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1A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:51 pm



The sun was was dipping towards the western horizon as Sayuri made her was towards the cabin she was currently sharing with her unexpected traveling companions, Mitsuo Sarutobi the Sword Saint of Konoha and Tsuyo Hyuga the… Golden Dragon Wielding Shinobi Healer. A grin would alight on Sayuri’s face as she thought of this, that was not Tsuyo’s title, she had thought of it while camping with him and as yet had not had the opportunity to ask him if he had a actual honorific. This would make her pick up her pace, it was best that she correct the thought quickly before it became too deeply embedded and difficult to replace, lest she blurt out the possibly disrespectful fabrication at some inopportune time. She would laugh aloud at the thought, it would be like her to do such a thing, she was nothing if not predictable in that respect. If there was some way to ensure that an interaction was hilariously awkward she could be counted on. There were worse things she supposed, she could have a temper, or be selfish, or foul mouthed… she would sigh a bit and shake her head as she stopped her train of thought. This is just justifying a poor trait, I should work to better myself, not be comfortable with something I can change.

She hurried her pace to a jog, carefully balancing her packages of outfits for herself, Tsuyo and Mitsuo; bundles of clothing and footwear wrapped in fabric and tied with ribbon and string. And a large woven basket nearly overflowing with delicious food. Rice and fish, fresh fruits and cheeses. Spiced meats, rolls and fresh breads and a bottle of wine. She had no idea what most of it tasted like, but she had asked for food that someone who wore a fancy suit would like to eat. It certainly smelled fancy, even if some of it looked a bit odd. She would wave at the caretaker on her way past his cabin, he always seemed to be there, sweeping or hammering. Probably he was just watching to make sure there was no funny business going on, but still it was comforting to know he cared about his site. As Sayuri approached her shared cabin she would slow down a bit and look about nervously, it was an unusual and quite uncomfortable feeling to walk into a building in broad daylight, and through the front door no less. She was expecting someone to come up any second and scream at her for stealing or trespassing and to beat her or chase her away or worse. And so as before, she stood there at the door a moment, her palm resting on the old worn wood until she gathered the courage to push it open at last.

With the door open Sayuri would raise an eyebrow at the emptiness of the room beyond. Both beds were neatly made, not a single wrinkle in either cover with the small exception of a folded paper on the closest bed, which caused her eyebrow to rise even further as she smirked and closed the door behind her. She could not fathom the importance of making a bed, when you were traveling sure, you had to carry it with you so it made sense to carry it efficiently. But in your home, why on earth waste the extra time? Who were you trying to impress exactly? She placed the shopping down on a small table and looked around the room, there was no evidence anyone at all was staying here except that paper. She bounded over to the bed and flopped, belly first, onto the mattress grasping the paper as she landed with a giggle. She glanced wryly at the mussed bed sheets before opening the folded paper and the amusement that was there quickly faded as she saw the ink black markings upon the crisp white of the papers surface. Of course it was a note. Her heart sank… "Why on earth did I never bother to finish learning to read? I had so much time… I could have… I don’t know, stolen some books, or hid outside a school or…” She would let out a small scream of frustration as she stared at the indecipherable pictures meant for translating sounds. She was talented in all sorts of ways, she knew how to tell when a storm was coming by the way the wind blew, which types of plants were edible in the forest, how to unlock a gate with a twig… but reading? She stood up, tossing the note aside and kicked at the bed in her anger and immediately regretted her decision as pain shot through her foot. She would hold her hand over her mouth and scream again, hopping on one foot, tears of pain and anger streaming down her face, until the ridiculousness of the whole situation came to her mind and she started laughing. What are you doing… silly duck… she jumped on the bed intentionally then until all her anger was replaced with childish giddiness and her mind had cleared. I’ll just get someone to read it to me, it’s no problem at all.

Sayuri gathered the note from the floor, and braided her long straight white hair. She then checked that her new clothing, a long sleeved blue and white kimono style tunic and blue and white trousers were still neat, and she pulled on her dark grey leather boots. She looked in the washroom mirror at her freshly cleaned face and hair once more before automatically feeling for the grip of her tanto along her left hip, and satisfied with her appearance she left to find the caretaker. She found him where he always was, this time he was hammering what looked like a very over hammered nail. He looked up as she approached and she held out the note to him. “Good evening! I… I was um, hoping you could help me with something, I’m not very… good at reading and um… could you…” She blushed fiercely as she tried to finish the sentence, the look he gave her was quite disapproving and made her feel quite ashamed. He took the note from her with a grunt and looked it over, raising an eyebrow and handing it back. “Your friend is to the north about a mile, training. You should meet him there.” The caretaker pointed towards some hills as he spoke and Sayuri thanked him as she darted off without a second thought, tucking the note into her tunic as she ran.

How long ago had he left that note, and was he alright? He probably was just fine, and yet she could help feeling a bit negligent that she’d spent time wandering around the marketplace instead of rushing back to tell Tsuyo the fantastic news she’d learned. She would run all the faster at the prospect of being able to deliver happy news to someone who had helped her so much. And her joy soon became overwhelming and she skipped and tumbled and leaped her way to where Tsuyo was supposed to be waiting.


2A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:10 pm



Tsuyo stood in a clearing next to a single tall tree. His silver eyes looking up the length of it for a moment as he stood there in a button up shirt and slacks. His shined dress boots still laced up. His daggers tucked into his belt. A moment of thought passed as he ran a hand through his hair. So much was coming soon and he needed to pay more attention to his work out. As a kid he had only ever made it a third of the way up this tree with this method. Stopping at the lowest branch to sit there and look out over the tree's at the distant village. It was a good twenty meters up to that branch. The difference being is before he had been practicing body strength and chakra control. He realized already that should he go that same route he would easily make it to the top. Today he would be attempting it without chakra. Today he would be climbing this tree with sheer physical power. He let out a breath as he shook his head. He was getting older so the energy to do this was something he would have to summon forth.

Still he would roll his shoulders before unbuttoning his shirt. Slipping it off his shoulders and down his arms so he stood shirtless. Quietly he folded it and sat it down on the grass. His muscles rippled and it was clear about one thing. His clothes hid his physical prowess completely. Every inch of his body was muscle. From the neck to the abs was simply a jigsaw puzzle of muscles stacked so tightly together they hardly appeared flexible. And yet they were. Somehow he had built his body up like only a medical professional would know how. He was lean for all that muscle. Something interesting might be noticeable to a keen eye though. A single scar ran across his right arm just under the shoulder. A perfect line where the skin was more pink going all the way around. An old wound Mitsuo had given him in order to save his life. Still it hardly seemed to bother him nor was the lean muscle any lesser in that area. If anything the arm attached there seemed to match up perfectly as if regrown instead of implanting a new arm. Still he would only give the scar a glance before he would begin his work out preparations.

Tsuyo would start by reaching down and touching his toes before shifting on bent knee to the left and stretching out his right leg before doing the same in the opposite way. Standing straight after he would cross his arm over his chest and grip it with his other hand as he turned his body and again would repeat it the opposite direction. Lastly he would roll his neck before focusing his breathing. It was time to begin this physical training. Time to shift into what he needed to do and something he was capable of doing strictly due to his physical state. This wasn't purely about muscle though. He had to have control or he would rip the tree in half. He approached the base of it as he controlled his breathing in long deep breaths. His hands reaching out to either side of the tree. Fingers gripping it as they dug into the bark. Wood cracked under the pressure as his fingers seemed to sink into the solid wood like butter. Once that was done he would slowly shift his body. Keeping his arms straight as his body straightened out until finally it was held straight out from the tree. Carefully he continued to control his breathing as he held his body straight in a sideways hand stand. Then he began. His hands shifting as one at a time he moved a hand up the bark of the tree and dug in again. Sweat already dotting his body as he slowly made his way up. Keeping his body perfectly straight as he climbed the tree sideways. Like walking up it but very much the opposite. He would be about five meters up when Sayuri would come across him.


3A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:44 pm



As Sayuri took a running start at one more cartwheel she would stop mid wheel and promptly fall gracelessly onto her behind down on the, mercifully, soft grass. She could hardly believe what she was seeing. A man was gripping the trunk of the only tree she could see for quite a way in any direction, and was hand over hand climbing that very same tree. Which if she were to explain it just like that would seem normal enough, the mystifying part was how the man’s shirtless body appeared to float, board stiff extended parallel to the ground from the tree. It was amazing to see, and after she had recovered from the initial shock of it, Sayuri would clamber to her feet and walk cautiously towards the tree. She barely breathed, for she felt as though she were in a dream and didn’t want to run the risk of accidentally waking herself up and spoiling the fantastic dreamscape. As she drew closer she would look down at the neatly folded and expensive looking button down shirt and then back up at the man and her eyes would widen with the dawning of realization. This was not a random dream figure, this tastefully dressed and exquisitely crafted specimen of a shinobi was none other than the man she had set out to find; Tsuyo Hyuga, Golden Dragon Wielding Shinobi Healer.

She would stand beneath him, staring up in wonder. It was definitely him, she could see his strange eyes from here even though he so high above her.  Well seemed to be, she found it difficult to accurately gauge heights being that she was so short, he had probably only climbed as high as he could reach while standing on the ground. She would nod her head in satisfaction at her own deduction before bending down and picking up the folded shirt that lay near her feet, never taking her eyes Tsuyo’s athletic form. She did not want the piece of unsurprisingly luxurious fabric to recover what she now knew to be a well sculpted and powerful frame…. However, she also wasn’t entirely sure if staring at him was appropriate either and would grasp at the shirt anxiously as she tried to decide how best to handle the current situation. I could put the shirt down, walk away and then come back louder so he has time to put his shirt on… or just play it off all casual like I see this sort of thing all the time and it doesn’t bother me at all… or I suppose I could just talk to him like a normal human being instead of standing here like a creepy dolt.

So she would hold up her right hand to wave, leaving the very slightly wrinkled shirt in her left. And then proceed at utterly failing to successfully follow through on any of her well thought out strategies for how to behave in a manner that may make her appear to be in some way a socially acceptable human being, and instead metaphorically proceeded to fall flat on her face while simultaneously putting both feet into her own mouth.

