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This one!:

The mission-petitioner wrote:From the Suna Administration Building, make a left turn, after that walk forward three streets. Then, you go right....head straight until you hit the red house, then it's on the left on the adjoining street.

Thanks so much for doing this last-minute!
PS: 18+ only please!

It was missions like this that Taede really preferred, he supposed. Menial tasks like this were nothing to him, at least in the way of inconvenience. If anything, he got to help people without resorting to violence. That was probably the best part about this: it meant that he could keep the peace without threatening anyone's life. It was something he could be happy with, at least.

But these directions were simply confounding to him. The young one attributed it partially to his own tired-ness (training all day and standing watch without rest will do that to you, really it will), but also to the poor landmarking on the verbal, rather linguistic, map. It wasn't enough that the way these were written could confuse some people (Suna Admin Building had multiple streets to the right of it), there truly were a great many houses in Sunagakure that were red. Not to mention, at this time....

The sunset was un-doubtedly beautiful, no one in the village would ever dispute that. Taede wasn't even irritated about it getting in his eyes. The major problem with the sun's setting was that it was tinting everything in the entire ding-darned village a lovely shade of peach-ish. He really wasn't sure what to call it at the moment, as he was so flustered. A lot of the houses looked red, at any rate, and it was to his relief that he had left early. He had arrived still before the party was due to start, despite that....rather unexpected setback.

"Apologies for being la--a-ate." In all of his rushing, Taede hadn't seen the scribbled-out bit at the bottom of his directions. He was without a clue as to where he was being assigned; yes, nary an inkling that he was to be the bouncer for the Sandbox Club that night. A sigh went through him. He couldn't back out on this mission now....even though he knew of the type that frequented the establishments. A rowdy bunch, to say the least. At least he wouldn't be distracted by what was going on inside....

⌚ - 10 P.M.
Things had been....fairly quiet thus far. The festivities had only begun about, what....thirty, forty minutes ago? He couldn't get comfortable quite yet.

His job up through this point was to simply ask a name, and allow them to enter if they matched....well, they and their I-D, at any rate. All of the guests so far had managed to get in. (It was a relatively easy job, as this was base-level work, and he wasn't supposed to be looking for any of those that would happen to try and use Henge or such to sneak in.)

⌚ - 11 P.M.
They broke out the alcohol, both at the party he was bouncer-ing(?) and just about everywhere else in the Hidden Sand Village. This was the hour that people really started hitting it. That being said, Taede prepared for the absolute worst that the civilians could give him.

It was an eventuality, not even a possibility. The worst that this party gave him, thankfully, was someone around his age. He looked like a worker in the mines, truthfully; Taede knew the type, since they were his peers for so long. The Genin attempted to escort his slight senior out of the party, but....well, things didn't go as planned. The boozing tends to take over, and a struggle ensued.

Taede was adept at dodging. It was practically all he had to do for the entirety of the little scuffle, during which he had no reason to harm the man. It was only when names started being called....which he would prefer not to repeat nor remember - That was his last straw. With not even a word, the Genin delivered a sharp chop with each hand to the man's diaphragm and windpipe. Someone inebriated like that, not to mention a civilian, had no chance of dodging it.

⌚ - 12 A.M.
The mine-worker was still on the floor, probably passed out, and no one dared mess with the ninja guarding the entrance that night.

Out of wasn't too bad. He had a fun time mingling with those waiting in line to get into the club. There was no trouble inside Sunagakure tonight; the night guards and the A.N.B.U. did their jobs well, as so did Taede do his. It was the least he could reciprocate, he found.

But if he had a choice? Strip clubs were a no-go area for him, that's for sure.


[600/600, D-rank mission: Complete.]
[233/230 Reaction Time training, E-3 to D: Complete.]

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