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26Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:29 am



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27Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:29 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 67315

28Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 4:30 am



The creature fell to the ground with Godric's kunai sticking out of its chest, as Godric approached the creature he was stopped in his track by a familiar sound, it was the sound of concrete sliding over concrete followed by low groaning. "Damn it not again" Godric said aloud mostly to himself as he began to look for the source of the sound, he knew exactly what it was that was making the noise it was one of the creatures that the little girl creature called a draugr, an idiot of a creature one that he would not be able to get very much information from so it would be of no use to him in his search but still he could not just let the creature roaming around trying to kill him. Something that the girl had said kept eating away at him though no matter how hard he tried to shake it, she had said that she made the Draugr and had faced others and she could turn me into one so is it possible that is what she did with the missing people am I here going around killing the people that I am suppose to be saving because of what some evil creature had done to them or was I simply killing creatures and the people are still out there somewhere and I just have to find them. What I don't understand is if the little girl was the one controlling what she referred to as the draugr then why is it they are still coming out after she is dead why won't they stay dead, could it be that there is a higher power than the girl at work here and she was nothing more than a low level creature that could seem like she was in control. All these thoughts raced through Godric's mind as he stood there in the library like room waiting to see where the creature was coming from and what it would try to do.

The creature came from the hallway and was almost able to grab Godric, had the floor not creak below the creature when it had it probably would have succeeded in the attempt but having failed did not stop it pulling out its axe it lunged forward trying its best to strike Godric and take him down. Sweat dripped down Godric's face as he moved having little trouble dodging the creature due to it's lack of speed, no the sweat came from the creature before whatever the pink haired creature was, it took all he had to be able to take it down and now he was faced with another obstacle he just could not get a break every time he turned the corner something else was attacking him, he had not had a true moment's rest since he had arrived in this mansion and it was finally starting to take effect on his muscle not to mention the strain the unexplainable creatures were affecting his mind. The creature was not a very good aim with its blade so it was very easy for Godric to dodge its attacks without causing more strain on his body but still his body needed a break it needed time to rest, a couple of times the creature would get off a lucky strike and come close to hitting him forcing Godric to block them with his kunai which was more difficult than he had hoped it would be but still was enough to get the job done and prevent him from getting cut by the creature's axe.


29Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:13 am



Godric could not get the smell of the decaying flesh to leave his nostrils, it was so bad that it felt as if his nose was burning over an open fire, and the rotting flesh of the creature was the flames. Godric was having little trouble with dodging, or blocking when it was absolutely necessary, the creature's attacks in fact for the first time he was having a little fun with the creature called the draugr. It was weak slow and not something to hold a conversation with but it was something to do and honestly he was bored and he figured that this might be the closest thing to rest that he would get so he simply continued to dodge and block attacks laughing at the attempts the creature would try to make to take him down. With the creature being so slow in the beginning Godric did not really have to worry about moving to fast just fast enough to stay ahead of the blade, so he started bouncing ideas off the wall inside his head trying to figure out what would be the best way to deal with this creature once I figure out a way that would not cause more trouble than it was worth. The only good thing to come from this dodging of the axe while the creature tried to kill him was that with each swing of its axe the creature was creating a breeze as the axe sliced through the air. The slight breeze from the axe through it was quite refreshing considering the circumstances, but Godric could not keep this up for ever he knew that eventually the creature would grow tired and he could strike then but that was if he did not give out first considering how tired he already felt, it felt like his body could just give out at any second and he would be at the mercy of the creature of course he had already seen that there was no mercy at any of these attacks from this creature or any of the others he had faced so far. "Come on now is that really the best you got" Godric said mockingly to the creature as he continued to dodge the creature's attacks and laughed in the creature's face, "all your brothers that I killed put up a better fight than you" he added with a laugh curious to see if the creature would react to the berates but there was no change it was like talking to a brick wall. Despite the creature not responding to the berates however did not stop the berates from going out, Godric mocked the creature laughing and snorting the whole time he was dodging the creature's attacks he had spent a good twenty minutes alone dodging the creature and he had fun the whole time he was doing it, however in the back of his mind something clicked and he remembered that there were missing people and he needed to quit goofing off and get this work done so that he could continue his search for the missing people and hopefully get all of them and himself to safety far away from this cursed place. Godric could not help but to chuckle as the creature kept trying and trying to slice him just once and then the creature slowed as if something had happened and it ran out of juice, godric took this advantage to activate his yoso ken igniting his hands in flames, the flames would not burn him but would burn whatever he touched, it also added a little more light to the room. Godric got off a few good punches cause the creature to drop it's axe as he drove it backwards with his fist and soon had it down on the ground driving his fist into it's face until it stopped twitching.

