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On a sunny afternoon, Rain Kusomono, after eating a delicious lunch consisting of a bento box and some chicken ramen, she walked home, and decided to change her attire a bit. She left her forehead protector in her closet, and put on some civilian clothes, so that she could disguise her appearance as a ninja. Looking at herself in the mirror, she nodded to herself. "I look just like an average joe..." She said to herself, posing a little bit, and giggling. Nobody would even think that this girl was a ninja. Just to add a finishing touch, she decided to put on some makeup, so that she would look even less like a ninja.
Nodding to herself, Rain walked out of her house at a medium pace, staying slow and casual. Looking around in the market district, she was assaulted by all the sights and smells all at once. "Oh, my..." She mumbled to herself, trying to resist sprinting to the nearest hot bun stall and buying out their entire stock. Her mouth waters as she imagines the tasty, delicious treat that would be the hot bun. Warm, moist, flavorful...
Rain was knocked out of her trance by bumping into someone, and for which she quickly apologized, looking up at him. The unknown man had a stubbly beard, was pretty tall, and seemed to be rushing around all the time. "Yeah, yeah, girl, it's fine." He growled, and pushed past her. "Rude..." She said to herself quietly, turning around from watching him go to end up at the weapons shop. She thumped her hand on his desk. "Hey, sir." She said to the shopkeeper, who turned his head and growled, obviously a mean and frustrating old fart. "What do you want?!" He growled at her, making her jump. "Don't waste my time! If you're not here to buy, then scram!"
"I'm one of the ninja here that are going to defend your store from robbers, sir." She said tenaciously, He rolled his eyes. "Oh, great! Another little kid trying to advance in the ranks! Bah! I doubt you'll do anything but run away scared!"
This comment made Rain angry, and she growled, and was about to give him a retort of her own, when she saw her friend Antanas walk in. "Oh, great, you're multiplying." The store clerk grumbled, but then he sighed. "There's a back and front entrance, one of you go to each." He says, still with a bit of a grumble. but not as unkindly as his last few statements. Nodding, Rain looks at Antanas. "I'll go the back way, you go in the front." She says, and begins weaving her way through the store, until she exits the back door, and sits on a bench nearby, so to seem to be inconspicuous. She also begins to make thread in her body, in case she would need it.

Kekkei Genkai:

490 Words Total



Going on his first mission ever, there is only one word that can describe how Antanas is feeling. Excited. This was his time to do something for the village. Antanas got dressed that morning in his clothing for missions. This consisted of a black jumpsuit with the Kimura Clan symbol in the back in white. He had kunai holsters on the side, and three senbon attached to his forearm. As Antanas walked out of his house, he headed straight for the Market district, where Rain was waiting for him. As he traveled, he saw a pretty villager with blue hair like Rains, going through shops, and seemingly heading in the same direction he was. 'Hmph.' He thought to himself, 'I thought Rain was the only girl with blue hair.' Intently following this girl, he follows her all the way to a weapons shop, where his mission was assigned. 'Getting two birds with one stone...' Antanas thinks as hears yelling. "What do you want?!" The shop keeper was yelling at the girl, making her jump. "Don't waste my time! If you're not here to buy, then scram!" The girl stood up straighter and said "I'm one of the ninja here that are going to defend your store from robbers, sir." Antanas, confused by this girl thought 'Wait.. There's another girl assigned on this mission? Also, she doesn't look like a ninja to me...' The man began pestering her again, saying  "Oh, great! Another little kid trying to advance in the ranks! Bah! I doubt you'll do anything but run away scared!" "Okay, enough is enough." Antanas says as he walks in the store, prepared to tell this man off. As he walks in, the man says "Oh, great, you're multiplying." The store clerk grumbled, but then he sighed. "There's a back and front entrance, one of you go to each." Confused, Antanas looked to the girl on his left and she said "I'll go the back way, you go in the front." Only then, did he realize it was Rain. "Rain! You don't look ready for a mission at all!" he chuckled, "I thought you were someone else coming in this store." After moving to the front of the store, trying to look inconspicuous, he glares at the shopkeeper every so often, trying to make sure the man knows that Antanas doesn't like him. After sitting in the shop for a full day, Antanas becomes bored. 'Maybe if we took a mission with more action,' he complained in his mind, 'Then we could be fighting, rather than sitting in some fat old man's sweaty, smelly weapons shop.' After his little rant in his head, Antanas decided to wait out the night in a better way. "Hey Rain," Antanas calls, "Could you come over here a second?"

