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1Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:07 am



Once upon a time there were two brothers. Their parents had long since passed from the world they knew. Mercy had never truly been a part of what they knew. But as Aburame survival was just an instinct. One which they were better at then others by far. They had bugs to warn them when enemies approached and could track who they targeted with ease. Truly the skill of the clan was not difficult to fear. It was a simpler time for Mure. His brother going on missions while he attended the academy. Living off of his brothers savings. They had never gone for extravagant living conditions. Just a one bedroom apartment while Mure got the room his brother slept in the living room. It was confined and private but the rent was paid at least. And Mure had never minded. However that was short lived. He regretted even then that his brother had abandoned Konoha and been branded a criminal. His apartment was emptied and Mure was questioned. And none were very gentle with him. His clan felt that Mure's brother was a disgrace and in return to punish him the only way they could they refused to take the young Mure in.

Still Mure had managed to gain some attention right out of the academy. A commendation from the previous Hokage and training with a couple of powerful nin. However both of those nin had also become missing nin. And rumors began to spread from those who knew they had been involved with Mure that he was cursed. It was impossible for him to continue on when each squad and assignment was passed around him and he himself was avoided. So many believed that those who worked with him or even talked with him would share in his curse. So much as a hello to him was considered playing with fire. So cut off as the cursed child of the Aburame clan he had lost even his source of income. Soon the headband was just something forgotten inside the inner coat pocket of his dirt torn and patched up coat. After all he was still used to survival. So he would press on through the people who confused his bad luck with curses. Who thought that some how he would lead them to being wanted criminals. As he had done with his elder brother, With the lady with the flowers, Ukiyo was her name and lastly with Mitsuo. Even the previous Hokage who had only spoken with him once disappeared in the night.

Still he awoke in his tin box in an alley way by the wall. His yellow eyes gazing at the blue tarp over the top and the entrance. He always thought about his life, About his supposed curse. He always envied those who lived with a family. Slowly he sat up as some beetles skittered out of the blankets and towels he slept in. Finding ways under his clothing to climb back inside him, back inside their hive and food source. He hardly felt it anymore. It was just a part of his life for as long as he could remember. Still they scooted up his black pants leg or through the hole in the left knee. His right hand reached out. The sleeves of his elder brothers black coat slightly too long for him so that his finger tips poked out. The old and broken gas mask was snatched into his grasp as always. Modesty for those who thought bugs coming in and out of the body were gross. He slipped the mask on so it covered everything below his yellow eyes.

Still he slipped into the old boots that were just slightly too big for him. Stolen of course from a work site. A ways back anyways. Already they had the worn appearance of the rest of his clothes. Even his hair looked dirty. And he had washed in the river not four days back. Still if he was going to do anything today it would be to find food. Luckily for him the sun was setting. So around sundown just after the dinner rush he might be able to swipe something tasty here and there. So quiet as a mouse he slipped out of his box with the tarp roof and snuck off towards the market.

he hadn't been in the market district long before he noted one of his favorite stops was back on the street and still serving. He smiled behind his mask and moved just into the shadows that stretched from the alley way as the sun was still setting. He checked his pockets for his Kunai and his three shuriken just in case before he lifted his left hand. He sleeve falling back to reveal several unnatural holes in the flesh. The Aburame body converted to a living hive for its partners and allies, the beetles. He lifted his hand as he directed the bugs with a single thought. (Swarm) And then it happened. Out of his arm the beetles burst out like a cloud. Buzzing filled the air as surprised cries echoed from several different directions. However the beetles didn't actually get within striking range of anyone. They just buzzed close enough to attract attention. While they did so about fifteen beetles snagged three hot dogs from the venders cart. Loaded down they dragged the hot dogs back to Mure. He grinned and pocketed the stolen goods before stepping back into the alley out of site and summoning the bugs back to his body. Back to the safety of home. And then he ran. Out of the alley and then left down a side road. He needed to get away before anyone realized a thief had been present instead of a prankster.

WC 965

2Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:06 am



It was a peaceful afternoon in the Hidden Leaf Village. Shinobi were returning weary from their missions. Some were green genin who had been taking a few D or C-rank missions. Other were skilled genin, chuunin, and jounin returning from the more...difficult missions that went farther beyond the village gates with either their squad or partners; few had gone and taken high risk solo missions. Of course there was the occasional gennin and chuunin team who tried to take a A-rank or high mission together. Their chances of success were 50/50 and the chances that someone got injured or in the worst case scenario, killed was a high and likely probability. Yet there had been no such tragedies as of late. No it has been rather peaceful. In the recent weeks, only a very microscopic quota have been labeled KIA and added to the memorial stone. So yes, it has been very peaceful for the shinobi of Konohagakure.....for the civilians on the other hand....not so much.

