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Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Special Rules:

Each user gets 2 posts to set up any defenses they want. This will be like a war field.

You have until Friday (11-3) to finish. Staff may step in at any moment and declare a winner. Report all rule violations directly to senior staff.

Keep it clean, keep it fun.




Synn was contemplating how to interact here. He felt he was heavily favored with the dense tree’s, easy to slip in and out of the line of vision. He had not line of site on his opponent so that was a slight disadvantage. And he had no weapons. However he was somewhat prepared for this fight. Being as he couldn’t spot his opponent yet Synn wraps his hair up in a dark rag to hide the red color. In this type of battlefield the ability to move unnoticed was part of it. However tracking an opponent on the other hand. It would be better to lead his opponent to him. So first he pulls up some moss from a tree. Camouflage. It might just be the deciding factor. Shedding his coat he puts a stick on the ground and hangs his coat from the stick. A plan forming in his mind as he begins to rub the moss into himself coating himself in the dark green of the forest. His one good eye scanning, the best part of the forest was no power sweeping moves could be preformed. But his grapple style might have an advantage. He controls his breathing and remains silent for now slinking into the surrounding forest preparing for his next move.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu was awake. Eyes wide open, dangerously alert to all of his surroundings. One of the few things to wake him up was finally here. His enemy today was a genin names Synn. Aki remembered having lunch with him just a few days ago. His enemy was probably hiding, but he didn't have a problem finding him. He was a Nekonote after all. Synn would probably be expecting Aki to go after him, but Akimitsu had to think smart. He noticed some tree moss, and a strange black mushroom. He turned and saw a rock that could pass off as him. With some careful planning, Aki could have a distraction.

Aki quickly took of his button up jacket and took off one of his water bottles. He had a smaller water bottle, but that was for drinking needs. He put the water bottle on the rock, then used his jacket to grab the mushroom. Next up, he grabbed some moss and set it on the rock. Using the jacket, he started to rub the black mushroom on the moss. The moss started turning a dark color, mostly matching Aki's hair color. After thinking for a moment Aki decided to open up the water bottle, so he could easily access the water if he needed to. Aki set his jacket down to make it look like he was hunched over. It was still obvious that it was a rock, but he wasn't quite done yet. He climbed a tree and quickly collected leaves and started to 'stuff' his jacket. He was trying to make it look like his body shape. It didn't take long, but one thing was missing. Someone wouldn't be hunched over for nothing. With a lot of regret, he pulled out his Yo-Yo he brought with him and cut the string.

As his Yo-Yo fell, he took it and set it behind the rock. The string was not far behind and he set that down. A few moments later and he got some twigs together. He started making some random object with the twigs, and a bit of the string from the Yo-Yo. Not all of it though, so it would look like Aki was focused on that project. He stepped back for a second and gave himself some approval. Sure, Aki might have spent to much time on it, but he needed it to be convincing. He went up into a tree to see if he could think of anything else to do.



Synn looks about him cautiously as if expecting the enemy to be rushed. He remembered the individual he had fed and smiles fondly. This would indeed be a waiting game if neither was willing to act. Based on the personality he had observed of the other he figures that the patience game would be a long one. Synn finishes the touches on the stick doll of him and then ties it to a tree hanging it precariously from a tree hidden above eye level and takes the trip line and places it hidden amongst some leaves. If one where to trip it the stick doll would come down spinning in a sort of attack that wouldn’t do much damage. But the coat and the wrapped head might pass for him in that instance. For now he collects some pebbles and silently begins to move crawling slowly across the forest floor. The camouflage covering him as if he where a part of the forest floor. Holding the pebbles to have a projectile to test any traps at a range or to disorient his opponent if he could hit him in one of the vital senses such as the nose.. Eyes or ears. His green eyes watching quietly.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

While Aki was in the tree, he had thought of another defensive precaution he could take. That's when he started to break branches from the top of the tree off. He broke a lot of branches, but only at the top so if you were to look at the tree from the ground it would be unchanged. In the middle of the tree, he started setting up the branches to make a little dome for himself to sit in. This would provide protection from maybe one good attack. He didn't need it for that though. More over to blend in. If he planned it right, he wouldn't need to see them right away. If he used his Kekkei Genkai correctly, then he would be able to find Synn first.

