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"He's..... Alive."

"Psht... Stop being an idiot, the centipede is long since dead. He's as dead as his victims."

"Idiot, you think a man that drowned in the blood of thousands of criminals would die that easily? Idiot...."

"The name of the Centipede is not to be taken lightly... Some say he originally died in the war but was reincarnated as a living weapon."

"Different from the story I heard, it's said that he absorbs the power and chakra of those he kills and makes it his own by now he would have infinite chakra!"

"I could have sworn I heard someone say they fought him and when they chopped him in half he stayed alive and reattached himself.... He's immortal...."

"Sadly, I have none of those abilities...."

"Bahaha stop acting like you're the centipede Sousuke..... Certainly, your abilities are incredible but you're no centipede, bahaha. Besides, we're only horsing around. The centipede is most likely dead by now. He's been away for 8 months."

"Yes, it's just I was in a different world.... Training."

"Alright, alright. Stop with the silly jokes, also get ready the enemy is here"

"How many?"

"Seven A-ranked punks low tier, though... Their crimes are quite heavy stirring trouble in Sunagakure, killing dozens of innocent people, participation in various drug deals. "

"Say, are they targets for elimination?"

"Don't kill them before questioning after questioning they're all to be executed."

"Oh, captain, your wife's calling..."

"God damn it.... Where's the phone...OH waaait!!! WAIT SOUSUKE!"




"The monstrosity...."

"The last one's yours to interrogate. Captain."

He walked away hands in his pockets as he looked out to the open world as he saw the roads unraveled to his steps. The sound of his steps could be heard no more as he walked upon the path he had selected. He would leave no trace for admirer or enemy to follow. He would kiss the skies goodbye as he marched towards the home he left, the home that tossed him aside. Alas, the moment has come. Unfinished business awaited the man. He would clear his name but would the village take in the man with the blood of thousands on his hands. Yet he walked, he walked drenched with the blood of the filthy, the criminals, the unjust. "Tsuneo walk with your head high. You've murdered many, however, you've saved more. Be proud that not a drop in the ocean of blood you walk through, is of an innocent soul. The chalice of truth lies not. Tsuneo not once you killed an innocent person.... Yet you were hated.... It must have been tough on you child. NOW GO, OUT OF MY SIGHT.  Go forge your destiny. The velvet world has accomplished its mission in raising you, the rest is yours to do."

A simple smile on the young man's face shone as he walked towards his home. He would take out a book from his pocket and read it as he was greeted by the hoards of bandits. Tsuneo simply read a verse from the book.

Days upon days we fought
We fought spilling our blood
We fought spilling our tears
We fought spilling our screams
Our agony
Our ecstasy
Our hatred
Our love
As we drew our blades
As we aimed our bows
As we threw our spears
We endured and we....
We fought till we fell
We fought for honor?
We fought for power?
We fought for fortune?
We fought for glory?
We fought to protect.
We fought to live.
We fought for tomorrow.
As I lay here
On my deathbed, the battlefield.
My comrades lay beside me
As I speak my final words
My partner, my friend, my other half....

My Blade.

I raise thee unto the sky let mine own words pierce the hearts of the wretched, today I fall.
Tomorrow another one rises.
Another warrior fighting to protect.

"Accursed bandits. I'll warn you once. Correct thine paths, or be led to hell."

As few witnessed the aura of power oozing from Tsuneo they were simply attracted to it as thought moths to flames unaware they stepped forward to Tsuneo. "Well chosen warriors." Tsuneo walked in front of them as he led them to battle. The bandits rising against Tsuneo fell while those beside him were unharmed, not once scratch to be seen upon them. The young man spoke.

"No blood is in your hands, bandits. This is a second chance given to you all. Correct thine paths."

The young man walked through the hoard of fallen enemies, not one of them dead. The young man walked and as those bandits witnessed the power and the compassion of a greater man. They followed him. He would speak no word but a faint smile on his face as he walked to the village behind the man the many bandits he inspired.

"Await for me, hone your skills, and be what it may never stray from the path of just. Good luck.

"This is my path, to stand for the damned,  fight for the weak, and kill nothing but the murderous"

He would use his methods, as usual, sneaking into the village sightless, scentless, as though a simple gust of wind, and before long he would head to the shop he had missed so dearly. The ramen shop he loved. He would order his favorite bowl of ramen as he sat on the stool. Awaiting he simply whispered:

"It's good to be home."

Word count: 940/600
Any extra words are not necessary  I won't be using them.\


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