“Tsuyo-sama! I… I got your note! I’m here now like you asked… with your shirt.. I didn’t mean, I.. you brought your shirt of course, I just picked it up. From the ground…” Her voice would trail off as a crimson blush spread across her face. What are you saying you silly duck? You need to stop before you make it any more of a fool of yourself or else we’ll have to go back to eating cow feed or worse I imagine! Sayuri would awkwardly lower her waving right arm to her long braid and tug self consciously at it while silently berating herself over her artless attempt at offhand conversation. And without so much of a thought and in true form would open her mouth to speak just that once more, always intent on sealing her fate. “You’re very strong you know, I… when you lifted me onto your horse I was very impressed… but this with the tree and seeing you… um…” Blushing hard enough she could feel heat radiate slightly off her face, she would take a stumbling step forward and hold out Tsuyo’s shirt with both slightly trembling hands before shyly smiling. “Uh, do you want your shirt?”


4A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:33 pm



Tsuyo would control his breathing as he felt his muscles burning. The training itself required an immense amount of strength but there was something beyond that. It would be to easy to demolish the entire tree if he pressed too hard. It required control of the physical body to an extent most would find impossible. He had mastered his chakra and with that he could make his way up this tree with ease and precision. However he was passed mastering that. He had mastered a great deal of the physical end of things as well. If anything this practice was more of an upkeep. Still he was far from being caught unaware when Sayuri approached him. He could hear her walking, her breathing and he could tell it was her. The patterns matching up. The weight of her step memorized from their journey. They way her breathing would be deep but caught short whenever she noticed a new thing. There was a chance it was someone roughly the same weight and height with a similar personality but given he had left her a note he doubted it wasn't her. Still he would keep his mind open to the possibility as he would pause in his climb and wait. Simply holding himself straight.

Still she would appear in his vision as he looked down at her. She was staring up at him and he couldn't help but to grin. She was staring up at him in awe and he couldn't help but to enjoy the vanity of it. He thought himself a single step from the throne of a god so to be worshiped even silently in his own head was something he was keen to seek out. For it to find him was just a bonus. Still his silver eyes with the purple outer ring would glance to her. She was dressed differently. In far better clothes than what she had left them in. He could only assume the other supplies were back at the cabin. A part of him hoped she had locked it. He doubted she wouldn't but he also knew she was new to this place. This life with them. It wasn't beyond the realm of possibilities that she would forget and they would return to find themselves robbed of their new gains. Perhaps even his own gear. Should someone be foolish enough to steal his coat thought they would find themselves hunted. Not nearly in any sort of pleasant way either.

Still she would call out to him and he would smile. With a deep inhale and an exhale as she spoke about his shirt he would release the bark. Controlling his movements as he would fall to the ground below. His body falling with his arms stretched out with nothing slowing his descent. Still instead of landing hard against the ground his feet would touch grass in a slow walk. As if instead of free falling several meters he had simply taken a step. The grace of it making it almost appear normal. Like a simple thing anyone could do. He would note her blush and smile as he approached. Standing before her with sweat glistening in the day light over his form. He stepped up to her much closer than he needed to be. Even sweating as he was somehow he smelled like flowers. Still he would stand almost nose to nose with her. Taller then her and looking down into her eyes. His soft hands, warm to the touch without a sliver on them would reach out and brush her fingers as he collected his shirt. Speaking as he did so in a soft tone filled with amusement.

"My thanks, though it is an odd thing, my shirt was far less wrinkled when I folded it and set it down."

He grinned and collected his shirt before stepping away. Moving to the side to slip it over his arms with his back turned to her. With care he lined up the shirt before buttoning it up and looking over the wrinkles there. He tilted his head and his shoulders rose and fell with his breathing for a single exchange of an inward breath and an exhale. As he exhaled a golden glow flowed about him. The shirt seeming to stiffen and pull as the wrinkles spread out and flattened before fading entirely. With that done he would release the chakra he controlled as it would fade away into golden wisps before being gone entirely. With that he would forgo tucking in his shirt and turn to glance at her. His eyes studying her before he would turn entirely before smiling. Willing her to visibly react to his teasing. He had courted many before to an end but not as of late. It was sport to him. Still he would speak up once more. Reminding her what he sought from her in truth.

"So my dear, you drown me in anticipation, what did you learn within the walls of Konoha? What news have you?"


5A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Fri Apr 21, 2017 12:44 pm



It were as though Sayuri was privileged enough to see the creation of living art. She stood transfixed as Tsuyo, perfectly balanced, level, and impossibly high upon the trunk of the tree, upon hearing her woefully inadequate words merely released and floated to the ground. Which if she had been paying closer attention; would have noticed and been amazed, not simply dumbfounded, by the masterful display of chakra control in front of her. Tsuyo’s feet barely skimmed the ground as he moved gracefully and purposefully towards her to collect the shirt she held awkwardly in front of her. Her eyes grew wider as he approached, realizing too late that he was now closer to her than arms length and she was forced to tilt her head back to look him in the eye, he being so much taller than she was. The scent of him was nearly overwhelming and it was quite difficult to focus on much else, his muscled frame seeming to exude a delightful aroma of flowers that she had not been expecting given the sheen of sweat the covered him. As he reached out and retrieved his shirt from her slightly trembling hand not from nervousness, oh no, just from the exertion of the walk that’s all… keep it together Sayuri… she was fascinated by how soft his fingers were as they brushed her own. She gazed up at him in admiration, lost in thought as his words washed over her like a gentle rain on warm summer day.

“I, oh. . . yes sorry Tsuyo. Uh, I just saw it there and I was trying to help. I’m not sure that I did though. Or that you really, um. . . needed it.”

As he grinned and turned to dress she did try, well pretend to try, to look away. But the fact remained that his musculature was unlike any she’d ever seen before, she could not fathom how much training it must have taken to form that, or how strong he must truly be. While she was contemplating this, likely inappropriate, thought a strange and incongruent mark along his right arm caught her eye. A very slight discolouration, and just as soon as she had noticed it, he had put his shirt over his shoulders and it was gone from her sight again. Probably just an old injury, he definitely looks like a fighter of some kind. I’ll ask him later, maybe. . . probably. Her thoughts were interrupted as the golden glow of his chakra spread out and around him, smoothing out her earlier unkindness to his garment, she would let out a quiet gasp. She would not likely ever get used to the idea of using chakra for such mundane tasks. The idea that a person even could was so far beyond what she could conceptualize it was mind boggling. It made her consider for the thousandth time, who was this person, truly. She knew little of him save what she had seen, what Mitsuo had described to her, and what Tsuyo had disclosed himself. Not a lot to go on really.

With the glow fading her anxiousness would return, and with it her fidgeting. For if he was no longer busy doing something, that meant she was probably going to have to speak. And she was not especially good at that. She would begin unbraiding her hair absentmindedly, twirling her hair in fingers unsure of what she was supposed to do. Or if she was supposed to do anything at all. When he finally turned to face her again she would return his smile shyly at first, before becoming more bold and beaming confidently.

With his words she gained a measure of her usual self back and remembered quickly her task. Pulling out the note from inside the folds of her tunic she would hand it to Tsuyo as she spoke.

“Tsuyo-sama, I must first apologize. You see, I don’t… read very well. I haven’t learned many more kanji since I was small and so I had to have the groundskeeper read the note for me. I still don’t know what it says.” She would offer an apologetic bow at this point, hoping that this was enough to make up for the grievous error on her part for leaving out this fairly vital piece of information. “As for the tasks you sent me with. There is food and clothing waiting for you and Mitsuo in the cabin. I did my absolute best to approximate your sizes. There was a lot of creative explaining. And trips to the market. For comparison. Don’t worry, I didn’t describe anything that would identify you in particular. And I didn’t mention your names, just like you asked. I was very particular about that.”

“Oh and the Hokage, apparently is um… ah… a, I don’t want to repeat it.” She would pause for a second and wince knowing full well that that was probably not the best way to speak about the Hokage. But it was also not her place to judge the report she was giving, even if it had come from Tsuyo’s arrogant son, so she would take a deep breath and continue. “I’m trying to glean actual facts from. . . I’ll just repeat what was said to me. You can sort it out, you’re much wiser than I am.” She would take one more nerve stabilizing breath and repeat the answer given to her by Lyon Hyuga, “The Hokage? That shaggy dog? Kenta is more beast than man, but it matters not, for he is simply a placeholder until I am able to ascend to my rightful position.”

Sayuri would begin fidgeting with the hem of her tunic as she gathered the courage for the next part of her story. What if Tsuyo did know he had a son, and didn’t want to hear about him? Or worse yet, what if he didn’t know he had a son, and didn’t want to hear about him? She felt the pricking of tears in her eyes, and the straining of emotion in her throat. I’m not the one to tell him this I think, this shouldn’t be me. But who else is there?

“I wasn’t able to find out about Mitsuo’s family. . . I got distracted. There’s something else though Tsuyo. I met someone in Konoha today who said they were your son. I didn’t have any way of knowing if they were telling the truth mind you. His name is Lyon Hyuga, he helped me buy the clothing, and, well he was very pretty and all, but frankly he was the most stuck up, arrogant and disrespectful person I’ve ever met possibly in my entire life. I didn’t say this mind you, but I certainly was thinking it; that he was just an arrogant son of a bitch, and how dare he look at me that way simply because he happens to have nice clothing and I don’t! And as it happens I DID fall off of a mountain and walk through a forest to get here. With your FATHER I might add you sniveling bit of shoe scum! Who by the way, is TWICE the man you’ll ever be, you should be ashamed of yourself! How DARE you go around proclaiming yourself his SON!”

She would take a shuddering breath as she swiped at the tears streaming down her face and look up fearfully at Tsuyo. She had likely just gone too far, and a backhand would not be out of the question. So she would straighten herself and wait respectfully for whatever punishment was due her.


6A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:27 pm



Tsuyo would smile a most coy grin as he watched her reaction. Barely notable among his other features. Still he would observe her as she spoke in return. Stuttering as it was she reasoned out that she was just trying to offer assistance without realizing none was needed. A small noise of acknowledgment was all he presented to that. This was of course nothing he wasn't accustomed to given his life. Always the position of power that attracts. Sometimes it was girls who thought him attractive and other times women who found him useful. Either of them usually wished but one thing of him and when it came to Sayuri he was not willing as of yet to proceed down such a path. She was a timid thing as far as he could tell and he would not take advantage of her. On the other hand toying around with the idea of flirtation was amusing. To see how often he could bring more color to her cheeks until her facial color resembled that of a tomato. The way she tugged on her braid told him she was nervous and yet his own hand would merely run through his own hair. Slicking it back again as he stretched a little. His muscles felt a little worn from the exercise but it was hardly noticeable.

