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1Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:35 pm



Rain why did it have to be raining? Godric thought to himself as he slowly walked through the dark ran down village there was no one in sight and the village was so run down that it looked as if there had not been anyone inside the village and a very long time. The Village was dark yet the moonlight gave him more than enough light to see, the village seemed to have a very ominous feeling to it and it became more ominous as he approached the giant house at the top of the hill at the very end of the street. Just have to hurry and get into the house out of the rain and see what the big deal is all about. A few days ago he saw a notice posted for all to see that someone was looking for people to investigate this dark and dreary place, the letter was written in a hurry and requested immediate action as this entire village had appeared out of nowhere in the center of this country and now people who had originally gone into the village investigate it have gone missing and the Daimyo needed all those available to go in and find out what happened to them. Of course there was a great risk to this mission and it could end up getting him killed but that is exactly why Godric decided to come here, the thought of a new and exciting challenge was what he strives for a way to test his abilities and the thought of seeing things that he had never seen before intrigued him more than he knew. Everyone in the country was scared of this place and no matter how many people he talked to they all said the same thing, Monsters creatures of unimaginable origin that is completely impossible but still here he was out in search for these things that he didn't believe existed and for all those that had gone missing, what are you doing here? He thought to himself as he stepped onto the old rickety porch stepping out of the rain for the first time in almost a day in a half, Finally he thought as he removed the hood of his cloak and taking a look around the mansion was huge and despite the fact that it looked old it still looked decently maintained which was rather shocking to Godric he had never seen something look old but still in decent condition, it was in much better condition than that of the village in which it sat in adding to that fact this mansion of a home looked as if it were lived in, yet not a soul seemed to be in this place nor the village which was very odd and it smelled worse than anything that he had ever smelt before. As he approached the door of the giant house they slowly creeped open on their own opening the pathway into the mansion without him even having to touch the door, Godric was intrigued by this occurrence as it was something odd no one was on the inside of the entry way and after doing a quick check to cover his bases he noted that no one was hiding behind either of the doors so the fact that they opened up all on their own was rather strange. Godric made a mental note to add this to his investigation report to the Daimyo upon completion of his task, but now he needed to determine the whereabouts of the missing civilians and the mystery of this giant mansion in the middle of a deserted village that popped up out of thin air.


2Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:40 pm



Rolling First Encounter

3Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:40 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67316

4Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:32 am



Godric stood in the entry way of the Mansion looking around there was so many different rooms to search and the hallways seemed to go on forever, there was a staircase off to his left but he decided it would be best to fully search this floor before moving up to the next who knew what was in here for all he knew some of the civilians could be here on this level and he needed to find what else if anything was on this floor he would hate for someone or something to sneak up behind him and catch him off guard, Going to have to be extra careful from here on in if I don't want to end up dead Godric thought to himself as he took a step forward and headed for the room on his right. As he stepped into the room the fireplace on the opposite wall sprang to life, lighting up the entire room, the room itself was rather elegant and despite the dust and cobwebs all over the place with the fire lit it seemed rather cozy. The room looked empty yet Godric knew looks could be deceiving and decided to give the room a closer look, leave no stone unturned so to speak.

As he walked through the room he could hear the floor creaking and straining under his weight, it wasn't really surprising considering no one had probably stepped foot in this house in many years aside from those who have gone missing. The room looked to be that of a entertainment room where the hosts would have parties and the guest would comengal with one another, wonder if they did masquerades parties Godric thought to himself as he continued around the room. Aside from a few chairs and other furniture the room was empty even after a closer look and searching behind all of the furniture, but as Godric turned and headed back for the entry way to head for the next room he heard a strange crackling come from the fireplace behind him. Taking another step he heard it again it was different than that of the floor creaking under him and he didn't hear the noise when he first looked around it but now as he tried to leave the fire made unusual noises, as he turned to look back at the fireplace he saw nothing strange about it and he did not see anything inside the fire that would cause it to make the noise, hump I am letting all the stories about this place get to me Godric thought as he shook his head and turned back to head out of the room and as he took another step the noise came again.

This is no coincidence Godric thought as he turned back to face the fire to see yet again that there was nothing strange about it or its surroundings. Godric took a step towards the fire but nothing happened then while still facing the fire he took a step back and that was when he saw it, the fire sparked in such an unusual manner that it was as if something was inside of it trying to get out or having trouble burning, but why is it only happening when I take a step towards the door? Godric asked himself as he continued to watch the flames from the fireplace. Godric took another step towards the fireplace still nothing happened and then when he backed up yet again he saw the same type of strange spark, this is ridiculous he thought to himself walking quickly up to the fireplace, there has to be something in the fire and I am just stepping back at the sametime it is popping from the fire, he thought trying to figure out a way to solve this unexplained occurrence with the fireplace.


5Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:17 am



The Fireplace looked as though it was just a normal everyday old as hell fireplace and there was nothing inside the fire that could cause the noise or the spark that he had seen when he took a step back. "This is so Strange" Godric said aloud hearing the sound of his voice echo through the emptiness of the mansion, "What is going on here?" Godric gave the fireplace one final look over before shaking his head, "I must be losing it" he said as he turned around and headed back towards the doorway, as he got closer to the doorway he heard the noise again only it seemed to get louder and more intense the closer he got to the doorway. He turned back to look at the fire which seemed to be much larger than it was less than a minute before, at this point he was about 5 feet away from the doorway with his eyes still locked onto the fireplace he took a step back and watched as the fire sparked and grew even larger, his eyes widened at the sight of the enlarged flames coming from the fireplace this was indeed very very strange and yet at the sametime it was almost beautiful. The fire didn't scare him he loved fire anything was better than that of the rain outside, but still he wondered why it was that the fire grew as he attempted to leave the room.