The elder of the clan had told him how the Buyougan had worked. At Aki's rank of Genin, he wouldn't be able to tell things apart. If he used his jutsu now, there was a chance that he could mistake someone for a woodland animal. Aki figured that he could just tell apart the amount of chakra the being has. He'd never tried it before though, so it had some risk of not working. Had to try anyway right? He closed his eyes for a moment and whispered "Buyougan". It wasn't audible by anyone by himself, or so he hoped. As his jutsu activated, he started to see a few chakra signatures. He started to widen the range of his jutsu until he hit the max point at 30 meters. He could see several of the woodland creatures chakra, but if Synn was in there, it would take a little more time to notice the different amount of chakra against the wildlife.

Akimitsu Chakra Amount: 75/80:



Synn was unaware of his opponents ability of sight however he was moving very quietly. His eyes watching as he moved along the streams to hide his scent. The bonus being was the amount of fish and bugs surrounding him. Crawling on him. He did not mind it as if he where a part of the earth itself. Yes his chakra was more then that of a single insect or fish. But the amount surrounding him might hide him from an untrained eye. Still it was not his intention so he still slowly moved. In the distance he saw a coat bent over something. He lays very still but something bothered him. The form wasn’t moving. No rise in breath. No hand movement. A trap maybe? If so it was very well put together. He had to assume moving into that territory was just another trap waiting. He smiles though and takes a deep breath. The high ground is where territorial it would be best. An act to draw the other out perhaps. He silently whispers
“illusion no bunshin.”
And then moves running into the clearing from his hiding spot. However 5 others of him run exactly the same at intervals. He himself was second to the left. And the formation was a triangle. All 6 of them abruptly run straight up the tree’s with the least branches to avoid his clones perhaps passing through a branch. He had moved the first knight.



Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Turns out that it was Aki's tree that Syn decided to run up. With his Buyougan still active he was able to see some form of chakra running up a tree. No animal or bug could have this much chakra and run up a tree at this speed. He jumped out of his hiding spot almost going into a swan dive. Hopefully he had the surprise element when he jumped out, because he jumped for the real Synn. He held out his Kunai in front of him to try and cut some part of Synn. He predicted that it wouldn't work though, so he was ready to tuck and roll if he hit the ground.

Akimitsu Chakra Amount: 70/80:



The illusions fade as does his concentration on them when he see’s the opponent swan diving at him directly. He looks up at him and moves straight up the tree right back at him till they where maybe five paces apart making eye contact with his one good eye as if challenging the other individual before activating his Dojutsu. And then switching to a grapple stance. If the Dojutsu worked he would lock the opponent in his stunning eye for but a moment which he would use to dislocate the wrist with a quick jab and let his opponent fall to the floor. A painless dislocation but rendering the limb useless. This was a technique used to disarm an opponent before any vitals can be reached. Still he doubted his stunning eye would work for once and watches for harmful intent in the eyes. If so a solid blow to the pinky was needed to break the finger. Not a disarming move but a redirection for the pain. Either way his threat range was closer then his opponents though he would not stick around to find out. Instead he would launch around the tree and further up. His opponent had found him easily. He needed to outlast him.


Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu wasn't looking at the eyes though. As he dived he had his eyes shut for a bit. He didn't need to open his eyes to see Synn. He only opened them when he heard his enemy launched away. At that moment, he deactivated his Buyougan and rolled on the ground coming off with only a grass stain. He quickly looked up at Synn just as he went higher up into a tree. Keeping a look out for Synn, he quickly grabbed his water bottle and string and started chasing after Synn. Chasing is what a Nekonote does best.



Synn was extremely surprised at this. not only had his opponent seen through his illusion clones but also evaded the eye technique he attempted to keep hidden by closing his eyes and while having his eye's closed avoided any damage from a fairly fast and practiced attack and to top it off was now chasing him. this individual seemed to know his tactics to a T and was armed and apparently at a Genin rank did not need to see to fight hand to hand against an unknown fighting style. it was frustrating but he would try a different tactic. for now he ran top side back towards his area. throwing pebbles back at his opponent one at a time with moderate accuracy

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

You'd think after evading two techniques that dodging a few pebbles would be easy. While they didn't hurt, they kept hitting around his head, which was rather annoying. Thunk, Thunk, Thunk. He really started to hate rocks. He silently said a thank you that he wasn't an earth element. He kept running, and the pebbles still hitting him, he was able to notice the changing area. They must have been going into Synn's area. Not only was this unfamiliar territory, but he had probably set up a few traps himself. He'd have to be a bit more careful to not set anything off.



