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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Special Rules:

May only use HALF of your chakra.

You have until Friday (11-3) to finish. Staff may step in at any moment and declare a winner. Report all rule violations directly to senior staff.

Keep it clean, keep it fun.




Skye walked along the streets of Konoha, cracking his knuckles, and doing a few stretches so he wouldn't pull anything during his upcoming fight. The only thing he knew about his match was the opponent's name and where they would fight it out. He surprisingly was able to find where he needed to be after an hour or so. It was hard enough dealing with not knowing his way around Kumo, but Konoha was even more complex in his opinion. He planned ahead and made sure he would be extra early for the match in case he had gotten lost, like he usually did when he was stuck in a new place. No one was there so he was definitely in the right place at the wrong time. Which in his case, was the best possible outcome. Knowing that it would be a while till his opponent showed, he decided to simply relax and clear his mind of any stress. He'd need his mind for the fight. Letting out a long and contempt exhale, he grinned. "This fight is going to be a piece of cake..." His voice definitely sounded confident, but calm at the same time. The clouds slowly moved overhead as he waited for his opponent to show.



Giketsu was not as punctual as his opponent, he barely made it in time even though the very village was very well known to him. 'Rolling hills...' Giketsu thought to himself as he slowly approached the set destination. '... its kind of far from the actual streets; How will they know who won? And most importantly, will they feed us afterwards?'

Giketsu finally arrived, his pace was slow and he obviously knew he'll make it anyways. As he stretched out his hands to sides and started circling his head he seemed quite calm. Surprisingly to himself he wasn't worried at all. He had participated enough conflicts in the past and gotten out alive, what would make this case different? At this point the day differed from any other by only few aspects: he was wearing clothes that he hadn't worn in ages and he absolutely knew he was getting hurt today. He was wearing black T-shirt and dark grayish shorts. By his side was a kunai holster and most importantly he had his Konoha's heandband worn traditionally over the forehead. He placed hiss step sending pieces of gravel back with each step. He could be heard approaching step by step. The ground was quite dry and the larger stones set off be innertion could be heard rolling down the slope. He was heading up. The morning was early so once he reached the top, Giketsu could be only recognized as a dark figure blocking the early morning sun. His face couldn't be seen until he finally stood few steps away from his opponent.

" Woah! " - you could hear alertness in his voice as he finally spoke up. " Your not the annoying Hyuuga, are you? " Giketsu had obviously just read the first letters of his opponents word and instantly had presumed that he was dealing with Sky. Anyhow, the opponent was different but his intention was one : even if I'm going down, I'm pummeling the crap out of my opponent before I do.

Threre might of been moment of silence as his opponent wouldn't have a clue of what Giketsu was talking about. Giketsu probably spent this moment to inspect the terrain he was going to fight in. This was more important than the very opponent. They were up a quite large hill. The top they where on was quite large. There where about 100 meters to each side before you could reach either of the slopes, a single large tree on their left and some spiky rocks on their right; spikes reaching for the sky like a hand trying to puncture it with its nails. The pillars weren't very high the one to presume as a thumb was half the size of Giketsu , others where a bit longer and the middle one was a bit taller than both of the contestants. The very hill wasn't very high and the angle of the slope was about 20 degrees so even if either of them were somehow pushed over the edge the landing wouldn't be very painful. Except maybe for the possibility of hitting some of the larger rocks while rolling down. Whole terrain was quite dark green, the grass was hard and reached to his knee's. 'Insufficient amount of rain' - Giketsu guessed. Other than that there where some bushes spread over the top of the hill and a large boulder covered with dried moss hiding in the shadow of the the large tree.

( OOC: Hope you don't mind that I described the terrain. If there's anything you'd like to add or specify just do so.)



Skye tilted his head to see the person walking up to him from behind. "An annoying Hyuuga...? I know a few people who think I'm annoying, but I'm definitely not Hyuuga..." He hopped up off the ground and walked up to this other person. "My name is Skye Nekito... I'm guessing you must be Giketsu..." His eyes drifted somewhat as he started to size up Giketsu. He came to the conclusion that this was the person he was fighting. No one else had shown up, and it was just about time for his match to start. Skye laughed to himself and grinned right afterwards. "Soo... You're here because of the exam fight right?" It was a question just to confirm that Skye was correct about this being Giketsu. Once he was positive, he'd properly greet him, and say one last thing before having to fight.