Godric took one final step back towards the doorway and his eyes could not believe what it was that happened next, the fire sprung to life large and more intense than ever before and then something came out of it. The being that emerged from the fire was unlike anything he had ever seen in his life, the creature looked like it had the body of a woman yet it was made completely out of fire and it hovered slightly above the floor as if floating leaving a trail of fire as it floated around the room, "Well now what do we have here?" Godric question the creature wondering if it would or if it even could answer him. No reply came from the creature it just hovered slightly above the ground and made a figure eight as it floated in front of the fireplace with its fiery eyes locked onto him. How the hell am I going to fight something made out of fire Godric thought to himself as he watched the strange creature from the same spot he stood when it emerged from the fireplace unsure of what he should do if he tried to strike at it like a normal person he would probably get burned, of course that was assuming he could even get close enough to throw a punch at it from the look of the fire trail that the creature was leaving behind on the floor that it is not even touching it was giving off some major heat. Maybe if I step forward it will disappear or something Godric thought taking a deep breath before taking a small step forward, it was then that he realized that was a mistake for as soon as he took that step the creature attacked it was fast and if Godric had not been paying attention he probably be barbecue right now. As Godric stepped forward the creature unleashed a blast of fire from its mouth heading straight at him, dodging quickly to the left Godric was able to barely miss the flame and avoided the injury that the fire would of surely caused.

Thinking as fast as he could Godric performed a quick string of hand seals before three lightning rods sprang to life around him and hovered there before he unleashed them at the creature one after another traveling straight into the creature. The spears hit their mark with ease and the creature didn't even have time to move out of the way as they traveled too fast for it to dodge, one after the other the spears pierced into the creature and it appeared to do the job the creature cried out in pain before the fire that made its body slowly began to ember and it drift to the ground, "it's over" Godric said as he watched the creature drift down. As the creature hit the ground there was a sudden explosion something that Godric had not expected, the blast blew him backwards straight into the back wall hitting it with so much force that it gave him a headache but it didn't knock him out.

Normal Creature: 1600/1600 Defeated
Words Remaining: 434
Points Earned: 2

Jutsu (135/150):

Going Ahead with the next Encounter

Last edited by Godric on Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:02 am; edited 2 times in total

6Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:17 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67315

7Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:20 am



Godric shook his head as he stood back up, the blast had came out of nowhere and it seemed as though that the creature was the cause. Looking around the room he saw that the entire room had been covered in ash from the blast including himself, as he dusted himself off he noticed that the furniture had also been blown away from where they previously were, that is to say the pieces of furniture that remained at least. He saw the burned carcass of the creature lying on the floor where it had fallen, and as he approached it he saw that it was nothing more than ash that had retained the form of the creature for as soon as he touched it the ash fell to the ground as if the creature had never been there. This was indeed interesting this creature which he had never seen anything like it was made out of pure fire yet he was able to strike it down with his Javelins with little trouble yet he was not expecting the explosion that occurred when the creature hit the ground which might explain why the creature hovered above the ground, still if he had not seen the creature with his own eyes he would not believe it to be real and he doubted anyone else would believe him either. Now is no time to think about the impossible thing that he had just witnessed he still needed to find the missing people and then hopefully get the hell out of here.

As he stood back up straight he heard yet another noise only this time it came from the hall, "what was that?" Godric said aloud to himself as his eyes moved towards the door way it was possible that it could be the house settling after all it did just appear out of thin air and was as old as shit it was still possible or maybe he would be lucky and it be one of the missing people he had come to find. Godric held his breath as he heard the noise come again, it was clearly footsteps and they were getting closer but they were not in any hurry to get to him they seemed to move slow almost dragging across the floor, yet when they moved Godric could hear the floor creaking below them just as it did when he walked across it, That's some good news I guess Godric thought to himself with a little relief that it was not another fire demon that floated above the ground and would explode when it hit, he really did not want to see another one of those again. The Creaking of the floor continued to grow louder as whatever was causing them to happen got closer and closer to the room in which Godric now stood, he was unsure if it was another strange and abnormal creature like the fire demon he just faced or a civilian but he was sure that he was not going to take any chances with it no matter what it was. Slowly dropping into his Guren Stance Godric prepared himself for whatever might come around that corner, he could not let his guard down if he wanted to get out of here alive let alone find any of the missing people that somehow got themselves lost or even trapped in this dark and evil place full of death and decay. The floor boards creaked ever louder as the creature or person got closer to the room until finally it reached the doorway and Godric got his first look at it, and what he saw made his heart drop into his stomach and he almost could not believe his own eyes surely this was some kind of trick or maybe he had finally gone insane after that bump on his head he got from hitting the wall when the last creature exploded and almost took him with it to the grave.


8Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:54 am



Godric almost couldn't believe his eyes the creature standing before him just as impossible as that of the creature before only this one smelled of death and decay maybe this is the cause of the smell of the house Godric thought to himself as he watched it from across the room. The creature looked almost human with the exception of its shullen face and the fact that it also looked dead, but that was impossible he thought as he continued to watch it, it did not seem to have noticed him yet maybe it was blind or maybe it had just came to investigate the noise. It wore clothing unlike the last creature and if it had not been for the face and the greyish skin color Godric would of thought it human, Godric took a slow small step forward remaining in the Guren Stance hoping he might be able to get close enough to get a better look at it but as he took the step the floor beneath him creaked and the creature turned to face him. The question of whether it was blind or not was answered rather quickly as it looked at him Godric saw is blue cold dead eyes looking back at him and then the expression of the creature changed almost in an instant as it drew a small sword from behind its back and started towards him, much faster than it had been walking down the hall but still rather slow compared to himself it should not be hard to avoid its weapon and dispose of it Godric thought as he monitored its movements towards him. Godric did his best to keep a good distance between himself and the creature however that proved to be hard as the room was so small, Godric dove across the room to the right side opposite of where he had been and he noticed that the creature took some time before turning to face him again and charging yet again at a really slow pace, how odd he thought to himself as a plan came to him on how to rid himself of this abomination to God. Godric waiting until the creature got a little closer to him and was in the middle of raising its weapon above its head to swing at him before he jumped out of the way once again only this time once he had gotten to the other wall he darted along it to get to the opposite corner to where he now stood directly behind the creature albeit still some distance between them more so than would of been there if he stayed where he had originally dodged to. The creature seemed to be angry at this point roaring a horrible roar that made the stink of it worsen, and Godric did not even believe that was possible, as it turned to face him is when he decided to strike. Moving as fast as he could he darted straight at the creature just before reaching it he leaped up into the air and performed a front flip extending his right leg out and bringing it down on the creature's head before landing in front of it and jumping backwards just as the sword of the creature swung across almost getting him if it had been any faster it would have. The creature did not go down from the blow instead it seemed as if it got more annoyed than before Roaring out again before coming towards Godric with it's blade at the ready. He needed to end this and fast and there was only one thing he knew to do as the creature came forward he waited for the right moment before diving across the room again only this time instead of moving away from the creature he moved straight for it coming up at it's side before it had a chance to turn to face him and striking it with all he had yet it was still not enough, "Damn It!" he shouted aloud as he tried to figure out what he was going to do to stop it. That was when the creature brought its blade down, moving quickly Godric was able to catch the blade in between his hands just above his head, This is going to hurt he thought as he strained to keep the creature from being able to move the blade away from him or down into his skull. The idea came quick and Godric moved with even more quickness as he struggled to pull the blade away from the creature by the blade held between his hands, once it was loose from the creature's grip Godric quickly spun tossing the blade slightly into the air as he did so before grabbing it and driving it through the creature bringing it down for the count.

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 716
Points Earned: 2+1=3
Chakra: 135/150

Rolling Next encounter.

9Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 2:54 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67316

10Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:44 am



The creature fell to the floor with it's blade sticking up out of it's chest, it was clear to Godric that these creature's though slightly terrifying are not as durable as that of a normal person and it seemed that they did not speak at least not the two that he encountered. The body of the dead creature lay at his feet and upon closer inspection, now that he was not in any danger he saw that the clothes looked like something one would find in a museum nowadays old at least a hundred years, which of course would explain the smell of the creature and at least it was not one of those that had gone missing. The blade was a simple Tanto and looked just as old as the creature that wielded it, yet it was still sharp enough to cut through flesh and it was completely without any rust. Of course if it was not that he was in this strange predicament he would be rather interested in this strangeness with the sword but for now he needed to focus on the task at hand he needed to deal with whatever other strange creature that inhabit this odd place and find those that have gone missing and get out as soon as he can. Godric peered around the room to make sure nothing else was going to come out at him looking over to the fire place to see that it had died down but was still going enough to light the entirety of the room, there was nothing left for him in here and so he turned and headed for the door it was time to move to the next room and hope that maybe he would not encounter more creatures that would give him a heart attack. As he exited the room he looked around to try to make sure there was nothing waiting in the hallway for him to exit and surprise him with another attack, the hall was empty yet there was still an ominous presence roaming around the mansion it was clear to Godric that there was still darkness in this place and there was nothing that he could do other then try to deal with it in his own way, which of course was killing anything and everything he encountered that was not one of the civilians he was sent in to recover. Godric moved straight across the hall to the door right next to the staircase and flung the doors open this room seemed to be a dining area and had candles lit all over the room, how odd he thought to himself wondering if the candles had sprung to life like the fireplace in the other room had or if someone had intentionally lit them. If someone did in fact light them then why and if they had sprung to life on their own like the fireplace that brought into question how. This room like the one before appeared empty but as he learned from the previous room, that could change in an instance, so he remained on his guard as he stepped into the room not knowing what if any traps awaited for him inside. The table was covered in a white cloth and it draped down all the way to the floor so not wanting to be grabbed at by yet another unexplainable monster the first thing he did when he got into the room was look under the the table cloth seeing that there was nothing there he continued to look around the room.


11Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:59 am



The sound of clanking drew his attention to the opposite wall on which a door to another room stood, considering that this was an old timey mansion Godric assumed that it would be the kitchen what was it that was in there he wondered as he slowly approached the door. Godric slowly pushed the door open just a crack to peer inside seeing that it was indeed the kitchen like he had suspected and was able to see what it was that was making all the racket and to his amazement he saw an rather deformed and disgusting looking creature that looked to be a cross between a human and a bird, nothing surprising there he thought to himself, considering the other two that he had already witness this creature was almost normal he wondered if it would be capable of speech or if like the previous two was unable to or chose not too. It looked to be standing over a fire or something that was casting light and shadows to dance across the walls of the room, and the smell coming from the kitchen was more unbearable than that of the rotting corpse or whatever it was in the other room and it looked as if the creature was creating something with whatever it was that it was standing in front of. Godric was not sure if there were any other strange creatures in this room but he grew impatient with waiting and wanted to deal with this creature as fast as he could so that he could move on with his search of the mansion as there was still a lot of ground to cover. Godric took a step back before kicking the door open and running into the room, if there was any others in the room he hope that the door suddenly being kicked in would surprise them and maybe catch them off guard enough that they would not be to quick to try and stop him. He bolted straight at the strange birdwoman and kicked it in the side of the head before it had even turned around from the noise of him barging into the room, he watched as the creature fell to the ground from the impact but he wasn't about to take any chances and pulled out his Kunai and began stabbing the creature repeatedly before he was sure that it was dead and would not be any trouble.

