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Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Waiting, it was an excruciating task for those who did not have, nor showed the necessary amount of patience for such a task in life. Neither was it a great thing for those who completely lacked the luxury of having patience and sadly for Lamya, she was both. Her time was running out, the temporary medical intervention made by that girly looking boy had long past its mark and had already been waning a week or two ago, allowing the pain of Lamya's wounds to resurface in an even more dreadful way than before.

The places where she had been hit by Hyuga Tsuyo had flared up again, with red dots spread accross her body like some sort of rash, the internal ruptures caused by forcing herself to use her chakra against Tenzo had started causing her much pain again as well, yet she could not rely on her own chakra or jutsu to heal herself. It was beginning to look a painfully annoying problem.

She could go back to the village, allow herself to be treated by the village's hospital, but the risk was high, certainly now that Uraeus' spying had managed to give her the information and thus the knowledge that she had been placed in the bingo book with quite a substantial bounty on her head.

It was quite surprising that her bounty was of such a large proportion compared to other criminals she had seen in the bingo book when she was still captain of the Anbu forces. Lamya wasn't sure wether it was this high because the higher ups feared her and what she might've been capable of with whatever information they thought she had or simply becaus they maybe thought she'd be backing up another criminal who actually WAS worth such a sum of money...or maybe the ones making such a large bounty for her were just idiots who didn't know any better. Either way, that bounty was almost as, if not just as inconvenient as her wounds themselves.

"Ugh, I'd laugh if my entire body wasn't hurting like this," The former Anbu captain was lying on the ground next to a fire in a small cave at the center of the dense forest near Konoha, shivering from the fever she had gotten about a week earlier, coughing every few seconds, while she noticed that Uraeus was looking at her with quite a strange look in his eyes.

She knew what he was thinking about, that ever so loyal pet of hers. If she was no longer fit enough to be considered the large beast's master, he could just as well use her as a great deal of nutrition for himself and return to the caves of his kin. Yes, Lamya knew exactly what he was thinking, but she knew he was probably waiting for her to finally fall unconscious, to avoid the risk of the woman possibly managing to resist him still, even in her weakened form. "The reality of nature, the law of the's such a beautiful thing, wouldn't you say, Uraeus?"

"It is eat or be eaten after all, Lady Risu," The snake's eyes shifted a bit, calming down apparently as it seemed that his mistress accepted the rules of their agreement long ago. She would only be his master as long as she was deemed capable of such an honor and such a role in his life. "Should the boy not return before nightfall, you know what I must do...I'm glad you accept our agreement even now, it shows I was never wrong to trust and follow you."

"Heh, Nightfall hmm,"Lamya laughed and immediately got into a fit, coughing loudly as droplets of blood came out of her mouth, splattering upon the ground next to her as she hunched over. She looked sickly and weak, practically looking twice as old as her actual age. "Time has already passed along for a while now, the kid has probably not been able to gain more knowledge or power in the time he had thought it would take. In a way it's a pity, for all I needed was someone to open that window, that short moment in time for me to gain control of my chakra. Alas, it was not meant to be it seems..."




A History~:

Charging through the forest, hanbei was well on track to attempting to find the place that Lamya had been left standing, using his medical sight to sense the locations of the trees ahead of time as the boy charged through the forest he had the knowledge down now. While he wasn't able to heal the wounds in full at his own power, he had not thought of using a preparation technique in order to boost that power beyond its normal limits. It was a sneaky work around, but it was something he was willing to try. Knowing the twin cast technique was key here. It would be his coup de graces if he needed it to cast another technique, but he doubted it, with the scroll of the Hyugas medical knowledge on the subject of chakra pathways and how to discern them and how they worked, he had a much better understanding of the nature of healing, and finally, it looked like he was able to deliver the good news, as well as the treatment.

Though, with his new status as a special jounin, there was the somewhat awkward matter of the woman likely being the person who had attacked the konohagakure prison. While hanbei wasn't an ANBU, he wasn't blind either. The woman matched her description somewhat, so, Hanbei didn't quite know what to do... on the one hand, she was a criminal that had done a couple of really ill deeds... and on the other, she was his patient in the mean-time. He had a duty of care and needed to work to save her life, and not just allow her to die from the elements and the hand that had been dealt out before her. Also, she would likely owe him a favor, that would be able to be cashed in at a later date. Things on that list were more than good for Hanbei he knew full well that the power of a promise kept and the leverage of a concord held was key to power in the world...