Giketsu turned to Skye as he spoke up. " Yup, the name's Giketsu alright and a fight it is. " Giketsu then used this chance to inspect his opponent. First to catch his eye's were the distinctive face paintings. Although he didn't recognize them he was quite sure the man standing before him was belonging to a clan. The clan had to have certain history as well since a facepaint usually holds a background. He moved on quickly, though since he had no time to guess 'maybe's' of the fight. What seemed most problematic was that his opponent was certainly older than him as well as being taller and probably heavier.

After the short moment Giketsu raised his right hand forth, reaching for a handshake. He obviously did this from few steps away. He then made a slow step forth to check whether his opponent is up for a handshake.

If not Giketsu would just lower the hand, take a deep breath and prepare for the fight.

If his opponent does decide to step forth or let Giketsu approach he would obviously intend to connect a shake. During the shake, however, Giketsu would probably tighten his grip to see his opponents reaction. The grip would probably be hard enough to cause discomfort but then again controlled enough to avoid actual pain. If opponent would respond with a tightened grip as well, Giketsu would further input strength into his hand to overpower his opponent once again. Giketsu would avoid hostility just yet, but there's no telling how his opponent might respond to this showoff.



Looking down, he saw that this Giketsu wanted to shake hands. It wasn't really odd since Skye would have offered even if his opponent didn't. Skye grinned and grabbed Giketsu's hand with the same force that he would have done for him. The grip was identical in power, if not more. "Glad to see that your ready for this fight." He seemed to act friendly about this fight, that it wasn't as important as it should have been made out to be. It almost looked as if he thought very little about the fight. Skye brought his hand back and smiled once more. Not even a slight bit of fear was seen in Skye. He wasn't getting over-confident, more like excited and determined to win. "Wonder what this other kid has in store for the fight..." He stepped back and nodded once. "You ready?"



As the shake was release Giketsu smirked, the tension of his opponents hand and the skin gave it away. A Taijutsu user or a kenjutsu specialist would have a lot tougher skin on his hands, which his opponent did not. Noticing this was only possible by applying enough pressure from both sides so that Skye's skin could be felt trough his bandage. ' Gotcha! ' Giketsu thought he placed his hands before him and cludged them in fists just to release them afterwards.

Once the opponent spoke up Giketsu smirked and made an eye contact with his opponent- " No... " - Giketsu said during the eye contact as he had used the swift movement on his hands to arm himself with a kunai in each hand, the blade facing downwards. This was one swift movement in which he using his speed quickly closed the short distance between him and the opponent to catch him off guard. The hands were instantly raised up to seemingly stab his opponent somewhere in the chest or shoulder area. Attack like this would be unexpected, but still probably not enough to hurt even an inexperienced ninja. And it wasn't meant to... This was a combination. Instantly as the strikes would connect as he would press himself forth and due to the short distance and nearly no time to react Giketsu expected his opponent to black both incoming stabs or at least getting grabbed by the hands. After being stopped Giketsu would let go of the kunai's leaving them to just drop. During this very moment Giketsu would perform a circular downward movement with his hands intending to relive himself of the holding grip or move his hands under the blocking hands of the opponent. Either way if it would go as planned Giketsu would intend to grab his opponent by his elbows and extend his hands up clearing up space between him and his opponent. Every empty space has to be filled... So does this. If everything goes as planned Giketsu would release his opponents elbow's letting them go down simultaneously headbutting his opponent. Giketsu would aim to hit his opponents face with the headband he's wearing to improve the damage. If the blow would succeed it could either cause bleeding or possibly the blow would be enough to throw his opponent to the ground or throw him step back as a minimum. If the distance between them at this point would be cleared Giketsu could lean down a bit to catch both kunai's before they land.