Normal Creature: 1600/1600 Defeated
Words Remaining: 126
Points Earned: 3+2=5
Chakra: 135/150


12Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:59 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67315

13Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:32 pm



The room was a mess and the smell was much worst than the rest of the house, Godric stood over the corpse of the strange bird like woman and wiped the blood off of his Kunai sliding it back into his pouch. Looking around the room he was shocked by how much different it was compared to the rest of the house, instead of barely having anything other than furniture in the room this room was filled with all kinds of different containers and other strange objects as he walked around looking over the counter tops to see what it was that the strange creature was doing he found a boiling pot sitting over an open fire, which must be what it was that the creature was standing in front of when he had first peeked into the room there were hundreds of different looking vials and containers scattered across the counter top some knocked over some standing up straight of all different sizes and shapes. Suddenly Godric saw something that he wished he had not seen, there floating in the cauldron of boiling stew was what looked like a hand, I sure hope that is not one of the missing people I am suppose to find Godric thought to himself as he put the fire out and covered the top of the Cauldron to hopefully stop some of the nasty smell that filled the room. Continuing with his search of the room Godric found more different types of ingredients some he had heard of some that he had not and still some that he could not even pronounce. The Kitchen was large and the light was limited however it was easy for him to see that there was blood splattered all over the floors and the walls, not to mention he also found dozens of different body parts and other belongings of what seemed to be humans that was when he saw a flicker of light from under the doorway on the opposite wall from which he entered, "Wonder what's through there" Godric whispered to himself not wanting to alert whatever was in the next room. Godric got to the wall next to the door and pressing himself up against the wall before he placed his hand on the doorknob turning it and pulling it open peering in through the door and realizing that the next room was actually the stairwell down into the basement and the light that he saw flickering was a torch down at the bottom of the stairwell. He heard what sounded like low growling coming from the bottom of the stairwell however he could not see what was causing it as whatever it was was on the other side of a wall. Godric pulled his kunai back out of his pouch holding it in a reverse hold with the blade pointed down towards his elbow staying low trying to make as little noise as possible and not alert whatever it was that was waiting down at the bottom of this staircase for him. As he arrived at the bottom of the staircase he saw that the corner was concealing him from the rest of the room, but at the same time it was also concealing the room from him and making it hard for him to see what it was that was waiting for him. Godric did his best to peer around the corner without alert whatever it was in the room, to try and see what it was that he was going to be dealing with however he was only able to see shadows cast from different torches all over the room, Damn it! what is in there? Godric thought to himself as he slipped his head back around the corner and took a deep breath readying himself for what he was about to have to do.


14Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:37 pm



Unable to get a good look into the room Godric readied his kunai in a reverse grip tightly holding onto the handle with the blade pointed back towards his elbow. Taking a few breaths trying his best to prepare himself for what he might find in the next room, although he had been trying to do that since he had arrived at this place but every time he turned around he was encountering some new and unexplainable creature this place was like another world full of weird and exotic things. One last breath and then he came around the corner still crouched so that even if something was waiting on him or if they were looking in the direction he would be a smaller target. The basement was cold and damp and looked as if some water had been leaking into it from somewhere, it was also very large and barely lit making it very hard for him to see more than a couple of feet in front of him so hopefully whatever else was in here was having the same problem. Then he saw something in the distance at first he wasn't sure what it was there were two of them and they were blue and very very small, that is until they started moving towards him it wasn't slow but still more sluggish than a normal walking pace, the two blue balls slowly got larger as they got closer to him and as they did so Godric realized what they were. Eyes. Crystal blue eyes of a creature that was coming for him, a creature that he recognized he had already defeated one of them upstairs, he needed to move fast and get somewheres else to hide before they saw him. He moved as quiet as possible from where he was along the wall to get away from the creature but it seemed as if it were too late, the eyes of the creature followed him as he moved, well so much for that he thought to himself as turned to face the creature and try to come up with a new plan.

The creature began to move towards him again, "I guess it is a good thing you are slow, huh buddy" Godric said mockingly to the zombie like creature as it moved towards him this one was holding an axe instead of of the blade the other one upstairs had been wielding. What to do what to do Godric thought as he paced backwards away from the creature trying his best to keep a little distance between them just as he had the one before. This one seemed a little smarter than the last one he had faced, which was strange they looked the same, smelled the same, and even walked the same yet this one seemed as if it knew his plan every time he went to try to get around it, it moved in front of the way he was trying to move. "Damn It" Godric said aloud though mostly to himself, "You are going to be a tricky bastard aren't you?" he asked the creature as he continued moving backwards away from it. He had to think of something and fast before he ran out of room to try to escape the creature, he back ran into something it was cold possible a wall or something he didn't know he didn't look back there was no time the creature was getting closer and he had nowhere left to run to. He did the only thing he could think of, placing his feet back against whatever it was that was behind and and leaped off straight towards the creature with his kunai drawn and at the ready still in the reversed grip. Just as he got close to the creature it moved to swing its axe across possibly slicing him in half but he was able to slid underneath it stabbing his kunai into its foot as he past it, before jumping up as he got behind it striking it in the head with a jab before kicking it with his left leg sending it off to the right and skidding across the floor a few feet away. He didn't give the creature a chance to recover, like the bird lady creature upstairs in the kitchen he jumped on top of the creature and started stabbing it in the head repeatedly with his kunai until it stopped twitching.