Well now that was strange. it appeared smaller inanimate objects where easy to hit his target with. but these where merely a distraction and whittling away at his opponents concentration hopefully. Synn descended to the forest floor where he could run ever faster then in the tree's gaining a boost in speed. they where well into his territory now. he begins tossing from his other pouch. the more jagged rocks. little cuts perhaps. see if it could bleed. the point was to run fast enough that his pursuer would have to join him on the ground to keep up but not fast enough to get away.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Aki started to hit away some of the rocks, but still some hit him. They all only hit clothing and the result was a little bit of torn clothing. When Synn jumped down to the floor, Aki weighed the odds. In the trees, he would have the advantage in height. He'd also be able to surprise Synn in some way. Then he realized even with his natural speed he wouldn't be able to catch up to Synn. Aki didn't like the idea of going further into Synn's starting area, but he had no choice. He jumped down to chase after him. If Aki could land one jutsu, then maybe he could get a few good attacks in. He expected something to happen though, and himself for anything.



Synn focused on timing his running so that he would gradually change his footing as he ran ever so little. Timing it so it would appear his feet naturally stepped where they did. his plans where gentle in nature honestly. truth be told they could of turned deadly with the slightest variations added. still he paces himself. His bet was that inanimate objects could not be seen by this persons ability to spot him where ever he was so his trap was designed to be undetectable from the direction they where going. he runs past the trip wire counting the seconds his opponent was behind him. and gaining. good. though he doesnt leave his trap just to the chance of a trip wire. the reason he had been throwing pebbles all this time was so that when he threw one at the trigger it would appear normal. he times it and tosses a sharpened pebble slightly in front of Akimitsu and sets of the trap with the spinning dressed sticks. the whirling attack would only do slight damage like getting struck by a bow staff if it hit but it was only part 1 of 3. part 2 of 3 was he suddenly drew attention to himself instead of the releasing trap by turning and hurling a handful of rocks at his opponents face. step three was charging right behind the projectile. and aiming for a solid blow to the knee. a three point attack targeting a long range head attack. a mid range body attack trap and a close range knee dislocation. all of which he hoped would hit or at least one of them. all could do considerable damage.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu imminently felt himself hit something. He saw something move, and figured it was a bluff trap. A wire not hooked to anything. Turns out it was though. The... what ever it was, hit Aki in the side. Didn't hurt much, but that's when the rocks hurled at his face. One hit him in the left eye, and cut up the rest of his face. The next few things happened almost to fast for Aki himself. In a flurry of panic, he used some hand signs, then slammed the ground as hard and as fast as he could with both hands, while yelling "WIND PULSE JUTSU!" Hoping that it worked, Aki was forced to keep his left eye closed. He was sure it would end up bleeding, but he needed to act fast. He sprinted the other way towards a tree, hopefully evading Synn for the moment. In an instant Aki knew what he needed to do. Synn just needed to get a little closer. Could Aki pull it off though?

Akimitsu Chakra Amount 70/80:



Synn had missed but he had seen the damage he had done and stops where he stood. he was still covered in mud and dirt but his smile was genuine. his opponent seemed like he wished to continue but it had gone far enough.So h Synn raises his hand and calls out calmly to his opponent.

"Alright kiddo I surrender. your eye is hit and your face is bleeding. this is just a test i can take again later. get your eye looked at before your stuck with an eye patch like me ok?"

He honestly held no ill will towards his opponent.

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

This seriously rocked Akimitsu. His... He was surrendering? He hopped out of his tree and landed on the ground. After the initial panic he felt, he was actually having the time of his life. He walked over to to Synn to shake his hand. His Kunai was put away, and he was grinning.

"An Eye patch wouldn't be that bad."He said in a joking manner. He didn't have any grudges against Synn either. "Care to go out for more food sometime?"



Synn smiles and reaches out to take his hand and shake it. he was fine with losing but something about his grip showed he had done his best to hold back. his hand had the feel like they where used to breaking bones. but he felt gentle now.

"Sure thing kitten. just get your eye looked at alright? now get to it."

Akimitsu Nekonote

Akimitsu Nekonote

Kitten? Ok then. That was new, but Aki nodded and waved. He soon took off so he could get his eye fixed. Maybe he'd be able to sleep while they fix it. God knows he could use sleep.




Synn sits down alone in the forest now taking a breath. he had hardly used any chakra but the running at full speed had his heart pounding. he scoots over to the waters edge and begins to scrub off his camouflage. Hadn't helped him in the slightest. that eye technique had been truly troubling. Still he was confident he could have won had he simply kept fighting. however he had been fighting a Konoha genin. perhaps he could gain favor by preventing any permanent harm. there was always the next exams after all.

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