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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Having given in to the transformation that Risu created with her skillful hands, the young little boy was now a cute little somewhat pale girl. His beautiful blonde hair was now black like charcoal, which was such a big contrast to what he was used to. His nails were now the color purple as he did not get why girls liked to have colorful nails in the first place. They were heading out to the tea house so he started going ahead slightly taking hold of Risu's hand if she let him.

He went into the street heading towards the tea house as they walked the sun was still rising up as the light seemed to show that his hair now had a somewhat unatural glow to it, not to mention his blue eyes standing out so much it made you think he was somewhat exotic, or the result of parents who were from different clans mixing. He was not sure which one she meant as he should have probably looked back to her more often, as some people looked at the young boy who looked like a girl so no one knew that there was a boy and a girl walking together. They put their hands to their face as they whispered how cute she was even though she was a he. The beautiful girl behind him Risu did not get the same compliments as they were too interested in the pretty little girl. As things stood out there was one tea house that was known to have great tea, it was known as the White Lotus Tea House. As the little girl stood before the tea house she looked back to Risu and then asked, "Is this the place?" As she pointed towards it in the cutest way possible as some suspicious guys began to creep up behind them.

Words = 315

Orochi Risu

Orochi Risu

A smile appeared on Risu's face, a really pleased and content smile, as she noticed the watchful eyes towards her creation, for she had been the artist who changed Yuzu from an already girly looking cute boy into an amazingly cute, adorable little girl thanks to the yukata and some clever finishing touches which would make Yuzu look like someone of the Ouroboros clan, the Orochi family in particular, but with blue eyes in stead of the golden snake eyes which only a few of her family happened to have. The fact that some people thought the now intriguingly girly looking boy was probably a mixbreed only made Yuzu's allure bigger, which the 'actual' Orochi Lady didn't really mind, even if it went at the cost of her own allure, since it also drew the eyes away from the people that despised or feared her appearance, which even after so many centuries was still linked to one of the most powerful and dangerous criminals of Konoha, despite her mother's efforts to bring the Ouroboros Clan back into the limelight it deserved.

Arriving at the Tea house: The White Lotus Tea House as it was named, Risu padded Yuzu's shoulder, to notify him that he had to do exactly the same in tradition to these teahouses as she did, which meant he had to make a slight forward bow towards the attendant who would lead them inside, however beyond the door the tradition in the exchange of formalities and such were reduced to that of how people usually went to a more private bar or café.

Many people were in pairs on in group, some alone, reading newspapers, discussing work-related stuff or even rumors. The tea was made in a more modern fashion than that which her uncle Enaka seemed to drink during his daily tea ceremonies, so it meant no green tea, but probably Ceylon or Earl grey. They even had coffee, milk tea and a variety of fruit juices, which was funny for an establishment calling itself a tea house.

"I'd like a Ceylon tea and maybe…a piece of strawberry shortcake," Risu said, when taking a seat near the entrance, noticing the attendant's stare at Yuzu. "What about you, Yuzu-chan?"


Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Padding on his shoulder the little boy disguised as a girl was being shown that he had to make a slight forward bow towards the attendant, who did not seem that nice to him. As they were guided inside the White Lotus Tea House many people seemed to be paired up, a few were alone but they just seemed rather normal. It was like a foreign land where shinobi did not exist at all, as he looked they were making tea in a strange way, not that he even knew the correct way since he mostly drank milk juice or water most of the time. It seems that she asked for some tea and a piece of strawberry shortcake, as he thought to himself he asked nervously for some strawberry milk and strawberry shortcake. As they waited for the order he began to doze off.

An old woman was sitting outside in her old rocking chair as a little blonde boy was busy looking around in the garden. The little inquisitive boy pointed to a round orange fruit as the old lady replied, "That Ren, is an orange", the boy nodded and wrote it down on his little note book he had. He could read and write like most little kids but he was barely old enough to understand half of what he wrote down. He then pointed to several other fruits and vegetables until he came across a weird red fruit in a bush. His grandmother smiled at him and said, "That is what you would call a strawberry, those look just about right to eat, do you want one?". The little boy nodded shyly as he was busy writing down the word strawberry as he spoke to her finally, "Stwowbelly looks a bit scawy", his speech was a bit of a problem as he had not mastered his r's yet. Let alone mastering the difference between his w's and l's. As she smiled she held one to his mouth carefully then spoke. "Be a good little boy and open wide", as she held it in front of him he made that sound you suppose to make when food is given to you, "aaahhhnnn" and then it was placed into his mouth as he began to chew on it nicely smiling then after a few more chews he swallowed. "May i have some mo pwease?"

She smiled as she rubbed his hair on his head as the ruffled hair moved around gently in her hand as he was happy like a kitten getting scratched behind the ear. He looked up to her as she got another strawberry then placed it in his mouth as he liked them before she told him, "We need to get inside now before you catch a cold, and one day you will find far greater strawberries then the ones here". He just nodded as he followed her inside looking back at the bush as he thought to himself. He loved strawberries.


He finally woke up as he noticed something as the one waitress was laughing at him as he looked down at the plate. He noticed something was dripping as he ran out not even waiting for Risu as he entered the ladies room, he ignored the girls who were making out in there as he looked into the mirror and screamed as the two girls who were making out got a fright and ran out the ladies room and crashed into a table. The two girls were busy getting their clothes straightened out as they walked away and out the door. He looked in horror as the paste seemed to have melted for no reason as it dripped while his hair began to appear orange for no reason as the black stuff in his hair were also coming out. He quickly opened a tap and some water as he washed off the white paste and the black stuff out of his hair, the waitress entered to ask if she was okay but when she saw the yellow orange black hair and the white melting face with pinkish cheeks and forehead she fainted as he was about to cry. Before Risu could check up on him he ran out in his mess and dashed out of the door at full speed as the manager went over to Risu. "Sorry for what happened to your daughter we will reimburse you, please go after her now miss, we deeply apologise"

Words = 315 + 754 = 1069
Training C-Rank Jutsu After Image = 1000/1000

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