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Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


Susumu really grew tired of all of this. He continued to walk the same roads, over and over again. How many years has it been since he started travelling? He actually lost count, and he’s not even that old to begin with. Leaving Konohagakure through the gates, with Kumogakure as destination in mind, he sighed as he stared down the road that was before him; it never changes. The path stays the same, no matter how many years go by. At the beginning, it was excitement and curiosity that drove hi mto visit new places and explore the world like some people have never done before, but it all grew stale not too shortly after. Which is why Kumogakure is his next destination. Never has he seen the environment in which it’s located, nor does he know what kind of people live there. It’s perfect for observation and gathering worldwide knowledge that might be new to him, too. As he had gotten older, his perspective on the world changed. Which once was a naïve seven year old, is now a naïve twelve year old. With fast pace, he went from walking to dashing from tree branch to tree branch in the hopes of getting there quickly. There was no one chasing him, so there was really no need to rush. But visiting a new location has once again ignited something within; that curiosity and excitement he had once lost. His eyes focused on the target, the surroundings around him blurred out. The animals that were clearly seen running over the plain grass fields were completely ignored by Susumu and almost run over in the process, Susumu being completely unaware of this.

This world has many faces, many different individuals, each with their own unique characteristics. Depending on the person, some of the faces will be taken an interest in and accompany them in a journey for a lifetime, while the other faces will be completely forgotten. This is what Susumu’s looking for. Companions that will aid him in his quest; although right now, his mind is in confusion as to what his goal actually is. It used be driven by revenge, but at the end of the road, it’s almost certain emptiness will remain. He wanted to prevent that. For now, revenge had to be set aside and just be considered.. a bonus. Finding the people that made him witness that event will come second, finding a life purpose for him comes first. Tree bark flew off into the air and onto the path below him with each landing and jump that he made from those branches. The scenery slowly but surely changed into what seemed like Kumogakure’s territory. Steadily moving up to higher places, he eventually jumped out above the tree tops, able to see the Kumogakure village clearly in the distance, the Kage tower sticking out on top. With a smirk on his lips and a reflection of the village in his deep, blue eyes, he disappeared through the twigs and leaves of the many trees and like a shadow, moved from spot to spot. It only took him a few more minutes to reach the gates of the village. Being a wanderer, there shouldn’t be any problems with getting in. He has no criminal record.. So far. Having a brief conversation with one of the Shinobi serving Sanosuke, the Raikage, the gates slowly opened, thinking of Susumu as nothing more than a little kid, having lost his way. Once the gates had fully opened, his footsteps drew nearer and nearer, his figure eventually disappearing through the slight opening that they had given him.

Word count: 608

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