As he considered stepping it up another level with some sort of weights balanced along him he noted she had stopped tugging on her hair and was rummaging around her new clothes for something. His eyebrow raised as his silver eyes took her in and waited. Something had come to the front of her mind and it was urgent to her. More so than the report. Still a slip of paper would be produced and one with his own hand writing upon it. She spoke in apology as she handed it to him before he understood why she still had it. He felt a little ashamed that he had expected everyone to have that level of education. Just how much of an orphan was she? Still he would speak quietly as he held up the piece of paper. A surge of golden chakra removing it from this world as it shredded it to tiny little bits too small to ever be put back together. "That is a thing we will have to remedy Ms. Sayuri." With that the matter was done. Under normal circumstances he may have worried about who she had read this to her. However he had experience with that land lord and was sure he desired little to no village attention. His location was safe for now.

As for the matter of supplies it appeared she had been moderately successful at that. He wondered to himself idly and with an eager mind what kind of new apparel he might have waiting for him at home. His clothing style was fairly foreign to these parts but when he did find it in each village it was of wonderful quality. If it were true that she had managed to gather him new articles of clothing he was sure their quality was profound. She had managed well during her time in the village despite Tsuyo providing her with the much needed information of their sizes. Oh but it was the small things he had a tendency to overlook when his mind was attending to grander things. Despite his lack of helpfulness she had done well. Still she would continue on about the information about the Hokage. She would hesitate a moment as if it truly pained her before going on to explain she was just repeating as she was told. A direct quote was always nice. However as she went on he could almost feel the physical need to resist rolling his eyes. Someone, whomever she had spoken to was certainly confident.

However his thoughts would have to be paused before he could consider this new information as she continued on. He frowned with a small bit of sadness as he would have to inform Mitsuo of the lack of information. The man cared deeply for his family and to know nothing must be horrifying. What they were about to face without knowing ones loved ones were safe. Still she would continue on beyond that even. She spoke of someone claiming to be his child. A son come of age and by the sound of it just as prideful if not more so than he had been. Oh how she did rant on about him though. His nature seemingly driven her mad with irritation over it. She said a few colorful things and at the end of it Tsuyo cleared his throat. Making a loud rumbling noise to gather her attentions before speaking quietly. "Walk with me a moment would you?" With that he turned and moved towards the tree he had just sprung from. He would stop before it and gently place his hand on the bark. Ripping it away and handing the bark to her as it revealed the soft wood underneath.

"Let us address a few things. First, Sousetsu not being the Hokage is a dilemma. However Kenta was known for being of the people, for the people. Politics mean little to him beyond being an annoyance. He might be swayed to our cause just as easily if not easier if approached with respect. Now then, Mitsuo's family aside you did well. Though I would ask you to consider who you call bitch is either reflecting on myself or whomever I may have bedded once. That aside you need to understand something. I am a missing nin from this village a decade gone. This boy, Lyon has never met me. Likely though if he knew himself to be my child so did the clan. He was likely met at every turn with disdain due to the dishonor I brought upon that clan. What you saw was but the shield he put up. An outer skin to protect himself from the cold air. As with all people, if you seek it out you may find there is a smooth wood beneath."


7A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Apr 26, 2017 8:39 am



As Sayuri stood waiting for Tsuyo to yell, or scold… or hell, even kill her for all she could guess, tears of frustration still streamed down her face. She would flinch as Tsuyo caught her attention and spoke, quieter than she had been expecting. When he didn’t shout or strike at her she worried on her bottom lip with her teeth, this was unexpected and she did not like the idea that he was so calm. Still, she followed him regardless, for although she was nervous she had no reason to yet fear him. And she hadn’t run from anyone else before, at least by choice, what good would it do her soul to run from him?

She was surprised when he tore a piece of bark from the tree by hand, again she mused about how truly strong he must be. With his hand extended holding the bark out to her, she studied his face a moment before accepting the piece of tree. She was looking for any hint of malice, and when she found none, her hand would reach out hesitantly to take it from him. She would take it in hand gingerly, being careful not to touch him as she did so. The bark was rough and a bit warm, the inside being a touch cooler almost as though it were wet, and she turned it idly in her hands as she listened to Tsuyo speak.

She tried to understand what Tsuyo meant about the Hokage, what was their cause exactly? But that thought was swiftly pushed aside as with every calm and measured syllable she felt her heart sink. She hadn’t thought that her words would be so cutting. That was the main problem. She hadn’t thought. She was bitterly ashamed as she accepted his admonishment with as much grace as she could muster, until she finally felt that her heart would break in two at the thoughts she had allowed to form into real words. She would look down at the piece of bark in her hands and then back at the exposed bit of wood, reaching out a hand to carefully touch the smooth golden flesh of the tree.

With shaking hands she would place the piece of bark back over the wound along the trees trunk, dismayed at the irreparable damage that had been done to it. She kept trying to make it fit, but no matter how she tried, it came away in her hands and she looked at it intensely trying to decipher its secrets. In truth she was attempting to do anything but look at Tsuyo, she had been unkind and she did not know how to make up for what she had done. She wanted to crawl away into a hole in the earth and die there.

Holding her hands onto the broken fragment of bark, willing it to grow whole again into the tree, she would let out a shuddering half sob, half sigh as she looked up at Tsuyo finally. Her voice was small and meek, breaking at points as she tried to give her apology. “I’m so sorry Tsuyo-sama. I didn’t mean to be hateful or uncaring. I was though, and I’m. . . there’s no words. I didn’t even think about. . . I didn’t mean to call her a bitch. And I shouldn’t have said those awful things about your son. It wasn’t fair, and he can’t even defend himself since he isn’t here. Please, if you can, would you forgive me?”

She would cover her face with her hands as she finished speaking, too ashamed to have Tsuyo look at her any longer. Sayuri was a brave type, but not quite that brave. She had not been truly scolded since she was a small child, and it was all very overwhelming. She would lean back against the tree, shoulders slumped clearly defeated and slide along the trunk of the tree sitting in a curled up pile at its base.


8A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:26 pm



Tsuyo would quietly observe the young lady before him as she listened. He could practically feel the increasing depression rolling off her. His silver eyes glanced towards the village as she considered his words. Somewhere within that village was a child. A young man sharing his lineage that claimed to be his child. While it was true that he had a habit of bedding those he could he had still usually been careful. Accidents did happen though. He wondered if the young man had been a pure blooded Hyuga like himself or if it was just another one of the women he had bedded. There had only been a couple of Hyuga girls as sleeping around his own compound was risky. If he wasn't on of theirs he was a half blood Hyuga. Which meant he would be met with even more hostility. How rough the young mans life must of been. He would need to investigate this for himself soon. Tsuyo had told Mitsuo to avoid the village for now but this merited some hypocrisy. If he could but meet the child he could look him in the eye. He would know from there. However that was his business to be conducted later.

For now Tsuyo would look back to the girl as she in vain attempted to place the bark back to the bare spot on the tree. He would listen to her as she let the piece finally fall. Her words of shame falling upon his ears as he simply raised an eyebrow. She wasn't looking at him when she spoke. Perhaps she misunderstood and thought he was truly offended. While an interesting fact it was indeed that he had a child it was not the first and he knew little about him. Likely he may slap the young man for an insolent attitude towards him. Lost father figure or no there were manners to be attended to. Still she would fall slowly as she covered her face. It appeared she was crying again. Inwardly he would sigh as he was not used to so many tears. His own emotions usually restrained to avoid embarrassment. He had forgotten how young she was. The imagery with the bark seemingly having done a number on her.soul. For just a moment he doubted to himself that he could toughen this girl up for combat. Then Tsuyo would smirk as he thought to himself. Since when had anything been impossible to him? Still he would approach her and kneel down. Speaking as he did.

"You misunderstand my dear. I am not irritated with you. Simply educating you to view such things from a different perspective. Take this bare spot on the tree for instance. I tore away the protective bit of it that spared it from harsh realities. Without it the tree would suffer on its own. Much like if you were to tear down someones defenses to reach their true self. Should you do that, less they be an enemy, One must be responsible for building up a new defense with them. To guard them with your own hand in one way or another so they may remain strong even having opened up to you."

With that he would gently take one of her hands. Pulling it from her face and gently down to the ground. There he would place her hand and help her scoop up a handful of dirt as he did the same. Together he would move their hands up to the spot on the bark. Hopefully allowing her to turn to see so she wasn't seated awkwardly. He would press her hand and his over the spot with the dirt in it. Closing his eyes as he focused his chakra over her hand and his. Golden aura flowing freely along the both of them and over their hands until she would feel the dirt solidify but not to her hand but to the tree. When he removed their hand the bark would be replaced by rock. Fused into the wood and brick and looking far stronger than bark. The tree reinforced where it had been damaged. With that he would rise up and brush his hands off. Looking to her a moment with a smile.

"Shall we begin your training then?"


9A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Sat Apr 29, 2017 5:33 am



Sayuri was mortified. Of all the things she could have done, yelling and being cruel were not amongst the things she had planned. They were not even usual things for her. As she sat at the base of the tree, curled up in abject misery, she sensed Tsuyo move closer to her and she tried to calm her breathing. She listened carefully to Tsuyo’s words, still unwilling to look at him, but did not fully understand what he was trying to convey. She had, in her spiral of inner turmoil, forgotten for a moment that anyone else existed in the world. Okay Sayuri, relax now. You’re fine, just breathe.

As she tried to coach herself away from her sadness she was stunned out of thinking altogether when Tsuyo took one of her hands away from her face and gently moved it down to the earth. Not knowing quite what was going on or what to make of it, she merely allowed herself to be guided, watching their joined hands in fascination. Closing her hand over the dirt she would move to face the tree and let out an audible gasp of awe as Tsuyo’s golden chakra flowed from him and into the dirt inside her small hand. She stared wide eyed at the newly formed piece of armour along the trees trunk, only being shaken from her trance as Tsuyo moved to stand.

Sayuri would reach her hand up and touch the rock bark, a happy smile spreading across her tear stained face. The meaning of Tsuyo’s words finally becoming understood, she would pull herself up from the ground and turn slowly to face the taller man. While Sayuri was not known for aggressive outbursts, she was known for spontaneous childishness. And with one final swipe of her sleeve she wiped away the remnants of her misery, a beaming smile plastered on her face she would giggle and pet the tree gently, cooing “There now, you’re much better. Soon I will be as well.”