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 321
Points Earned: 5+1=6
Chakra: 135/150

Moving on to the next

15Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Mon Nov 02, 2015 9:37 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67315

16Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:56 pm



Godric wiped his kunai off on the creature before standing up and taking his first look around the basement, he still could not see more than five feet in front of him. He turned to the wall that he had backed into before to see if there was anything along there and he was surprised to see that it wasn't actually a wall after all, it was a rather large cage like one for a large animal or possible even human's. Godric strained his eyes to try to see into the cage to see what it was that was inside the cage if anything was inside it that is, but before he could get close he heard a moaning noise coming from behind him and to his dismay as he turned to see what it was that was making the noise he heard what sounded like concrete sliding across concrete just before the sound of something heavy hitting the floor with force. It was after the loud thud that the moaning became louder and he heard what sounded like movement off into the shadows of the dungeon like room, What else is down here he wondered to himself as he continued to strain his eyes to see. He slowly crept towards the direction in which the sound was coming from doing his best to try not to make that much noise when he walked but it proved difficult as each step echoed through the room the concrete seemingly amplifying the sounds of each step that he took, Damn it what the hell is with this place he thought as he stopped moving when he heard more movement from a closer distance. He strained his eyes looking all around him trying his best to find the source of the noise, then he saw the silhouette of the creature, Damn another one of those he thought realizing what it was that was making the noise it was another zombie like creature that he had already dealt with two of them and now he was about to have to face another one. The smell of death filled the air as he got closer and closer to the creature, it was as if the creature was a rotting corpse that was brought back to life somehow, perhaps the creature he had killed in the kitchen was the cause or maybe it was something else all together like the same thing that brought this village out of no where and into this realm of existence as if the village was bringing the dead back to life. The creature was not facing in his direction and seeing as he had stopped moving before the creature had completely gotten out of whatever it was that it had been in, so maybe just maybe he would stand a chance against it and possibly even take it down before it had a chance to react against the attack. Kunai still at the ready in the reverse hold and crouched lower than he already was to the ground sliding his feet forward towards the creature, not wanting to lift his feet and cause more noise like it had before.


17Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:52 pm



Death filled his nostrils as he crept towards the decaying creature just before he got close enough to strike it the creature turned around and looked straight at him, "Damn It" Godric said having to quickly jump backwards to dodge a strike from the creature. Must of caused too much noise trying to slid my feet across the floor he thought to himself as he tried to come up with a new plan something that could help him take it down maybe from a distance or at least distract it so he could get in close to it. That's when he realized what it was he needed to do, he just had to do what he did with the last two it was clear that he was much faster than that of the creature and he had dispatched the other two with very little effort so he should not have that much trouble dispatching this one as well. Godric stood he was getting bored with all of this and this creature was obviously not going to be a challenge for him so he decided that he was going to have some fun, "Alright there buddy lets see what you got" he said mockingly to the creature as he slowly approached the creature still on guard because he still did not know what all this creature could do he had dispatched the others so quickly all he really knew about them was that they looked like dead people and they could wield weapons. The creature was growling and snarling as if it was a rabid dog, which was more than the other two had done so that was something. The creature move towards him very sluggishly while Godric watched it with curiosity as it began to swing its sword in his direction however not quite reaching him as he dodged and laughed at the creature. Instead of just trying to figure out a way to take the creature out like before, trying to get in close or around it he just simply evaded the creature watching looking for its strengths or weaknesses or when it would be vulnerable during an attack other than how slow it is he really did not learn that much. After about fifteen minutes of watching the creature and trying to learn he realized that there was nothing to learn, and he grew bored with it so he decided it best to just kill the creature and get it over with. Godric ran towards the creature and dodging its swing with his sword and stabbing it in the arm, causing it to drop its blade before he drove his kunai straight into the eye of the creature.

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 93
Points: 6+1=7
Chakra: 135/150


18Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:52 pm

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67314

19Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sat Nov 07, 2015 6:49 pm



Godric kept his full force behind his kunai as he drove it into the eyes of the creature following the momentum of the attack falling forward as the creature fell back and landing on top of the creature with his kunai still in the eye of the creature. It wasn't until he saw the life drain from the creature's other eye that he felt comfortable with finally standing up, he began shifting around the room hoping that he could find something that would help him see a little better but to no avail. As Godric made his way around the room and finally back to the cage he had seen before the creature attacked, straining his eyes to see into the darkness that was the cage, empty. "Damn" Godric said aloud hearing the sound of it echo through the dungeon like room before silence returned, well at least nothing else is attacking me Godric thought as he moved to see if there was anything else in the room that he might find or anything. The room was empty nothing to see and nothing to find and so he headed back along the wall to try to find the stairs once again, once he found them he headed up the stairs and back out into the kitchen. When he got to the kitchen he noticed that something was wrong, something had changed about the kitchen since he had gone downstairs into the basement of the mansion, it was more lit up than he remembered it being, the room was bright with all the lights in the room on, but that was not the only thing that was different the body of the creature he had killed in here was gone and there wasn't even a sign of the creature's blood even being on the floor where he had killed it, "What the hell is going on?" he asked himself aloud as he looked around the room trying to figure out what had happened to both the creature and the room.


