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1A Walk To The Unknown [Open | Genin Only] Empty A Walk To The Unknown [Open | Genin Only] Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:26 pm



Arashi's voice echoed trough the Village Hidden In The Stone, Iwa for short. If you would look at the top of the Tsuchikage Complex at that, exact time, you would see a short, young red-haired Iwa nin there; jumping on one arm! Instead of counting every time he propelled himself in the air, he would just yell: Boring! Boring! Boring! His mouth was already getting dry, as the word "boring" came out of them a good hundred or so times. It didn't seem to bother him, as he just kept jumping on his right arm, with his feet vertically looking at the sun. He was on a fairly high height, to. The Complex was definitely over 150 meters tall. It was dangerous, but Arashi didn't care one bit.

Sooo boring... At least I'll train my right arm... Maybe I should take a walk outside of Iwa... It's really boring here. I don't feel like doing any mission right now, and I did quite a bit of training this morning. Yeah, that seems like a good idea. He propelled himself in the air, a lot higher this time. He flipped in the air, and successfully landed on his feet, with a smile on his face. Oh, I'm good... He concentrated some chakra in his feet, and started walking towards the edge of the roof. As he got to the edge, he didn't stop walking, and just kept stepping on the wall of the complex, face towards the ground. The view here really is spectacular... In a minute or so, Arashi was on the ground. It was preevening, and the sun has already started setting in the west. But Arashi headed the opposite way, to the east of Iwagakure. Soon he got out of Iwa, as the pillars stopped having houses inside them, but he kept going. It was early evening now, the sun set completely, but Arashi kept going. A small light appeared near him, about 50 meters in front of him. It appeared to be a fire, that was burning on top of a small slab. There were lots of rectangular boulders around it, each about 3 or 4 meter tall, and grey. Arashi walked towards the structure, but there was nobody there. This place... Is creppy. I feel strange, but it's a good strange... Arashi thought, as he sat on the slab just next to the fire.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi had been walking through iwa with nothing to do he had been training all mourning and decided to take a walk to try to find something interesting. He had been walking for an hour or so before he saw Ara heading out of the village. He decided to follow because it seemed like wherever he was going would be interesting. As he was walking he saw Ara sitting at a fire Takumi thought (How did that get there i was right behind Ara so he did not make it). Takumi walked p and said "A little late to be out of iwa huh Ara". Takuni said with a smile before sitting down.



"A little late to be out of Iwa, huh Ara?"
Arashi heard a voice, just as a figure came out of the dark and walked towards him. White skin. Red eyes. Short black hair. Yup, that was Takumi all right. But Arashi isn't exactly good at names, especially if he only met the person one time... Wait, I've seen him before... What's his name? Do I know his name? Sure I do, he knows mine... I know his name... I think... Do I? What's his name? Fuck me, I'm stupid... Arashi was pretty surprised by Takumi, as he definitely wasn't expecting company... Takumi sat down besides Arashi.

"Hi! I'm just really bored, you know. There isn't much happening in Iwa lately..." Hahah! Nice going Arashi! Heheh, didn't even bring up his name... Arashi smiled a little bit, as he was proud of getting out of the uncomfortable situation. He decided to ask the same same question back, with a friendly and cheerful voice. Even had a smile on his face.
"Yeah... So, what are you doing here? You know what this place is?"

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Takumi shrugged and said "I saw you come out here and figured what the hey". And he looked back at the fire and said "And as to the other question i don't really what this place is and also who made this fire and just left it sitting.



"I saw you come out here, and figured what the hey."
Sooo... He followed me? That's strange... Taku's face turned towards the burning fire, that kept them from being cold. It truly was cold already.
"And as to the other question i don't really what this place is and also who made this fire and just left it sitting."
"Yeah, interesting. At least."
Arashi looked around, and continued speaking.
"Is it just me, or is his place really freaky? I mean, I feel kinda weird..."
Arashi looked back to the fire.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

taku started to look around and said "Yeah a little bit so tell me what made you come out here. Taku then looked back at Ara for his answer.



"Yeah, a little bit... So tell me, what made you come out here?"
Arashi looked at Takumi, as he already asked a similar question and Ara anwsered him. None the less, Arashi anwsered him.
"I'm just bored as hell. Like really, really bored..."
Arashi looked around, but didn't see anythhing but darkness and small lights in the distance, that represented the mighty Iwagakure.
"So, Taku, you know any interesting games? I didn't play a game of any sorts for ages!"
Wait...Taku? Yeah, Taku! Takumi! I remember now, the Senju kid. Awesome.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku looked back at Ara and said "A game huh..." Takumi cracked a slight smile to show he was joking and said "How about hide and go seek in the dark". Then he looked out into the darkness not knowing what was out there.