She would square her shoulders and straighten her clothing before turning to face Tsuyo head on. Her voice still quavered slightly from her recent weeping, however she managed to keep her quirky grin on her face as she spoke. “Thank you Tsuyo-sama. Training you say? Well then, I suppose I should let you know I don’t know much. . .  which I’m fairly certain you could tell. Ahem, anyway, I guess if I’m going to train I don’t need this.”

As she was speaking Sayuri removed her outer coat, folding it neatly and placing it on the ground by the tree. She would also remove her tanto from her belt, hesitating a bit before placing it lovingly on top of her blue and white kimono style coat. Reaching up to ensure her hair was tied back she stepped up fearlessly to Tsuyo, just close enough to touch him if she stretched out her arm. She knew full well that if he had any intention of it, this was going to end rather painfully for her, but she was more excited by the prospect of getting proper training then she was afraid of any potential injury.

She would grin as she looked up at the tall handsome man, this was not the best time to ask, but at least he was smiling so it might be taken well. “One thing that I keep meaning to ask you Tsuyo-sama; do you have a title of some kind. By which I mean, Mitsuo is the Sword Saint of Konoha, and so far I haven’t heard if you have something like that. The best I’ve come up with is Tsuyo, the Golden Dragon Wielding Shinobi Healer. And I thought that. . . well maybe I should ask before that became too heavily rooted in my mind.”


10A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Sat Apr 29, 2017 11:26 pm



Tsuyo would watch the young girl stop crying as she raised up and seemed to admire the new rock armor on the tree. It wasn't its natural armor but it would keep the soft wood underneath protected until the bark grew back over it. A scab of sorts. Though there would forever be a knot within the wood itself. His silver eyes watched her as she seemed to pet it and reassure the thing with no ears to hear. He supposed all things had chakra that were living as did the tree. He had seen a tree's chakra before. It was the basics of sage mode or so he had read on a paper presented once at the university he founded. All of it an interesting read. However he wondered to himself just how long this child like innocence of hers might last if she stayed with the two of them. Or if she remained in proximity to any of the Aoi bara for that matter. If nothing else he could say with confidence she was a rather pure soul. However the world was to harsh for her to remain untainted. The scars on her leg from Mitsuo were enough to provide proof of that.

Still she shed her coat and weapons at the mention of training. She had dried her tears and made it clear to him that she knew little in the way of combat. Tsuyo had assumed as much based on the fact that she had been foolish enough to spar with Mitsuo at her level. A very green move indeed. However she squared up across from him and he smiled a little bit in amusement. He wasn't so callous as to reach out and strike her in a spar right off the bat. Combat training might come later but for now the basics were needed. Tsuyo was preparing to adjust the conversation to the way training would actually occur for the afternoon when she spoke of something interesting. She wished to know if he had a title that he was famous with. Much like how Mitsuo was the famous sword saint. He paused a moment before crossing his arms. Thinking on it a moment. Had he really taken on a title so famous all his life? When he spoke it was hesitant. As if unsure.

"A title? Well I suppose yours is as good as any. I was the Tsuchikage for a time but that was another life. I suppose now the only title I have is from the Aoi Bara making it self appointed. Less impressive than Mitsuo i fear. If you must have one though the Heavens Gate King is my title within our ranks. Just as Mitsuo is Hells gate king. Now then, as for your training, we won't be starting with combat. Rather physical and chakra endurance. Do you know the supernatural walking practice technique?"

With that question Tsuyo would smile and hold out both his hands. A golden chakra forming on them and hovering just in front of his hands instead of his feet. Quietly he would lean down and place his hands on the ground, only they didn't entirely touch. Instead he would push his weight onto his hands and preform a hand stand while hovering above the ground. Slowly he would lift his left hand and lift it up to his side as he hovered there. Then he would shift even further as bit by bit his body shifted higher as he lifted more and more fingers until supernatural walking practice was applied to just his index and middle finger and he held himself up as such. Speaking casually as he did with little strain in his voice.

:"I want you to focus the chakra into your hands instead. Focus it there and next to me gradually form a hand stand. This is a test of balance and endurance. It is fine if you need both hands as all beginners do. Focus on not touching the ground and holding yourself up. Tuck in your shirt if you need to before hand. If you can master standing on two hands with the supernatural walking practice for ten minutes, we will move on."


11A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed May 03, 2017 3:53 am



Sayuri was a bit surprised when Tsuyo explained that they wouldn’t be fighting. She wasn’t keen on getting beat down again, but she was as prepared as she could have been. Which really, was a strange thought. It was not until very recently that she had started considering being prepared to fight on a regular basis. Mostly she had been concerned with hiding, as per her grandfather’s instructions. But now, well now she had a mission. And hiding wasn’t going to accomplish her dream. She smiled as Tsuyo explained his title to her, not understanding a word he was saying, not that that was unusual. She simply nodded her acknowledgement and filed the information away to ask him about later. Aoi Bara? And what is it about gates? Do they have some sort of fortress? Probably that was it, though what was it about Tsuyo being the Tsuchikage, part of another life. What an odd way of putting it.

Sayuri puzzled over the man’s words as she watched his golden chakra flow into his hands. She watched in amazement as her teacher defied gravity and lifted his whole weight casually on only two fingers. Supernatural. . . what? Act cool. No. Don’t lie. Oh god. This is hard. Sayuri would groan quietly as she struggled internally with her morals. On the one hand, she had no idea what Tsuyo had just named. She could clearly see what he was doing though, so perhaps it didn’t matter. On the other hand, not only was she shit at lying, she found the very concept morally reprehensible. She would shift her weight from foot to foot as she tried to make up her mind, tell the truth and risk looking like she was an idiot. Or keep her mouth shut, which in her mind was the same as a lie, and eventually confirm that she was one. She would sigh with a slight smirk and began tucking in her shirt, this was not a difficult decision of course.

As she concentrated on channeling her chakra into her hands she spoke in a soft voice to the man currently upside down in front of her, “Why Tsuyo-sama is your chakra gold, and why can I see it? What I mean to say is, am I doing something wrong?” She held out her own hands and tried to copy what he was doing, however although she could feel the chakra flow, she could not see it. Perhaps that will come with time and practice. Sayuri would lower her hands to the ground as Tsuyo had done, trying to imagine the gold chakra was there. “You know Tsuyo-sama I don’t actually know what a supernatural walking practice is. I can do a handstand though. I didn’t want to lie to you, when I said I’ve had no training, I really did mean none.” She slowly tried raising her legs as Tsuyo had done, and managed to tumble forwards a few times, giggling at her failure each time, yet getting back up each time undeterred. When at last she had gained her balance Sayuri would hold her position for what she thought was probably ten minutes. Though probably it wasn’t, her physical training in life had mainly consisted of climbing trees and into barn lofts, slipping under fences and running from angry food vendors.

For certain she held it for at least long enough to begin feeling competitive. Glancing for the briefest of moments at Tsuyo, she would gradually shift her weight to her right arm while preparing to lift her left hand from the ground. Sweat was pouring down her back and face, and unfortunately into her eyes causing her to have to shut them from the stinging of the salt. Taking a deep breath she would lift her left arm from the ground, in part to remove the sweat from her eyes, and in larger part to push herself past what she had so far accomplished. Within the space of an instant she would lose her balance yet again and fall hard onto the ground gasping for air.

“I’m not entirely sure if that was ten minutes. . . it feels like it was about ten years maybe. Tsuyo-sama, the Aoi Bara, what is it, what are. . . is that why you’re hiding? You said that you were the Tsuchikage in another life. I know I’m prying, and I guess you don’t have to answer, although I wish you would. I would like to know because although I may seem simple, I’m not entirely unobservant. I understand that there is a good deal that you and Mitsuo are not telling me, which is fair, you don’t know me. I also understand that just by virtue of me helping you and Mitsuo I’m probably in near enough to the same amount of trouble by now. Or at the very least I will be painted with the same broad brush. And. . . that is a very hard walking practice.” She would continue laying on the ground as she spoke only turning her head to look at Tsuyo as her body betrayed her tiredness, muscles twitching while she continued gasping and sweating.


”Chakra 145/150”:

12A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Tue May 09, 2017 4:21 am



Tsuyo would watch her from his position on the ground where he held himself up. Supernatural walking practice helped him keep his balance easily enough without his fingers pushing into the ground. Still he would slowly lower his body from the two fingers onto a full hand. As fun as it was to show off ten minutes was simply too much at this point for his body to hold itself up with just two fingers. If he pushed himself he might be able to do it but for now one full hand was comfortable. He didn't bother shifting to two hands just yet simply because by doing so he would gain very little from it. His strength training was to the point that his own body weight was a simple thing for him. As for his balance training he could hold himself balanced in much worse conditions in much more terrible positions for far longer. Still he craned his neck to look at her as she spoke. He could feel the slight adjustment in pressure as she ran chakra through her hands. It was minimal but still he could sense it. She was preparing but it appeared she had a question first. One he pondered as she shifted into a hand stand after several failed attempts. He would reply with only some slight strain in his voice.

"Well as to that I fear the answer is far more simple than you might have hoped. You see I was born with my chakra a dominant part of me. Regardless of how much control I exhibit over it my chakra when I use it becomes visible., Taking on some form that seems to warn others of what I am up to. As for the color, my two natures are Suiton and Doton,. As with how water breaks down rock eventually when those two elements are mastered, the combined chakra fusion appears to be gold."

Still it was surprising that she didn't know of the supernatural walking practice to him. It was perhaps the very first jutsu he had ever mastered. Such an important tool in any warriors belt. He had assumed a great deal of her it seemed. Perhaps she had been on her own far longer than he had realized and lacked any formal education. How odd it was for him to not have even considered such. He wondered briefly if perhaps he had been cruel in embarrassing her to reveal all these things about herself. Still at the five minute mark he could feel her struggling as he adjusted. Switching from one arm to the other to even out the work out. Providing an even build. Still she only lasted a couple minutes more before she shifted and he watched her collapse. He would finish the remaining minute on his own arm as she caught her breath before lowering his feet down and slowly adjusting into a cross legged sitting position. Controlling his breathing as always.

Still as with before she seemed to be filled with questions even after the exhausting work out. His silver eyes glanced to her before giving a coy smile as she spoke and then looking to the direction of the village. Allowing her a moment to catch her breath. She was such an innocent young lady. Still he would take a deep breath himself. His right hand raising with long fingers brushing his hair back out of his face for a moment. He was a well trimmed man and with his hair slicked back he could easily pass for a businessman. Still he would speak once more. Showing no indication of exhaustion himself aside from the slight shine of sweat clinging to him.