[477 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total



Rain sits on the bench, quietly looking around as the sun slowly set. Well, she couldn't really complain about the shopkeeper's behavior. As mad as he made her, and as rude as he was, and how angry he made her, that still didn't change the fact that he was getting robbed on a nightly basis, and that had to be rough. Sighing, she looked up at the slowly setting sun. "Would the thieves come tonight...?" She quietly asked herself, thinking of all the possible things that could happen. They could just walk in then hold the storekeeper up with weapons? Or would they break in secretly... Letting out a noise in frustration, Rain flopped down onto the bench, keeping an eye open for lookout. "I'll see the jerks before they even know that I'm here..." She mumbles, stretching out. Rain feels like she's going to fall asleep, when she's startled awake by the sound of her friend Antanas' voice.  "Hey Rain," she could hear him call, "Could you come over here a second?" Grumbling grumpily to herself, Rain sits up, already tired. It was stupid of her to train earlier today, especially when she knew she was going to have to pull an all nighter. Dragging her body over to Antanas' side, she plops next to him. "What do you want, Clicker?" She mutters unpleasantly, her fingers twitching ever so slightly, as usual. Man, she would have to buy a puppet with the money from this mission.


743 Words Total



Thinking about when and how the bandits will actually come in the shop, Antanas calls over Rain who then begins to slink over to him. "What do you want, Clicker?" she asks, sitting next to him. Antanas is so tired, he just puts his head down on her lap and murmurs something about her being warm. He looks up in her eyes, and says to her "So... What do you want to do after this mission?" he begins thinking aloud, asking for her advice. "I feel like moving out of my mothers house to on of the hotels" Antanas sighs. "I want more freedom, she doesn't let me have weapons or anything." Antanas says as he sits up, putting  his arm around Rain's waist. "What do you think I should do? Just stay at home?" He stares off at the ceiling, thinking about how his teacher lives in the forest. Antanas puts his chin on Rain's shoulder, and awaits something interesting to happen at this shop. "Maybe there are no bandits at all." Antanas says, drifting off into thought.

[659 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:46 pm; edited 1 time in total



Rain watches as he lays his head onto her lap, making her blush a bit. "So... What do you want to do after this mission?" he asks, looking up at her with a sleepy look, "I feel like moving out of my mothers house to on of the hotels" Antanas sighs, and Rain makes a thoughtful face. The hotels wouldn't be bad, but it could end up being expensive. "I want more freedom, she doesn't let me have weapons or anything." Her friend said as he sat up, putting  his arm around Rain's waist. This caused Rain to blush a tad shade darker. "What do you think I should do? Just stay at home?" He stares off at the ceiling, thinking about how his teacher lives in the forest. Antanas puts his chin on Rain's shoulder, causing her to blush almost beet red. Not knowing what she should do or say, she sat still as a log, until she heard Antanas say "Maybe there are no bandits at all...", which caused her to frown. "That would make for a really boring mission, for sure... And we probably wouldn't even get paid if that was the case." She mumbled, shifting so that she was resting her head on his chest. "Do you..." Rain starts, being interrupted by a yawn, "Want to keep watch first? We can take turns, so we can sleep at least a little... Because I'm exhausted..." She looks up at him hopefully, already drifting off into a light slumber.