'his father had told him that much'

As soon as the clearing opened up, Hanbei could see the feint signs of life and biorhythm of the woman who was funtionally dying at this point, the sun just barely beginning to touch the horizon as the sky was turning into a deep orange. Grinding to a halt Hanbei would skid to the side of the snake and sprawl out the hyuga scroll to the side of lamya with a somewhat frantic smile on his face as he likely arrived in the nick of time, albiet ignorant of the borderline cannibalistic dealing that Lamy and her serpentine companion had made in the time he had been gone, or perhaps even always had from the beginning. Looking over the scroll, hanbei was already beginning to channel his chakra into his hands as he formulated the hand-seals he would need to form a needle to the specific requirements needed to begin the healing process, all the while he would take the time to look down at the woman in her state.

"Sorry I'm late, I had a bit of a hold up in getting the materials I needed, I have a technique that should be able to heal most of you... if there's any damage left afterwards, you should be more than able to heal the rest of it on your own... so, are you ready?"

It was only then that Hanbei noticed some of the details that were firing in the body of the massive snake that was beside her, its stomach had begun to dilate as well as its throat... something large snakes tended to d before they ate a large animal... It was at that moment that a dreaded feeling shot through the special jounin like he'd been struck with a lightning bolt. 'was he going to eat her!?' Hanbei couldn't help but feel that was cold, but then again, knowing his own pet Daji, he doubted she would be any better, in fact, she would probably claw him to pieces without a second thought, even if it were just to deface and spite him. At least in this case Lamya was in a way, returning to the earth and there was some poetry behind it all. Daji was just cruel for the sake of it...

With some skill, and a good amount of luck, Hanbei would move to channel his chakra into his hands, first forming a pulse as he placed a hand to himself so that he would be able to empower the next medical technique he was able to use. Then, moving that focus to each of his hands separately he would perform simultaneous half hand seals with each of them at the same time one after the other. The power that he was generating in his hands was more than he had ever wielded before, and doing so immediately with the twin cast technique, was borderline reckless, however it was the boost that he needed. The twin cast technique allowed hanbei to create 2 of the same jutsu simultaneously, and as theyw ere made at the same time, they were both, in a way, the 'next' medical technique that he used, increasing the power of both of them by a rank in this instance... the chakra immunization virus needles came into being at the same time. Each of them radiant, each of them empowered by his buff as he would kneel closely to Lamya, looking down at her as he would ask her but once.

"are you ready?"

[trained 2 A rank jutsu 4000/4000]

[exit thread]

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

Uraeus was just about ready with his preperations, his body already acclimating to the consumption of his master, yet just as he was about to speak his final farewells to Lamya, the boy for which both of them had been waiting, finally arrived at the spot where they had meet their first time, though the former Anbu captain had moved the camp a bit out of sight, it seemed the kid was still able to find them properly.

"Well mistress, seems we both are lucky," The snake slithered closer to his ailing master and started to constrict the muscles in his throat and near his stomach again, to be more comfortable for the normal everyday work rather than swallowing his master whole. "At least now you can do what you do best, reveal what true power means."

Lamya's turned a bit towards Uraeus, grinning somewhat, though it was hard to see with the pain quickly turning her grin into a painful grimas, yet the snake knew what she did and what she was planning to do, slithering out of the way of the medic and getting slightly closer to him. "If only you knew what you were doing..."

Having said that, Uraeus hissed contently and coiled himself up near the end of Lamya's feet, awaiting what could either become a huge success or an equally large failure, eitherway it would go, he'd be the only one who'd be happy with both outcomes.

With her single, cold and golden colored, snakelike eye Orochi Risu looked at Hanbei, her lifeforce was at best described as at the brink of fading away into obscurity, yet she was clinging to those last threads of her life with great ferocity and a tremendous will, a trait that seemed to be rather common among those of the Orochi bloodline in the Ouroboros clan, the desire to survive, to continue their journey and to rise above all who they deemed their enemy.

"It is quite the timing that you have, kid," Lamya's voice was calm, yet hollow, showing that it took her a lot of effort to remain talking, even with her body at the brink of collapsing. "Do not ask me wether or not I am ready, I'd say by the looks of it,
that question needs no answer nor confirmation... do as we agreed and you may be thankful of the choice you made."


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