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Downtime, it's not something that Nanashi has a lot of time for; from having to check up on the few medical facilities within the confinements of Fire Country, to help training some of the local genins who, for whatever reason, want to train under the foreign medical nin, to his own personal training, down time is something that he only wish he had more of. That's why when the silver haired youth is allotted a few precious moments of reprieve he does something that he enjoys immensely – sleep. That's right the world renowned medic enjoys sleeping on the days that he has nothing else to do; excluding the benefits of the action, sleeping allows him to collect his thoughts and allow for a small and feasible way to escape from the world of the living . . . for a moment. And it's this act of sleep that he's currently doing, body half hanging off the couch, head resting comfortably on the arm rest, right hand obscured by his body and the other dangling freely towards the floor, the light sound of snoring filling the air; needless to Nanashi was sleeping soundly.

Or was he?

At the sound of footsteps approaching, Nanashi's body twitched, the motion being unnoticeable to all but the most trained shinobi, his right hand shifted slightly and gripped the unknown object as the footsteps got loud. Nanashi didn't bother in moving when a shadow loomed over his prone body, from the lack of footsteps only meant it belong to the owner, nor did he flinch at the sudden contact of a delicate hand trace the scar covering the majority of his left eye.

“What is it do you need, Aoi?” He asked, never bothering to open his eye to look at the now identified woman. Said woman quickly moving her hand away from her face, a gasp escaping her mouth while doing so – as if she had gotten burned or something.

“What is it do you need?” He repeated his question again. A silence having fallen on the area for a moment in time.

“Ugh. . .” The sounds of clothing shuffling and fallen to the ground cause Nanashi to open his lone eye. A smile couldn't help but to present itself on his visage as he took in the image of perfection before him, left hand coming to grasp the nurse's hand and pulling her down on top of him.

While sleeping was a nice way to relax – this was a much better and pleasurable.

A pair of tired or maybe pleasurable sighs escaped the lips of both participants – both laying underneath the covers in the bed and basking in the effects of their recent activities. The pair of adults didn't care of the repercussion that could occur if their fellow colleagues find out about their frequent romps between the sheets, it wasn't anything serious, just two friends having sex. . . a lot of it actually. The pair made it clear to one another, while they didn't see others, sex was just that sex with little to any emotional attachment. And its with the agreement that Nanashi gave Aoi a key to his home away from home – not like it matter, she practically lived with him anyway.

“Oh!” Aoi exclaimed before reached over to the nearby dresser, pulling out a note and handing it to Nanashi “You received a message from the Hyuuga fellow. Something about a Tea meeting in two hours?”

Nanashi didn't say anything regarding the letter as he looked at the address written on it. The address apparently being that of the man's place of residence for the time being. Another sigh escaped the man's lips before Nanashi kissed Aoi on the cheek and removed himself from the bed to take a shower – his lover not that far behind.

Taking another sigh, Nanashi kissed Aoi on the cheek before removing himself from the bed to take a shower – his lover not that far behind.


Naka river, the name of the river that runs through the land that at once upon a time was owned by the famed Uchiha clan – supplying them with their main source of water. This time have passed now and while it's still within the Uchiha's territory, it's now owned by Hi no Kuni Daimyo and by proxy the Hokage; the Uchiha clan having dwindled(and became less paranoid) down to the point that they no longer needed their own source of water. And it's near this river where we find our well dressed medic trekking through area, heading towards the address that was located on the letter he had received early.

Guanyin Nanashi was dressed in a black kimono with red trim and matching haori, it not being exactly formal nor casual, being able to be worn in most situations that didn't specify the dress attire. The kimono itself was tailored made for Nanashi; this being expected for he was the one who made the outfit; It having been a skill his mother was adamant about him learning and perfecting the art.  

