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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Special Rules:

May only use ONE item of their choice to help in
battle. (if no items than they will get a choice from 2 kunai, 5
shuriken, or 1 rusty katana.)

You have until Friday (11-3) to finish. Staff may step in at any moment and declare a winner. Report all rule violations directly to senior staff.

Keep it clean, keep it fun.




"I've to fight Otto...wait...isn't that the guy who called me an idiot?" He thought to himself as he twirled his kunai around his right index finger, swirling at a fast enough speed that, if not careful, could be fatal to Kenny if he messed up. To be honest, a lot more was on his mind though. The stress of the chuunin exams were on his mind and now he actually had to fight someone for his future? He couldn't fail this, there was no way he could fail this. If he did fail, he didn't know what he was going to do after it...

He sat down on the banks of the the Naka River. the wind was beating down had and Kenny's hair was flying about while his scarves were whipping the area around him. Seriously, what's with the weather lately? Not much he could have done about it though...he awaited Otto to make an appearance.



He grabbed the face paint the paint was bight red it would clash against his fully black outfit. for this particular fight he left his jacket simply because he thought it would hinder his plan. He painted his face with two vertical lines that passed right under both his eyes as if he were crying tears of blood. He threw on a black tee shirt and strapped his family blade on his back. He was ready.

Otto approached the field carefully he had spent a little time researching his opponent and although he didn't have much he had enough to formulate a game plan. He looked in his mirror he hadn't slept at all last nigh he had spent it mentally preparing for the battle. He looked at the man in the mirror knowing that to win this fight he would have to push himself as far as he could he could leave nothing on the table.

Otto jumped off of a rock landing about ten feet away from his opponent. then looked at the other man's eyes. "So, you're my opponent" he says faking surprise. He extends his sword aiming it at his opponents face, and says smiling, " are you ready or do you have a stupid question to ask," he says this noting on their first meeting letting the ninja know he remembered him.



Kenta began to laugh hysterically inside. Oh this idiot, this is who he had to face off against. Kenny never underestimated anyone but that never effected his personal view of them, especially this one. He was a genin and he had the balls to point a weapon at him without even saying hello? Oh my, how rude. He stopped his kunai and brought it up to the tip of Otto's blade, slowly pushing it away with the blade of his kunai.
"Yes, I do actually." He said as he pushed himself up to his feet, a little bit of mud and grass latching onto his clothing. He staggered a bit before coughing to clear his throat.
"Why do you act like an utter tit? Were you born to be the village arse? Wait, maybe not...that'd be too much of an insult for Kirigakure." He said, laughing slightly in the end. Mind you though, he didn't know of Kiri's destruction at the time.

He took a long breath before launching himself backwards, landing on the other side of the river bank. He prepared himself for anything that this idiot might have in mind though he was concentrating his chakra into forming a small ball of wind though it wasn't following through...he was only going to make an attack when Otto did, ready to jump away just in case.



Otto laughed at his comment and said quickly, "you know I'm gonna enjoy taking you down. If I didn't recognize you I would have taken you out before you were aware of my presence, but I wanted to meet you up close and personal so that I can see the look on your face. " He looks at him noticing the tenseness of his muscle structure. The man jumped to the other side so it was obvious he was no hand to hand expert, or even a sword expert. It might be difficult to get close. He stands casually trying to anger his opponent to make him act stupidly.



"Bitch please, I could smell you before you came into the vicinity. Our baths do provide you with general hygiene and they don't cost much anyway. God, do you plan on winning this match through boring me to death cause you may actually win through that." He replied to Otto. This was getting annoying, not only was he mentally unstable but the dude had to follow him too? Urgh. Talk about personal space much?
Kenta took two steps back and began flicking his Kunai back and forth, ready to counterattack away that blade of his. It looked like any normal blade but a little worn down. Nothing special about it from appearance.

He looked around for a small moment. The wind was heavy and strong so he had that advantage. It was an open space so that acted like his advantage and his disadvantage. Oh well. There was much to use here like the environment... all he needed to do was play his cards right. This man used Kenjutsu so it was obvious he was skilled with a sword but Kenny also had a few tricks up his sleeves!



Otto smiled at Kenta and says sincerely, " good luck." He moved forward quickly, but defensively swinging his sword at the oher mans cheek wanting to draw first blood. He follows this up with three quick slashes at the mans chest. Slowly warming up and attempting to draw out an attack from his opponent.



Watching Otto charge towards him, he narrowed his eyes and braced himself. Finally. Otto took a swipe for Kennys face with his blade and by instinct, Kenny dodged by dropping to his knees and shot straight back up to deflect the oncoming slashes for his chest with his kunai knife. After Otto had finished his little barrage, Kenny followed it through by taking a swipe with his Kunai knife which was followed by a two hit combo with his feet; aiming for Otto's chest.