Skye noticed how Giketsu lingered a little longer than normal on the handshake. It gave him the idea to do a quick slice with his own weapon once his hand broke free of his opponent's grip. The moment Giketsu moved his hands, Skye moved his. Grabbing his chain scythe, he first aimed to attack, but seeing how Giketsu had two kunai already, he changed his weapon's position and blocked one kunai with the blade of the scythe and the other with one set of the chain links. "Right into to the action, just like me." Both seemed to have the idea to strike first, but they met each other in between. Skye broke the stalemate and jumped backwards to avoid any possible counter-attack. "You lied. You answered no when I asked if you were ready. That's just bad manners." Skye was doing a somewhat odd and irritating voice as he talked. It almost sounded as if he was mocking Giketsu. He grinned and moved his body into a defensive looking stance. Since he couldn't get the surprise attack in the beginning, he'd have to make up for it now. There was no way he was going to lose this fight. He wouldn't allow himself to lose. Once more. he did the odd voice. "So now I'll ask you again... Are you ready? And don't lie again, lying isn't nice..." Holding his chain scythe up, the chains clinked together.



After his opponents hop back he was ready to go further offensive ,however, since his opponent was all in to the battle etiquette he decided to pause. " Ahh, yes I'm obviously not ready so lets just have a cup of tea and consider our hopes and dreams together... " He obviously said this in a sarcastic tone. His opponents lack of perceiving the obvious made him continue. " ...That WAS sarcasm you know. "

While speaking Giketsu twirled both kunai's simultaneously around his middle finger and then lowered them by his sides. During this movement the left kunai seemed to disappear, while actually Giketsu just sheathed it by placing it in his pants, behind his back. Bluntly sided of course... He ain't that dumb... We'll he'll least never make such a mistake again.

" So, you got a nice chain, can I put it to a test or do we exchange kisses now? I'm not familiar with you villages traditions, but if you'll even try that I'll sucker punch you to the last month... " Giketsu was obviously talking trash now. This was for a reason. He slowly moved closer to Skye to once more close the distance. Step by step he closed in. Now he just had to wait for a movement to react to, and if its caused by rage or adrenaline - even better.



Skye put his hands behind his back and started pacing. While pacing, he got somewhat closer but only enough to be a few feet away. He made a few concealed hand signs and glanced over at Giketsu as well. It seemed that Skye was smiling and had a bit of a bound in his step. Giketsu's rather rude comment didn't anger or upset him even the slightest. "Wow... Looks like someone is cranky today... All I wanted was a straight answer, but since your going to be void of manners, you'd have thought that- is your eyesight going blurry?" He cut himself off mid sentence and changed it into a question once his jutsu had been released.

Skye had used one of his more common genjutsus. Making one's eyesight blurry and thus forcing them to close their eyes or try to see through the mess of blurriness. He was all about disabling or stalling, then going in for the attack, and since they had gotten a bit closer, it would allow Skye to have a bit more ease with attacking. Gripping his chain scythe and slowly moving backwards, he waited to see that his genjutsu was successful and allowing him to get one good shot on Giketsu.

Chakra 75/80:



Indeed , Giketsu's sight got blurry, though probably to a lesser extent than his opponent might expected. Giketsu was a Genjutsu user himself so he was quite aware of whats happening. Blurriness, of course does make it quite troublesome to dodge a shot, but since Giketus knew that his opponent was right before him thus he had no problem telling which black spot in front of his eyes he should avoid. " The game's on... "

Instinctively he made a hop back and then a side step first on right, then on left and eventually did a sideways overshoulder dodge roll to the right. This all was done without hesitation and with a certain intention to avoid possible incoming blows and get his opponent guessing until the jutsu dissipates. Since his sight was blurred and he couldn't recognize precise movements his opponent might make, a good help was Skye's weapon. Then chains obviously would make a dangling noise, especially when swung at him so the blow of the weapon shouldn't be much of a threat as both the lunge and the actual strike could be heard.



Skye grinned when he saw that Giketsu had hopped back to try to avoid an incoming attack, but that's just what he wanted to see. "Perfect!" The jutsu had worked and now he could use it to his advantage. Skye ran forward to put some force behing his attack as well as get closer. Flinging the scythe off and aiming past Giketsu's right side, he himself flanked to the left of Giketsu and clenched his free hand into a fist. Pulling the scythe towards him, it would force Giketsu to focus on one thing or another. Scythe or Skye? A jump back or even an upward jump wouldn't be able to dodge. Skye was expecting one thing or another. He would get blocked but his scythe would hit, or his scythe blocked and he would hit. As soon as he pulled his weapon back, it did indeed make a noise. Only problem was, what did Giketsu pay attention to? Through the blur, he would most likely not see or hear both. Win, win situation in Skye's mind. Even though he was confident in his attack, it didn't mean he wasn't aware of his opponent. They were still a threat.