”Impressive.” Nanashi mused to himself looking upon the massive house sitting upon the plateau, over looking the area like some sort of vigilant guardian. As he made his way towards the adobe he couldn't help but to be impressed by the man's home – it indeed was impressive. Though the man idly wonder if the inside would be as impressive as the outside. Guess he was about to find out.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Advanced Recovery Method (高度回収法 ~ Kōdo Kaishū-Hō) || 940/1800 || Training



Tsuyo watched out the window as the sun rose. He could feel the cold of the morning as the river was so close it dropped the temperature dramatically. Spring had not yet come this way. Still he watched the frosty window with his new eyes. After all he could see again. He could see the details so clearly. The eyes had truly been grafted in well. At first it had hurt to look through these eyes. But now it seemed like it felt natural. He hadn't pushed any chakra through them yet but still he wondered what would happen. But that was the least of his worries. After all he was still laying there because it was pretty much all he could do. He lifted his one hand to place it in the view between him and his window. His one hand...His entire arm on the other side was gone up to the shoulder. His leg on the same side as the missing arm gone below the knee. He had been a fighter before. Now just a wealthy cripple. It angered him. Still there had to be some solution. He had sent the invitation for tea to that doctor from Iwagakure. He would like to see what another doctors opinion was.

Still after the invitation was done and sent out he allowed himself to be supported as he moved from his bed to the shower. A plastic bag tied tightly around the bandaged nubs. Before the hot water was turned on. His chair in the shower provided for him. Stationary as it was. From that point he excused his servant. Still able to bathe himself at least. The water and soap washed off of him as he stared straight ahead. The steam filling the bathing room. His hair dripping around his face as he stared at the block of soap in his hand. Before he grit his teeth and in an instant the bar of soap crumbled to nothing in his hand. He was still strong. But he needed to be whole again. He wasn't strong enough as he was. He opened his hand to let the residue of the soap wash off. Before turning off the water. Drying himself off. Afterwards he struggled for a bit but on his own managed to get dressed in a pair of silk pants and a white t shirt. A red fur robe tied closed over it all. And then climbed into his wheelchair. His foot bare.

He wheeled himself out to the observation deck and ordered his servant to prepare the tea. For a time Tsuyo just read his book with those silver eyes. Waiting while the tea was prepared. A resounding knock came from the front door. And the Servant finished setting the tea set and the prepared blue herb tea before rushing to open it. One servant was all he had brought. Which appeared to be enough. His servant was in a typical butler garb. With the coat tails and bow tie. He bowed as he let Dr. Nanashi in and informed the man he was invited to the observation deck where Mr. Kajiya was waiting. The Large house was spacious on the inside. Though most everything had been modified to be wheelchair accessible. There was even an elevator leading up to the top floor where the observation deck was. And interesting contraption but carved out of copper. Except the mechanism that operated it was made from Steel.


It's well documented that Nanashi is a curious individual. A man with an unquenchable hunger who wants to find out anything and everything about whatever having strike his fancy at the given time. A searcher of knowledge who will go to great lengths in fulfilling the insatiable hunger. In most case he only sate this hunger with objects and other subjects, rarely people. Being a doctor and surgeon by profession meant that Nanashi done had the luxury of meeting and operating on some of the most famous and infamous individuals across the Elemental Nations, everything from Kages, Sannins, and Missing-nin had come to him for his services. Unlike other medics Nanashi didn't have a conscious about helping so called 'evil doers', for he himself isn't the picture of good, and thus could careless about the person who's going under the knife – with him holding said knife. He could careless that the male or female is a mass murder or someone hell bent on destroy a village for in the end it wasn't his concern. He just did the surgery and went about his merry way, never thinking about the man or woman he helped. However, it's only recently that Nanashi decided to take a looking into a person who he had performed surgery on, for reasons unknown.

Mr. Kajiya.

The 'apparent' name of the Hyuuga who Nanashi had performed an eye transplant on a few days prior. Despite having some suspicious regarding the true identity of the man, Nanashi went around Konoha and randomly asked villagers about this Mr. Kajiya and he couldn't help but to applaud the man. For the information that Nanashi was able to pry from certain individuals wasn't much but enough so that anyone of a lesser intelligence would believe that Mr. Kajiya exactly exist. Those who he talked to him had nothing but good words to say about the respected  man,. while who still have wealth didn't flaunt it much. When Nanashi had ventured to the Konoha Archives he even founded the birth certificate of Hyuuga Kajiya, who was born in Konoha. Yes, everything about Mr. Kajiya seemed to check out. He was indeed a true person.

Yeah right.

Nanashi didn't believe none of the information he had gain for a second. It's quite easy to get a birth certificate and new name, slipping the info into a village archives and live the life under the different name – it's something that shinobis have done throughout times. And it was the fact that Mr. Kajiya mentioned he was a shinobi or at least a fighter that caused the curious in Nanashi to pike – for the man looked oddly familiar to him and he could have sworn that he seen the man in Iwagakure no Sato. . .

