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1Gate Duty [ C-Rank Mission/Private] Empty Gate Duty [ C-Rank Mission/Private] Wed Jul 13, 2016 6:04 pm



A sigh would escape the lips of the special jounin as his emerald green hair moved slightly in the wind. His jade green eyes were half-closed, as the sun was pretty bright out. Did he really have to go man the gate today? It wasn't like they didn't have less seasoned shinobi ready to do so, but he wasn't going to argue. He could use the extra ryo, so he decided it was a good idea. His bow sat on his back beside his quiver as his body trudged towards the village entrance. If he were being honest, he rather be in the Slums with Ryu. He needed to train and get stronger if he was going to stay relevant to the quick man. It didn't take long, but Kenshin finally arrived at the large gates, reporting to the captain on duty. "Kenshin Mori here reporting." He spoke non-chalantly as he awaited his position. The man would nod and point to a vacant spot. Kenshin would walk over to the indention of sand, setting his stuff down as he waited for something interesting.

Hours went by, and it seemed like the shift was taking forever. He had commenced to drawing little designs in the sand in front of him, chuckling at his own humor. It got him a couple of glances, but nothing serious enough to get him in trouble. After a few more minutes, a person appeared in the desert before them, heading towards the village. They seemed to be alone, but had a bag on their back full of stuff. Maybe this was a merchant or someone moving out to Sunagakure. Not that he would recommend it, because he certainly wouldn't. The other ninja around him started to stir as the man came closer. Kenshin moved from his position, going to meet the man to see what business he had in Sunagakure. He was an middle-aged guy, who looked to be doing okay for himself. "What is your business in Suna?" These were the only words that were spoken for a few seconds before the man responded. Apparently, he was a merchant who was setting up in Sunagakure. Kenshin removed his bag, looking through it before looking the man up and down. "Everything seems to be in order, proceed." He would say with a wave of his hand to signal the clear to the other ninja. He nodded and headed inside the village, followed by Kenshin who returned to his post.

It was not a few minutes later before someone else appeared on the horizon. This man had two scars on his cheek and drug a cart behind him full of weapons. This automatically set everyone on red alert, including the green archer. Even he knew that urgency was require when dealing dangerous situations. He moved out quicker than before, bow drawn as he sped towards the man. The guy remained calm, but put his hands up to show no signs of aggression. Kenshin would stop five meters away from him, still aimed. Two ninja arrived behind him, providing back up. "State your buisness in Sunagakure." The man must have known how he looked, as he grinned. He explained he was a simple merchant looking to sell weapons. Kenshin looked over the various tools in the cart, noticing a blood stain on several of them that was rather fresh. They looked to be made in Sunagakure as well.

"I'm not sure where you got these, but I think you should take them elsewhere, unless you have proof that you didn't kill our ninja for them." He spoke as he walked sideways to keep his bow aimed at the man. He tried to protest, starting to get loud and angry. The two Suna ninja stepped forward, signalling he needed to watch his tone. "Now leave this wall, or we will take you out as a trespasser." Kenshin was serious and had returned back to his fellow ninja. The man would grimace before turning and taking back off into the desert. He was grumbling cuss words, but Kenshin was not easily tricked. He returned to his position once the man had disappeared, sighing at all the activity that the mission had brought. He just hoped the rest of the shift wasn't quite as busy. Fortunately, he was right. Several more hours passed before a ninja came to relieve him. A rare smile crept on his face as he nodded and took off towards the village. It was time to do some more training, at least for a little while. When night fell, his lazy butt was going to bed.

He eventually made it back to the missions board, crossing off that he had completed his mission. Important missions required him to report in, but simple guard duty was a bit easier to finish. He didn't have to go have long conversations with self-important people who ask to many questions. A simple nod was all he gave to the ninja walking up to the board, as he turned and took off toward his home. He hadn't spent much time their of late. He had spent much more of his time in the slums, trying to do something with his talent instead of letting it waste away. He couldn't help but see Ryu as a motivator, consider how passionate the boy was about his cause. There were other ninja he had worked with over the years, but Ryu was unique in the fact that he didn't bore Kenshin to tears. He eventually got there, totally skipping the door as he jumped to the roof. Several dummy targets were there for him to use his arrows on. He had spent many hours up here perfecting his craft, and it seemed he was about to spend a few more. He drew an arrow, letting it sing as it flew across the roof with a swift release. it slapped the target with a specific sound. Bullseye. Kenshin couldn't help but be proud of his skills, but that was just the first. about ten thousand more times to go.

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