It was usually quite easy to live as a civilian. Yes, outside a shinobi infested many would say living a civilian lifestyle was dangerous, especially if you were not versed in even the most basic of chakra use and jutsu. There are crime syndicates, bandits, and all that other nonsense. However they were those safe havens when all they had to worry about was trading and the weather. It was pretty much the same in hidden villages, however one would assume that there would be a higher sense of security which there is...mostly. Somewhere in the Market District, a chase was on. A genin was running away from a scene of a crime. A while back she had turned the hot springs into an Amazonian jungle. Nobody saw how, much less when she snuck into the hot springs. Heck they didn't even have evidence that it was her. One moment everyone was having a relaxing time in the mixed bath and other springs, the next there water had snakes of all sorts (not poisonous of course), crocodiles, and all sorts of other creatures. Aimi had almost successfully fled but of course she and only she would be the type of person to do such a thing. Well that and a group of genin and chuunin had seen her flee and went after her almost immediately.

The chuunins had long since cease their chase, finding that eventually she would be punished and penalized; choosing just to go back and clean up her mess while filing a report. The genins however....did not. They were a bit more prideful. When the chuunins headed back, they saw an opportunity to catch one of Konoha's most known pranksters. The genins though younger, were a bit faster than Aimi and were catching up even when she took several abrupt twists and turns all throughout the village. Yet speed was not a issue for Aimi as she knew the village inside and out; how else would she be able to lay so many traps. Speaking of traps, Aimi hopped over some well hidden trip wire. Yet one of the two genins chasing did not. With a loud yelp, the trap was sprung and an roughly drawn ape had fallen on top of the unsuspecting. Her partner was able to get the ape almost off of her but Aimi if not dealt with would escape. Deciding that his partner will be fine, he set off once more, getting back to the chase. Aimi rolled her eyes from a distance when she felt she was still being pursued.

Leaning to the left, she dodged a kunai that was aimed for her head. Wow these punks are getting ballsy She saw an alleyway and with a few wall jumps, she was on the roof tops but so was her pursuer. She looked to the sky, seeing it as colorful as a painting. She sighed, getting bored of the chase. I've wasted enough time today. It's already sunset. I've got better things to do with that though she hoped in mid-air and swung herself around to face the other genin. She took out a ink dipped brush and a blank scroll and quickly painted. With some chakra, her paintings leapt out to the genin. Snakes of all shapes and sizes lunched themselves at him and kept him pinned down. He struggled to get out of it but to no avail. Smirking, Aimi brought him up to his feet and punched him in the gut, knocking him out. With a swipe of brush the snakes of ink disappeared.

Still smirking, she left the unconscious boy and took a stroll into the deeper parts of the Market District. She was enjoying a helping of cinnamon rolls when she heard surprised cries. She watched as a large swarms of bug flew by. Honestly, I'm not even surprised. They should know better. Konoha does have a clan that specializes in bug. Nobody noticed a smaller group of bug steal a few hot dogs....well nobody except her. Her eyes followed the thieving bugs returned to their master, a boy in an oversized coat and a gas mask with peculiar yellow eyes. The said boy grinned at his work and went on his merry way before he could be noticed. Curious, she followed him down a side road. Once they were alone she spoke up "That was a nice show you put on there Aburame. Really funny how nobody was the wiser and noticed you. Got a name or something?"

WC: 944

3Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:43 pm



Mure felt rather happy that he had supposedly gotten away clean. He had his dinner in his pocket and now all that could be assumed was that some one, Likely an Aburame would be suspected of the small time theft. Which typically would point fingers to him but more often then not no one wanted to risk the curse to approach him over so little. And he could eat the evidence before they came looking for him if they did. He would likely have a good hour before they sent some low level individual after him. If they didn't ignore it completely. The latter part of his thoughts he hoped for. Truth be told he was fairly dirty to begin with so the hot dogs would be dirty when he pulled them out... So he decided he would head to a clean water source and clean them off before eating them. There was a hose next to an apartment over by where he lived that he might be able to use without being noticed. He smiled happily behind the broken gas mask and moved further down the alley past some of the bigger shops. It was then that he would find out he wasn't as alone as he had thought.