The sensation of cool air hitting his face, the door a front of him opening it, caused Nanashi's musing to be cut short, as the man returned the bow given by the servant – who name escaped the silver haired male at the time. The interior was spacious and well lavished along with being wheelchair accessible, something that cause Nanashi to raise an eyebrow as he followed the butler to the observation deck. The last time he had seen Mr. Kajiya the man wasn't in a wheelchair. So what in the world could have happen to the man in that short of a time? Upon reaching the top floor of the house, stepping out of the elevator, Nanashi received his answer.

There sitting in a wheelchair reading a book was Mr. Kajiya.

Silences descended upon the pair of men, Nanashi having been ushered to the opposite side of the table by the butler and was now looking out through the window of the observation deck.

“Nice house, Mr. Kajiya.” Nanashi spoke suddenly, turning his attention from the incredible view offered by the observation deck and towards the man a front of him “I assume there's more to this meeting than just Tea?

Advanced Recovery Method (高度回収法 ~ Kōdo Kaishū-Hō) || 1616/1800 || Training



Tsuyo cracked a smile as once again he could smell the scent of the man he had summoned. He had his sight back but still his other senses seemed so important now. The way he could tell which direction the wind was going by sound. How he could judge where a person was standing by scent. His fear had faded some now that he could connect what he could hear and smell to what he could see. The world seemed so much clearer then it had before through his old eyes. New perspective he assumed. Still he exercised caution. Very few people knew of his position here in Konoha. Or his intentions for being here. After all he had escaped the hospital in Kiri in the middle of the night. After the bleeding had stopped. It had been difficult but while he was in such a state He didn't dare to leave himself in the open. Far to vulnerable. Far to easy for a predator to snatch up. But that was how he thought. A survivors mentality. Planning his moves with every option considered. Every risk measured. After all it had been a risk to come to Konoha. But a measured one. With the strongest of the village else where. He had some time to move as he saw fit.

And at the moment what he saw fit was utilizing a doctor currently inhabiting a clinic in Konoha. Well now that doctor inhabited the seat across from him. The rental home rented from the Uchiha with unmarked coin by his servant. Kajiya had never allowed them to place him and his coin together. Less one of the Uchiha see an opportunity to gain a lot of coin by killing a cripple. He did not care much to appeal to anyone's honor. Not yet any how. Aside from that not many cared to trespass on property the Uchiha guarded. And who better to guard him then Uchiha. The possible political blow back for attacking his home on Uchiha property was amusing. On a more personal note though, He liked the idea of using the Uchiha like this. After the dead Uchiha hokage had betrayed him and ran him from his home. Living like this was mostly to spite him. Still his death had blown forth new winds. Ones Mr. Kajiya had just begun to utilize. Of course the death of Hao Uchiha had been unfortunate. While he couldn't utilize such a wild man himself, He was a wonderful distraction from the things the Aoi Bara did. Still his actions had spread enough fear and hate. Not to mention death and destruction. It just made Mr. Kajiya's end game that much mor difficult. He might have to sabotage a little to get his way. Implant a spy even. But whom and how? He would have to figure that out before Konoha's best and brightest returned. Which could be any day. He would worry about that later. For now he had a guest. One that he had hopes of using for his own future devices. A beginning but not to an end. But to another Beginning. An evolution.

His gaze moved up to Nanashi as the man sat down. He listened to his words quietly. A bright man but that was to be expected. He wished he knew what the man wanted most in life. Kazu had been simple enough. Offer a service that benefited him and he remained out of the way. Kiri had been more of a problem up until the Bells attacked. That had opened up a wealth of opportunity. though it had cost him a little. Still he looked to Nanashi and studied him. Contemplating how to go about utilizing him. After all he didn't use and toss aside individuals. He had plan after plan for them. And needs that might be included years down the road. However Nanashi had sprung a question on him right off the bat. He smiled as the tea was poured. The new aroma was designed to be a calming sensation. As was the way the tea worked. Not a drug but typically tea had a calming effect. So Tsuyo lifted his tea cup to his lips and blew on it a little before sipping it. The steam traveling up his nose. It felt warming inside. A truly soothing sensation. It was then that he spoke. His voice was calm and pronounced. A man who was used to speaking and being heard clearly. He didn't betray his nervous feelings even slightly.