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 147
Points Earned: 13+1=14
Chakra: 90/150


Rolling next encounter

30Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:13 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 67315

31Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:10 am



Standing up with his hands still ablaze with his katon chakra, Godric stood over the creature hearing the noise of grunting and what sounded like slow running coming down the hallway he had little chance to hide and with his hands covered in fire it would be like trying to hide an elephant behind a twig, he was never going to get time to rest at this point, so he decided to just take the creature on head on and hope it was not something that could kill him just yet. What came around the corner was yet another zombie creature, "Damn it how many of you fuckers are there?" Godric asked the creature though he knew he would not get a response this one reacted differently than the others had which strike Godric as odd, when it came around the corner and laid its eyes on Godric and the corpse of its fallen comrade it roared out in anger causing the room to shake. Godric was unsure if the creature's reaction was due to seeing it's fallen comrade or if it was due to seeing Godric's hands covered in fire either way the room shaking roar was mighty impressive and showed what no other zombie had shown, there was something interesting. The creature ran into the room its sword already drawn charging straight at Godric, dodging to the side he was able to just barely avoid the charging creature and turn in time to give it a nice solid punch to its side causing some minor burns along with the pain of the punch, that was assuming that the creature even felt pain he was not really sure on that considering he did not really know what they were or how they worked, he only knew the smell of death that came with them and the grunting noises they made, and now he learned about some kind of room rattling shout that the creature made which the previous had not made. Godric decided since this one had already shown him a sign of being interesting that he would put the interest to the test toying with him to see what was effective and what was not. The creature charged again only this time when Godric moved to dodge and let it run through it stopped pulling its sword back preparing it to swing at him, "oh no you don't" Godric said as he dove under the blade and struck the creature in the upper leg with his still fire covered fists, the creature did not shout out in pain so he was unsure if it could even feel pain but he could see the burn marks from his strikes the question will be how many of these types of strikes will it take to take this creature down? The creature brought its sword above its head bringing it down on Godric forcing him to dive backwards away from the creature landing on his hands doing a backwards flip off the ground before landing on his feet a few feet away from the creature, a smirk formed on Godric's face as he lifted one of his flaming hands into the air and motioned for the creature to come at him. The creature let out another roar that caused the room to shake around him and nearly causing Godric to lose his balance. The creature charged at him while his balance was thrown and tried once again to decapitate Godric causing him to duck to avoid the sword and striking the creature twice in the gut with his flaming fists, smiling at the burn marks that appeared as he dodged backwards yet again to dodge the blade of the creature. He knew he need to hurry and deal with this creature so that he could continue searching for the missing people but he was honestly beginning to believe that he may not find any of them alive, and after all that he had seen nobody could really blame him for believing that.

The creature came at him again stopping just before it reached where he was standing with his fist at the ready, before the creature could think of its attack Godric decided to attack first channeling a small amount of chakra into the bottom of his feet and using it to push himself off the ground and into the air just above what he could normally jump, and planting his fist straight into the side of the face of the creature knocking it backwards as he landed and continued his onslaught. Before the creature could regain its composure he went straight in and jabbed it in the chest a couple of times laughing as the burn marks grew and it tumbled backwards landing on its back Godric decided not to do what he had been doing and let the creature stand up, if it could, before continuing with his attacks, this creature was starting to be a real interest for Godric. The creature finally got to its feet and let out another roar only this time the room did not shake, "hmm interesting" Godric said aloud mostly to himself wondering why the room did not shake when the creature had roared. The creature charged at him pulling its sword back as it ran and prepared it for it to swing as it came at him, so going to try to bull rush me huh we will see about that Godric thought as he prepared himself with his chakra still on his feet, just before the creature reached him he launched himself into the air and did a flip over the creature as it ran under him once he landed he spun around quickly and prepared himself for his next strike at the creature charging at it while it's back was still turned Godric began his attack striking it in the back four times before knocking it to the ground. Godric let the creature stand up one last time before he started with his next onslaught that he knew would finish off the creature because he would not hold anything back this time. As the creature stood Godric dropped himself into his Guren stance, this whole time he had been fighting improv which as he learned was the best to use when in a situation like he was, but this time he knew Guren would be the best choice to take down this creature. As the creature came at him he was ready and with a quick defensive strike against the creature he was able to take it down with a single uppercut, laughing slightly as he sat and watched the creature's leg twitch slightly he walked over and kicked the body to see if it was dead and got no reaction out of it.

