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Uchiha Teru

Uchiha Teru

Mission Details:

After having made a decision of what mission she intended on doing, Teru Uchiha found one that seemed to tug at a nerve. Teru's eyes scanned over the mission details carefully until finally looking away as her hands folded the paper into a small square. These ninja that she read about just moments ago gave her a particularly bad taste in the mouth. She found it wrong for a ninja to be acting in such a way, and these delinquents were even proving that it was such incompetent behavior. Dispersing the socialistic group was the order-- not kill. As much as she may have wanted to, killing them was simply not an option. Although, she did want to beat at least a few of them to a pulp. "Yeesh," she let out a sigh, placing the document in a safe place. "I'd better get this done before my mind becomes overloaded." While she didn't know where this group was hiding out, there was still a way to find them without too much of a problem. Wherever there was a commotion, she was surely going to find these troublemakers there. And, when she would find them all, she was going to make sure that justice was served swiftly and in a fair manner. Even if they were being an unsettling bunch that deserved a decent amount of time behind bars.

Throughout the misty streets of Kirigakure, Teru walked with a slightly hasted pace as to try to hurry up with the search. So far, she was only able to see villagers in a more mellow and calm air. There was nothing out of the ordinary going on, so she still had some searching to do before making any progress whatsoever. Those in the crowds around her appeared to be in pleasant moods and went about their day as they normally would. "I know they are here in the village," Teru began, furrowing her brows together. The tone in her voice hinted that she was feeling a bit frustrated about not finding them right away. It was when she came to a fork in the road that Teru decided to take a moment to stop and gather her thoughts. She placed her hands on her hips with a huff and glanced around the area. "Could it be possible that they were already disbanded by some of the locals? No... No. That couldn't be. No ninja would let simple village residents quell their activities. Especially when it involves these troublesome games..." Teru blinked once as she studied a group of older men and women, then her gaze focused on a younger group of people looking to be in their teens. The teens were wearing ordinary clothes, nothing that would be fitting for shinobi. So, those couldn't have been the ones she was looking for. Other than that, however, the teens that she was staring at for the past minute looked more enthusiastic. "They have to be here somewhere."

"Out of our way!" a male's voice coming from the east startled the Uchiha girl, and made her jump slightly. Her ears perked as the one who sounded quite demanding walked proudly toward her general direction, and her eyes snapped open to see who this fellow was. A young boy who was undoubtedly the same age as Teru strode in; he wore a Kirigakure headband and flack jacket, fitting the village's ninja attire. The atmosphere around him was rough and had an amateur level of a commanding feel. He certainly looked like one that not everyone wanted to mess with. Behind him were three younger ninja who wore ninja garbs and Kiri forehead protectors. All had tough looks on their faces, too. "Hey, girl. Didn't you hear me? I told you to get out of my way, or else I might have to make you move with my bare hands!" Teru's eyebrow raised out of curiosity. Rude behavior and a physical description that actually fit the one in her mission details. There was no doubt that these were the ones that she was supposed to take care of. Although, she didn't expect them to be... as young as or younger than her. The leader was her age while the other three were at least five years younger. "We're on our way to get rid of those unwanted idiots wandering in our village. You'd better not get in our way, unless you want to be thrown out, too!"

Turning her body so that she faced the four ninja, Teru frowned and glared harshly at all of them. "I did hear you, but I'm not interested in getting out of the way," she spat back, but in a rather calm tone despite being outnumbered. The lead ninja, the Chuunin, approached her promptly and stared into her eyes fiercely. But, Teru stared back with a gaze that was just as harsh. "You're decently ranked, I get that. But there is no way you'd be able to take on the law. You guys are just a small pack after all."

"W...What do you mean by that?" the unfriendly face questioned her, face lightening up ever so slightly. "Of course we could handle ourselves! Kirigakure is our village, and a Kiri ninja is the law of the village. If we don't take better care of our village, then everyone from foreign villages will be storming in as if they owned the place."

"Idiot," Teru grumbled quietly, and folded her arms across her chest. She understood how he felt by wanting to keep the village like it usually was, but keeping others out forcefully was surely the wrong answer. "If the Mizukage was here right now, I'm sure you would be rethinking your thoughts and actions. Yes, we need to protect our village as its ninja and warriors, but keeping everyone out would isolate us badly. We wouldn't be able to gain the knowledge we need to be the best, and we wouldn't be able to get stronger. With there being visitors, we'd be able to understand just how different the world is. You should reconsider what you've done. Maybe then you'd get it. Otherwise, you'd be facing some time in a cell, probably with a bunch of offensive criminals."

The four ninja were silenced by her words. "I-I don't want to get locked away with those guys," one of the Genin standing in the back whimpered lowly. They spoke to themselves a moment, going over their next course of action. Until, finally, they turned back to Teru with something more to say. "O-Okay, we'll knock it off. We don't want the Mizukage to be mad at us, nor do we want to get arrested. I promise, we won't bother anyone else, so let us go. Okay?"

"Get lost then," Teru exclaimed with her hands on her hips, running the ninja off until it was just her standing in the streets. As soon as they were gone with the rolling mist, it was apparent that her job was finished with. "Well, what do you know? I guess I didn't have to beat any of them up. Aw, but I was hoping I could've shown them just how wrong they were with messing around with me. Oh well, I suppose. It's time for me to head back with a report."

Word Count: 1251
Target Word Count: 1000
Extra Word Count: 251
Mission Status: {Complete}
Thread: Exiting

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