"Dr Nanashi. While it would be the least I could do to offer to tea to the man who gave me back my sight. I do have other intentions as you brilliantly deduced. You see. I would like a peek at a mind more brilliant then mind. Our current medical fields only offer very limited prosthetic s. And the are hell on a man's chakra. Not to mention they hardly ever take. Some people even experience their body rejecting the prosthetic. As I have gone through my medical books and studies this limited solution is troubling me as the only solution currently available. And yet as I thought through the matter I came to a conclusion. No one has ever had the urge to attempt to reform the lost limbs. But that would take a medical shinobi of the highest calibur I thought. And once that thought occured. Naturally my thoughts turned to yourself Doctor. So tell me. Could you think of how your medical arts could hopefully help me walk with my own legs once more? allow me the use of my own arm again?"

He leaned forward and set his tea down. His silver eyes focused on what Nanashi might say in return. He had flattered the man yes, But flattery was something the man was likely used to. No what he had done with those words was something more. He challenged the man to do something that was so far considered impossible. He wondered how the Shinobi would take it. An insult to his abilities? An abomination to science? Or a struggle worthy of an attempt.

1612 WC training


Uchiha grounds. The irony of where the house sat wasn't lost on Nanashi. The man having wanted to explore the grounds at a later date; to look for anything that could potentially lead him to the whereabouts of his father. A father who had apparently had no will to seek out his own flesh and blood. A bastard who could have cared less that he had created life, only caring that he got off his jollies. For a brief moment Nanashi wondered, when founded, would the man even care that his flesh & blood searched him out. Would he care? Pst. Why did it matter to the former geisha, Nanashi could care less about that sack of shit who was his father, right? There wasn't any love lost for that man, right? Yeah. . . there's no love lost for a man who left a pregnant mother alone – at least that's what he could continue telling himself.

Focus. . .

Breaking out of his own self-musing, Nanashi's yellow eye trained on the man sitting across from him. Kajiya was truly an interesting and intimidating, if only somewhat, individual. Considering who all Nanashi had the luxury of being in the presence of the Tsuchikage and a Sannin of Kirigakure respectively, one would think that they would've rattle him even a little – none of them did. The men simply didn't have the same aura around them as Mr. Kajiya did. Unlike those previous mentioned, Kajiya's aura was controlled – like a viper ready to strike at any indication of a threat. And Nanashi didn't doubt that for a second that the viper would strike if he made poised himself as a threat. Not like he cared. For there's more than one viper in this den.

The calming effect from the sweat aroma coming off the tea that was being poured by the butler, didn't cause his eyes to waver from the silver ones of Kajiya. Though they did break for a moment, hand grasping the cup, bring it up to his lips and taking a sip of the hot substance. A small sigh escaping his lips as the liquid slid down his throat, warming him up in the inside. The tea, it's name escaping Nanashi for the moment, was excellent made and he couldn't help but to compliment the marker . . . though not at the moment. For it seemed like Kajiya was about to speak.

He mentally snorted at the blatant flattery within the man speech, none of which seem to move the stoic doctor any way. He simply sat there drinking the tea during the entire conversation. Nanashi did have to agree with the man on the lack of proper prosthetic, for shinobi, founded in medical field. He could count on one hand the type artificial limbs that was designed to work in conjunction with a shinobi body. The lack of prosthetic lied in the designed needed to make artificial chakra coils within them that could be connected with natural ones, something that's impossible for now. Nanashi didn't allow nothing show as he listen to Kajiya talk about the process of regenerating limbs, ending with him asking if the doctor could possibly do it.

For a moment silence descended upon the pair of men. Nanashi's thoughts mulling over agreeing to Kajiya's request of regrowing his lost limbs. The act of regeneration wasn't far-fetch or hard for the Guanyin member, the clan having a certain technique that could easily fulfill the request in a matter of time. Yes, the request was scarily easy for Nanashi but what would he gain from this? The man didn't offer money like he did for the transplant. Nor did he offer anything really. So what truly would Nanashi get from going through this?