A female voice rang out complimenting him on his theft and asking for his name. Apparently a witness to his actions. But few would approach an Aburame that were not trained to handle themselves. So he figured that it was another shinobi out to capture him for his crimes. He reacted quickly. Instead of turning and surrendering as he probably should given that for all he knew it was an Uchiha or Senju jounin He jumped to the left and mid air curled up into a ball as he began to spin. Using his big coat to cover his face with his well protected arms he crashed sideways through the window next to them. It was still the market so he was not opposed to escaping via his own short cut. The move was practiced and fluid though. It was obvious he was a taijutsu user as well. He landed inside the building and immediately picked up the smells of ramen being cooked. A cry of surprise rose up and quickly changed to anger but he ignored it. He needed to continue with his escape. As he rose he grabbed on of the boiling pots by the handle and chucked the pot and its boiling hot contents at the window in case his pursuer decided to give chase. usually they just pretended he didn't exist. This time he might actually need to escape.

With the pot flying at the broken window he spun in the same step and placed his hand on the counter top to leap over it and run out the front of the shop. Outside he found a broom leaned up against the wall. His left hand snatching it up and taking it with him as he ran. If his pursuer was as quick as he or faster then likely he had made little progress distancing himself. But still he would try. He entered another ally way and jumped up onto a dumpster. Slamming the broom handle into the high fence above his head he gripped the handle and spun around it to plant his feet on top. The weight of him cracking and splintering the wood but not before he could use it as a platform to make it over the high fence. Landing on the other side he turned and let his yellow eyes peek through the fence to see if he was still being followed.

1576 WC

4Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:11 pm



The boy froze, as if he expected that no one has seen him. Ah but he was wrong, there are eyes every where, always watching. It's funny how people think they are in private but they really truly aren't. Somebody always knows where a person is. Bartenders are the usual go to people when asking for info. That was the norm, the accepted idea. Nobody really questioned why they should. They just accepted it that they just had to go there if they need info. But there is a reason. Bartenders are like those people who fade into the background. No one really pays attention to them, unconsciously categorizing them as background noise, sometime that's just there and you don't even notice. Those people who fade into the background usually have the most information like the old woman who takes care of a garden on her front lawn or the child who plays in the park every day. It could be the mother who returns late at night back home on that street you take all the time or the jounin who was passing by you and overheard you speaking; glancing at you a couple of times. Aimi was sure that she wasn't the only one to have had seen the Aburame boy. She knew others did but they weren't going to do a thing about; not going to say a thing about it. Just watch quietly and then go back to their daily lives.

It went deadly silent until suddenly he broke out into a run and by his pace she could tell he was freaking out, probably having thought she was some higher ranking nin like a jounin or something. Speaking of jounin, she saw one past by her whilst following him not too long ago however the jounin didn't show signs that he heard about what had occurred just moments before and was simply on his way back home or some bar to relax after a tiring day. She grinned as she watched him crash into the window of a ramen shop, glass getting everywhere. Aimi loving a good chase ran to catch up to him; considering what she had just seen, his speed would be somewhat on par with hers so she will most likely catch up soon. Hopping through the window, careful of the glass, a pot of boiling hot ramen was launched at her. Smirking, she was to duck her head and dodge, not slowing down. Like a cat she stretched herself downward, almost touching the floor, a few drop of the ramen broth getting on her, and continued running towards him.

She watched as the cursed boy run out the front of the stop, not bothering to even glance back. Aimi did know that this particular Aburame was the cursed one. Who didn't? People even living under a rock in Konoha knew him. So why did she ask for his name? Because she didn't know it. Most people know him as the Creepy Bug-Boy, the Cursed One, Bad Luck Bringer, and sorts of other stupid names. Very few people would refer to him by his given name as it was just more common to call him take. Frankly Aimi never cared about no damn curse. She doesn't believe in such bullshit. So his brother had defected; so what? The man was his own person and could do what he wanted. Besides he was the older one, he was the one supposed to be influencing, not be influenced. And those other things, she didn't see why they blamed him. Oh right she knew why. He was different and they saw him as the bane of their existence, wanting to blame him for whatever bad happens so they could feel better about themselves.

She made it outside and into the alleyway just in time to see him hop onto a dumpster and spin a broom. Ah but she was tried of this cat and mouse chase. Within a second she had her satchel out along with a brush, quickly painting a roughly drawn grapple. By the time she did so he was on the other side of the fence, watching to see if he was stilled being pursed. Before he could a steady heart and focus in on her she twirled the grappling hook and tosses it to the high fence, pulling herself up and over too as well. She landed just behind him, a few moments after him. She had seen him get a look at her face while she was in the air. Aimi hopped a few steps back, distancing herself from him as she guessed he didn't want people all close to him and up in his business. "You know I'm not here to apprehend you and take you in for a few measly hot dogs. Just wanted to chat that's all or are you going to run away again with your tail between your legs?" She had a sly grin on her face, this was actually quite fun. Aimi felt something warm on her head and plucked off a stray noodle from the pot that was launched at her earlier.