"Where to begin? Well for why we are wanted here, each of us for our own reasons left this village oh so long ago. However when a village trains you as they did us they claim you. As if you are duty bound to the village without question. Mitsuo and myself chose to question. As for being Tsuchikage. Iwagakure was a very broken place. I lied and positioned myself at their most influential position and fixed a great deal of it before giving the title back to the village. I suppose lastly that the Aoi Bara is something that lives in all of us. The urge to help those in need. The rage at seeing the innocent tormented and the inner refusal to back down from what is right. Lady Sayuri the Aoi Bara is in me, its in Mitsuo, and its in you."


13A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Fri May 12, 2017 3:21 am



Lying in the grass was, frankly, glorious. Sayuri watched Tsuyo as he deliberately crossed his legs, taking the time to smile down at her before smoothing his hand through his dark hair. It was with only minor good humoured annoyance that she noticed he was not winded at all. Where as she, on the other hand, lay limply in the grass thankful that for the moment her questions had provided an unintended reprieve from doing handstands. As he spoke she would clench and unclench her muscles trying to get the blood to flow back into her screaming extremities. I’m sorry arms, I didn’t know I was going to have to do this. I’ll practice more and then it won’t hurt so much next time okay? But just bear with me a little bit longer, because I’m going to do it again, and this time we’re not going to fall down so fast.

Her face would go through a series of dramatic emotional expressions as she listened to Tsuyo speak. Distress at the idea of a village claiming a person, then confusion as to how you would be expected to obey without questions. Then shock as Tsuyo confessed that he lied, to obtain the position of Tsuchikage no less. And finally a strange combination understanding and bewilderment as he explained, and in a lot of ways didn’t, what the Aoi Bara was.  

She would lay still for a moment just studying him, his relaxed pose, calm manner. This was a man that had seen and done many things, and from the sound of it, not all of them were good. She hadn’t intended on forcing his life story out of him, and now she felt guilty for it. Her main concern had been the part of it that she would likely end up being imprisoned for. However, frustratingly he seemed not too keen to divulge that piece of it. She would let out a small sigh and then roll over in the grass so that she lay on her stomach facing him, resting her elbows on the grass in front of her and propping her chin in her hands so she could look him comfortably in full in the face as she spoke thoughtfully.

“I’m sorry Tsuyo-sama, I don’t mean to pry for your personal secrets. I appreciate you trusting me with them though. I don’t understand what you mean when you say a village claims you. I don’t have a village anymore, not since I was very young. . . it was destroyed.” She would pause as her voice caught, but she ignored the memories attempting to overwhelm her current thoughts and pressed on. “Or to not ask questions. How can you know anything if you don’t ask questions?  That part doesn’t make any sense at all.” She would drop her head into her hands under the guise of raking the white wisps of hair off of her brow. Lowering her hands to the ground she would close her eyes and slowly push herself up so she sat on her knees across from the much larger man. In her mind's eye she pulled forth images of her friend Daisy the cow, jumping in snow drifts, picking wildflowers, anything she could think of to ease the ache in her heart that threatened to spill as tears from her eyes.

She most certainly understood what he meant by the rage at seeing the innocent tormented. It wasn’t rage for her though, not exactly. When she felt calm she would smile and open her eyes gesturing outwards towards Konoha with her hand. “I want a better world. Better than this one. I mean, the world is just fine, but some people. . . they hurt other people. And I want to stop them. No, I will stop them. Now, I still have no idea what the Aoi Bara is, but if you’re saying it’s in me, well good. Then I’ll learn to use that to make a better world.” She would look at Tsuyo with determination, stand and give him a lopsided grin, focusing her chakra into her hands once more and lean down to begin the supernatural walking practice again.


”Chakra 140/150”:

14A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Sun May 14, 2017 9:59 pm



Tsuyo would listen to her as she shifted where she laid. She was physically spent and that much he could understand. He could tell she was never in any of the academies. Her posture, her lack of education and her lack of knowledge of what the most basic jutsu were all pointed to it. He wondered how an innocent girl like her survived this long in the world as cruel as it was. How she could smile like that with all the cruelties around her. It was a surprising thing to see someone with such child like innocence on the same path he was on. There was a time when he was very little when he could enjoy the world like she did. How he could run in the fields and not fear for his life. When death was just a story you heard and saw in the elderly as they passed after a long time. How short lived that had been for him. His silver eyes took her in as she rolled onto her belly. Speaking to him once more.

She would speak as if she were confused at the concept of loyalty without question. It was an old tradition that built itself on houses and clans over people. Where prestige had voice and the weak were muted. A servant never questioned the lord of the house less they were punished for insolence. How indeed could a person grow if not to ask questions? How could bonds be formed with such a wall between people? Did he even know the names of his servants when he was a child? His clan had its name in every meeting the village had and he was prominent within it. Perhaps he hadn't seen the end of his luxury coming because he had allowed himself to be so blind. One moment of disobedience. One question ringing out to seal his fate. A great deal of him hate the man responsible for it all. A smile was brought to his face as he acknowledged one solid fact. That man was in Konoha. And Tsuyo was coming for him.

Still she would speak while gesturing in the direction of Konoha. Indicate the mass of it as she spoke of a hope that she could make the world a better place. To stop the hurt and injustice. He would smile as she stated as much as his own gaze would look over the country side as well. Breathing in the air. The sweet sap of the bark, the fresh grass in the warm breeze. Oh how home smelled like home always had. He could imagine himself there as a boy once more. Relaxing and shirking his practice. So sure he was already the best at the gentle fist. How many years had gone by since he felt at home again? How much could he never have back? He would never hug his brother again or his squad mates. They were lost to him. Even the happiness in his heart to be home could not outweigh the vengeance there. Still he would lightly reach out and tap her back to push her down from her hand stand gently as he spoke. His eyes staring into the distance as he watched a dog chase a squirrel.

"Do not push yourself too much to fast. While it is true that you must grow stronger of body, pushing yourself too far will cause damage. The body must rest and rehydrate between sessions. There are other things to focus on. The mind as well as the chakra. Tell me Sayuri, what education do you have? Do not be ashamed because you would not be the first to have such a basic thing torn from them that I have met. Not only will I teach you to read and write, I will guide you into a world of chakra control you have barely glimpsed through me."

15A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Mon May 15, 2017 6:04 pm



Sayuri felt the hand on her back and she froze. In the back of her mind she knew it was Tsuyo’s hand, but her instinct was to run anyway. A cold nervous sweat broke out over her whole body as she would arch her back away from his touch. All of this was done while she was still in a handstand however, which ended as one might expect, gracelessly and on the ground. She lost her balance and with a ‘yelp’ toppled over landing hard on her left side, rolling once she scrabbled at the grass to gain purchase, stopping her momentum by lying flat on her stomach. The ridiculousness of what she had just done took over and she bit hard on her lower lip to stifle a fit of giggles that were partly from embarrassment and partly from the pain of her landing. She rubbed at her left shoulder while listening to Tsuyo’s advice, and grinned at it’s ironic timing. This probably wasn’t what he had meant exactly by pushing herself and causing damage, but still a more vibrant example of his meaning she couldn’t pick out.

She pulled herself up into a sitting position, pulling her hair out of it’s now grass filled braid and combed her fingers through the strands, releasing the broken blades of grass to the breeze. She would force herself to look at him as he told her to not be ashamed. In truth she was ashamed, and the burning flush on her face was more than evidence of that. She hadn’t given much thought to her education, except as of late when it had become painfully obvious that she didn’t have near enough. “Education? I don’t have very much. I can read a few basic kanji, write the same. I can do some counting… um I’m not very good with money though.” She would look at him sheepishly as she admitted to this, as it was not too very long ago he had entrusted her with what she could only imagine was a very large sum of money. “I never went to a school or anything. Everything I learned I either learned from my grandfather before he died when I was seven or I just watched and listened. Or I learned in the past while from you and Mitsuo.”

She would stand and walk over to her folded coat, retrieving her tanto and walking back towards Tsuyo while looking lovingly at the small blade. “I know how to use this, not especially well mind you. Again, any training I had was before-” She stopped herself abruptly mid sentence and slowly let out a shuddering sigh. Calm yourself silly duck. Grandfather told you that you’re strong, and you are. She would smile again and kneel in front of the handsome man with her cherished heirloom on her lap. “But he taught me some basics, and I still practice them. I’ve also learned some things on my own since then. With chakra I mean, tiny things but they help make life easier.” She beamed up at Tsuyo as she considered what he said, it had been a very long time since she had had a nice conversation, even if it was mildly uncomfortable as it was about her current shortcomings. Her excitement bubbled over and she would  take a deep breath before blurting out her unfiltered thoughts “Thank you Tsuyo-sama, you’re very kind to me. I am so very, very excited to learn from you. This is the most amazing thing! So thank you, thank you, thank you!”


16A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Tue May 23, 2017 11:42 pm



Tsuyo would watch as she toppled with some concern painted in his eyes. She was quickly becoming a dear student to him so it was only the gentlest of nudges that he used to topple her. How eager she was to learn what he had to offer. To prove herself in some way. His silver eyes took her in as she rubber her shoulder and slowly made her way to sitting on her knee's. kneeling there next to him as he took in the sight of her allowing strands of grass free from her hair. However departed she was from society as a whole she was something else people like himself had forgotten to be for some time. A child like innocence they had surrendered a long time ago when the world proved to cruel for a child to survive. Yet she had done so and still was filled to the brim with love and her heart beat with a pure rythm. A part of him wondered what the world would do to her, or if he should truly attempt to alter her to his standards. One fact remained above all others though. She resided in a world where she had power and all around her power raged on. She needed guidance.

Still he would listen as she spoke. Nothing really of a formal education to be spoken of. No mathmatics or basics in jutsu use. Nor reading and writing for that matter. What she had accomplished seemed to be purely instinctualy. A survival part of her mind that forced break throughs naturally instead of via some learning curve set aside from her and designed based on the masses. However that was almost like relying on luck over death. She was a shinobi that much he would never doubt. She held chakra within her and he had seen it. However he was not in a position just yet to teach her all the basics. The world around them growing ever darker with each passing hour. The situation dire. Mitsuo and himself were at risk as powerful as they were with this game. Should she choose to play along side them. Which she had shown she was likely to do, she was bound to get caught in the crossfire. Even Tsuyo could not bring back the dead. So it was with a heavy heart that he would need to send her elsewhere. But not just yet.