“It's truly sad that the medical field doesn't accommodate for the possibility that a shinobi would loose a limb or multiple. One would think prosthetic designed for chakra users would be common in this era, but alas it is not. “He stated, setting the cup down and looking out nearby window.

“Guanyin. Does that name ring a bell to you?” He inquired offhandedly, his decision regarding the man's request having been decided moments ago. Before he tell the man his decision, Nanashi wanted to know if Mr. Kajiya knew about the rather elusive clan. If the man didn't answer he could continue speaking “The Guanyin clan mainly specialize in offensive medical techniques at least that's they want the general public to believe. However, unbeknownst to the Elemental Nation the clan has some of best healing techniques and a particular one that might be the solution to your problem.”

He paused to allow his words to sink in before continuing “ Needles of Guanyin: Dharma, allows for the only the most skilled members to regenerate limbs using only a senbon made up of chakra. The downside? Can only regenerate one area at a time, though this is easily solved with a shadow clone or two. Luckily for you, I am from this clan and know the technique well enough to do just that. But I have no need to actually do this for you. You haven't offered me anything. I could careless for money, women or power, they are meaningless things only providing a pathway to our end. Despite not offering anything, I will do fulfill your request. Though before I do you need to humor me by answering this single question. “ He stated, his lone eye staring intently into Kajiya “What will you do with the new limbs? This new lease on life? Will you use your new founded freedom to slaughter those around you? Or will you try and become the savior of this world? Tell me Kajiya what will you do?”

The question has been given.  And now an answer awaits it.

Advanced Recovery Method (高度回収法 ~ Kōdo Kaishū-Hō) || 1800/1800 || Complete

Training // 806||??? //



Tsuyo quietly tapped a finger on the small plate the tea cup rested on. So this man believed he could accomplish the feat? An interesting individual indeed. And not just him it seemed but his clan as well. The Guanyin. Power found within the medical arts both offensively and supplementary. If anything the clan itself showed terrifying promise. But that wasn't a terror he was experiencing here. Tsuyo remained silent as the man across from him continued to explain. His silver eyes never swaying from watching Nanashi's own eye. He wondered for a time if this was something he could manipulate. Something he could break down and understand to make a form of his own. But he couldn't do that as he was. His technique to observe the chakra paths was too obvious. If he tried Nanashi would likely take offense. Still the man talked about lacking interest in riches or power. Women was likely something Nanashi could get on his own. He was a handsome and famous individual after all. Still the man wanted nothing that kajiya had. Instead he posed an interesting question. What would he do with his new limbs? A savior or a murderer? Instead of looking confused Kajiya smiled a coy smile. It was a good question a great deal of people did not usually consider. They just wanted to be whole again. They did not consider how having power could effect others. Still Tsuyo placed his hands on his chairs wheels and guided himself slowly to the window. Past Nanashi. He gazed out the window in silence for a moment before he spoke. His voice easily audible but firm.

"A Savior? What is a Savior? What makes some one the light that others can depend on? Look out this window. Outside there is beauty and peace. Long ago this river was torn apart by war. Two clans battled here hundreds of years ago. The Uchiha and the Senju. Either side was filled with rage and fear. People fled and people fought. And yet one man put an end to it. The first Hokage. He defeated the Uchiha and instead of murdering them all. He had them join him and created a village that protected the nation. Clans from all over came and joined this village. He was viewed as a bright light and the world we know today is based on his bravery."

He turned then to face Nanashi. His silver eyes fierce with passion. His very gaze seemed to pierce into the soul and his words seemed as if they would echo through time. His voice filled with a passion of a burning heart even in a crippled body. He knew his purpose.

"I am neither a savior nor a hero. I am just a man who refuses to lay down and take what atrocities others do. I refuse to sit back and let murderers and slavers walk unpunished. Call me a murderer if you must but I will step up while others cower. I will not falter. I will walk that path if I have to fight for every step alone. And I do so in order to make it possible for the future never to have to suffer as our world does now."

WC 2154/2500


His face didn't betray anything as he waits patiently for the man's answer, wondering briefly what it might entail. The question he poised wasn't an easy nor hard one, it didn't have a right nor wrong answer, it's all up to one's interpretation. And it was a perfect question for the man a front of him. He didn't say anything as he watched Kajiya wheeled himself towards the window, Nanashi's own body shifting a little to watch Kajiya collect his thoughts.