Last edited by Aimi on Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

5Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:22 am



Mure blinked as he spotted the woman with a jet black grapple just before it sailed up and hooked to the fence. Already she was on her way over the fence and he was too late to try and escape. He knew he should of kept going. Or prepared for such a scenario. After all as a Shinobi he was trained to evade and escape. However she was obviously trained as well. She knew the evasion tactics well enough to keep up so that wasn't an option. Instead he would need to defend himself if it got nasty. Which he had hoped to avoid. His training was months ago and by now he was likely rusty. Still he had some training. His yellow gaze followed her over and watched as she landed barring his path some feet away and even skipped back. He felt his hands tighten into fists before he remembered to loosen them. His style wasn't all about force. In fact it was about speed and pressure applied to the most painful places. A closed fist was less precise then his half folded fingers. His stance widened just a little so his left foot was just behind him. His body turned so that his right shoulder was facing his opponent. His knee's bent for a lower center of gravity as his right foot pointed at her as well. His right hand raised palm facing her held out at half length with his elbow crooked while his left arm crooked so his half fist was next to his belly button. It was more then obvious that he was trained in taijutsu.

Still her words were not what he expected. His yellow eyes were all that widened in surprise as the rest of his face below his eyes was hidden by the broken gas mask. So she was not there to apprehend him. He had assumed the worst but that hardly meant that because of the fact that he wasn't in trouble for the theft that something worse wasn't in the wind. His yellow eyes seemed to focus on her. Before his collar shifted. A beetle crawled up his mask and then into his ear before once again remaining in the hive. He watched her for a moment. Silence between them stretching only a moment before he spoke. His words were muffled but obviously young. A child as rumored but something about him indicated that he was far too trained to be underestimated. And besides that only the dead had been known to underestimate an Aburame of all things. Still he replied to her with almost a shy tone. Fear barely masked behind his threats.

"We can chat. But If I think its better to run I will break your leg in order to escape. But we talk as far apart as we are now."

His eyes watched her like a cornered animal. But the problem with cornering an animal is that's when they are at their most vicious. Besides that it was common knowledge that he had trained under both Mitsuo, Perhaps the greatest swordsman in Konoha and Ukiyo who had been the most wanted criminal since Hao. Taking down a person who had trained under two great names like that surely couldn't be easy. As for his current stance. It was obvious that it was for quick counter strikes. Strikes that aimed at the throat and joints. All of which would be painful if he connected. Not to mention the chakra sucking bugs he obviously still had. Either she was prepared for him or she honestly didn't want to scrap it out. Not with him of all people. Or so he thought.

WC= 2190

6Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:01 am



For once...Aimi will be girly. This boy before her was just cute, like completely honestly cute. It may have been his eyes. It may have been his tone of voice. Heck for all she knew it could've been from his aura. She never expected this at all. She thought this ostracized bug boy was colder than ice and quick to anger like her after all the shit he's been through. It was quite a pleasant surprise to say the least. She didn't know if the boy was younger or older but seeing him threatening her in that voice with those eyes tugged on her heartstrings for sure. He reminded her of something similar to her younger sisters. Both were the only two things in the world she found cute and instantly liked. It was decided then that Aimi was going to take care of this boy, but not out of pity. No one likes pity. It was just wrong to do that to him. Thinking back to all she has heard of that has happened in his past, he needed support and respect. She graced him with a smile, a light blush dusting her cheeks. She hated how girly she felt right now. In all honesty she always preferred to be a boy or tomboy. There were so many times she wondered how much easier and less complicated life would be had she been born a boy. It would certainly eliminate some prejudice she had gotten from the clan elders; such damn pricks they were. Maybe her position would be more secure too. Pfft, who was she kidding, nothing would really change even if she was a boy. She would still cause trouble. She would still want to modernize her clan. And nothing is going to change that. She is a hell raiser at heart. So...why? Why did her heart flutter right now? Why did she blush? Why why why? So many questions but no one to answer them herself. With a heavy internal sigh, she chalked it up to her maternal instinct finally turning up. Ugh mother would be proud. Bleh