As Giketsu heard an incoming strike he relaxed himself to make a dodge however, about now his sight was starting to recover as well as, the fact he heard the strike going past him pretty much made his decision clear. Giketsu went for the chain. it was easy to hear and thus easy to grab. Since it was going past shoulder Giketsu just had to wait the blade pass and then force himself under the chain by a lunge forth. While lunging towards the chain Giketsu would grab it with his left hand and then perform a lowered spin/twirl sliding under it. This way he could easily raise up on the other side of the scythe trajectory while his opponent pulled it. The momentum of the pull from both side would probably cause a change in trajectory.

A move that actually worked out better than expected, for Giketsu wasn't expecting his opponent to recklessly charge in. This move would get Giketsu safe and get the chain between him and the aggressor. Not to mention the unexpected luck of leaving his opponent charging towards a dangerous clash between himself and his own weapon.



Skye was surprised by the dodge, as well as the re-direction of his own weapon. He was able to open his hand and catch it as it came flying back. If he didn't have enough experience with the weapon, he could have ended the match right then and there. Skye shook his head and started to think of what he should do. "How the hell was he able to act that quick...? Whatever... I can get him again... maybe even..." Stopping his assault, he assumed a defensive position and stretched the links of his chain scythe out. They had tangled slightly from the re-direction. Looking up at Giketsu, he jumped back to keep a good amount of distance between him and his opponent. "So, since I just went, how about you take a turn." He smiled and kept it up to look friendly. This really was aimed to irritate Giketsu. Skye wanted him to get mad, furious even. There was a reason behind it though. He wasn't going to let his guard down... he knew this guy meant business...



Giketsu had recovered his sight about now. His opponent was doing quite well, especially since Giketsu was quite aware of his own advantages up close. This had turned into a nibbling match. Both of them were provoking each other to make a mistake. Giketsu's main advantage was getting up close... or was it?

Giketsu heard his opponents opponents taunt and decided to act a bit differently. " Very well... " Giketsu said right before he dashed to his left away from Skye. Seemingly Giketsu was running. This wasn't far from true. He first ran side ways to make sure his opponent is left behind and the went straight for the sole large tree. Giketsu intended to take cover behind it. He was up for something. This seemed rather provoking and most likely like a trap. Giketsu didn't know whether his opponent would follow. And he didn't seem to care about it much either. Well, maybe besides the getting out of range.



Skye saw that Giketsu had bolted to a single tree and hid behind it. "Oh well..." He sighed looked over at a few spikey stones that were sticking out of the ground. Glancing back at Giketsu's hiding place for just a moment, he turned back and walked over towards them. Sitting down, he leaned against one and crossed his arms. "I said it was your turn! You gonna hide back there or are you here to fight!" Skye squinted to see if Giketsu was poking his head out. Dismissing it, he put his chain scythe back in its place on his hip. "This is getting boring you know...!" He shouted out once more, hoping to get at least some recognition. It seemed he was using a sarcastic voice as he shouted.



Giketsu Stood behind the tree. As he heard his opponents foot steps moving in the distance Giketsu started picking up stones lying on the ground next to him. He probably did this discreetly enough by reaching further only where the tree and the large boulder near by would keep him out of line of sight. He intended to go for another element of surprise. While picking up the stones he took off his shirt and then started to place the stones in it. After the shirt was filled enough he probably tied its sides together making a sort of a bag, the hell, it would even look like one as the knot in the end would be tight enough to form a thinner extension. The shirt was filled mainly with the smaller stones, those in size of fist would be held nearby but still aside. His opponent wouldn't wait forever, but as long as his opponent was thinking of this as a trap, he was pretty much safe.