The answered given was amusing to say the least. A typically one given by those who had a bad shake in life, feeling that they were wrong in some kind of way and using this 'self-wrongest' as motivation to create a utopia where others like them wouldn't have to suffer like they did. Pathetic. Suffering isn't a bad or good thing, but rather a neutral entity that doesn't discriminate on those who she afflict herself on. She is a parent, a creator, the catalyst for saviors and destroyers of the world to rise and fall. Without suffering some of the worlds most famous and infamous people would have never rise or fallen throughout time. One can easily deduct that without suffering the world would been in a more chaotic state than it already in. And it was because the reasons why Nanashi founded Kajiya's reasoning and goals pathetic – laughable at best.

But respectable

And there lies the main reason why his choice on doing this surgery did not waver, if only slightly, for the man had passion and he honestly believe that he can make his goal a reality. No matter how foolish or idiotic another man's dream is, one should never disrespect it for there's a slim chance that they can make the dream a reality. When locking eyes with the hostess, Nanashi saw the passion brimming from them, like water filling from an overflowing cup and he would've been moved if he cared at all.

Brave? More like opportunistic.

Standing up from his seat and moving towards the window directly beside Kajiya, Nanashi peered out the clear glass for a moment before speaking – his words soft but still audible enough for all to here “Bravery. I don't connect bravery with the First Hokage. If anything the man was an opportunist predator. The man was one of the most powerful individual to ever grace the Elemental Nations; his only equal being Uchiha Madara. Now if you believe in the texts that have been left around, it's stated that the pair became friends during the Warring Era, while their clans was act each other throat. The pair bonded over a simple idea. A simple purpose. It being peace. Wasn't it those two who put an end to the warring era? Wasn't it them who, when joined together, became unstoppable? Making other clans to band together forming the other villages? The First couldn't kill the Uchihas for a simple reason – he would have lost face in the grand scheme of things. Than again, why would you massacre a clan when your dearest friend is the leader and you can use that connection to become allies? Just counter of productive, if you ask me.” He stopped, allowing his words to sink in for a moment “Though. I guess I can't fault others for viewing the First's actions as bravery.”

How would Kajiya take it that Nanashi didn't fine First's actions as bravery, he was anything but. It didn't matter what Kajiya's opinion was. Not even bother to look at the man beside himself, Nanashi began to chuckle, a low rumbling kind “ Tsk. There is no such thing as a savior or hero. We are all murderers contributing to this never ending cycle of hatred. The only thing separating us from the common murderer or rapist is our ideas and beliefs. We commend others who don't fall inline with our thinking, not realizing the consequences of our actions. You see that murderer, you just killed? Well he was an ever loving husband and father now because of our actions his wife and children will be left without a husband and fatherless. Kill one murderer and we create another. The cycle continues. It is infinity. One can never achieve  peace in this world for man won't allow it.” He stated.

“Though don't take my words as mockery of your dream. For I see that you will now cower or hide from those who you'll eventually cross cry for your blood and I respect that.”Removing the black eye-patch obscuring his left eye, Nanashi allowed Kajiya to feast upon the centipede-like scar covering the entirety of it, his right eye staring if Kajiya's.

“I will do this surgery. Not for glory. Not because you ask me. But because I want to see if you can pull of this dream. Now Mr. Kajiya.” The name being spoken in a tone suggesting that Nanashi knew that it was just an alias “Are you ready to get your limbs back?”

Gut Check// 900||900 // Completed!

??? // 773||??? // Progressing



Tsuyo listened to the man speak for a time. The words like the cold water in a winter river. They crashed against him for a time as he speculated them. But that is all they did was crash against him. Like the water against the shore. What entertained him more was the thought that the man was still agreeing to do this. Still he had missed what it took to enlist this mans ability. He had tried flattery. He had even tried to challenge the man. However it seemed some one who was both confident and proud needed neither of those. Instead what had swayed him was the simplicity of curiosity. He wanted to see what Tsuyo could accomplish? Well then it might be time to step his plans up a moment. But first he needed to get this done. He nodded respectfully and turned away to wheel himself to the door and close it. While his back was turned to the man his lips curled into a wicked smile. He was getting his way again. Becoming crippled wasn't even enough to stop him. Still he needed to remain humble. A tactician never lets his victories overcome his sense of caution.