1000 total words



Once Antanas said, "Maybe there are no bandits at all...", Rain was beginning to frown. "That would make for a really boring mission, for sure... And we probably wouldn't even get paid if that was the case." She mumbled, shifting so that she was resting her head on his chest. "Do you..." Rain starts, being interrupted by a yawn, "Want to keep watch first? We can take turns, so we can sleep at least a little... Because I'm exhausted..." She looks up at him hopefully, and Antanas can tell that she is about to fall asleep. He sighs, and agrees. He ruffles her hair a bit, and allows her head on his lap as he watches the door. "I'll wait here." As Antanas is waiting, he notices two men standing outside, looking shady. Squinting his eyes to see better, Antanas sees that one of them notices his. As he is about to wake Rain up, he notices the men are going to leave. "Hmm..." Antanas thinks aloud, looking around him, "When Rain wakes up, then we can make a plan..." Antanas thinks about training that he needs to do. "Running with my teacher, sparring with my friend..." he had a lot of things to do. Not expecting the two thieves, he begins to think. Walking back and forth to keep himself awake, Antanas looks outside. The bright sun is peaking over the horizon, about to come up and light up the entire village. "Wow, the sun is coming up already?" Antanas noticed, astounded. "We must have been up pretty late!" Shaking Rain, trying to wake her up, Antanas says "Rain! My time of watching gout here is just about up!" Waiting for her to wake up, he sighs. He then lays his back down on her stomach, rolling around on her trying to wake her up. Getting increasingly frustrated at her inability to wake up, he groans "Raiiinnnn! You need to wake up so I can sleep!" Still not getting a response, Antanas squeezes her breast, and braces himself.

[1001 Words Total]



Oooh, sweet rolls made into the shape of puppets, all dancing through her head. It was beautiful, but then the puppet came to life, rolling on top of her and calling her name, making her giggle, as she danced through the little forest, until she was disturbed by the sound of Antanas' voice. As soon as she starts to stir and come around, she feels a sudden pressure on one of her breasts, making her eyes snap open. Looking at the hand, she traces it back to Antanas, and, being too groggy to make the connection for a moment, looks momentarily confused, before her face flushes as red as a tomato, her nose trickling some blood. "ANTANAS!" Rain shrieks, kicking him off of her and jumping on top of him, smacking him in the face multiple times. "YOU DON'T. DO. THAT." She yelled at him, and the weapons store owner poked his head out the door, looking angry and grumpy, causing Rain to jump off of Antanas and apologize. "S-Sorry!" She calls to him, as he ranted at her for waking him up. Quietly turning her gaze back to Antanas, she blushed, not being able to make eye contact with him. "You..." She shifts. "You can sleep now."


1210 Words Total



After his final attempt at waking up, Antanas succeeds, which is followed by Rain shrieking, "ANTANAS!" and kicking him off of her and jumping on top of him, smacking him in the face multiple times. "YOU DON'T. DO. THAT." She yelled at Antanas, and the weapons store owner poked his head out the door, looking angry and grumpy as usual. This caused Rain to jump off of Antanas and apologize. "S-Sorry!" Rain calls to him, as he ranted at her for waking him up. Quietly turning her gaze back to Antanas, she blushed, not being able to make eye contact with him. "You..." She shifts. "You can sleep now." "Finally!" Antanas cheers, going straight to the ground, making himself comfortable. 'Ahh... This is the life..' Antanas thinks, finally being at peace. 'Now I can sleep for the day, and take care of things tonight...' was the first thing that came in his head. As Antanas drifts off to sleep, beginning to dream. In his dream, he sees none other than his father. "Dad?" Antanas asks, looking down and seeing himself as a young child once again. "Dad, where are you going?" Antanas yells to him. His father, seemingly unable to hear him, runs through the forest. Following him in his dream, Antanas sees him getting killed. Screaming in his dream, he suddenly awakes on the floor looking at the ceiling, covered in sweat. "What time is it?" Was all Antanas could ask, being blinded by the lights outside.