Otto switches to a backwards grip of his blade using the dull side rather than the sharp. He parries away the kunai swipe hard with an attempt to knock his opponent off balance. He then pushes back onn his feet creating a slight amount of distance between he, and his opponent allowing the other man to miss his small combo.

This was getting boring the man was obviously no taijutsu user, and he was no proffessional with a kunai. Otto thought to himself "I gave him a chance to unleash some skill now i'm just gonna fight... maybe that will get him to do something interesting."

He quickly began the math, the man was about 6 foot so he wouldn't need to adjust his blade. He was slightly arrogant and possibly prone to fits of anger, so it might be possible to get him to act out of rage. He was a strong genin judging by the chunin reacted to his presence earlier. Tactic divide and conquer, piss him off and destroy the leftovers.

He charged foward smoothly using his superior swordsman speed to close the gap quickly. He swings the first slash at Kenta's left shoulder wanting to sever the nerves wanting to eliminate the possiblility of jutsu. He then underhand swings his blade aiming for his opponents leg once again attempting to eliminate the possiblty of surprises. He launches a third strike aiming it at his opponents right arm this time. However, he launches it at an extremely painfull nerve ending. Throughout these attacks he continues to push forward eliminating the possiblility of distance, and jutsu.



Following through with Ottos swipe with the blunt end of his sword, his hand was smacked back and in turn put him off balance slightly but recovered as he brought his body down, placing his hand that gripped the kunai hard on the ground he swiveled his body and brought up his leg to kick Otto on the face but missed as he jumped back. Damn!

There was a brief moment between them, enough time to figure something out. Otto was a Kenjutsu user yes and seemed to enjoy close combat. Kenny was fairly efficient in close combat but no master. Handy with a kunai but other than that no... He was cocky so a blow to his ego or a hit landing might snap him back into the real world and bring him from his. Kenny had a surprise indeed but not when Otto charged with tremendous speed!

Kenta's eyes widened as he charged and launched his blade at his shoulder. He turned his body to the right, the blade swiftly passing by his shoulder. He was trying to cut off any possibility of Jutsu! The shit! Having dodged his first attack, Kenny felt a sharp pain as Otto's blade sliced his leg. It wasn't too damaging but it hurt like hell, the blood began to seep from the cut. Keeping his stance together as best he can, he deflected the oncoming slash for his right shoulder whilst continuously moving back, trying not to be too close! This is it!

As Kenny took one more step back, a set of invisible steel chains shot out from beneath Kenta's feet. Kenny was staring Otto directly in the eye at this point, concentrating as much as he could! At the way Otto was charging at Kenta and how close he was, he'd need a miracle to dodge this! The chains shot straight at Otto at a quick speed.

Kanashibari No Jutsu!:




Otto smiles continuing his charge he pushes forward on his left foot and launching himself off the ground extremely fast at the same time he extends his sword aiming it at his opponents chest. his momentum sends him and his sword flying forward at Kenta's chest. Right before the chains would restrain the genin Otto uses his bloodline trait and liquefies. Turning himself literally into a flying blast of water the sword and his liquid form flew straight at Kenta's chest; near his heart, but far enough away for the attack not to be fatal. At this range, and with Otto and the swords momentum it would be extremely difficult to react.



What the hell? He dodged? He's got some reflexes I'll give him that!
Otto had thrown himself overhead, his sword following him. The blade sliced through his clothes and scratched the top layer of Kenta's skin, some blood seeping out slowly. Damn...this guys keeps getting hits...New plan!
Wincing slightly from the swords scratch the slice Otto had made earlier on his leg, things weren't looking good!
He staggered back and watched as Otto basically turned into a puddle. What the hell? The puddle was flying towards his general direction as a sword shot out at his chest...Kenta's eye's widened as he watched the scenario play out in his head. He imagined the blade going through him but Kenta still somehow conscience. Losing...being weak.

The blade hurtled towards him before he brought up his hands and grabbed the blade, slicing his hands. The blood from the cuts in his hands began to go along the blade as the it went on through and pierced it's way slightly into Kenta's chest. He staggered back a foot or two, a little blood dribbled from his mouth as he drooped his head down slightly. A moment passed before Kenta laughed and looked on...his wind nature began to spiral around him before he withdrew one of his hands from the blade, one hand still tightly wrapped round the blade. Kenta smiled as he distorted his hand and the his wind nature began to take form as a small ball of wind in his palm, a little blood from his hand being picked up by the wind. The ball now a red ball of wind. It was time!
Kenta shot the ball, propelling from his hand at ecstatic speed, flying off towards Otto, despite his watery form it'll still do something!
"I wont give in!" Kenta screamed as the ball hurtled towards Otto! It wont be a short match! Not if Kenta had anything to say about it!




