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1Gate Duty[C-rank,Repeatable] Empty Gate Duty[C-rank,Repeatable] Fri Jun 12, 2015 9:53 am



beep... beep... beep...

Okami's alarm rung clearly throughout her room. it wasn't like she had to get up terribly early. she just didn't want to make sure that she was late. which she wouldn't have been. Okami walked into her room, already fully clothed and pretty much ready for the day, with a bit of toast in her mouth, and hit the power button on the alarm clock. luckily, she had gotten up before her alarm went off, and had had time to get ready for the day. Okami's mom was also up for the day and had taken the time to make her some toast, and a lunch for today. she was planning on getting some sort of training done for the up and coming exams. her body was pretty weak compared to most genins, and so she needed to strengthen her physical self, because just being mentally strong wasn't going to carry her though the exams. she had heard that people die in those exams. she didn't want to be one of them. so she wanted her body in peak psychical condition, or at least as close as she could possibly get before the time came for her to go to the exams. so today she planned on running for as long as possible. then she would take a lunch break, and then she would continue. or if that didn't work out as planned, she would have to come up with something else to do.

Okami finished getting ready, her kunai and shuriken in a pouch on her left thigh,  her headband... well...  around her head, and finally a backpack to store some bottled water and her lunch. she had finished her breakfast as well. She kissed her mom on the cheek and said bye as she told her that she would be heading out for the day. she quietly closed the door as to not stir her father as she left. once she was out of her house, she simply walked to gate of the clan compound. she wanted to conserve her energy until she got out of the compound. once she got through the gate of her compound, and her good mornings to all of the members of her clan. then she took off. running towards a small plateau in the dunes she had found just the other day, that she was sure no one else knew about. she would use that as her training center from now on, she decided. she could only hope that some one else didn't know about it and she would have to share, and she wasn't too fond of sharing a place where she would be all smelly and sweaty with someone else. hence why she picked to train in the middle of the desert anyways.

it didn't take long for okami to have the village gates in site as she was running there. however the words "stop" behind her caught her attention. she immediately stopped and turned around. a man that looked like he was from the sunagakure messager corps, places his hands on his knees and her bent over trying to catch up "thank god, you finally stopped". apparently he was more out of shape than Okami. "did you need something?" okami asked. "yeah. the chunin that was assigned to do gate duty came down with the flu, and you were the only ninja available at the time. so you're gonna have to take his position until we can find a suitable replacement... here i have the official mission from the kazekage" he said as he handed her an envelope. gate duty? but wasn't that suppose to be for chunin's only? because special jounin's and higher were needed for higher rank missions, and genin were to low rank to break up a possible fight, or provide a first line of defense in case of attack, which left the chunin's to handle it. but then again as the man said, she was the only available ninja. Okami let out a sigh as the man turned around and walked off. well there goes her day of training.

Okami opened up the envelope, and read the instructions of how to check I.D's  and what to do in case someone didn't have one or came back faulty. with that in mind she approached the gate, and sat at the empty stand. she then opened the gate, to allow travelers to enter. she took notes on who left, because at this early in the morning there wasn't many people who would be entering the village. after about five minutes the first person to enter the village walked through. Okami almost didn't notice him because she was so busy jotting down the ninja and citizen's that were leaving the village in the log book. he walked right path the booth as he entered, and Okami had to call him over. he quickly apologized stating that this was his first time entering one of the main five villages and didn't quite know where he was suppose to get checked him. she simply smiled and said it was fine. then she checked his I.D. and told him to carry on when everything checked out. then she proceeded to get the names of people leaving the village and continued jotting it down. the job its self wasn't so bad. she got to analyse people's personalities as she interacted with them, and it wasn't too much work for her. the second traveler didn't enter the village until nearly an hour later. and once again he walked right past the little booth. Okami let out a small sigh as she called him over. he was much less happy then the first, older, man. Okami asked him for his I.D. and he took and minute to get it out. Okami was getting a bad feeling about this one, as she grumbled and mumbled to himself as Okami slowly looked over his I.D. card. she went over it twice, and found something she didn't find the first time. it was expired, meaning she couldn't allow him access. "Sorry sir, your I.D. card in invalidated, becaue it has expired. you are going to going to have to get a new one before i can allow you access into the village." she said calm and collectedly handing him back his I.D. the man instantly seemed raged. "WHAT" he shouted at Okami. "YOU KNOW WHAT? I DON'T CARE! WHO IS GOING TO STOP ME? YO-" he was cut off there by the sound of someone clearing their throats, behind okami. okami instantly spun around... she hadn't even heard them come up. a man in a sunagakure flak jacket stood behind her, with his sword partially unsheathed. "do we have a problem?" he said in a very clear and authoritative voice. his look, looked like he was about to kill the man in front of Okami. "N-no... the man angrily replied, and then stormed off, and away from the village. then the other sunagakure shinobi turned to Okami "thanks for covering while the administration office found a chunin to handle this... they told me to give you this. it's a letter of graditude, and your ryo reward for helping out" Okami took the envelope. and smiled at the man, giving him a brief nod before heading out. she was glad he came when he did. or else who knows what could have happened. but whatever, an hour of her training day had already passed, and she was determined not to miss another minute of it. so she decided to sprint to her personal spot. and so she did.

Mission completed! 1000/1000
WC left for training
Perception E -> E-2
Reaction time E -> E-1

11 words left over

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