Aimi's stopped her mind from straying, turning her attention back to the boy which stood in front of her. His words that were indeed laced with fear were no bluff; that she knew for sure. Looking at his stance, it was no a type she would not recognize. For a split second she thought that maybe he wasn't much of a threat but quickly dismissed it. If he was good enough to be recognize and trained by some of Konoha's best, then surely it would be foolish to underestimate him at all. This was not a time for her fiery pride. No this was a time to be soothing like water but strong as stone. She would not fear him but she won't be hateful either. She chuckled, grinning ear to ear, and carefully wrapped her arm around the bug boy's shoulder "Fair enough. Now c'mon, let's get some food. It'll be my treat"

Aimi let the boy go and turned her back on him, which in most cases would've been one of the stupidest things you could do however she did not see the boy as an enemy, so she wasn't truly worried. She walked out of the alley they were in and turn a right, continuing on the path till she look to her right. It was another alleyway, dark and sketchy looking but it was empty. She glanced back at buggy "C'mon, there is a place I know that has great food and good entertainment" Aimi called out and gestured for him to follow. "I swear on my art that I am not leading you into a trap or pulling your leg at all. To an artist, that is not something to snort at okay. Let's go" Our pinkie peered into the darkness and smiled, seeing a stairwell and a poorly lit sign that read 'Christio's Bar'. Taking a leap of faith he would follow, she walked into the alleyway, going down the steps. She could hear the rock music playing. Ah so tonight's musical choice is rock. Perfect Now how she know about this hidden club. To honestly it was a happy accident.

She had been kicked out of her home a few years back for getting her father too riled up. Aimlessly she wandered the streets, and the only thing to catch her eye was some music playing. Curious she went to go check it out but just before she did, rain started pouring and it really poured hard. She was soaked to the bone within minutes. She would've made an umbrella but in a fit of anger she left her satchel at home. Aimi ran for cover and found her way into the alleyway where the music was coming from. She saw a sign that read bar and though it screamed bad news she went inside anyway, not wanting to catch a cold. The bar back then was the same as it was not. It was large and quite chill, taking on a city style with it's brick walls and underground club type vibe. Nobody was there except some bartender who was cleaning. She thought he hadn't noticed her presence but he called out to her, asking who she was. Seeing as how she was not in the best of shape right now she introduced herself and explained why she was here. By the end of her story, the bartender had gotten out some blankets and hot food. Without a word he led her to a back room and offered her to stay for however long she liked. It was then a wonderful friendship began.


Last edited by Aimi on Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

7Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:34 am



Mure watched as the girl approached. His yellow eyes studying her. Unsure what to do. He could strike if he needed to but he didn't feel any kind of threat from her. Was she really just interested in talking to him? well that was certainly a possibility he supposed. But certainly a rare thing for him to come across. People hated him. They feared him. In the dark he stalked and avoided those who didn't understand him. Those who blamed him for what fate had provided. He had become some what jaded from it all. So many people had messed with him. Fools had cornered him before and tried to defeat the cursed boy. They had looked down on him once. He had made an example of them and now none of the bullies and thugs came after him. His carnivorous fist had enough infamy for that.

Still he blinked in surprise as she gently wrapped an arm around his shoulder and froze up. Such a fond touch had become so foreign to him. She didn't seem disgusted by his dirty clothing or have any sense of a superior feeling. No instead she just seemed.... Decent. He was so surprised he didn't react violently at all. His cheeks above the gas mask too on a slightly red tint against the pale skin. He didn't even really know who she was but she was oddly enough ignoring his defenses. If she had intended him harm then he had just left himself open to it. Granted at this range if she tried anything he would make her regret it. But she instead said something about food. He thought about it then. The hot dogs in his pockets he would need to wash off or a fresh meal. His mouth watered a little bit and he swallowed at the though of it. Rice and soy sauce with beef slices. It seemed too good to be true.

She released him and began walking away and at first he hesitated. after all he wasn't sure if it was the best idea to go wandering off with some strange girl. And to some place that served food? What if they kicked him out? What if they were afraid of having the cursed child in their establishment? He nibbled his lip behind his gas mask until she was about to disappear around a corner. Quickly and quietly he shuffled after her. He peaked around her as they approached a dark looking alley and slowed down putting some distance between them. The alley looking shifty to him as his yellow eyes scanned it with a sort of curious look. He tried to sniff but the mask was blocking that too well. Instead she spoke once more swearing to him it wasn't a trap. So he swallowed and followed. Letting his bugs consume the hot dogs in his pocket in favor of a fresh meal. He heard the rock music playing below a sign he didn't bother to try and read. But she walked right to it while he snuck up to the door and peaked his pale little head in just enough to look around nervously. As if expecting to get yelled at or caught. Well joke was on them. The bugs had already eaten the evidence....oh man he hoped it wasn't a trap and there was food. His tummy grumbled as he realized he may have just fed his only food to his bugs.


8Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:04 pm



Aimi grinned, seeing the Aburame followed her. She opened the door, ringing a small golden bell and walked inside. Warm air and the smell of cocktails and cinnamon greeted the pair. Down the metal staircase she went which gave a full view of the establishment: below them was dart boards and pools tables, past that were a few deep red round tables with gray stools, and a moderate stage to the left of it. Various guitars such as electric, base, and acoustic hung on the brick exposed walls, along with signed pictures of famous shinobi. To the the tables right was the bar with three bartenders, two wells, a beer tap, and an impressive display of their signature cocktails; a window to the kitchen just beside it. The ceiling were high, with black metal rafters scaling across them, which connected to another door, only accessible by hopping onto the rafters. The door would lead to the main building the bar was beneath, where you could rent out a room for a few days. It also served as a meeting place and somewhere to lay low in people were looking for you.

The place was packed, bustling with activity, people were partying below to the alternative rock band playing whereas others where drinking or eating on the tables or on the rafters. In this establishment no one could be turned away. You could eat what you like, drink all you want, and smoke as you please regardless of age, gender, and standing, truly a great place to get loose. All sorts of people hung around here, nuke nins, ronins, police, bounty hunters, foreign ninja, academy students, and even civilians. Most people turned a blind eye to what was going on here since this place generate a lot of income. Besides, if this place was shut down, it could cause a lot of problems for the village itself as it was one of those secret getaways where they got a little extra cash under the cover. "This is my little haven and now it is yours too. Welcome to Christio's Bar!" she announced to him.

Grabbing a hold of bug boy's wrist, she maneuvered expertly through the hyped crowd. She caught a dart that head for the area right between her eyes and tossed it back to the fool in stripped jeans" Oh shit sorry Mimi!" he apologized continuously. Upon hearing the girl's nickname, a small group of people surrounded them, all friends of hers.

"Yo Mimi, wassup girl?"

"How you doing Mimi? Cause I know I feel like doing you"

"Mimi! Hey wanna play a few rounds?" More people called out to the pink haired teen. She chuckled and grinned at them

"Sup turds. Taking this new friend of mine to grab some food. Kaname, your aim sucks. Takeshi the only thing that wants to do you are you sex dolls in your closet. And Alice, I'd love to but maybe later okay girl. Now peace" Aws followed her as she took them to the bar and grabbing a couple stools for them. She sat down, putting her feet up on the counter, leaning back and stuffing her hands comfortably in her pockets.

"Hey Marcus, I brought us a new friend, can you get him some grub?" she spoke to the head bartender.

He was light skinned with soft chestnut colored eyes and neat, combed back black hair; wearing the a white button up shirt, black slacks with matching vest and tie. He looked as harmless as a fly but he wasn't someone you'd scratch off so easily. Marcus smiled at the pair as he polished a glass "Sure. What would you like? You can order whatever you want. I assume you want the usual Aimi?"

Aimi grinned "You bet and bug boy, don't worry about paying okay. Eat and drink to your heart's desire"


Last edited by Aimi on Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

9Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:57 am



Mure was anything but sure about just walking into to some ones bar. No shop owner ever liked him. After all he was simply put bad for business. Still his curious yellow eyes looked around in awe at the surprising lay out of the place. It was honestly larger then the outside had suggested. A very roomy feeling to it and it even had rafters. He had always liked rafters. His brother had always watched him as he played in high places and he felt safe while his brother watched. But even after his brother high places had been a place of safety and security. The people never bothered him up high and most people never even noticed him. Choosing to be around others rather then looking to the skies. But he had never felt right on the ground surrounded by people. He was simply put far too shy. But the sky was so big and open that if only he could fly then he could keep away from the hustle and bustle of the people. Their angry hearts beneath him as he soared through the clouds. But Rafters were nice enough. It allowed him to keep from being clumsy and bumping into others or having to answer questions. Just up there and quiet would be nice.