Otto solidifies in an attempt to push the blade in further... big mistake. As he reformed his momentum pushed the blade slightly, but before he could do any actual damage he was hit with a ball of pure chakra shoving him and his sword back and away from The other man's chest. Making him skid on the water to the other side of the lake he howls in pain; his ribs had definitely been cracked by the impact he forced himself off the ground gritting his teeth, and holding his left side. He couldn't lose again, He shouts at the other genin from the other side of the lake, "awesome jutsu what do you call it" he says with a weaze.



The blade went flying from his chest and with that, so did the man. The blade shot from his chest as Kenny let go off the blade, making sure not to do any more further damage to his hands than already. He watched the man hurtle through the air and skid across the waters surface. Kenny knew it was a strong jutsu but he didn't know it could do that. Holy hell! he fell to his knees, wheezing slightly from the pain and blood loss. His leg was now in agony from the cut and his chest wasn't as bad but it was resonating a nasty sting around the wounded area. Damn!
Hearing the genin shout from the other end, Kenta lifted his head up, his left eye closed from the pain, he coughed; a shot of blood flying out and hitting the dirt.
"...It's a wind release ninjutsu, who knows, maybe I'll teach you if I live!" He shouted back, laughing to himself. Teaching someone. One minute this guy seemed hellbent on killing him but now he wanted to...befriend him? Kenny enjoyed a good match and this was a rush indeed but...
"You ready to give in?" He laughed, he was wondering if he had some fight left in him. Kenny was obviously pushing it but he was one to chance it...he almost KO'd himself training his Ninjutsu for crying out loud!



"No" he says laughing and wheezing, "I will not forfeit but I don't think either of us can continue in our condition.. I can't even liquefy properly." He stands up and says still feeling the pain, "I may take you up on the training offer though." He smiled to himself this guy was interesting He hated him one minute but now he had a strange sense of respect the fact that he just managed to take several sword strikes made him want to spar with him again. He couldn't lose... he couldn't just quit because of a few broken ribs. He pushes himself of the ground using the sword as a brace. "You want to keep going" he wheezes loudly, "Or shall we call it a draw?"



Coughing again, Kenta laughed and shook his head. No, this wasn't going to end like this...he wanted one more assault on Otto before he collapsed but he was pushing himself to the point of intensive care aftermath...
He pushed himself to his feet and stared at Otto, his vision blurry and distorted as the light seemed to fade in and out; no! He slapped himself in the face, the blood from his hand smearing on his face. Maybe he should call it a match...have a draw...but would they be allowed to have a draw?
He laughed as Otto mentioned the training. Idiot. Kent couldn't help but be amused by him.

Kenta staggered towards Otto, limping as he pushed himself toward Otto. The world seemed to go by in slow motion as Kenta swayed from left to right as he inhaled strongly, trying to stay conscience the whole time. It was hard enough to walk with a sliced leg that he needed to stay awake...

Eventually, getting to the injured Otto, Kenta stretched out his bloody hand, some blood dripping from his fingers and wrist as the dark red blood slowly slid down his arm and soaking his clothing...Kenta didn't want to admit defeat but in a way he wasn't he was declaring both a draw of the match and a peace between him and Otto, a sign of trust and compassion towards the genin's fighting capability. Granted it may have been a short match but it was a match that Kenta would remember forever and through this he will have learned many things like tactic and friendship values. Ever since the death of Aoi, he had found it difficult to maintain a friendship with someone but with Otto...maybe...
"What do you say? You fought like a true ninja. I respect you." He said. His blood smeared face was filled with an expression of pain but also a hint of trust...

The wind around them suddenly disappeared, leaving the area around them completely still, the sound of the water sounded heavenly.



Otto watched as the ninja approached honestly Otto still had some stregnth in the chamber but this guy was 1/4 dead. It was admirable that he wanted to continue, but not smart. Otto had at the very least severed a few nerves. Otto stands he had been taught never to show mercy... never to show weakness, but could he strike down a ddefenseless man... was the man defenseless.

As kenta approached he extended his hand Otto looked at it he could shake his hand but in the back of his mind he ould hear his father he could hear his training he could hear the Hozuki in him scream to kill him wjile he was weak. However the smaller voice in his head what he could only assume was his own, or his "concience" told him to ignore the other voices, and shake his opponents hand.

Otto sighs and raises his sword he could feel the world standstill as he made his choice. He tosses his sword on the ground, and grabs the mans hand and shakes it. He states quickly, "You fought well, and because of this I will remeber you forever."



I declare this match over... the ending result is a draw!

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