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Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

This was it. This was Toshiko's big chance. He had finally been sent on a mission. Of course he had done the simple missions before, but this was a actual ninja mission. There had been reports from the shop keeper of a weapon store that there had multiple break ins and burglaries. Toshiko, Kozuki, and his good friend Antanas had been called in to solve the issue. Toshiko and Antanas arrived at the store, to be greeted by the store owner. Toshiko knew that this was his first mission, and he wasn't going to screw it up. He had a plan. "Are you kids the Ninjas that are going through with this job? This is what they sent me? Kids?" Toshiko knew he wanted to retaliate by telling this guy off, but he had to make this first real mission of his perfect if he wanted to get anymore of them. "Sir, we aren't kids. And trust me we'll be more than capable of handling these burglars. I've come up with a plan, and i promise to you that we'll put these guys to a stop for good." The store keeper looked at Toshiko strangely for a moment, but then shrugged and went on to pack up his things, and leave. He locked the door behind him, leaving the three shinobi inside. Toshiko turned to Antanas and Kozuki, and then spoke."Alright guys, here is the plan. We don't know how many of these guys there will be, so we have to take precautions. The best way to do that, is to stay close to each other, but stay hidden. There is a canister right next to the wall of katana, i will hide in there. Antanas, you take the big chest by the door and hop in there as well. Kozuki, you hop in the large bin at the other side of the shop. We stay in these hiding positions until they actually come. Once they break in, i'll leave my hiding place, and make my clones to distract them. Once they start attacking my clones, you guys come in, and take them out. No killing. We have to get these guys back to justice in one piece."

Word Count: 377/1000

Last edited by Toshiko on Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total




Last edited by Antanas on Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

Nekuro Kozuki

Nekuro Kozuki

The was pretty lonely there. Just an empty place, full of spirits and dead bodies. It was also the place where Kozuki had the most chances to win a fight. So, we could say that Kozuki was a person that loved to be within the dead bodies and he was also getting along very well with the dead. He got up and left the Graveyard, because he had a mission to attend to. It wasn't easy for him, because it was the first mission he would attempt since he left his hometown. Kozuki was slowly walking to the Administration Building from where he would get his mission information. It seemed like he wouldn't do the mission alone. His teammates would be two guys named Uzumaki Toshiko and Kimura Antanas. An Uzumaki and a Kimura......those two clans were powerful indeed. The truth is that he was curious about the real power of those two ninja as he was slowly getting to the shop.

He finally arrived at the shop. He saluted the two ninja, trying to get along better. "Are you kids the Ninjas that are going through with this job? This is what they sent me? Kids?" He didn't know if the shopkeeper was stupid or just simply a fool. He doesn't understand that ninja are still ninja. A thief won't escape a ninja attack and that's a fact. Despite all these things, Kozuki chose to not say anything. "Alright guys, here is the plan. We don't know how many of these guys there will be, so we have to take precautions. The best way to do that, is to stay close to each other, but stay hidden. There is a canister right next to the wall of katana, i will hide in there. Antanas, you take the big chest by the door and hop in there as well. Kozuki, you hop in the large bin at the other side of the shop. We stay in these hiding positions until they actually come. Once they break in, i'll leave my hiding place, and make my clones to distract them. Once they start attacking my clones, you guys come in, and take them out. No killing. We have to get these guys back to justice in one piece."

"I have a better plan! How about letting me distract them? I can make something more than just clones!"

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

"I don't think hiding in a box would me most effective for me, so I hide behind it." Antanas says as he turns the box slightly to the left, giving him room to sit behind the box comfortably. "Do you think this is good?" "Actually, you're right. We should have you not hiding in a box. That could be dangerous while getting out if you make it fall over, and if you hide behind it you can get a direct attack towards the burglars. Regardless, we've got to get ready for this. Come on!" Just as Toshiko was about to get into position, Kozuki finally spoke up. "I have a better plan! How about letting me distract them? I can make something more than just clones!" Better than clones? To his understanding, Kozuki was just a genin. What else could he have done that would be more efficient than clones? Regardless, Toshiko was curious of what Kozuki was capable of doing. [color=#0000ff]"I don't know what you're what talking, but if you have something better than clones, then feel welcome to use it. Same plan, but you can distract them with whatever you have. Okay, we need a symbol of sorts to indicate movements once they break in. Whether that be a hand gesture, or a sound......Okay, once they come in, i'll make the Tiger hand seal to tell Kozu to do his distraction. Then i'll make ram once it's time to take one of them down. That sound good to you guys?"

Word Count: 267

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