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Mission Details:

"With the loud and obnoxious pound of heavy feet on a hard, cold wooden floor, it was obvious that the Shinobi, Kuramenama Shinshido Uchiha, had finally risen from his slumber..." The mentioned ninja mumbled to himself as he rose from his upside down position on his bed, grinning stupidly as he waited to wake up. Coincidentally, it didn't come anytime sooner than usual, which meant he had probably stayed up really late again.
Throwing himself at a table, he dragged himself to a hunching position, and grabbed the cold pot of coffee he left there the previous morning with the skill and finesse of a seven year old with ADD. Pouring himself a lack-of steaming cup of coffee, he brought the bitter liquid to his lips with a 'humph', before slowly sipping it and sitting in a chair.
Letting the caffeine seep into his bloodstream, he let out a long sigh, not realizing he was holding his breath until just then. "Well..." Kurame mumbled to himself, gently poking a few pieces of paper on the desk, "What do we have here...?"
Rolling a small scroll open, he noticed it was a bill, and tossed it aside for later use. Unrolling a giant scroll, he realized it was the jutsu scroll that he had ordered, and he grinned and patted the paper, before tossing it with the tax. Finally, he opened the medium scroll, which was a reminder from the previous day, when he accepted a mission. It told him the details of what he had to do, and he nodded, getting a more serious tone to himself. "Time to stop a robber-er."
Getting off the small wooden chair he was squatting on, he walked into his room to grab his sword and gear, and get ready for action.

303/1000 Completed



After the young Shinobi got his gear and got ready to go, he touched his left eye, thinking for a moment, and sighing to himself.
"What kind of Uchiha am I if I can't even begin to start using my only special fucking ability?" He grumbled to himself, poking his eyelid and dropping his hand, idly feeling his sword with his left hand, as it was strapped to his back. "I feel like..." He looks up into the sky, at the setting sun. "I feel like I'm just not training right." He nods to himself, and temporarily dispels his anger and not being able to master the damn Sharingan.
As soon as he arrived at the store, he watched a few people leave, holding brand new boxes of random things to chuck at people. "Huh... I remember buying this piece of shit here..." He muttered to himself, stroking the rust on his bastard sword.
Pulling it out, with his left, dominant hand, he swung it in the air, and, after the satisfying 'fwip', he put it back. He had started training his endurance to be able to hold the damn thing correctly, but by this point he ignored the way it felt on his arm. Walking into the store, a little tell-tale jingle let the shopkeeper know that he just arrived.
"Hey, Ms..." He started, then, forgetting the woman's last name, "Ma'am." He scratched the back of his head.
"It's Oldbag, ya whippersnapper!" She said with a loud and obnoxious shriek. "Now watch my store!"
Simply nodding, too lazy to do anything, Kurame walked out to the bench outside, and set his sword next to him, covering it with a small blanket, and leaned back, settling in for his first night on the job.

605/1000 Completed

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