"A game huh...How about hide and go seek in the dark?"
Taku smiled, to show that he was joking. Arashi could tell. Heheh... Is he serious? Well... We could...
"Are you just joking? I mean, we could, if you wanna."
Arashi was kidding, but... What's wrong with a little game of hide and seek? Could be fun, and actually good training as hiding or searching is often very important in life of a shinobi.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku laughed a bit and said "Maybe next time but this fire is strange it keeps peaking my interest. Did some one make it and leave if so that is very dangerous. Or did something happen to them in which case we should keep our guard up.". Takumi sat looking around where they were sitting wondering just what was out there.



"Maybe next time but this fire is strange it keeps peaking my interest. Did some one make it and leave if so that is very dangerous. Or did something happen to them in which case we should keep our guard up."
Yeah, I definitely didn't think about that much, but he's right.
"You're right. Though, I think somebody just left it here. Very strange..."
Arashi was staring at the fire, the more he looked the weirder the fire seemed to him, even if he saw a fire a thousand times, and was a Katon user. Suddenly, a strange music started playing. The music seemed dark and rituaistic, and came from the dark. Arashi couldn't hear many words, as the music was very quiet, but some he did hear. And he couldn't understand them, they sounded... Demonic. What the fuck?
"Do... Do you hear this as well?"
Arashi's voice was quiet and scared-like.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku also heard the music and a few unreadable words they sounded very dark and evil he looked around and said "Yeah i hear them". before he could say anything else something jumped out of the bushes. It had blood red eyes and walked on two legs. Taku jumped up and said "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT". before it ran back into the Forrest. Taku was speechless what did he just see was that why the fire was there and what was that music. Taku then looked back at Ara and said "This enough action for you".



"Yeah i hear them."
Good, so I wasn't just imagining it... Actually, it was bad. Very bad. After what happened, Arashi would wish it was just all in his head. A large, feral-like creature jumped out of a nearby bush, and stood there for a moment. About two meters high, with glowing red eyes. Like a... Werewolf.
Takumi shouted like a little girl. Though, Arashi wasn't actually better...
The beast ran to the forest to the west of them, it's speed was simply absurd.
"This enough action for you?"
"Yeah, too much actually... I think we should head back for the village and report this crazy ass shit."
Arashi's voice was calm, like he didn't even shout (close to a scream, actually) a couple of moments ago. Still, he thought that would be the best thing to do, just head back before the... Ting comes back.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

After it left taku said "Yeah i think you are right". So taku began to pick up his stuff when that weird music started playing again "What is that and why does it keep playing". He looked back at Ara and said "This is creepy why does this stuff keep happening".



"Yeah, I think you are right."
Taku started picking up his stuff, Ara would join him but he really had nothing to pick up...
"What is that and why does it keep playing? This is creepy why does this stuff keep happening?"
"I really don't know. It sounds like it's coming from... Everywhere. Like from the air itself."
Ara looked around, and stood up. He walked up to a nearby stone, and the sound seemed to be louder. What? From the rocks? Arashi walked up closer, and laid his ear aginst the rock. It was clear that was where the sound came from.
"Taku, the music comes from the rocks. We better get moving, this is creeping me out..."
Arashi started walking towards Iwa.

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

Taku looked at a rock and stuck his ear to it and said "What the hell your right this is to weird". Taku started walking back toward iwa too but as he started walking he noticed the sound getting louder and louder. Taku started running Taku kept running till he was close to iwa and said "What the hell is out there". As he got closer to the village the music got quieter and eventually stopped he turned and said "We need to talk to dengen fast".

Last edited by Takumi Senju on Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total



[OOC: Awesome]

"What the hell? You're right, this is to weird."
Both Arashi and Takumi started heading towards Iwa, but the sound seemed louder and louder. And they were heading away from the rocks, so it was pretty freaky. Taku started running, without any say or warning, but Arashi followed him quietly without questions. Taku then opened his mouth once again.
"What the hell is out there?!"
"I have no idea, but it is bad, I'm sure of it."
"We need to talk to Dengen fast".
They were already close to Iwa, Arashi entered and headed for the Tsuchikage Temple Complex.

--- Arashi Left The Thread ---

Takumi Senju

Takumi Senju

taku followed him and said "Yeah lets go see dengen he needs to hear this". They then entered iwa and headed to the complex.

--Taku has left the thread--

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