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 88
Points Earned: 14+1=15
Chakra: 80/150

32Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 7:10 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 67316

33Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:43 pm




Laughter filled the room although it was different than the laugh of the little girl he had faced earlier this was a different darker more evil laugh that sent a chill down Godric's spine. What was that Godric asked himself as he began looking around for the source of the laughter, when he saw a shadow move over in the far corner but he did not see a body move just a shadow on the wall. "What was that?" Godric asked aloud though he did not really expect a response from anything he was mostly asking himself aloud in a way to attempt to figure out what was going on in this house, ever since he had entered this place nothing but strangeness happened to him, all the creatures he had seen so far the little girl the fire demon, the pink haired woman, the bird woman and the zombie like creatures were enough to drive someone insane but for Godric he was already insane and so these creatures were just strange and interesting to him. "mwahahaha" the bone chilling laughter came again and sent a shiver down his spine yet again, he was getting goosebumps and he was full of excitement as the thought of something interesting was about to happen again. "well well well what do we have here?" came the same bone chilling voice that produced the laugh from behind where Godric was standing. Flipping around as fast as he could all he saw was the wall with a shadow on it presumably his own, but then the shadow began to move before taking form in a long black cloak that Godric could not see into its hood. "What are you?" Godric asked his voice shaking as he asked the question, the creature was something he just could not had imagined it was rather large but the only thing he could see was the hands which looked like boney old man fingers with the nails pointed on them, other than that its entire body was covered in a large black cloak and the hood was darker than the night itself with Godric unable to see into it. "Nah uh" came the chilling voice from behind the cloak shaking a boney finger in the air as he spoke, "I asked you first". The creature looked as if it was floating in the air not even touching the ground its cloak hovering just above the ground and there was nothing touching the ground underneath it, Godric's thoughts were cut short by the bone chilling voice of the creature, "I said what do we have here?" the creature voice almost seemed as if it was getting annoyed that Godric had not answered its question. "I.. I'm... I'm Go...Godric" Godric finally managed to force out, his voice trembling as he spoke what kind of creature was this he wondered to himself. "Alright now I shall answer your question, as far as what I am I have been called many things but my favorite is 'Shade'!" the creature responded with enthusiasm throwing his arms out and tilting downward in a mocking bow. "Now answer me this Godric, Why are you here? and I expect the truth I can tell if someone is lying to me." the creature said in a cold condescending voice like a father telling his son to tell him the truth. Godric stood up straight facing fully at the creature before he started to speak, "The Daimyo sent me to investigate the disturbance with this village and find the people that have gone missing" Godric told the creature the truth besides what harm would the truth do anyways by the end of this conversation Godric planned to kill the creature anyways so it did not matter what he said to it. "My turn, Do you know where the people that went missing are?" The creature hovered back and forth in front of Godric almost in a pace type manner for a few seconds until, "Yes I do know" the creature responded, "Where are.." Godric began however he was cut off before he could finish the question by the creature raising its hand and ticking its finger back and forth like a disappointed father. "You do not get two questions!" the creature shouted from underneath the hood of its cloak, "Now Why would you be choosen to find all of these missing people out of everyone in the country?" the creature asked and to be honest Godric was surprised by the level of information that the creature already had, perhaps he interviewed everyone that had come here or maybe there was no one else here maybe they have all been killed by now.


34Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:19 pm



Godric thought about whether or not he should tell the creature the truth or if he should lie and tell him that he was the only one, but then the thought of if this creature could read his mind like the little girl had been able to do or if it really could tell if someone was lying to it. "Well I am not the only one that was sent" Godric said as he watched the creature as it hovered in front of him, "how many was sent?" the creature asked and this time Godric mocked the creature raising his hand into the air and ticking it back and forth, "uh uh, it's my turn remember" Godric said with a chuckle this game was getting him information and he needed that, "Where are the missing people?" Godric questioned the creature that referred to itself as Shade. "hahaha" the creature larged its entire large body shaking as it laughed at Godric before resuming its hovering pace and answering his question, "The people you have been looking for are all gone, dead every last one of them" it said with a laugh its body shaking with the laugh again. "you are lying!" Godric called out to the creature causing it to stop laughing and from under the hood Godric saw fire burning from underneath it causing a sense of dread to come over him. "You dare call me a liar!" the creature bellowed elevating up higher into the air, "how dare a mere mortal like you insult me by calling me a liar!" it seemed that Godric had angered the creature to the point that he was sure that the creature would surely attack him and take him out of something. "Alright, alright no need to get upset I am sorry I called you a liar it was my mistake please forgive me ask your next question" Godric said hoping he could get some more information from the creature before he had to kill the creature but it seemed as if the creature was not to be calmed down, "No! there will be no more games of questions!" the Creature shouted out "I am done with games and I am done with you it is time that you join the others that have come before you, do not worry you will not be alone long those that follow in your footsteps and come into this house will soon join you in the afterlife as all shall that face me." The creature came at him and Godric was sure that it was going to try and kill him, Godric dove off to the right dodging the creature as it charged him, "Now now, can't we resolve this without fighting?" Godric pleaded with the creature trying his best to try and get more information out of the creature before he would be forced to kill the creature he needed more information so that he may find out about where the missing people were so he could get them the hell out of there.

"No! No more questions no more games it is time for you to die!" the creature said as it charged at him again with its bony fingers outstretched in front of him trying to strangle him or do something to him. Godric waited until the creature was right on top of him, feeling the cold fingers of the creature wrap around his arms and then released the built up chakra that he had stored in his body letting out his chakra electrocuting the creature causing it to release its grip on him and cry out in pain. Godric wasted no time at all using this as a distraction Godric charged at the creature launching himself into the air before spinning himself around and delivering a roundhouse to the creature's face before landing on the ground in front of it with a smirk on his face. With the creature still falling backwards Godric continued to use it to his advantage and continue his onslaught against the creature and hopefully kill it before it was able to regain its composure. Godric's onslaught brought the creature down from its hovering position above the ground and forcing it to the ground before pulling his kunai out of his pouch and than he began stabbing it over and over again in its chest until the creature's bony fingers stopped twitching and lied still signally to Godric that it was no longer a threat.

Normal Creature: 1600/1600 Defeated
Words Remaining: 29
Points Earned: 15+2=17
Chakra: 70/150

35Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 11:19 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 67315

36Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 15, 2015 12:45 am



Sweat dripped down Godric's brow as he stood over the creature his kunai still trembling in his hand, as he went to move away from the creature it burst into flames before turning straight into ash. It took a minute for Godric to catch his breath it was the first time since he entered this dreadful place that he had the chance to do so, he was out of breath he had been pushing himself to hard to try and find all the missing people if there was even anyone to find that was, and now after what the creature had told him and the way he responded to being called a liar Godric was finding it harder and harder to believe that anyone could survive this place, if they did happen to survive it would be a miracle. Godric's mind was racing with thoughts of what else might inhabit this cursed place, and what else he might have to go against in order to find those that have survived not to mention fighting to survive himself. Everything that he had seen so far was enough to send the poor boy over the edge, consider he was so close to the edge to begin with ever since he was forced to kill Rukasu but he could of never imagined creatures the likes of which he probably would not believe someone if they had told him about them without seeing them for himself. The demons and monsters of this land were truly something to marvel and almost unbelievable, no one he told about this would believe him unless they too were stuck in this dreadful abomination called a village, if he could only find the missing civilians they would be able to calibrate his story and prove that it was not the ramblings of a crazy man or some lunatic. He was filled with his second wind, he knew that the only way anyone would ever believe him about something like this would be if someone else witnessed the creatures and the horrors of this land that would drive those insane, he had to find someone if not all of them just so that the people he told about all of this would believe him and not send him away to some insane asylum or something.