Still she would rise and collect a weapon where she had left it. Seeming to look it over as much as Tsuyo did with a glance. A basic weapon many people used. A tanto was simply a knife with a long blade. Often used as an assassination type weapon. The one she held wasn't of the greatest make and the hilt was fairly worn. That she had a blade though made him feel more comfortable about her well being. She was armed which meant she had the instinct to protect herself. Even if she had yet to master jutsu very well she at least moved beyond her bare hands. Even Tsuyo had blades of his own should his bare hands not be enough. Still he would watch her a moment before slowly raising his hands to his knees and touching his index fingers to his thumbs and relaxing the other fingers straight out. Gradually taking in a deep breath. At the very least he would teach her a basic lesson of meditation. Should she even be capable of learning it. Her excitable nature would need to remain calm for this to work.

"Sayuri I want you to sit with me as I sit now. Relax your body and let your mind be free of thought. Feel inwards to yourself. Allow your energy to appear in your mind as a garden stretching out through out you. Reach into your garden and will the flowers to bloom. Experience for yourself the power you have locked just beneath the surface."

17A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Thu May 25, 2017 11:58 am



Sayuri was somewhat confused by what Tsuyo was doing as he moved his hands onto his knees and positioned his fingers intricately. She would tilt her head to the side a half smile gracing her lips as he spoke, as she tried to puzzle out the purpose of his movements. She tried her best to mimic his position, she could sit cross legged easily enough, but as she she would pose her fingers she made a small frustrated noise. It took her several attempts before it occurred to her that it was as though she was looking in a mirror, “Honestly silly duck, do you even think sometimes?” She chided herself under her breath as the very simple task finally made sense to her and she managed to place the tip of each of her index fingers delicately against their partnered thumbs. She would giggle as she noticed that her hands now resembled rather oddly shaped birds resting against each of her knees.

She listened as Tsuyo gave his instructions and tried to focus on what he was saying. It was an interesting thing he was asking of her though, to relax. That was not something she ever really thought about doing, or perhaps ever really did at all. She would straighten her back and breathe in deeply. “Relax my body. Okay, uh… yes.” she spoke aloud hesitantly as she released her breath in a noisy sigh. With one final bashful look at Tsuyo she would close her eyes and concentrate on the feeling of her muscles, the way her arms and legs were bent, the slight twinge in her shoulder where she had fallen earlier. It was interesting to think that she’d spent so long in her body and never really thought about it. All of it’s parts, how they worked or felt, the way they were connected. The longer she thought about it the more she found her mind wandered. She could hear the wind rustling through the grass and through the trees in the distance. The soft aroma of flowers that came from Tsuyo, and also from the fields around them gently invaded her thoughts, making her shake her head slightly to try to clear it again. Abruptly though she remembered that she was supposed to be thinking of flowers after all and let her mind wander happily back.  

Her hair would brush onto her nose as the breeze caught it, and Sayuri tried to ignore it. But the longer she did, the more the offending wisp of hair screamed at her to move it. She would feel her hands twitch involuntarily as she squirmed, trying desperately to block out the annoyance, thinking about anything but the strand of hair pressing against her nose. It’s just a piece of hair. Why does it feel like the blade of a sword? Or an entire tree just sitting there, or smashing itself into my face? GET OFF!! She screamed at the hair in her mind, mentally in tears with frustration until finally she could not stand it and she would move her left hand up to swipe the hair away and scratch vigorously until the maddening itch subsided. She would peek one of her eyes open and smile apologetically at Tsuyo, then quickly close her eyes and resume her bird hand pose. This was not going especially well, and she wanted to do her best, she needed to show that she was taking this seriously. She would take another deep breath and do as Tsuyo instructed, she turned her feelings inward.

Sayuri thought back to when she was young, when her grandfather would read to her, and of her favourite story. In it there was a passage that described the turning of the seasons that had deeply resonated with her, she had made him read it over and over again so that she knew it by heart. Something about that passage had settled itself in her being and she had always been able to see the world it painted as clearly in her mind’s eye as though it were in front of her waking eyes. Inspired, she would quietly murmur the passage while imagining the scene unfold around her, eyes still closed and breathing slowly.

“A gentle sigh as the first rays of light cracked over the horizon.  The world breathed anew the fresh smells of new growth.  Pale green and crisp dew the budding leaves unfurled.  From palest jade to deepest emerald the crystal brilliance of nature’s gift washed over the hard and sharp points of cocoa coloured strength. Wind soft and peaceful, giving song to mute beauty.  Rose and powder petals, like small stars glittering across the expanse of sea green life.  Lightning cracks and thunder peals, rain and storm and gales, undulating waves filled with groans in retaliation of the power that caused them. Light now deep and luscious, warm and thick.  Gold and rubies, bronze and copper, a rain of colour, sparkling once living gems falling gently to the soft earth.  Canopy no longer, a jeweled carpet laid out as though for royal tread.  Shivering through the rapture of the glorious change the last pieces of the canvas alight from their ancient hosts.  And with no more leaves to shed, the trees simply stood.”

She would allow her mind to carry her through the seasons, the trees and the storms. She floated on the sea, soared through the air, crashed with the lightning. It was exhilarating, peaceful and wonderful. She could feel her chakra and she desperately wanted to release it into something. It was a brief moment but it was glorious and she was very nearly heart broken when it would end with a bee buzzing nearby and pulling her attention back down to the less expansive field outside of Konohagakure. “Tsuyo-sama. . .” she would speak quietly, “I’m not sure I did that right. I kind of feel relaxed, but mostly I feel more energetic.” She would sigh softly as she rubbed her fingers together and open her eyes to look directly at him, a gentle smile on her face. “I’ll keep trying though.”


18A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Tue May 30, 2017 10:18 pm



Tsuyo was careful to relax himself and at the same time keep his own power in check. Even the slightest influence of his chakra could override her own feeling. She would sense the purity of his and that deep within it likely lose herself for a moment. Memories of genin suffocating under the pressure of his chakra in a cave rose to mind but he quelled them quickly. He was fully aware of his own capabilities. As such he knew how to control them. For the moment the point was for her to understand her own chakra. To reach out to it and to connect to it. To immerse herself in it. He needed her to learn to feel it in order to learn to master it. Few had reached him with as little control as she did but it was refreshing. It allowed her to start from a good basic corner stone with him. No confused understandings or impressions. If nothing else at least she was a free soul. Her soul not tainted as of yet. So he was sure when she reached within herself without malice it would be an elated feeling. One she would be surprised by. Those who had been trained to be killers and in purely hostile arts believing the world a danger might feel a much darker and more reserved chakra pool. For the moment he simply wanted to see what she felt like.

For the moment he could feel her struggling with the concept. Finding peace with her mind a wander with wonder was likely going to be a challenge for her. Still he remained calm and patient as he waited for the time it took her to center herself. He knew going into this that she wouldn't get it the moment she closed her eyes. Such a feat would be alarming and dangerous. to immerse yourself so readily quickly led to chakra addiction. However he would feel for the moment. As she began to speak finally after a long moment of silence he would feel her chakra reaching out. A scent like summer blooming around him with the warmth of the noon sun. Kindness filling the air around them. For a moment the wind picked up in a slight breeze to stroke his hair from his cheeks and the air almost crackled with an energy around them. Slowly he would open his eyes and veins would craw along his temples. Spreading as his byakugan activated. His silver eyes seeming to strain as he viewed her chakra system. It was narrow but undamaged. With practice it would widen and she would be able to access more of her chakra at once. Her chakra pool had room to grow but that was to be expected. He didn't mind what he saw at all. A test subject for training suited to be built upon

When she spoke again and opened her eyes she would see something she hadn't seen from him before. That few ever had and not many had ever accomplished. A green emerald like chakra burned around him with his byakugan activated. He had accomplished something truly frightening no other Hyuga had done in hundreds of years. Tsuyo had unlocked the byakugan chakra mode. Still as they made eye contact the gree flames would fade and the veins would as well. His eyes returning to their normal silver brilliance as he smiled at her. Uncurling his fingers to rest his palms on his knee's as he looked her up and down. studying her before he spoke up. The bee paying no mind to them as it buzzed about its business.

"My dear, there is no perfect way to feel ones own self. Simply trust your heart to what you feel. Doubt can only bring remorse. Devote yourself to practicing this. No more than five minutes a day though. Feel out the wind around you and the electricity you create within and outside of you. Learn to bend those and the world expands to you. The sky your shield. Your chakra has only begun to mature Sayuri. Though there is a place I built once perfect for honing it to your liking."

19A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:14 am



“I’ll keep trying though-”

As Sayuri opened her eyes to speak to Tsuyo she was dazzled by the truly awesome sight before her. Before now she had seen many incredible things, Mitsuo’s fire and astounding grace, Tsuyo’s golden chakra dragon and hidden physical strength. But this, she had never seen the like. All around the calm and elegant man were emerald green flames that fluttered and danced, whipping at his skin without causing any damage, veins noticeable along his temples. It was awesome, in the truest sense of the word, her mouth opened in a silent “Oh” as she sat transfixed by the majesty of Tsuyo’s jade hued chakra. Her words trailed away as she watched Tsuyo’s chakra fade away and his silver eyes return to their usual hue, a charming smile spreading across his face. She was painfully aware of his studying her, but felt glued in place as she sat unable to move, still mesmerized by what she had just witnessed. She was half aware of the bee still curiously buzzing about, minding its own business most likely oblivious to the masterful feat of chakra control that had just occurred right beside it. I sort of wish I was you right now tiny bee, at least for a moment. I could just fly around and look at flowers. She could feel a blush rise to her cheeks the longer Tsuyo looked at her, she was not comfortable with people looking at her for extended periods of time, she much preferred to be invisible. However, she knew that she couldn’t be invisible forever and she would look into Tsuyo’s silver eye’s and smile back as he spoke.

He spoke of trusting her heart. That made sense, she had felt right and it was only when she’d started to try to explain away what she had been feeling that it had felt wrong. It had truly felt glorious, but she didn’t understand why it mattered no more than five minutes per day. Or how she was even supposed to measure that. She heard people say that, she knew it was time she wasn’t that stupid, but she had no way of actually measuring it against any other form of time. And even if she did, thinking back on it she couldn’t remember at all how long she had been sitting there just now, maybe hours or days or seconds. She would tilt her head slightly as she listened as she tried to puzzle it out, and found she could not, the only thing she remembered for sure was the bee. It had been what had broken her concentration, but she couldn’t remember how long it had been there at all. She waited patiently until he had finished speaking before she would shift to a more comfortable position, rolling to her side in the soft grass and propping her head on her elbow as she stared at him thoughtfully for a few seconds trying to decide which question she wanted to start with.