[1251 Words Total]



Grumbling at Antanas as he slept, she watched from her spot on the bench, keeping her eyes closed, so that she could at least rest. Man, time felt like it was moving slow, and she found herself constantly checking the time, and sighing, and turning her eyes to Antanas. "How do I feel about that jerk...?" She quietly asks herself, poking him gently. "I mean... He's cute and stuff... But..." She sighs, pushing the thought out of her head. She could think about relationships after this mission was done. Maybe she would even have a talk with him. Looking up, she saw the sun beginning to set. Luckily, preoccupying her mind with trivial thoughts seemed to make time fly. About to wake up Antanas, he suddenly, and in a startled manner, wakes up, covered in sweat, asking what time it was. "Oh, just about evening." She said calmly, helping him up a little.


1364 Total Words



"What time is it?!" Antanas says as he becomes wide awake, being blinded by the outside light. "Oh, just about evening." Rain tells him, calming him down slightly. Well, are you ready for the bandits to come? He asks Rain, being reminded that she has no weapons to use. "What are you going to do about having no weapons to defend yourself with?" He asks her, pulling out his kunai, spinning it on his finger. "You could borrow this if you really want to..." Antanas offers, holding it out to her, motioning for her to take it, and use it.

[1351 Words Total]



She doesn't listen much as he says somethings, until he offers her his kunai. "Oh, sure. Thank you."  she says, picking it up. "I was thinking of using my jutsu, you know... Ugh, I still need a puppet. And man, you don't look inconspicuous at all, you know." She smirks at him, as the sun falls below the horizon. "Alright..." She says softly, "We should go to our separate posts." Hopping up, Rain heads to the back of the store, kunai in hand. Smirking, she begins producing glass fiber threads, tying it across the doorway, so it would trip the theif if they entered there, soon doing it on Antanas' side as well, using up 6 meters of thread.


Total Word Count: 1485



Rain takes the kunai, thanking Antanas. She then says, "I was thinking of using my jutsu, you know... Ugh, I still need a puppet. And man, you don't look inconspicuous at all, you know." Antanas chuckles, and sits down. As evening approaches, Antanas notices the thieves approaching. "Rain! Get down! Now!" Antanas whispers, dropping to the floor so he isn't seen.

[1414 Words Total]



Rain nods, quickly pressing herself to the ground, and rolling next to him. "How many do you think there are...?" She whispers softly.

Total Word Count 1511



"I spotted two when you where asleep last night." Antanas whispered. "Here's the plan, Rain" Antanas said, grabbing her hand "I want you to hit one of them with that kunai, so they have a hard time moving" he continues, "I will use Double Suicide Decapitation to restrain the other." The bandits walk in, tripping over Rain's silk threads. "Now!" He tells her, going underground, then pulling the first bandit with him. "What the hell is this!" The one being pulled underground to his head yells, as Antanas pops up out of the hole, and jumps away from the second bandit.

Note - Bandit 1 color is #ff6600
[1517 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:20 pm; edited 1 time in total



Rain nods, and lets out a yell, to surprise him, using her kunai and stabbing the bandit in the knee, then jumps to him, wrapping him up in 6 meters of her glass filament, letting it come out of her index finger, and smirks.




After Antanas pulls the thief underground, he gives him a swift kick in the temple, knocking him out cold. Pulling the man out of the dirt and slinging him over his shoulder, Antanas smirks and says, "Okay Rain! Lets go!" Antanas starts out the door, and turns around. "Oh, right..." Antanas says, kicked the second bandit in the back of the head, knocking him out too. "Well Rain, let's go!"

[1588 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total



She nods, and picks up the person she captured, sliding the kunai in her pocket. "Coming!" She calls, and goes to take the man back to where they took the mission, hopefully to collect a reward for a job well done!

Leave Thread

Total Word Count: 1596

Needed for mission: 1000/1000


END E-2 -> D (525/525)



Antanas sighs, and after taking the two men into custody, Antanas pickpocket's Rain, taking back his kunai, cursing himself for ever trusting her with his gear. 'Well that's not happening again' he thinks as he heads home, smiling at his first mission being completed.

[Leave Thread]

REA E-3 -> D (300/300)
STR E-2 -> E-3 (225/225)
[1634 Words Total]

Mission Words 1000/1000
Words Remaining - 109

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