Godric could not help himself thinking like this it was just something that happened it popped into his head and it just kept going, this was not just trying to find someone to prove he was not insane, nor was he trying to find them for a reward from the Daimyo, he was searching for them for one reason and one reason only. He was doing this because he knew that this is what Rukasu would have done if he was the one to have survived the fight, that was one of Rukasu best quality, he cared about those not just in his family or friend circle he had plans to help the world to make it better and to heal it, he was going to lead the clan into this new world and together they would bring peace to the world once and for all. That is what drove Godric to be the best in the world it was the only way that he could see to it that Rukasu's dream for the world did not die with him and that one day the world would know the peace that Rukasu had wished for it to have. Godric's attention was brought back to reality by the sound of rattling in the distance, could it be one of the missing people? or was it another monster that would try to kill him? He was not sure how much more he could go through before he fell to one of these creatures, but as long has he was capable of it he refused to give up he would fight until his last breath if he had to but he would not give up. Godric pushed himself up off the ground and looked up and down the hallway there were still a few rooms left on this floor that he had not searched through yet and there was no telling how many more he would have to search through before he had searched them all, this place was so large it was impossible for him to know how much longer he was going to have to search but the fact remained that he had no choice but to continue his search of this giant mansion and find anyone he could if he could find anyone that is and get them out of here at the very least.


37Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:31 am



Godric knew he had been using too much chakra and if he continued using it at the rate he was using it he would soon run out, so he decided to try his best not to waste his chakra and only use it if absolutely necessary which he hoped that it would not come to that. If he was lucky he could just take the creatures out physically and not have to resort to using his chakra, that is if he was lucky which for a while now he had considered himself very unlucky but who knows this could be the turning point of his luck, this could be the day that his luck changed and he was able to defeat every monster that comes in his path and find every one of the missing people and get them out of there and to safety but he could not give up if he wanted to achieve that so he had to push on and continue his search of the mansion. The rattling noise came again from the room across the hall from where the creature he had just killed was sitting in now nothing but ash, the noise could be anything from a creature holding a chain weapon to a prisoner chained to the wall but they were not making any noise to try and call for help of course they might not know anyone was in there searching for them. Of course he could call out to them but if they were guarded by a creature or if the noise was a creature and not one of the missing people he would have spoiled his one chance to take it by surprised. He had to make a choice, "Hey is anyone in there?" he called out in a high whisper but no response came from the room, he tried one more time to call out to the whoever or whatever was in the room "Hello, are you there? I am hear to help I promise I will not hurt you" he said slightly louder than before. This time a response did come in the form of the chain rattling louder and harder than before and then the sound of grunting just before the door burst open and out popped a creature that he wish it was not, the zombie like creature stood across the hall from the young shinobi looking at him with its cold dead blue eyes that burned like a fire into his soul and gave him chills. The creature did not concern him he had faced creatures like this one already and knew enough about them to know that they were not a true threat to him and were too slow to present a problem so he relaxed slightly as he stepped out of the room and into the hallway, twisting the kunai in his hand as he crouched down to his Guren stance holding the kunai in the back hand in a reverse grip so that the blade was pointed towards his back instead of pointing out in front of him before raising his front hand and motioning the creature to bring it.

The creature charged at him coming at full force at Godric as a smile formed on his face he knew the creature did not stand a chance against him and yet he could not help but be happy with the face that he was going to take the creature down without having to waste any chakra and that was all that mattered right now, due to the fact that he needed to make sure he had the strength to get himself and the other missing people if there were any alive out of here. As the creature came at him Godric slide his back leg backwards and parried its charge laughing slightly as he did so, throwing a punch to the creature's back causing it to tumble forward slightly losing its balanced before hitting the wall. Godric laughed as the creature backed away from the wall and shaking its head before turning around and facing him again, Godric was still in the defensive Guren stance and waited there for the creature to make a move and would just react to it in a way to save his energy. The creature pulled out its sword before charging at him once again, as it got close the creature raised its sword to bring it down on top of Godric, switching his stance quickly to bring his hand holding the kunai to the front and raising it to block the blade of the creature it was not difficult but it was not easy either he had the strength to deflect the attack but at the same time the kunai he was holding was small and trying to keep the creature's blade from slipping past and slicing his arm he had to quickly push the creature back so that he could get a better approach at it. As the creature fell back Godric jumped into the air bringing his kunai down on the creature's head, however it was not enough to kill the creature but it did cause it to drop its blade. Godric was not a swordsman but he knew that he could use it to kill the creature using both hands to pick up the creatures blade and while the creature was still stunned from his original attack drove the blade through its chest.

