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1Investigating the cemetary Empty Investigating the cemetary Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:34 pm



Hira walked into the cemetary and was prepaired for what ever awaits him. Although he was sure that the rumors were just that, he wasnt going to take any chances. As he walked around he said to himself "This place is acually pretty cool." As he walked around a little more he stopped for a second he looked around and then not seeing anyone sat on a blank tombstone stating "I guess all the rumors are just stories meant to keep pranksters out."

2Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Mon Jul 02, 2012 6:57 pm



As Night enters the graveyard, he walks to a specific tombstone. "how are you over there? I'm fine over here. I'm now a genin.....mum" . He then laid some flowers on the tombstone, prated a little longer, and then started to walk away.

3Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Mon Jul 02, 2012 7:03 pm



Hira notcied someone speaking to a tombstone then watched them lay flowers on it. He snuck up on he person,just close enough to get a good look. he pulled out a peice of paper he got from the mizukage, took a quick glance and then put it away. he stood up and called out to the person "hey you... you wouldnt happen to be night would you?"

4Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:07 pm



As he started to leave, a boy came to him. "Yea, I'm Night. Can I help you?" Night then looked at the tombstone one last time before staring at the boy.

5Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Mon Jul 02, 2012 8:19 pm



Hira looked at night and shook his hand, before showing him the paper in his pocket. "It would appear we are in the same squad, mizukage's first squad.He said you were a member i thought it would be good to get aquainted. I also wanted to test your strength." when Hira finished his sentance he put on a some what evil looking smile and stepped back. "You up for some sparring?" Hira asked with his arms crossed.

6Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:49 am



He then shook his hand and said, "Yea, I'm under the kage's squad. I never catch your name. Mind telling? really wanna fight? Then attack when ready." He then picked up a stone and waited for retaliation. "If you're thinking of running to another location, forget about it. I'm too lazy to run and chase you."

(Ooc. You don't have any jutsu, so you really wanna fight?)

7Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:08 am



"The names Hiragana kisame." Hira said pointing his thumb to his chest. Hira watched the boy pick up the stone. "I figure if were are gonna be in the same squad we might as well get a good look at each others strengths and weaknesses. That way we can better play off of them." the moment Hira finished that sentance Hira clenched his fist and quickly lunged at Night.

8Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:16 am



As he listens to the lecture by the kid, he smiled and said, "Hiragana? I'll call you Hira then. Hope we can play well together. " Night then side stepped the boy's attack and grabbed his attacking wrist."On second thought, do you know anywhere else we can fight? I don't wanna destroy my mum's tomb. And plus, something bad happens when i get emotional. Please, lead the way."

9Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:19 am



At first Hira look at the boy in disbelief. "Well if thats what you want, i dont mind. Follow me, we will fight over by the pool." as he said he put on an evil sort of smile. After a few moments Hira sped off in the direction of the pool.

-Exits thread-

Last edited by Hiragana on Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total

10Investigating the cemetary Empty Re: Investigating the cemetary Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:24 am



He then let go off the boy's wrist. "Lead the way. I hate waiting." He then ran with the boy to the pool.

-exit thread-

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