After the door was closed he reached to the first window. His hand gripping the rope there before he pulled it down. The windows began to be covered by red velvet in a wave concealing them from the world. Until the room was only dimly lit. It was then that he reached out and flipped a switch. Instantly things began to move. First a bright set of lights filled the room with brightness. And then the table shifted and scooted to the side of the room without ever disturbing the tea along with the chairs. A panel on the wall opposite of where the table went scooted out and turned into an operating table before scooting to the center of the room. Tsuyo smiled as he wheeled over to it and used his one arm and leg to get onto the table. Before turning his attention to Nanashi. His silver eyes amused while looking for a reaction to the hidden operating room. Hoping for some level of shock. Still regardless of what he saw he spoke clearly but quietly.

"I am ready as soon as you are Doctor. Do you need my assistant to bring you any tools?"

2500/2500 Healing pulse trained.


Dance for me my faithful puppet, sway those sexy hips of yours to and fro, dancing to your inner melody. A melody that all men throughout history had possessed and danced to. The haunting, beautiful melody, life's guidance and death's messenger, it has given many men fame and have many others to an early grave. Let this music flow through you, allow it to vibrate throughout every ounce of your body, let got of all inhibition, release every doubt and worry you ever had and simply let the melody guide you to your dreams. Yes, let the music lull you into a false sense of security, allowing it to crumble all your safe guards. . .oh you poor miserable fool. The music you have been dancing to has been corrupted by a skillful puppeteer and now you are merely another marionette in his grand scheme of themes.

Mr. Kajiya. . .

Nanashi didn't bother in looking back at the handicapped man as he rolled away from the window, instead his attention were outside of the window that overlooked a majestic scenery. While on the outside the silver haired man might seem composed but his mind was in turbulence. There was always an ulterior motive behind everything he have ever done – for Nanashi never did anything out of kindness. A seeker of knowledge and information, he strives only to better himself in the long run, nothing more or less. He could honestly careless about the well being of the fellow men, despite what he might say. A resource to be used and discard after their useable has been emptied, such a simple and cruel ideology Nanashi has.

Mr. Kajiya. . .

Nanashi isn't entirely sure where the man fit in the grand scheme of things; for as it seems now the man had little to offer the silver haired male. Of course this could all change once Mr. Kajiya reveal his true identify to the well respected medic and only than will Nanashi figure out the roll of Mr. Kajiya – for right now he's an unknown factor. And there might lies to reason for him outstretching his hand towards the male, extending his medical services free of charge and without wanting anything, he frankly want to know who Mr. Kajiya truly was.

The closing of the curtains and the dimming of the lights caused Nanashi to shift his attention towards Mr. Kajiya just as the man flipped a switch.

Impressive. . .

Who would have thought that hidden within the confinements of this room lied a fully functional operational table? The medic was truly impressed with what he was seeing and for a fleeting second the emotion flashed across his stoic face. With a short but brisk walk Nanashi found himself a front of man on the operation table “There will be no need for any tools but he might want to bring towel or two, unless you are fine with blood spilling on the floor.” Nanashi stated in a nonchalant manner.

No sooner had the words left his mouth the assistance quickly went to fetch the towels and returned shortly after.

“Well now gentlemen, you about to have a first row seat in sealing a limb regenerated. . .” Nanashi stated with fake humor, having unwrapped the wrapping around the arm stump “I hope you can hold your lunch.” A single red needle formed in his right hand before being plunged into the stump, it being absorbed entirely. There would be no pain when the needle enter but as the limb slowly begin to regenerate there would be some form of discomfort.

Oh and there was blood.

The majority of the blood splashing onto the down towel when the skin flap on the stump opened up, muscles, veins, bone, etc. all forming in the open for the recipients of the room before being covered by new skin. The process would take roughly twenty minutes to complete, but no sooner after it was finish Mr. Kajiya would have a functional arm.

And this process would be repeated again, this time on Mr. Kajiya's missing leg and like the arm there was blood.

“The limbs are relatively fresh and you will have to work strengthening them to what they once were.” Nanashi stated

“And besides the slight tenderness, the limbs won't cause you any problems.” With that said Nanashi wait to see if Mr. Kajiya was satisfied with his new limbs.

Ninja Art: Equivalent Exchange | 1350/1350 | Completed.

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