But then he blinked as he was being yanked by the wrist. Aimi was pulling him through the people and they all seemed to love her. And she took it all in stride. He envied her those people skills but he didn't hate her for it. He just swallowed and stared at the ground. As she spoke to them he watched each of them unsure what to make of them before suddenly they were off again. And to the bar of all places. He wanted to point out he was underage but some how he figured she wouldn't care. After all it wasn't like she couldn't figure it out for herself. She seemed to know everything like some one with connections. But he was not going to question her confidence. Instead he climbed up onto the stool and sat there with his eyes peeking up and his head lowered. His yellow eyes looking around. When he was asked what he wanted he was unsure until Aimi reassured him anything was fine. Spotting something he raised his hand and pointed at something called chicken strips. "That please." He mumbled before realizing he was letting his wrist show which had holes in it.

Quickly he drew his arm back and tried to hide it but too quickly. His arm knocking over a glass of water. He made a surprised noise and began to mumble rapid apologies and picked up the cup. His sleeve rubbing at the water to try and dry it up but it was too dirty and smudged the counter top. Mures eyes began to water with tears as he continued mumbling apologies and insults to himself as he grabbed napkins and tried to clean it up. "Sorry sorry! stupid mure they was nice to you and you made a mess...stupid stupid...sorry sorry...stupid mure always messing things up stupid stupid stupid."


10Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:51 pm



Aimi watched the cursed Aburame in the corner of her pink eyes. Damn this dude is so on edge. I already said I was going to do any shit to him. Heck I even swore he wouldn't come to any harm in this place at least not on my watch Yet as the seconds passed, realization dawned before her. Oh shit, I didn't notice. He's shy? This guys is freaking shy? Fuck I feel kinda....nope nevermind I don't. He needs to live a little. Our time on this Earth is short and not sweet so we got to make the most of it. Still he pretty cute..... Aimi cursed under her breath, damning herself for thinking like that but she couldn't help it. It's her weakness, a dark secret. obsessed with cute things. Tch if anyone found out I will lose my whole rep. Aimi is naturally has anger issues but is a cool person, getting into fights and winning most of them. So it would be quite a shock to many people should they ever find out. If they found out Aimi was be completely and utterly humiliated. Not a good thing, not even for those around her. She is quick to anger so something like that...well...she will go off the deep end. It was then she had a brief flashback of her academy years.

She was twelve years old and already feared throughout the school not only by the students but staff and parents as well. She was known as Inkheart, the Kumori clan's pink haired demon. She was at first quite popular when she first joined Konoha's Ninja Academy, having enchanted both the male and female populace with her cool fresh attitude and adorableness, having been only been 4'1 at the time which annoyed her to no end. However the happiness didn't last long when she showed up most of the boys up during training sessions; she also had a sharp tongue, which didn't bode well with anyone. One day a popular classmate of hers approached her and did what many feared to do...he asked her out. This boy whose name's Takeshi was bluntly rejected, in front of all his peers. He was outraged and so a fight between the two broke out between the two youngsters. Aimi ended up sweeping the floor with him and from that day on, the pair were mortal enemies. Two years passed for Aimi. Not much had happened, just the usual fights and causing hell for everyone and anyone. She at the time was laying on a branch of a tree in one of the parks in the village cutting class; her headphones on, blasting rap music into her hears. She figured she was alone till a small rock was thrown towards her left arm. Catching it in her hand, she discovered something attached to it. It read "I know your dirty little secret. Come to the boiler room under the Academy at midnight tonight if you don't everyone and their mother to see this"

Turning the note around, she was shocked to see the picture. It was a photograph of her inside her secret room within her clan's compound. She was munching on dainty little cakes and cookies in a room full of plushies, pictures of cute little animals everywhere and all the furniture, along with the walls were pastel colored. Aimi herself was laying on a giant penguin bean bag chair. Aimi tore up the photo with such intense ferocity, wondering how the hell this photo was taken......and if there were anymore like this. Seeing no other choice, she went to the meeting.

That night Aimi stomped into the boiler room; a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders from behind. Surprised, shook them of and kicked behind her. The unknown entity caught her leg and tsked as he pushed her away, walking into the light to reveal himself. Aimi narrowed her eyes, and spoke, seething rage "Takeshi...if you don't want to leave this place with every bone in your body broken you will hand over all the photos"

Takeshi chuckled, as if he had the upper hand which technically he did. "Oh once again you prove your stupidity. You do realize I have the data copied onto multiple hard drives so regardless of whether I destroyed the photos I currently I have on hand, I will only make more." Seeing no way out of this since she didn't know where he lived or had any idea how many hard drives he had, Aimi remained quiet even though every bone in her body wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp. He smiled, as if he won a glorious prize "You will do as you were meant to be and become mine. You will do everything I say including wearing things like this." He threw a dress at her feet along with a bunch of photos of her and left, laughing on the way out. Aimi punched the wall, drawing blood and burned the photos.