“Tsuyo-sama, why were you on fire, and why was it green? I thought you were gold. It was very, very pretty, a little scary, but very pretty all the same. Oh and did it hurt, because it didn’t look like it hurt. And why only five minutes? Besides the fact that I couldn’t tell the difference even if I knew how, what difference does it actually make? And what place did you build?”

She poured her questions out at an ever increasing pace of rising excitement, her smile broadening as she indulged in her favourite pastime; curiosity.


20A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Jun 14, 2017 1:49 pm



Tsuyo would quietly watch as she rolled over to her side. It was curios to see those like her in this day and age. However from what little he knew he doubted it was so simple as to assume the world was yet to be cruel to her. He had seen what she had been wearing when they met and beyond that her leg had been nearly burned to amputation by Mitsuo himself. He wasn't fool enough to think those burns hadn't been caused by that man. She had known pain and hunger and even loss. So from a medical perspective he wondered if she had simply blocked it out. Kept certain memories locked away where they couldn't do her harm. It was fine for now but should she ever suddenly recall them it may be dangerous to her and those around her. Post traumatic stress disorder was not a thing to be taken lightly and a large part of him wondered how long before she obtained it. What path would it take her on? Would she cower into a shadow somewhere and hide from the light as so many had done or would she become a slayer like Tsuneo?

For now he could only hope that she would be safe for the time being. His silver eyes studied her behind the smile but they always seemed to be taking notes. Every aspect brought to mind. If nothing else as a man Tsuyo was highly observant and his influence had grown substantially thanks to it.  Still such thoughts had to be put aside for now as a tyrade of questions once again was sent hurdling at him. She certainly lacked patience. Still the questions were fairly well founded if not hurtled inappropriatly and without any sense of calm. One might hope she would mature where he was about to send her. Still she asked him of his aura, of any pain it might cause and then turned immediatly to the next subject he had addressed earlier and the one after that. He was hoping to build on her curiosity for the last one. Make it more of a gift and less like sending her away for her own safety. Likely she would refuse simply being tucked away. However should it be an oppertunity for her she might think otherwise. So he spoke in a calm voice. Tapping a couple of buttons on his own watch before unclasping the silver wrist and handing it to her. It would be a little big on her but not enough to simply fall off.

"My aura when I use my clans Dojutsu, an inherited eye technique, became like a Jade green flame when I mastered it. There is no pain involved. If anything it is simply a part. of me that indicates how far I have come as a Hyuga. In time I will learn to supress it and master it but for now it is a part of me. As for the five minute rule, how did you feel when you were within your own chakra? Like endless waves of power and energy? Such sensations are too easily addicting. It's called chakra addiction. Any more than five minutes at a time and soon you may find yourself craving more. Take this watch and press the top button when you start. It will beep after five minutes. I suppose as for your last question, I built a university in Iwagakure for anyone in the world to learn anything free of any charge. Free of judgement. I want you to experience what you can there. Learn to use chakra more and to read and write. Should you wish for this, There is a man named Kazako Harichimo you must meet there. My first student that remains to this day. A bit a celebrity now. He can show you to my floor within the university and allow you within. Does this interest you?"


Last edited by Tsuyo on Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

21A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:36 am



Sayuri’s eyes went wide as Tsuyo unclasped his silver wrist watch and handed it over to her. It was very pretty, if a bit large for her own tiny wrist, but she took it and cradled it in both her hands while listening to Tsuyo explain the green fire even though she was very eager to try to put on the watch. As it turned out the fire was not exactly fire at all, but was a part of being a Hyuga, which only served to make Tsuyo an even bigger mystery to her than before. It seemed she had missed out on more than just basic education while hiding from the world, for here was yet one more fascinating thing she had no prior knowledge of. It didn’t bother her too much, it just meant that she had the opportunity to experience and learn all of these things while she was old enough to possibly truly grasp the significance of them, as opposed to when she was too young to understand.

She couldn’t agree more with his assessment of how she had felt while she was within her own chakra. It had been wonderful, like he said endless waves of power and energy. And she could easily see herself sitting there, dancing through storm clouds forever. Without that bee to interrupt her she couldn’t think of when she might have stopped on her own. Her brow would furrow slightly as she realized the truth in his words and she looked down at the wrist watch he had given her, before she slid it onto her left wrist and clasped it closed. It was too big, not so much so that it would fall straight off, but a good tug would definitely have it clatter to the floor. And then then her eyes would grow wider still as it dawned on her that he hadn’t merely passed it to her to look at, or to use for the day like she had originally assumed. If she wasn’t mistaken, it seemed to her that he was actually giving this to her, but that couldn’t be right. Ask him silly duck, not now obviously. But when he’s finished speaking, and close your mouth, you actually look like a silly duck when you hang your mouth open like that you know. She took note of the button on the top of the watch and then her bewildered sea coloured gaze would slowly make its way back to his calm silver coloured one.

She rolled over the last bit of information in her mind slowly as she would sit quietly and look off towards the tree that she had just previously seen Tsuyo walk up on his hands, and then miraculously heal with stone. It was a lot to take in and consider, she wanted very much to just say yes, but at the same time she knew what saying yes would mean. She’s heard quite distinctly Tsuyo say ‘He can show you to my floor within the university and allow you within.’ meaning that Tsuyo, or anyone else she knew and trusted, wouldn’t be there to show her around. She loved the idea of an adventure, of going somewhere new, learning new things and having new experiences. But not alone. And yet. . . not wanting to be alone, she realized, was a fairly new development. She had spent most of her life alone, so why was this any different at all? She had known her actual family for longer than she had known Tsuyo and Mitsuo, and she had managed to live without them just fine. Her mouth would harden into an angry line as she stared hard at the tree, trying to make sense of the sudden rise of emotions that his suggestion had evoked.

“Tsuyo. . . it sounds wonderful.” Her speech was halting as she struggled to find the right words to convey her gratitude and her fear. “You’re not going with me. Which is fine, I guess. To be honest I don’t know why you or Mitsuo put up with me this long. Although I am unbelievably grateful that you have. And I don’t need you to go with me, to Iwagakure that is, I just wanted you to know that that part didn’t escape me. So to answer your question then, yes. It does interest me, although I wish. . ." Her voice would trail off into a wistful sigh as she lost the will to voice her thoughts. Her true wish was that she wasn’t alone. Or rather that she didn’t need to be. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it, so she would turn back to face Tsuyo, forcing a cheerful smile back onto her face. She knew that smiling led to happiness, more often than the other way around, and so it didn’t feel like a lie to her. “Thank you, Tsuyo. You’ve always been kind to me, and I’ve done little in the way of repaying that kindness. But I can, is there something I can do for you? Maybe something you need done in Iwagakure or something taken there? I have no idea, I’m obviously no good with dealing with. . . people, uh. . . I’m going to stop now.” She would laugh as a genuine smile spread across her face. “Do they teach this sort of thing at your University? Talking I mean. Maybe your student, Harichimo? Maybe he can teach me to speak properly.” She would continue laughing as she leaned over, one elbow propping her up in the grass, her arms holding her sides as tears started trailing down her smiling face.


22A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Wed Jun 28, 2017 6:27 pm



Tsuyo would watch her as she clasped the large wrist watch over her own petite wrist with enough wiggle room that it nearly threatened to fall off her hand. For a moment he considered that she might not be capable of realizing she could modify the band through a jeweler. She lacked the experiences to really even know to seek out a jeweler. After all not very many people spent a lot of time spending money on frivolous things like he did. He had his hobbies and his passions and luxury was one of them. He was a man of power and as such needed to look the part at all times. That meant always dressing well, always holding himself well, speaking clearly and never averting his gaze to the floor. For him to face any opponent he needed to be as a complete warrior as well as a formal lord in appearance. It was an odd combination and sometimes people didn't take him seriously due to his suit and tie. People intent to mug him or rob him. It never ended well for them. Still he felt a little bit of something more. At least with his closest companions. Sayuri was innocent enough in nature to easily trust. He had to be careful around her. However he had given her a great deal of opportunity to turn against him. Created openings and watched her reactions. By all accounts she was no assassin. He had suspected she wasn't but one had to be sure. Her eyes though told him a great deal. There was pain there. Entrenched deep within her soul and buried in layers of any happiness she could latch onto. However there was no guilt in her expressions. No pain of that sort in the depths of her gaze.

There were only two types of people that could pull off what her eyes were showing. The innocent which had never been forced down the path that would lead her to slit Tsuyo's throat in his sleep, and the sociopath that found such a simple death boring. He had studied her for a time making sure it wasn't the latter. Making sure she wasn't just getting close to them to get her jollies off by breaking their hearts in the end. If anything she was just restless as she shifted time and time again in the grass. Rolling back and forth and staining her new clothes without a second thought. Much like a child with too much energy. In truth she was just slightly too old to be his daughter. Well, short of some earlier incidents in his life turning a new leaf. Still he would listen as his gaze shifted to her face. She was frowning and unhappy. So his encouragement hadn't evaded her mind it seemed and yet she was reluctant. The way she spoke was as if it were her fault and they had grown far too tired of her. Just another burden on himself and Mitsuo. He wondered a moment just how she would jump to that conclusion. Just how much pain she had dealt with in her life for her to feel like that was an inevitability for those around her. Homeless in nature when they met. A vagrant was not commonly treated well. She was likely told most of her life she was a burden to those around her. Had it laid down in cement into her mind. He felt a ping of sadness for her as his eyes watered up just a little. Already he was feeling so close to her. Still when he spoke he did so calmly with a soft tone. His words like warmth on the wind.

"Sayuri, You have been nothing but a soothing shelter to the rain that falls on Mitsuo and I. However we are much further along on our journey than you. It is true you will be alone for the travel but Iwa is a wonderful place. You can and will make friends there. Harichimo is, well he isn't the most social of people but he is like a young me. Less formal but very much my student. He will look after you upon my request. Just, don't mention me to anyone else. I want one thing in return from you though. Promise you will write us. Mitsuo and I. Email or letter. Just as soon as you learn how. I want to keep tabs on how you are managing. Can you do that?"