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 526
Points Earned: 17+1= 18
Chakra: 70/150

Next Roll

38Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 15, 2015 2:31 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 67316

39Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 15, 2015 4:28 am



"Why must you continue to fight boy?" came a woman's voice from across the hall, Godric did a quick one eighty and laying his eyes on a young woman who looked completely blue with spiked white hair. A chill ran down Godric's spine not just from the sight of the woman but it seemed as if the temperature dropped several degrees in the entire house, "Who are you?" Godric asked the woman hoping that she would not be like the cloaked creature who insisted on playing a question game and then got mad when he spoke out of turn, a chilling laughter came for the woman that caused the chill to return to Godric's spine. "I am Veronica and my master has sent me to find you, you have been causing quite a fuss" the creature spoke with a chilling smile, "especially when you killed the little lady of the house, Master was most upset by this little lady was his favorite and now you also killed the old man so I have been sent here to kill you" the creature ended with a shrilling laugh that returned the goosebumps to Godric's skin. "Who is your master?" Godric asked the creature hoping to find out more about the creature and its so called master, "oh no I am sorry boy I am not like the old man I don't play the question game or anything like that, I gloat and I kill that is about it" she said with her chilling smiling shining through the shadows. "If you want to know about the master you will have to find and talk to him but first you would have to get past me, which I do not see happening so to bad for you maybe in another life" she laughed. The blue skinned woman slowly walked out of the other room and into the room where Godric stood smiling the entire time she approached him, the temperature of the room dropped even more as the creature got closer to him what was it about this creature that seemed to draw all the heat out of the room, even more so it was as if the heat was being pulled out of him as well. "Well if you do not want to tell me about your master will you at least tell me one thing?" Godric asked the creature quickly backing up slightly to keep some distance between himself and the young woman, "where are the people that have gone missing?" the woman stopped walking forward at Godric's question as if she was surprised by it, "Why did you come here?" the creature asked the young shinobi her voice no longer shrilled instead dark and full of hatred as if her entire personality was changed from before, there was no laughter in her voice and there was more than just a chill down his spine, it was almost like the voice of the cloaked figure and how it made goosebumps all over his body. "I am here looking for the people that have gone missing" Godric said as he readied himself for the creature to attack, "how do you know about that? tell me everything" the creature said in a hurried but firm voice that told Godric that if he did not listen to the creature his death would be slow and painful, Godric was not particularly scared of the creature but he might be able to get information out of it like he had the cloaked figure and find out more about what he was up against. "Word was sent out this place appeared out of nowhere and then the original people that had come here to investigate the sudden appearance of this place went missing and now I am here to find them and to find out what happened to them on top of what this place is and where it came from and why." Godric said as he watched the creature waiting for visual cues that the creatures would attack so that he would be prepared. Godric was honest with the creature just as he had been with the cloaked creature, he just chose to leave some of the details out like the fact that it was sent to every shinobi in the world and that there would probably be more coming in search of the people as well that is if they were not here already searching in different parts of the village that had appeared out of the shadows of the night. The creature let out a laugh before dancing a little around the room and ending with a curtsy and smiling at the young shinobi, "Well aren't you the brave one coming here all alone to take on all the big bad monsters that go bump in the night" the creature laughed, "to bad it's time for your little trip to come to an end."


40Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:07 am



The creature slammed her hands together for only a split second, before thrusting her left hand forward and the next thing Godric knew he was flying backwards and hitting the ground pretty hard. Whatever it was that the creature just did it hurt and it knocked the wind out of him, Godric felt pain all over his body looking around he saw small cuts starting to form on his arms and hands it had to be from the creature's attack as they were not there a second ago. The creature's attack reminded him a lot of his fight with Rukasu, he had the wind element and had used a very similar if not the same attack against him in their fight with each other..

"Come on Godric, get into stance so we can get this party started" Rukasu's voice echoed in his head, "I am not going to fight you Rukasu, I do not see why they think we have to fight?" Godric said as he stood across from his best friend in the middle of the arena looking up to the stands surrounding the arena at the spot where the council sat waiting to see the fight that they wanted so much. "we have no choice but to fight, it is either we fight or they just kill us both" Rukasu said with a sigh, "they knew the prophecy when we were born, they knew it would come to this where we would have no choice but to fight each other and yet they let us become friends, why do you think that is Godric?" Rukasu asked. "because they are sick and they think it is fun" Godric responded, "No, it is to make this hard, this will probably be the hardest fight in our entire life, why? because we are friends, they wanted to ensure that the strongest one would win because only the strongest one of us would be able to do what needs to be done and deliver the final blow." Rukasu said looking at Godric with sad eyes. "you are stronger than me Rukasu, I can not, no I will not fight you!" Godric yelled across the arena, "Then you will make the choice that much easier" Rukasu said as he closed his eyes and slammed his hands together, when he opened his eyes there was a fire behind them something that Godric had never seen in him before. Rukasu then thrusted his right hand forward sending a burst of wind at him sending him flying backwards landing on the arena floor 5 meters from where he was standing with the wind knocked out of him from the impact.

