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Giketsu had done one of the things that Skye had predicted. He would've rushed forward and tried something there, or hop back to avoid the blast. Since Giketsu had done the first option, Skye had no choice but to use the jutsu towards himself. It would him him, as well as Giketsu. Turning his waist and position of hands, he fired the blast downward and not only hit his legs, but hit Giketsu as well. The blast didn't seem to hurt that much, but definitely stunned both of them. Skye was the first to fell it, as well as the first to hit the ground. He couldn't feel the legs from the stun, but he was able to get about a foot away. Looking down, his foot was bleeding. Giketsu's kunai had cut him, but wasn't in his ankle. Luckly, the stun had stalled all pain in his foot. "Damn! He got me!" Skye inched away and sat up. After a few seconds longer, he was able to stand. One leg was completely fine, the other... A bit of pain when he put pressure on it, but he could ignore it. "Karoshi is going to have her work cut out for her later..." Gripping his scythe, he looked down at Giketsu. The shock would have lasted a little longer on him since he got the full force of it, but it wouldn't be too long. As soon as he was able to, he arced his scythe up and forced it down over Giketsu's position. It would have landed right in Giketsu's leg if he didn't react. There was a slight bit of anger in Skye's eyes. He wasn't playing a game anymore. There were no more turns...

Chakra 60/70:



Giketsu took the blast with mainly his upper body so his legs were pretty much intact. However, he was obviously in worse position than his opponent. At the moment he noticed his opponent struggling up he knew he was in trouble." Dammit... " It took him all his strength just to do something pathetic... He just try to spew his opponent in the face. A nice chunk of saliva would shoot towards Skye as it would land in the half way before reaching him. This pointless action pretty much left Giketsu open for the opponent to just raise his weapon, aim and strike. Once Sky would force down the scythe to Giketsu's leg, he'd seem to hit it... least at first. After a second Sky could probably notice by the reflection on his scythe, he had missed. Though the strike was clear to land it would have missed due to an illusion. Before his opponent could react, Giketsu would quickly use the fact that he's feet are still reasonably mobile and kick the scythe with the leg it was supposed to wound. The kick should be strong enough to let Giketsu roll over to the side and increase the distance between them until he could probably recover, as well as drive the scythe back and a bit deeper into the ground making it pretty much impossible to swing it again before Giketsu finishes the roll.


Chakra: 70/80



Skye noticed that his scythe had been kicked farther into the ground and quickly tried to pull it back. He wasn't able to release it from this angle, so he would have to wait till he was past it. Looking up, he could now see past the illusion since the water had fallen back down. This had been the first bit of genjutsu his opponent used. The wound on Skye's ankle opened up slightly, but he didn't seem to care about it. There was too much adrenaline flowing through him now. Skye walked forward, but still had a limp to keep the pressure off his ankle. "I've just decided on something... no more turns... I'm calling it game over..." He walked forward and yanked his weapon up as he passed it. Since Giketsu had rolled away, he was still a bit far from Skye's reach. But he wasn't out of the chain scythe's reach. Doing the same motion as before, Skye pulled the weapon forward slightly and arced the scythe downward at Giketsu once more. This time, it was aimed at Giketsu's mid section.



Giketsu could move now but the pain from the charge and the fall earlier where obviously affecting him. He did manage to do a half roll, however, it was delayed so the scythe did land a decent slash to his hip and continued a wound to his lower back as he had rolled. Giketsu had no time to twich in pain, he had to take action. Giketsu quickly leaned back and slammed his kunai between the Skye's chains links. While still applying pressure to it, Giketsu would quickly draw another kunai and send it towards Skye's left side of the chest. Possibly lethal shot? Yes, but Giketsu knew his opponent would dodge it. What he intended to do was make his opponent lean or hop to his right this way applying more pressure to the damaged ankle and/or make his opponent loose balance and fall down. Either way, Giketsu would use the leverage from the kunai holding down Skye's scythe to quickly jump up. Then he would put his right feet on the kunai to make sure its held down together with the chain.



Skye saw that his chain scythe was no longer available to him now that Giketsu had shoved one of his kunai into the chain links. Right after the first kunai had been used, a second one had been thrown directly at Skye. He was able to see it and tilt his torso so it would fly past. Unfortunately, this put a bit more pressure on the already hurting ankle. Skye decided that he could nurse the wound later and forget about any of the pain. Even though the pain was pretty bad, Skye still remained standing. Glancing down at his scythe for just a moment, he sighed. "Weaponless... great... Oh wait a sec!" Taking out the kunai he had grabbed from earlier, he held it up and took an awkward looking defensive stance. The only reason it looked odd was because he was trying to baby his ankle. He decided to wait until his opponent was close, then he'd use his justu to finally finish this match. As soon as Giketsu would make a move for him, he'd start his hand signs and wait for the perfect moment to hit. "Come on then... You got one ankle... might as well get the other..." Using his ankle as a taunt, he grinned and continued to wait.



