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1Train the Academy [D-Rank Mission/Solo] Empty Train the Academy [D-Rank Mission/Solo] Thu Feb 11, 2016 4:51 am

Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Mission name: Train the Academy!
Mission Rank: D
Objective: Teach the academy students a skill they need to learn.
Location: Kirigakure
Reward: 80 ryo
Mission Description: One of the classes at the Kiri ninja academy, training 8 year olds needs a ninja to teach the class academy level skills.
Mission details: The ninja takes a class of Acadamy students and teaches them the principles, ins and outs of academy jutsu or skills.

The mission she had taken was going to be her first mission to complete on her own. As much as she would rather be out in the field where she could use the full extent of her abilities, the task before her was something she could consider good enough. What she was required to do was teach a group of Academy students techniques and other skills that were necessary for a ninja to know for the future. An easy mission for a Genin, she thought. It had been a long time since she last visited Kirigakure’s ninja academy, but she could recall how tough it was. All she had to do was give a few demonstrations and then call it a completed job. Teru Uchiha stood before the unopened doors of the classroom where the students were. A smile was present on her face as she gave three knocks to notify the teacher of the class that she had arrived. She was not nervous about having to do a presentation before a group of kids, but she did hope that it would turn out alright in the end.

“Ah, you must be the one they sent to teach the class,” a male ninja who was much older than Teru opened the door, greeting her with a serious but welcoming expression. Judging by his appearance and nature, he had to have been the proctor of the classroom. He motioned to Teru for her to enter, so she followed after him to stand at the front of the classroom where all of the students could see. “Class, as I have told you before, we are having a Genin visitor come in to teach you different skills that you’ll have to know for when you become ninja. Standing next to me is Teru Uchiha. I’ll be leaving you in her care for now, so please treat her with respect. Now then, the class is all yours.” The proctor moved away to take his place near the window of the room so that he wouldn’t be in the way. With the floor now hers, Teru took center stage to address everyone present. “It’s nice to see you all today,” she greeted with a short bow, and quickly moved on to what she was supposed to be doing. The students weren’t impressed totally, but that was to be expected. They wanted to go out and experience everything for themselves. “Today, I’m teaching you a couple, very simple techniques. You aren’t going to have to show me that you can use them, but make sure you watch carefully.” 

Teru placed her hands together and began to concentrate. “This is a jutsu that can play a key role on missions,” she said, focusing her chakra. “It doesn’t take too much, so be sure that you balance out your chakra control enough for it to work properly.” It was mere moments after she paused to perform the technique when her physical form changed. At the moment of activating the jutsu, her physical form appeared to resemble that of the proctor standing at the other side of the classroom. The similarities between the two were great, which made it an excellent ability to teach them. Lowering her hands to her sides, Teru watched their expressions shift from unimpressed to amazed. It made her smile and view her teaching as a success. “This is what you call, Henge no Jutsu-- or Transformation Jutsu. You can turn into just about anything with it!”

Shortly after showing them the art of transformation, Teru’s form poofed back to normal. “Just make sure you use it at the right place and time, or else there might be harsh consequences,” she laughed, and so did the proctor. “Now, I’m going to move onto the next jutsu. This one is called the Bunshin no Jutsu, or Doppelganger Jutsu.” Performing the necessary hand sign, Teru controlled her chakra enough to cause for something to appear next to her. The gasps and looks of surprise told her that it was something they found fascinating. Briefly glancing to her right, where the clone had appeared, Teru saw the successful model of herself. “It can be quite useful, but use it wisely. With these two techniques, you’ll be on your way to master a whole lot of great things! So, I wish you all a lot of luck.”

While it was just a short presentation, it was good enough to get the students excited for learning new techniques themselves. The proctor himself was pleased with how everything turned out. And, with it being an overall success, Teru went to take her leave. She was going to have to report that everything went well.

Word Count: 795/600
Extra Word Count: 195
Mission Status: {Complete}
Thread: Exiting

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