Godric's thoughts were brought back to reality by the laughter of the creature, "what's wrong there kid, did you finally decide to give up?" the creature asked with a laugh. Godric snapped back and was on his feet in no time at all, "I will not give up" Godric said remembering his last words to Rukasu and the promise he made to his mother about returning for her. "oh so we got some new fire behind those eyes" the creature laughed as she mocked Godric pushing his angry to its brink, he wanted to take the creature out fast but he did not want to waste his chakra, he had to to think of something but the question was what? The woman prepared for another attack and Godric decided to act fast, he launched himself forward rolling as he hit the ground getting up close to the creature stabbing his kunai into the creature's chest as she looked into his eyes as the life left hers.

Normal Monster: 1600/1600 Defeated
Words Remaining: 370
Points Earned: 18+2=20
Chakra: 70/150


41Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 15, 2015 6:07 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 67316

42Investigating the Unknown (Solo) - Page 2 Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Thu Nov 19, 2015 10:40 pm



Godric stood there holding his kunai into the creature watching its eyes as the life from them faded, and suddenly he was thrown back by a strong gust of wind that seemingly came out of nowhere. "You will pay for that!" came a voice from down the hall, Godric looked up to see who was talking, who it was that blew him away but all he could see was a bright light coming from behind a silhouette of man, or at least what he assumed was a man walking towards him from down the hall. As the silhouette got to the creature it stopped walking and knelt down to the corpse and pulled the kunai out of the creature throwing it across the room away from Godric and did something to its face that Godric could not really see. The new creature then turned its attention upon Godric, standing quickly and resuming its approach on the young shinobi. Godric jumped to his feet he was not sure what he was going to do against the creature but he was going to have to think of something fast, the creature wasted no time closing the gap that was between the two of them in a matter of seconds and it was not until the creature was only a few feet away from him that the silhouette died out and Godric was finally able to see what it was that would be his next opponent. He had been right it was indeed a man, of sorts, he had the same pale blue skin as the woman creature had and the same white spiked hair however it was shorter than that of the woman. "You dare enter my house and kill my beloved?" The man asked questionably, "Now hang..." Godric began but his words were caught in his throat as the creature looked upon Godric with fire behind his eyes, "I did not give you permission to speak, you insignificant little worm" the creature said with venom spewing from his lips as he spoke. Godric tried to protest to the creature however he found himself unable to speak, he did not understand why he could not speak whether if be from the creature's aura or whether it had casted a jutsu on him but no matter how hard he would try to say something anything he could not get a single word to leave his throat.

"I should just kill you right here as you stand" the creature said as he paced back and forth in front of where Godric stood, Godric went to try to move towards the creature and found himself unable to move his body on top of not being able to speak, "But.. where would the fun be in that?" the creature went on snickering slightly as he looked back towards Godric before stopping. "alright kid, I will give you one chance, give me a reason not to kill you if you think you can convince me then I will let you live, if not then I am afraid you will die." Godric's muscles loosened and he realized that whatever hold the creature had put him in had vanished and he could move again, which probably meant he could talk as well, which considering what the creature had said would make sense, he was suppose to plead his case with the creature to avoid death but why was it that the creature was so sure that it could beat him other than the fact that he had been facing creatures since he had arrived in this crazy place and he was not sure how much longer he could keep going anyways. What am I going to do? Godric thought to himself as he watched the creature, knowing that if he made a move of aggression towards the creature it would probably strike and his kunai was at the other end of the hallway. "Alright how about this, I came here to find the people who have gone missing the creatures I have kill either would not help me in my search or stood in the way of my search" Godric was not even sure where he was going with what he was saying but he figured maybe he could talk the creature down and maybe find a weak spot on it or something, "So now you will be given the same choice I gave your beloved, Tell me where the people are or die" Godric said ending with a bit of finality in his voice hoping that his little speech sold to the creature, but before he knew what happened the entire room went black and the next thing he knew he was standing in an open field and the village was gone.

~Exit Thread
~20 points total

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