As his opponent took the kunai Giketsu used the fact his opponent had loosed the grip( or even released) the chain so he quickly , using his left leg, would kick the chain up and pull it closer to himself. About the time the second end would reach Giketsu he'd grab it , release the kunai and using the tension between the links flop it up in the air. Then he would continue the motion with the a lunging swing, with Skye's chain , trying to sweep him. " I dare you to jump! "
He would then wait for his opponent to make a move and catch the kunai he had tossed up previously and send it towards Skye's new position intending to hit the stomach.



Daring him to jump? Skye would do more than that. Using his good leg, he jumped and landed on the end of the chain, thus stopping it completely. Since he had stomped the end of the chain, the scythe had no recoil. As for the kunai throw, a simple movement of the kunai blocked the throw and caused the thrown kunai to be reflected into the air and fall behind Skye. Throwing the kunai down, it looked like he was using the same method that Giketsu had used to stop the scythe in the first place. This was it. Skye was done. After making a few hand signs, he opened his left hand and rushed forward. No longer caring about his pained ankle, he made one single point clear. He was going to hit Giketsu even if that meant he would get hit too. As soon as he was a few feet away, so close that only a quick counter would be able to get through, he reached his hand out and attempted a single grab.

Chakra 50/80:



Giketsu waited for Skye to approach until he was only few steps away. Then Giketsu swing the chain he was holding to the side and slightly up. This would most likely temporarily dis-balance his opponent and or least make him stumble. Anyhow Giketsu would then use this opportunity to strike with a straight and really quick push with the base of his palms. The push should catch his opponent and throw him backwards far and hard enough to knock him down. This move would leave room for opponent to still least tap him thus leaving Giketsu paralyzed. Skye on the other hand should be left with something else. Sensation of drowning and serious and possible painful cough.


Chakra: 60/70



Skye definitely felt the effects of the genjutsu. His cough was quite bad and sounded that way too. The only way he could possibly combat this was by holding his breath. Although it didn't solve his problem, it certainly gave him a few seconds to move. The effects of the fight were adding up. The ankle cut, the loss of his weapon, and now, the annoyance of the cough. As for the drowning sensation, Skye had been accustomed to the effect of this type of genjutsu. After all, his clan was very good when it came to genjutsu. Looking up at his opponent, he could see that his paralysis had only a few moments more before it wore off. Skye took a deep breath and rushed towards Giketsu once more. The breath didn't last long, but Skye was still able to make it somewhat close to Giketsu. By the time he made it to him, there was only a few seconds to spare. Taking another breath, he ran past Giketsu and grabbed his weapon as well as the kunai. The moment his hand touched the Kunai, he threw it at Giketsu's chest before coughing once more.



Since Giketsu was pretty much frozen in his pushing position least his vital organs were protected from the kunai by his hands. The kunai would go under Giketsu's arm and hit him right in the ribs deflecting against one of 'em, however leaving a cut wound and probably breaking it. That's a hell of a pain. Once he felt it, he started to regain his freedom of movement. First movement after regaining control was Giketsu kneeling down and grabbing his chest. "Damn that stings". Anyhow he had no time to stay down. His opponent was stalled for only a bit longer the cough so he had to force himself up. Which he did." Damn your annoying... ". Giketsusstood there until his movement would fully recover, he was ready for action.



"If I'm so annoying maybe you should forfei-!" Skye's last word was cut off by another quick cough. This one wasn't as bad as the previous ones. Going through a mental checklist, he glanced over at each thing as he named them. "Cough, still sucks... Ankle, hurts like hell and I'm still choosing to ignore it... Weapon, now back with it's rightful owner..." He untangled the chain of his chain scythe once more and held his breath. Forcing himself not to cough definitely assisted him from not choking or leaving an opening due to the cough. Moving while under the influence of the damn cough wasn't an option. He would wait until it wore off, then start going on the offensive again. Taking a defensive stance, he gripped his scythe and stared at Giketsu. "Seriously... This is just going to keep on going... You know I'm not going to let you take me down... This match is taking way too long... And the instructor will stop us eventually..." Surprisingly there was no cough that time.