Eventually you could see Giketsu make a peek by the trunks left side. He was checking for Skye's position. Since he would peek only with his head, Skye should stay unaware of Giketsu being shirtless now. While peeking he even tried to taunt his opponent once more. " Why don't you come over here? " . This did seem creepy... And possibly might seem quite awkward.



"Come over there...? Nah... I'd rather stay over here. I might even take a nap..." Skye stretched his arms out and put them behind his head. He took a deep breath in and exhaled. It made a whooshing sound as he blew out. This exam fight would definitely take some time. He indeed had a trap set up, but it wasn't visible to Giketsu. Skye leaned his head back and looked up at the sky for just a moment. "Wonder what Karoshi is up to... probably reading... she did come here to learn about that one medical hokage from long ago..." It seemed that Skye's mind was drifting off and thinking about other things for just a moment. He quickly snapped out of it and looked back at Giketsu's tree. "Ugh... You know that you'll eventually have to come out and take your turn. Wouldn't be fair to you if I went ahead and skipped it." The way he was talking about this fight was almost like he was talking about a game. Skye was looked like he was getting bored. He really wanted this fight to get a move on.



Now... Giketsu was prepared : Stones - Check!, A sack of stones? - Check!, A Bush? - Che-... Wait, no... Suddenly you might see an activity. A bush shaking. And no... Giketsu was cutting it down with his kunai. After few shake's the sizable bush fell to the side and was pulled into Giketsu's cover. Now he was prepared. Giketsu swing the bag over his shoulder shoulder, put the stones in his pockets nearly making his shorts drop and put the kunai in his mouth. He was set and ready to roll. Giketsu then quickly climbed up the tree. He could be seen jumping up branch by branch and after a moment he nearly at the top. There he saluted to Skye and after settling himself on a branch next to the top, Giketsu was ready for action.

Being on the top Giketsu took out three stones from his pocket placed them on the nearest branch-outs of the very tree top. By leaning backwards with his weight Gicketsu would pull the branch like a catapult and after a short moment of aim, he'd launch them towards Skye. The accuracy would actually be quite sloppy, but the damage would actually crush the very stones if they did hit the pillars behind Skye. One would go right for Skye's chest, one few steps on his right and the third one... Well, it would hit the ground WAY before even reaching Sky'es current location. " Having fun yet? "



Skye looked up and saw the stone. Something was wrong. Though the stone had hit, but Skye didn't move out of the way. He just crummbled when hit. Like he was just a rock. This wasn't an earth ninjutsu, but just an illusion of a rock resting against another. The remaining rocks hit in numerous places and seemed to do nothing to the rock surrounding where Skye was. All that was left was a shattered rock and a few displaced pebbles, but Skye was the only missing factor.

"I'm guessing that was your turn." A sudden voice appeared right above Giketsu. It was Skye's. He swung down and aimed a kick directly behind Giketsu. If it hit, which was most likely to happen because of Skye's deception of his location, it would cause Giketsu to fall out of the tree along with the pebbles and rocks he had collected. The surprise attack was very much unexpected, but rather well placed, using a genjutsu to fool a location and using it to get directly above an enemy. What he had done was make the image of himself on a rock that had been leaning on one of others. He then used the time that Giketsu had been collecting the stones to silently get above him by going on one of the tree branches. Unfortunately, Giketsu had started climbing, which required Skye to re adjust and use the leaves as cover. Easy for him because his opponent had focused on the fake. The way he covered his sounds was by using the wind.

Chakra 70/80:



Giketsu was obviously caught off guard by the kick. After all, he would normally notice something like this. Especially someone climbing the same tree he was on, so just how the opponent got above him was quite riddle. However Giketsu wasn't completely helpless at this point. What his opponent managed to kick was the "bag" on Giketsu's back so the damage was probably reduced. Anyhow ,it did hurt not to mention the fact he still had to land. He did manage to recover mid-air, as he had enough time before landing. In air Giketsu swinged the bag of stones ( stones wrapped in his shirt) towards the tree. Once he released the bag he would be falling backwards sending the bag towards the tree right under Skye's current location. The impact of the bag would probably cause the tree to rockhard enough to dis balance Skye. Either way he didn't stop at that. He drew a kunai from his mouth and send it towards Skye's. The combination of both moves would probably make Skye either to be hit by the kunai or probably jump. Giketsu would use the jump if its made in the first place to send the second kunai, he held behind him (placed it there earlier as you might remember) catching his opponent mid air while he still might be disoriented from the previous dodge. You can't move aside while in air, can you? Anyway this whole recklessness wouldn't leave enough time to land on feet, would it. Giketsu obviously hit the ground on his back. Quite a blow, luckily enough Giketsu didn't loose breath. It did hurt like hell though and probably left some wounds on his back.



