training he had done to achieve these six perfect abs but he cared less for them as he was not much into fashion or into expressing the opposite gender.

Dray would enter into the bathroom and take some minutes in there after which he would emerge from the bathroom and dry himself with a green towel that hung on a stand in the bathroom's spacious area. He would proceed to dress himself but unlike other days, dray would simply slip into his black fitted pant trousers and pick up his belt. He would somehow fit his shinobi head band unto the head of the belt and buckle it tight. He wanted to look a bit fashionable. Wearing his black killer boots or high soled desert shoes rather, he would look in the mirror and smile at the extreme height that this shoe added to his own originalt 5ft-ness. He would comb his hair carefully before leaving them to fall into their usual postion. He wanted to look as simple as he could since he had no work now. He would then lower his green kimono armour from where it was hung and put it on without buttoning it up or strapping it together with it's red loin. Dray loved this kimono for it was a light unnoticeable amour and only the best of weaponry makers or users would probably notice that this fashionable cloth was an armour. Being used to an everyday shinobi life, dray would fill his ninja pouch with his basic projectiles and keep some on the insides of the armour that would not make them visible before he would leave his home.

Dray would walk out of the large senju compound calmly, gladly greeting everyone who were still awake and quickly replying those that greeted him first. Each and everyone of them wondering why he had this happy look on. As dray would stroll down the dark streets of konoha, he would feel the sweet breeze slap against his bare chest and tickle his uncovered well built stomach. The feeling was good and dray loved it when it was good.

Last edited by Zennyo Ryūō on Mon Mar 02, 2015 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

2WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Empty Re: WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:47 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

The restless nights, the continuous search for the darkness of Konoha, the very shadow which haunted and consumed Lamya's very life had placed her on one of Konoha's many rooftops again, where she could keep an eye out for anything or anyone to sate her thirst for revenge, for relief and power. behind her ANBU mask, her golden snakelike eyes glistened coldly, as she seemed to absorb every person's face  she saw walking on the streets down below.

She wanted to find those who were part of the illustrious Black ANBU, the group responsible for the deaths and dissapearances of many good men and women, among which her own parents, her own friends and family. She wanted to relieve herself from all that accumulating hatred within her, but so far all she saw was nothing but those everyday faces of people enjoying their lives, people walking about with those they loved and conversing in idle chitchat about how their da had gone, what they had done so far and more utter nonsense.

However, just when she was about to run away and try another of the selected points she had chosen for her stake outs, a flash of green seemed to captivate her, allure her into her own memories, when she recognized the man walking about with his swords, his green clothing and armor and most importantly that green unruly hair. The sound of gritting teeth ressonated softly through the night's sky, after which the young woman vanished from the rooftop into the darkness of an alley nearby her location.

Slowly, seemingly unnoticed by anyone with her long hooded robe over her entire body, the hood covering her entire head in its shadow, the young woman came out of the alley and mingled with the people, walking into the opposite direction of the man with the green hair, not missing a single silent step until she came close to him, after which she quickly nudged against him, raising her hand up to his throat, where the cold steel of her scalpel could most likely be felt by the young Senju.

"I hardly ever forget a man's face," A cold and calm voice escaped the hood in a soft whisper. The hooded figure was standing still and not a single soul around them seemed to notice her. "Especially not that of a man who has shown nothing else than weakness. Isn't that right, Senju Draygglez?"


3WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Empty Re: WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:59 pm



Dray would calmly walk through the dark streets of konoha. The village even at night would be more busier than dray could have ever imagined since he hardly came out at night. He would pick his steps gently unlike those that would briskly walk past him. He would look upwards at the moon, observing it closely yet from his far off distance, it was a full moon. This night was perfect as the breeze would slightly comb through dray's hair and lift his kimono armour backwards while slapping against the rest of his open bare skin. He would walk from street to street not knowing exactly where he was going, having the mind that something would come. This something that he did not know of, he waited for it, whatever it was.

As dray would continue his stroll, very close to a dark alley, dray would feel someone clash into him as his back would fall agaist the alley wall, with the person's elbow to his throat and another feeling of cold steel. He wondered who this person was. It was dark in the alley and to make it worse, the person was putting on a hooded cloak. Dray was all alone now as the people passed by and went about their own issues and nobody seemed to notice him besides, he could not call any attention due to the cold steel to his neck.
"I hardly ever forget a man's face..."
The voice would speak out to dray.. This person had definetly met him before but he would wonder who it was. The slightest idea would even escape his thoughts and the hooded person would continue...
"Especially not that of a man who has shown nothing else than weakness. Isn't that right, Senju Draygglez?" these latest statement would pierce through dray's skin as the thought of hearing his name from such a stranger would baffle him..

Trying to make anything out of the attacker, dray would feel the attacker's body that had been pressing against his own bare skin due to the kimono armour being swung to both sides but the tension he felt would have not let him notice earlier. Being overpowered, dray would feel two seperate protusions against his chest due to the way he was being nudged. These were no other than breast as their tenderness too would be felt and clearly sending the information that the attacker was a female.. Looking closely enough again, dray would observe her height as his mind would flash back to where he thought he had met this person and that event was probably connected to why he was being hunted now.
With more confidence evén though he had a weapon to his throat, dray would speak with a smile on his face..... He who fights and run lives to fight another day but a valiant warrior that does not know when to retreat would surely perish in battle. You may take it as weakness but I take it as progress... Anbbu lady.. dray would perfectly say as he would tuck both of his hands in his pocket and rest more comfortably against the alley wall. His height would pretty much give off the thoughts that he was in his twenties but frankly speaking, he would not be more than eighteen years of age.

4WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Empty Re: WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:14 pm

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

He who fights and run lives to fight another day but a valiant warrior that does not know when to retreat would surely perish in battle. You may take it as weakness but I take it as progress... Anbu lady.. 

When she heard those words, a cold chuckle escaped the young woman's lips, as she retreated her scalpel she started laughing a bit louder, until it turned into an almost maniacal cackle. The ANBU operative took a step back, though she pressed her hand against the young man's chest to keep him where he was, looking straight into his eyes with her golden snake like eyes glared into his from behind her mask. Slowly her cackle withered down to an almost eerie sounding snicker.

"Progress is a word that only befalls those who would actually become better," The young woman replied to his expressive words from earlier with her cold and collected voice only traversing through the air like a whisper. "If you would have made any progress whatsoever, you would've been able to see me approach you and you could've done something about it...or could it be, that the progress you talk about is exactly"

Raiding her free hand to the hood covering her head, the young woman lifted the obstruction from her head, after which her long black hair became visible, as well as the white skin of her throat and ears, complimenting her almost unnatural appearance already given away by her snake like golden eyes, which still remained locked upon Draygglez' own eyes, not missing a single movement of his body, not even the tiniest of twitches in his fingers.

"Maybe and do correct me if I'm wrong," The young woman continued, her voice slightly less abbrasive sounding and returning more to her usually smooth voice, no longer inhibited by her ANBU mask's voice changing ability. " just can't help yourself but to say things to make you look strong, just like you did that time. You can say what you want, act all tough and strong, but when push comes to isn't mere cowardness which drives you...but a true, unbound and undaunted fear, is it not?"
A stifening pressure came through the air of the dark alley, when the young woman clanched her fists and tensed her muscles, her chakra surging to the absolute pinnacle of its power. Cracks appeared on the ground underneath her feet while she relaxed herself again, her chakra stabilizing and calming down again. It was simply to display the difference between them and to make this man realize how puny he truly was in the eyes of this world's greatest powers, with still many of them standing far above Risu herself.

"What is it that you fear so much, that it turns you into a blatant coward?" Risu hissed in anger, surprised how impossibly ignorant that man could appear to be towards the rules of the shinobi world they resided in. "No matter what, it is just shameful to act as such in this world...why is it, what is it that haunts you, turns you into a man who'd rather run to save his hide rather than to fight for his fellow comrades? Tell me...tell me!!"



5WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Empty Re: WE MEET AGAIN....[LAMYA][FB] Tue Apr 07, 2015 6:55 am



Dray saw the snake woman chuckle coldly as she backed out of his turf and started laughing a bit louder ,more maniacally as if she had been possessed by some spirit or something similar. She took a step backwards but she still pressed her hand against dray’s chest to keep him against the wall. She glared into his own light green eyes with her gold like eyes that was slightly visible through the anbu mask she wore.
“Progress is a word that only befalls those who would actually become better”, she would say to him coldly.”If you would have made any progress whatsoever, you would have been able to see me approach you and you could have done something about it..or could it be that the progress you talk about is exactly that…talk?”…   Dray could not yet decide what was running through her mind but he well knew that she was hostile. Not for long though as dray would see the snake lady move her hand over her head to lift her hood allowing her long black hair reveal itself.  Another fascinating sight was the white skin of her throat and ears.. How could one’s skin be this white, dray wondered. Her golden eyes still locked unto him, scanning his every move as if preparing for the very worst but dray knew better than to cause a scene besides, why fight someone without a reason or without even putting up a good fight. He well knew that would not understand his actions because she was probably all powerful and mighty unlike him. He prepared to reply her when she spoke up again. “Maybe and do correct me if am wrong”. Her voice now seemed smooth and not coarse. she was probably calming down.
“Maybe… you just can’t help but to say things to make you look strong, just like you did that time. You can say what you want, act all tough and strong, but when push comes to shove…. it isn’t ,mere cowardice which drives you… but true, unbound and undaunted fear, is it not?” The night became as silent as a graveyard, the darkness of the alley blocking out almost every light, leaving the two opposite sexes alone to themselves. The green beast against the wall and the snake woman in front of him. Any passerby would have interpreted this as a lovely moment but was it truly one? The snake woman seemed unsure of dray. His words seemed to give her a different view of things and yet, she wanted to confirm it from him. She clenched her fists and ran life through herself. Her chakra manifested itself on a whole different level and dray could feel it because her hand was still pressed against his chest. The superiority of her power made itself known as cracks appeared on the ground beneath her as she seemed to calm down again. A show- off.. Dray smirked even though he was aware that she could be dangerous, he was still confident.
“What is it that you fear so much, that it turns you into a blatant coward?”  She hissed in anger. “No matter what, it is just shameful to act as such in this world… why is it, what is it that haunts you, turns you into a man who would rather run to save himself than to fight for his fellow comrades? Tell me…  tell me!!” Her voice grew from smooth to tense again.
For the most part, dray was enjoying her words even though he could not well classify her but the number of times she had referred to him as a coward was more than he could take in yet he could not do anything even if he wanted to. He understood the disparity in their skills thus what held him back. He knew he was no longer a coward and he had never been. Running from a fight does not depict cowardice besides it is said that a ram that moves backwards in a fight only does so to gather more strength but how else was he supposed to prove it to miss almighty.. He was short of words. He was about lowering his face like someone who was not worthy but his spirit was not broken yet. Not caring what she would do, dray held her hand that was pressed against his chest and lifted it off…
“We all have different stories…” He said as he walked away.
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