"what was that?" Godric said looking around the room but he could not see anyone else in the room, his eyes fell on the door that he had come through his first time into the kitchen that led to the dining room "It must of come from in there" he said in a low voice mostly to himself. He wasn't quite sure why he was talking to himself let alone whispering to himself maybe it was his way of trying to deal with the situation he was currently in or maybe subconsciously he was talking to himself trying to convince himself that he wasn't in the situation alone and that someone was with him to help him deal with the situation. As he approached the doorway to the dining room he saw something that caused goosebumps to shoot up his spine, a shadow ran across the light leaking into the kitchen from under the door, something was in there possibly waiting for him or even trying to capture him or something but he had no real idea what it could be he just hoped it would be more interesting than those stupid dead looking creatures he had been having to deal with. "hehehe" there it was again what was making that laugh, it sounded almost human almost like a little girl but what would a little girl be doing here let alone laughing something wasn't right it had to be a trap but what. Godric pushed whatever doubts that were in his head out as he took a deep breath in and as he let it out he readied himself for the next step. Godric bust through the door leading into the dining room spinning around to get a good look around the room to find out where the laughter was coming from and where whatever was making the laughter was at in the room.

The dining room stood empty with no sign of anything ever being there, including the corpse of the creature he had killed in here, or at least he thought he killed it. Now there were two creatures that he had killed just disappear from where they were left lying, this just keeps getting better and better Godric thought to himself trying to figure out what happened to whatever it was that he had heard laughing from in here while he was in the kitchen. It must be what was cleaning up the mess that was made in the kitchen and in here but where did it go and what is it. That is when he heard it the sound of the floor creaking he head darted in the direction it came from it was through the other door way possibly across the hall in the living room that he had first entered and then he heard the giggling again, Godric wasted no time thinking about it this time and dashed across the hall and into the living room. The fireplace was ablaze and yet again there was no sign of anything not the body of the zombie creature or any sign of the ash from the first creature he encountered when he entered this haunted place. There was something wrong, he could not place his finger on it but something was different about the house and it was not just that the bodies of the creatures he already killed disappearing it was something else something... But what? The giggling came again this time from behind him, turning quickly he readied his kunai and prepared to strike at whatever kept laughing at him but there was nothing there nothing out of the ordinary what is going on damn it Godric thought to himself screaming at himself in his head as he tried to figure out if he had finally lost it and that the giggling was nothing more than the tapping in his head which he hadn't heard since he had entered the house which was odd it was the first time that he could remember that he did not hear the tapping that it was almost as if the giggling really was the tapping in his head and he had just finally snapped maybe this whole thing had just been his insanity taking form and there weren't these strange creatures that could not be explained.


20Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:07 am



A chill ran down his spine as a cold breath of wind came through the room causing the flame in the fireplace to flickr, causing Godric to jump slightly half expecting another fire demon to appear in the flame but nothing came out. "hehehe" there it was again in the hallway, Godric darted into the hall and to his surprise there was a small girl standing at the top of the stairs, could she have been with the missing citizens or something Godric thought to himself as he walked towards the bottom of the stairs. "Little Girl are you alright? Are you alone? Do you need help?" Godric asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs, the little girl did not answer or even look in his direction "Little Girl?" he asked again and this time the girl responded with the same laugh that he had been hearing, "hehehe". So it was her that was making the noise but why was she laughing and how did she keep disappearing whenever he entered a room without him noticing her, or was she in the hallway the whole time and he just did not pay enough attention to it when he came through to the living room. "Little girl, are you alright?" he asked her again as he took the first step up the stairs "Nobody is alright in here, but you already knew that didn't you, Godric" came the reply from the little girl. How the hell does she know my name godric thought to himself as the little girl began to spin around, when he saw her face it was as pale as snow and her eyes were bright shining red. "How do you know my name?" he asked her almost terrified of the answer he would get from her as something just did not seem right about the girl, "Oh I think you already know that, don't you Godric" the girl said with a small chuckle before she continued "I have to say I am not very happy that I had to clean up that mess you made, you killed my pets and dirtied my house" the girl's voice slowly got darker and deeper as she talked and goosebumps ran up Godric's spin as she did, this girl was one of the creatures and she just confirmed that the creatures were indeed dead and that she some how cleaned it up, but why and what did she mean her house there is no way she is the own of this mansion, is there? Godric thought to himself as he watched her slowly walk down the steps of the stairs and with each step down that she took he found himself taking a step back away from her as if trying to keep the girl at a distance.

"hahaha" the girl laughed again as she climbed down the stairs slowly one step at a time, "Yes Godric I did say that this was my house because it is... and yes I can read your mind" the girl said adding one the last part at his expression of shock and the thought of her being able to read his mind. "How is this possible, What are you?" Godric asked his voice shaking a little as he spoke, he had never felt anything like this before fear of a little girl was the craziest idea out there and yet here he was backing away from and studdering to a little girl who was giving him the willies. "Well I am what they call a Vampire, I have all sorts of neat little things that I can do to you" the little girl said as she suddenly dashed down and was inches away from him in almost no time at all, "you see you are in no way a threat to me, but you did cause a big commotion when you killed three of my Draugr, my Hagraven and my Atronaut. causing a mess all over my house I have guest you know coming over all the time I don't appreciate having to clean up after you" the girl paused as she took a step back and began walking around the small patch of area of the hallway. Godric stood there unsure what to do trying his best to think of a way to take the creature out but at the same time this creature, this vampire can read his thoughts so how would he think of something without her know it as well. Laughter again filled the room, "oh please you think you can sneak something over on me" the girl laughed, "I've been doing this for a very long time you are not the first Investigation I have seen and you will not be the last but the one thing that remains is that I will always win and I will kill you and anyone that comes after you." the girl stopped for a second as if she was thinking of something before she added, "you know what I think I might turn you into one of my servants since you killed five of mine" the girl's eyes darted in his direction with fire and hatred behind them almost like the little girl's eyes were piercing into his soul and seeing it.