Skye saw the bag, or more like shirt, being thrown and how it opened up when it hit the tree. The rocks flew out, a few hitting Skye's arm. Might cause a few bruises here and there, but nothing too serious. He was actually able to grab the shirt when trying to block the rocks. Next was the kunai. It was thrown at him, but due to the rocks, it caused Skye to move his position. The kunai hit the branch right next to his shoulder. The kunai happened to cut his shirt sleeve and barely miss his skin. Grabbing the kunai, he hopped down from the tree while still keeping his eyes on Giketsu. Landing, he dropped the shirt, but kept the kunai. "You used... your shirt... as a bag... Resourceful, but really weird..." He grinned as he balled up the shirt and threw it over to Giketsu. "Put it back on. It'd be really bad if I said I beat a guy who was shirtless."

Skye stuck the kunai in the pack on his hip. Might be useful for later. He then too his chain scythe out and waited for his opponent to either ditch the shirt of put it back on. "Uh... let's see... You did the pebble trick... then I got you out of the tree... So that would be considered a counter... So It's my turn again." Skye did a slight mental checklist to make sure he was correct with his little list 'turns'.



Giketsu slowly made his way up. The fact his opponent landed before him didn't speed him up. Slowly he dusted himself off as Skye tossed Giketsu the shirt. Giketsu obviously grabbed. " Thanks... " Giketsu once more slowly continued by unwrapping the shirt. Then however he pulled it over his head quickly enough so the speed would seem way quicker than any of his motion before. Lets just say Giketsu didn't really trust this facade of "gallantry". Anyhow he shifted the kunai he didn't get a chance to throw from one hand, to the other and took a proper fighting stance.

" Well? Are you gonna use that chain thingy or not? " Giketsu seemed to be quite impatient. This whole turn thing seemed to slow for him. He was all warmed up and ready to get the actual fight on.



"It's not a chain thingy. It's a chain scythe. And yeah, I'm going to use it, but just gimme a second." Skye put his chain scythes back on the holster on his hip just for the time being. He then cracked his neck and fingers. Each one of his fingers made a cracking sound and with each crack, a wave of relief. "Ok... I'm good." Skye made a few hand signs and inhaled sharply. This jutsu wasn't air, but he needed a good amount of air to make sure it stayed on track and was as accurate as possible. He jumped forward while putting both hands facing outwards. Making a motion that looked like a push of sorts, some electricity crackled around his hands before releasing a thin, but intimidating looking wave of electricity. Once the wave had been released, Skye took his chain scythes out and ran behind his wave. The wave was just in range to hit, but looked as if it would fry anything that touched it. Truth was, that wasn't it's purpose. It was meant for two reasons. Both of which Skye waited to see which one to use.



'Oh screw you already...' Giketsu thought to himself as he used the fact that his speed was superior to his opponent (tai training) and closed the distance to few feet while his opponent decided to crack his bones, about the time his opponent did the handsigns Giketsu was close enough to strike. Full frontal attack would be quite stupid, especially if his opponent is obviously about to unleash hell, wouldn't it? Well, it would be stupid, but this is Giketsu we're talking about, so...

Once Skye jumped up to perform the push Giketsu used this moment to slide under his opponent and grab him by his right feet. The pull cause by the slide should cause Skye to trip forth and if the actual blast wave is released, he would trip into it himself. That or land right before it. Anyways this was the perfect moment to use the kunai he didn't have chance to use earlier ( when he waited for a chance to strike Skye mid-air ). Giketsu should now be positioned so he could easily stab the kunai right into the right heel of Skye he was holding. Even if the charge somehow did hit Giketsu, they would both receive the charge.

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