He would smile to her then. His smile matching his silver eyes as the searched within her own. Still he would shift and rise into a standing position. His long form stretching out and he yawned as the sun was already moving as if to set soon. The edges of the sky turning orange as the blue began to grow ever so slightly darker. He would raise his arms behind his back until his shoulders popped. Listening to her. Then he would reach out his right hand to help her up, A small hug shared between them if she allowed it. Like a father sending his daughter off to the University. He would pat her back before holding her by the shoulders at arms length. Speaking once more with a smile matching his lips and his face. So sign of deceit there.

"In the morning, We will send you off. Have an adventure Sayuri. Learn what you wish to, explore the world and make new friends. Only you can stand in your way. Believe in yourself and the world becomes your unwritten story."


23A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Mon Jul 17, 2017 8:46 am



Sayuri sat up slowly as she took in what Tsuyo was saying to her. What she feared, that she was nothing more than someone to be put up with, was not at all what was the case. Her heart swelled as her eyes stung with tears, she hadn’t expected to grow quite so attached to anyone ever again. And to hear that she was not being thrown by the wayside, that this wonderfully compassionate man was actually giving consideration for her future was almost too much for her to bear. She thought back to the first time she had ever met him, she had been terrified and in such a great amount of pain, and without asking her for a thing not even a thank you, he healed her leg. But since then he had done so much more, he and Mitsuo both. They had cared for her and taught her, they’d both done something that probably neither of them realized the true value of. They’d gained her trust. While she feared that they would send her away, she never once feared that they would harm her. So as he spoke of his former student Harichimo, and how he would take care of her at Tsuyo’s request she didn’t doubt it in the slightest.

The part about writing though, that was a bit harder to wrap her mind around. She wanted to make Tsuyo proud, and would never turn away from a challenge, but she wondered how long it would take before she would be able to communicate with Tsuyo and Mitsuo again. The thought inspired yet more heartache as it dawned on her that writing would most likely be her only means of communicating with them, and that if she was too slow, it could be ages before she would hear anything from her new found friends. It felt like an awful lot of responsibility to be placed suddenly on her shoulders. To go from not having to worry about pretty much anything except staying alive, to then having to learn all sorts of new skills and then keep in touch with new friends. . . it was so much to take in all at once.  

“I will learn as quickly as I can, I won’t let you down. I don’t even have the words to explain how much this means to me, that you. . . I mean that I. I don’t know what to say. You’ve been so wonderful, and Mitsuo too, both of you are amazing. You’ve never asked me for anything in return, I don’t know how to repay you. Not that I think you’re asking mind you, but I’m just so grateful, I really never thought anyone would ever be kind to me again, and then here you are.” She would take a deep breath to try to calm down before continuing. It was getting hard to speak, her voice was cracking as she struggled to keep from crying. “I’ll learn to write and then I’ll write every day if I can. But, where will you be? Here in Konoha still? And how will the letters get here, will someone take them?” No longer able to contain her emotions, tears spilled freely down her pale cheeks as she watched Tsuyo stretch. As he lowered his hand and offered it to her she was stunned that her usual response, the deep seated fear of that outstretched hand, did not overtake her.

With a shuddering sigh she would place her tiny hand in Tsuyo’s large one and allowed him to help her rise to her feet, rushing into his embrace and burying her face against his chest. She didn’t want to let go, not ever. She finally felt safe and cared for, it was a feeling she wanted to hold on to for as long as possible. When he patted her gently she reluctantly released him, letting herself be held by the shoulders as she looked into his warm silver eyes. Her sobs had quieted somewhat, calmed by his physical presence and tender manner and she would nod as she did her best to put on a brave face. She didn’t want one of the last memories she left with Tsuyo of her to be of tears and sobbing, even though that was probably what most of his memories of her were of. There you are silly duck, you’ll be fine, you always were you know. Now stop crying already, you’ll flood all of Konoha at this rate. Her lips lifted up into a quirky half smile, her head cocked slightly to the side, her voice no longer broken.

“Tsuyo, I’m sure I’ll make friends eventually, maybe even some human ones. And I expect I’ll have plenty of adventures. Maybe one day we can go camping again and I can show you stories of my adventures. I expect though that they will mostly involve climbing things I shouldn’t, or eating sweets for breakfast, or saving cats. But they will be very dramatic.”

Seeing the light fade from the sky she would fiddle with the watch around her wrist as she struggled to maintain her composure, she knew she didn’t have much time left. “I’ll make you proud, and I won’t forget what you’ve told me. I’ll miss you so much Tsuyo.”


24A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Tue Jul 18, 2017 6:12 pm



Tsuyo would watch her for a moment calmly as she attempted to take all this information in. He wasn't discarding her in the sense one discards a tool when they have no use for it, she needed to understand that. If anything he was sending her to the one place that would benefit her the most. She might not see it that way entirely at first but he had high hopes she would come to understand it later on. She was a bright girl and driven. That much alone should carry her to greatness. He could only hope Harichimo would see it too and actively encourage it. Still she opened her mouth to speak and he would listen. Giving his ear to her for a little longer. “I will learn as quickly as I can, I won’t let you down. I don’t even have the words to explain how much this means to me, that you. . . I mean that I. I don’t know what to say. You’ve been so wonderful, and Mitsuo too, both of you are amazing. You’ve never asked me for anything in return, I don’t know how to repay you. Not that I think you’re asking mind you, but I’m just so grateful, I really never thought anyone would ever be kind to me again, and then here you are.”

Her voice cracked a little and she took a deep breath to steady herself. He hadn't expected so much emotion but he supposed he and Mitsuo were both fairly influential recently with her life. He wanted to build her up. If anything he was glad she wasn't breaking down and fighting him on this. However as she continued he would smile. “I’ll learn to write and then I’ll write every day if I can. But, where will you be? Here in Konoha still? And how will the letters get here, will someone take them?” He would pause a moment simply smiling as he helped her to her feet. His hands gentle and his words warm. As if the world was just a wonderful place to be in.

"My dear girl, I am an infamous man and extremely easy to locate. Do not be surprised if you hear news of any time I move. With that said Harichimo can show you to A shipping merchant by the name of Habo. A weapons company I own. Keep his connection to me unknown but he can make sure any message is delivered."

“Tsuyo, I’m sure I’ll make friends eventually, maybe even some human ones. And I expect I’ll have plenty of adventures. Maybe one day we can go camping again and I can show you stories of my adventures. I expect though that they will mostly involve climbing things I shouldn’t, or eating sweets for breakfast, or saving cats. But they will be very dramatic.” She would fidget a little with the watch as she responded. Hugging him tightly a moment before pulling away. He would smile and nod his head. Happy that she was willing to try.  She continued with a final statement of goodbye and he took a breath of his own. Careful to not let his own emotions rise. Always careful to monitor himself.  “I’ll make you proud, and I won’t forget what you’ve told me. I’ll miss you so much Tsuyo.”  He would reach out and place a hand on her head a moment. A simple sign of a blessing from someone like him. With that his form would seem to fade away like leaves in the wind. falling away and then gone. A gentle breeze having blown his form away as a whisper held on the wind. Like a spirit or god having come down just to meet her.

"You too will be missed."

exit thread

Name: Iron body style-Ultimate guard (Kyūkyoku no gādo-究極のガード)
2000/2000 A rank trained

Name: Iron body style-Endless Rage (Mugen no ikari-無限の怒り)
2000/2000 A rank trained

Name: Quicksilver style-Burst steps (Bāsuto no suteppu-バーストのステップ)
2000/2000 A rank trained

Name: Flowing River style-Overwhelming presence (Attōtekina sonzai-kan-圧倒的な存在感)

Name: Snake bite style - Vipers bite (Dokuhebi ni kama - 毒蛇にかま)
1000/1000 C rank trained

25A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Empty Re: A Mysterious Note (Tsuyo/No Kill) Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:19 pm



As Tsuyo reached down and placed his hand on her head Sayuri would smile up at him, at peace for a moment, as the kind gesture was bestowed on her. A part of her desperately wanted to leap into his arms and hug him again, but the larger part of her knew that this was not the time. This moment was significant and she should treat it with reverence, and so she was quiet and still beneath his touch. Remembering that only a short while ago that same hand had both easily destroyed and then masterfully healed and made stronger the tree standing just near the pair of them. And as she watched in awe as he slowly faded from her sight her heart was left torn asunder, his words hanging on the wind that had swept him away from her.

“You too will be missed”

She fell to her knees and placed her hand on her head where Tsuyo’s hand had just been, tears once again streaming freely down her face. She felt as though the warmth from that touch was still there and she could sense it on the palm of her hand. Holding on to that sensation as long as she could, Sayuri sat and cried. Not only out of sadness and loss, though she did feel those, but out of joy and comfort and acceptance as well. She was mourning the loss of a home that she finally had, and companions and safety that she hadn’t known since she was too small to appreciate such things. And at the same time was overcome with the joy and wonder of being accepted by someone into the same. Having these things was not something she had often given herself much time to think about, she was content with whatever life had presented to her for the most part. But now that she had it, a home that was, she was heartbroken to leave it. Even if it was a rented cabin that they hid in on the outskirts of Konohagakure, it wasn’t the actual building she had discovered that made something a home, it was the people.

After sitting and gathering her thoughts for a time, Sayuri got up and walked towards the village as though in a daze. She had much to prepare and apparently not a lot of time to prepare it in. There were so many people she wanted to say goodbye to; Mitsuo of course, and Shiro, and the Ramen shop lady, and all the other vendors in the market. And she had to figure out how she was even going to get to Iwagakure in the first place, since she had never been there and had no idea how to do so, other than look for some very rocky places, which was altogether not a very good plan. With her head spinning full of thoughts she entered the cabin after exploring the village, looking around sadly at the place she had called home for so long. And after changing into some nightclothes she curled up in her bed, her knees against her chest and stared out the window at the sky. She stayed awake as long as she could, her eyes drooping with exhaustion and her head nodding and bobbing as she dozed off. As she drifted off to sleep her final thoughts were that perhaps if she didn’t sleep and morning didn’t come, she wouldn’t have to leave the place and people she loved so dearly.

{Exit Thread}


Training Bukijutsu:

C-Rank > B-Rank: 2000 words
B-Rank > A-Rank: 3000 words
A-Rank > S-Rank: 4000 words

Total: 9000 words

1857 words left over

Training Stats:

REA C-2 > C-3: 700 words + 150 Ryo
PER C-0 > C-1: 575 words + 150 Ryo
STR C-0 > C-1: 575 words + 150 Ryo

7 words discarded

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