" Perhaps... Honestly , I don't see you as an enemy, but I'm doing what I have to. I'm sorry, but we must go on. " After saying this Giketsu picked up the kunai that had just broken his rib and started charging towards Skye. He kept running straight expecting to lure out a strike, but since it didn't happen, he quickly changed his running trajectory trying to run past Skye by his right shoulder, right out from the hands reach. A this point he'd wait for a cough. Even a held off caught would do. Then Giketsu would reach his left hand forth trying to fend off the scythe that might be swung at him, or just grab it pulling Skye's hands down. He'd then use the fact that you have to lean forth a bit and the pressure put on his whole right feet just to not be pulled to the ground by Giketsu would hurt like hell. Then he'd make sure, his opponent ain't moving anywhere by holding the scythe hard enough and would try to stab Skye in the right shoulder with the kunai. The strike should be hard to notice due to the pain and the fact your head would probably be lowered and hard to block off with the right hand because of Giketsu's body blocking the path. That's if everything goes as planned.



Skye saw that Giketsu was running past him instead of a full frontal attack. He turned and made sure he was facing Giketsu at all times. It also looked like Skye wasn't going to use his weapon just because of the last couple outcomes. He'd rather keep his weapon for defense, thank you. As soon as Skye had turned, Giketsu was already too close to block and the kunai went right into Skye's shoulder. Blood was definitely drawn from the stab, but some thing else was going on. Instead of counter with his scythe, Skye had made a few recognizable hand signs and faced his palms outward. There was no missing now. At the cost of a stab wound, he'd be able to pull off this one last jutsu that would no doubt hit. Once the kunai had hit, Skye shoved his hands forward and directly into Giketsu's stomach. This would push both Skye and Giketsu away from each other, but not too far. They would be just about a few steps away from each other. Once the shock had hit, Skye would then limp over to Giketsu and rip the kunai out of his shoulder. Clenching his hand around his chain scythe, he would then use the added weight of the scythe to hit Giketsu's stomach and maybe cause some internal pain. The scythe itself wouldn't hit, that would kill his opponent. He just wanted to use it to a weight for more damage.

Chakra 40/80:



Giketsu certainly noticed something was wrong, as he sunk the kunai into his opponent's shoulder. He wasn't sure of what his opponent might unleash but he did knew this was no good. Right as he would be hit into the stomach he focused on keeping the grip into both weapons. Once thrown back he would keep both weapons in his hand. Kunai would be ripped out of Skye's shoulder. Scythe would probably be pulled out Skye's hands as well. Why? Because Skye would release it instinctively. When receiving the blast Giketsu should land on his feet struggling to avoid spams from the shock and remain standing. With both weapons by his side. His hands cludged into the weapons. He would stare Skye right into eyes expecting a strike. Skye should know that once he would touch either of the weapons he'd instantly feel burning and thus couldn't get a hold of them.


Chakra: 50/60



Skye stumbled back and held his shoulder. His injuries finally caught up to him. The fresh wound on his shoulder was the main concern. The amount of pain seemed to grow now that Skye was no longer focused on the fight. He stood up, but felt that his ankle was no longer going to support him. The bleeding just seemed to get worse. If he waited too long, he'd pass out from blood loss. One thing was now clear. Skye would have to get to a doctor to examine his injuries. "Damn it... So close too..." This match was over for him, but after looking up, he could see that he wasn't the only one who was done. Right after he looked up, he could feel his vision shaking. He was going to pass out in a matter of seconds. Eventually, he flopped down on his back and looked straight up at the clouds above.

Last edited by Skye Nekito on Sat Nov 03, 2012 10:16 pm; edited 1 time in total



As Giketsu stared at his opponent his eyesight started to blur... What is this? Another genjutsu? Giketsu focused most of his energy to focus this thought... But then something else happened. As the spams from the shock disappeared Giketsu coughed and had to step forth just to recover balance. A drop of blood appeared on the side of his lip. He could taste it in his mouth. His lungs were starting to fill with blood. The previously broken rib had probably shattered and punctured his lung while he dashed towards his opponent and made the sudden twist to stab . While focusing on his wounds the scythe slipped out of his fingers and dropped. He nodded his head town to look at but couldn't get a clear focus. The pain ran trough his body and he started to feel week. His hands hanging down and his legs spread out just to not drop. He knew he needed the lung attended otherwise he's done for. When he finally threw a look towards his opponent he saw nothing but a blur. A black spot struggling before him. He was fighting just to keep conscious. He was going down. The fight was pretty much over.

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

You have until midnight CST (and It is current 3:07pm in said timezone) before we close the thread. Use it wisely, boys.



There was the blur of colors and the shadow of someone approaching the two combatants. An arm was extended, catching Giketsu as he fell. The male was hoisted over the figure's shoulder as he moved to Skye. Reaching down, he unceremoniously grabbed the boy by his collar and dragged him for a few feet before tucking him under his other arm.

"This match is a draw. Fight's over."

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