Godric's eyes darted around the hallway, there was nowhere that he could run even if he wanted to but there was no way he would become some pet for this girl, Godric's thoughts stopped when he saw the girl smiling again just before she started laughing, "do you really think you are any match for me? you must be crazier than you think you are?" a look of shock crossed Godric's face causing the girl to start laughing again "what you didn't think I couldn't see those thoughts either? I have to say you are the most interesting one I have encountered so far" a spark came in Godric's mind she had encountered others? that means she knows where they are Godric thought to himself "Where are the others?" Godric asked the girl trying his best to keep his composure as he spoke, this girl was definitely different from the other creatures that he had faced so far, the fact that she could speak alone was a change but the idea of her reading his mind was pure shocking and the way she moved so fast he had never seen anything like it before. The girl simply laughed in his face at the question, "If you want to find them you will have to kill me... But if you kill me I can't tell you where they are" the girl said with a smirk before letting out a laugh again. "It don't have to be that way" Godric said trying to talk his way out of his current situation, of course he was never very good at talking his way out of things, "you could just help me find the missing people and then send me on my way" his last comment caused the girl to let out a laugh that was more eccentric than any of the others he had heard before from her. "where would the fun in that be?" the girl asked through her laughter, "that is what this is all about, I want to have fun" the girl said her voice getting deeper again and her eyes glowing a bright ruby red with fire behind her eyes. The girl came at him causing him to have to move quickly to get out of her way the whole time listening to her ear piercing laughter that made him almost think about stabbing himself in his ears.

The girl was fast but just barely faster than himself as long as he kept on top of his game he still stood some kind of chance against her if he was lucky. But his luck wasn't with him and she caught him by the shirt as he tried to dodge her second attempt to bum rush him, he struggled to get free but she had a hard grip on him that is until she hurtled him across the room slamming him straight into the railing of the staircase like he was a pillow. The air was knocked out of him when he hit the railing and pain shot through his entire body, if that didn't break a rib it bruised or something because the pain was terrible, the girl began giggling again as she slowly danced around the hallway almost like she was waiting for him to stand back up before continuing. Godric fought to catch his breath once he had he started to try to think of something he could do to kill this stupid bitch of a little girl, the girl's laughter slowly cut through his thoughts, "please there is nothing you can do it's over just give up and accept your fate, you can't beat me there is nothing accept death in your future and then I will bring you back as my slave like I have always done and I will just have to replenish my stock..." the girls rant was cut short by a quick shot to her gut with Godric's kunai. Using the girl's rant as his distraction he closed the distance between the two of them in a few seconds right when she turned driving his kunai into her gut as he smiled. "You are over confident in your abilities and your overconfidence was your downfall you never should of turned your back to me" Godric said as he began to twist the blade still stuck in the girl's gut. "this isn't possible you can't kill me I.." the girl began to say but she faded away before she finished her sentence. Godric laid the dead body on the ground pulling his kunai out of her gut and slipping it back into his pouch "well now lets see if we can't find those people" he said aloud to himself as he resumed his search of the mansion once again.

Advance Creature: 2000/2000 Defeated
Words Remaining: 867
Points Earned: 7+3=10
Chakra: 135/150

Next Roll

21Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:07 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67315

22Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:06 am



Godric's footsteps echoed throughout the hallway with each step he took the floor creaked below them, he still had the upstairs to search but there were still rooms down here on the first that he had not searched yet and he needed to make sure that he got rid of whatever he could and search everyplace there was to find any of the missing people that he could. The words of the little girl creature he had just killed still rang in his ears as he walked slowly down the hall, she said I killed five of her pets Godric thought to himself that would imply that she has more otherwise she would have said that I kill all of her pets instead of just say five of. Godric stood at the ready as he approached the doorway to the next room, the door was closed and so he could not look inside it but if anything was in there it would not be able to see him either which was a good thing or at least he wanted to think it was a good thing anyways. As he crept closer and closer to the doorway he cursed the floorboards of the old house creaking under his weight as he walked, before he could reach the doorway to peer inside the door busted open and out came another one of the dead creatures, the creature the little girl called Draugr and the smell of death filled Godric's nostrils as he dove out of the way of the creature swinging its sword that was larger than itself. How is that thing even able to move that Godric thought to himself as he dodged another swing from the creature, this creature was no faster than the other three he had already faced and was able to deal with but the sword it was using gave it that extra reach that made it harder for Godric to get in close to it.

The creature kept getting closer and closer causing Godric to be forced to move backwards trying to avoid the giant blade of the creature, as he continued to back up as fast as he could he soon found himself tripping backwards over the little girl creature he had just killed, "Damn It!" Godric shouted as he hit the floor he was completely open for an attack from the decomposing creature with its giant sword having enough force to kill him in one swing. The creature stood over him ready to drop the blade down on its newest victim and Godric knew of only one thing to do, "Kikoha!" he shouted thrusting his palm forward at the creature releasing a blast of chakra towards it forcing it back away from him and giving him a chance to jump to his feet. Godric had to think of something and fast before the creature regained its composure and came at him with the giant blade again, reaching into his back pouch he pulled out his three shuriken and threw them at the creature then while they were flying through the air Godric performed a quick string of hand seals before charging up his chakra into the palm of his hands, "Setchi Sanda!" he shouted as he slammed his fist into the ground causing Lightning chakra to rip through the floor of the building heading straight for the creature and electrocuting it where it stood, and Godric watched as if fell to the ground in a burnt husk of itself

Basic Creature: 1200/1200 Defeated
Words Remaining: 254
Points Earned: 10+1=11
Chakra: 105/150


23Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:06 am

The Dicemaster

The Dicemaster

The member 'Godric' has done the following action : Dices roll

'Haunted House Dice' :
Investigating the Unknown (Solo) 67316

24Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:45 am



Approaching the creature slowly Godric looked down at its body checking to make sure it was truly dead before reaching down and pulling one of his shuriken out of its chest, "hmmp only one hit" he said aloud to himself as he began looking around at the wall behind where the creature was for his other two shuriken, he really wished he would have brought more than three but he had left in such a hurry when he had seen the post on the bulletin board and headed to this god forsaken place to begin looking for the people that had gone missing and he did not even think about bringing back up supplies on anything so now he was stuck with his three shuriken and his one kunai, and damn his luck if he could not find his other two shuriken because he might need them later on down the road so he had to find them they were all he had. He found one of them sticking into the wall next to the living room doorway dug into the wood pretty deep and he was almost unable to pull it out, his side still in pain from the girl creature tossing him like a stuffed pillow into the staircase. Now all he needed was his third shuriken, but his search was cut short when he heard what sounded like weeping. After listening closely to the sound trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from he realized that it was crying, possibly one of the missing people coming from the room where the creature had charged out of, maybe it had been their guard maybe there was more than one person and he could manage to get a group of them out of the house before another creature tried to kill him or worst turn him into one of them like that girl creature had said she would do to him before he killed her. Godric rushed into the room hoping to find a room full of people for him to rescue however he was surprised to see that there was just one woman in the room, with long pink hair crouched in the corner of the room facing away from the doorway sobbing her heart out as she sat there. "Ma'am are you alright? It's okay now the creatures are gone I am here to help you" Godric said as he stretched his arm out and slowly approached the woman not wanting to alarm her or make her think he was trying to hurt her. As he got closer to the woman the sobbings sounded as if they were turning into a low growling but that could not be something like that maybe there was something else in the room making the growling noise, there was still no reply from the woman to his question and so he decided to try again. "Ma'am are you alright?" The woman began to move but there was still no answer to his question, as the woman began to heave and her sobs began to change there was no mistaking it this was not a normal woman, like the little girl he had been deceived, Damn it he thought to himself as he started backing away from the creature though he already knew that it knew where he was and would soon be coming after him.


25Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Empty Re: Investigating the Unknown (Solo) Sun Nov 08, 2015 2:29 am



As the pink haired creature turned to face him before letting out a ear piecing scream, "I will kill you!" it shouted as it charged at him with it's arms in the air like it was going to rip him into shreds with its claws.Godric dodged back as quick as he could the creature moved fast but it would not be fast enough to catch him if this was an open field but unfortunately it was not and he was cramped into a small room with a crazy woman trying to slice him with her long fingernails, "this is just my luck" Godric said aloud though mostly to himself, had always seemed to lack what most people would call luck and he slowly began to just believe that his life was destined to just be a series of unlucky coincidences and he just never would be lucky enough to get a lucky break on something like this. "I am going to rip you apart little boy" The creature's voice ripped through his thoughts bringing his mind back to the moment at hand and trying to figure out a way to deal with the creature as quickly as possible without taking too much risk to himself considering he didn't know how sharp those claws of hers were and he really hoped that he was not going to have to find out. "What do you want? Why are you here?" Godric shouted out to the creature trying to take advantage of it's ability to speak to try and find some of the answers he had about this place and where it came from and why, he just hoped that this creature would be more forthcoming with answers but of course he would not be that lucky, "I am here to kill you boy that is all that matters and that is all that will happen" she answered and a very shrilled voice that seemed to make his ears pop. Damn Godric thought to himself well it was worth a shot, ducking under one of the creatures slashing attempts as it continued to try and catch him and rip him apart, the creature had already almost caught him on more than one attempt he just had to keep moving and keeping her at bay until he can figure out how to kill her without getting himself hurt, but it was all he had to just keep moving staying barely one step ahead of the creature as he dodged attack after attack with her unyielding attack continued all he could do was dodge and if he did not come up with something fast he was going to be having those claws of the creature driven through him and possibly eaten by the creature. He was not about to give up though, continuing to move he reached into his leg pouch and pulled out his kunai, with some slight difficulty due to having to constantly dodge the creatures attempts to kill him, he was hoping he could wait till it began to tired but it was like she was never going to run out of juice. The creature's claw ran across his arm causing four scratches about a half inch deep on his upper right arm, just as he had grabbed his kunai, he wasn't paying close enough attention and slipped and he paid for it but he was not going to let that stop him he had to keep going no matter what. The creature stopped briefly raising its fingers up to its mouth licking the blood off of it, "hmmm, you taste good I think I am going to like eating you" she shrilled before continuing to chase him with its claws at the ready, the only difference now was that Godric also had his Kunai at the ready and hopefully the creature will grow tired before too long and show a weakness or maybe he could get off an early shot and not have to wait for something that may never happen, still he held his kunai in his left hand in the reverse position as it was the most comfortable way for him to wield it and was the best way he knew to fight with it. The creature kept coming at him screaming all the while, slashing out at him trying to hit him again and again just barely missing he wasn't going to be able to keep this up for very long he needed to get some kind leverage over the creature so that he could take the offense and maybe not die but he could not move from the defensive maneuvering that he had been doing to avoid the claws of the deadly creature. That's when he saw it just for a split second, when she first lifted her arms after and attack she had a spot right in the center of her chest that looked like it could possibly be a way of kill it and so he took the chance and dove for it shoving his kunai into the soft skin of the creature and straight into its heart.

Normal Creature: 1600/1600 Defeated
Words Remaining: 88
Points Earned: 11+2=13
Chakra: 105/150

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