The next day Aimi arrived to school in the dress  Takeshi gave her and stood by his side,  almost gagging at how close she was to him. This went on for about seven months till Takeshi had an accident. He was mugged in an alley and sustained a blow to his head which gave him amnesia. He forgot everything in the past year. Not only that, all the hard drives were dropped off on her doorstep the night of his accident with a note saying "Blackmail is a horrendous thing" She didn't recognize the handwriting. What was also strange was that Takeshi's attacker was never found. Though Aimi didn't care about anything aside from the fact she was free from Takeshi and that she was going to make his life hell.

Aimi was snapped out of her flashback when she heard a surprised yelp. She saw that her companion accidently knocked over a glass of water and now he was spewing apologies along with some nonsense about himself. Chucking, she grinned and took off her bandana, using it wipe the spilt water on the bar up. Her long bangs fell over her eyes, and she combed them back with her hand.
"Dude chill out, it's just water. I make messes all the time and usually it's a disaster. No body is going to hate you ok?"
Aimi smirked in a caring manner to him.

Marcus watched the pair with interest "Aimi, why don't you take your friend upstairs to your room? I'll have your food and drinks delivered to it ok?"

Nodding seeing this was the best idea, Aimi grabbed once more onto the aburame, this time his entire right arm, and pulled him along as she hopped onto the rafters with some difficulty but not much, and kicked the door opened. She dragged him all through the maze like corridors till she reach her room. Letting him go, she fumbled around in her pockets till she found a key and used it to unlocked the door. The room was a large suite with one king sized bed, a mini kitchen, plasma television, a seating area and a door that led to the bathroom. "So you can wash up here while I go find some clothes for you okay? Nobody will disturb you so head on in. Heck go take a bubble bath or something I don't care. Alright? Now see ya as I go bug the other rooms for something your sized" With that Aimi left the room so the boy could be left alone to do as he pleases.


Last edited by Aimi on Thu Aug 07, 2014 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

11Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:57 pm



Mure quietly watched as she used her bandanna to clean up the mess herself. he was blushing and he lifted the collar of his shirt over the gas mask to try and hide his face. He was clearly embarrassed and at the moment only his yellow eyes peeked over the collar innocently. He watched and listened as she instructed him to not freak out before nodding slowly. He was just then realizing he was making a scene and had gotten more then a few interested onlookers. He felt kind of bad about that but for the moment it had already happened. And he figured no one spoke up because Ashes was with him. He hoped she wouldn't leave him alone with them. Looking back on how it was before it was like the curtain had shut on his life. But in a way she was pulling him out of the darkness of his depression and anxiety. She was saving him as it was not yet his time to give up. Even with all the dreams he once had that he found he was in a world that tried to take them away. But she was being kind and even though there was still a fear in him that he would lose it all again and this time it could be the end of him. His heart had already been broken too many times. He wondered if this time would give him time to fix it. Or if he would fall again.

He had missed what the bartender had said and suddenly he was being yanked by his arm. His eyes widened in surprise as they were heading upwards. He saw that if he didn't try to make it up himself he was going to act as an anchor to her when she fully left the ground. In reaction he pressed his toes down and launched up with enough force to be able to catch up to her already leap in progress. He didn't know it but that power had left tiny little indents in the floor where he had pressed off. One of the people who had been watching noticed though and walked over as the disappeared into the upper corridors. He pushed his fingers into the indents and whistled a little. Before looking after them.

"Man that shy kid is unreal. I sure hope no one ever makes him mad. Best to leave him be. No wonder Aimi likes him. Just like her to take in people with raw potential."

But they were already gone. Mure was feeling dizzy and had long since lost track of their progress in the maze until suddenly she let go of him. He looked around and felt relief as finally they were not surrounded by people. And then suddenly they were in her room. She spoke up and gave him permission to bathe and then took off apparently to look for more clothes for him. But that was fine. He sighed in relief as he was alone again. His eyes looking at everything with open curiosity until he walked into the bathroom. His eyes fell on the bath and he almost sighed in relief. When was the last time he enjoyed warm water? He quickly struggled out of his clothes falling over a couple of times as he did before he hid his brothers clothes under the sink. He treasured those clothes so he would not lose them. Couldn't have anyone taking them while he relaxed.

Still he stood naked in the bathroom. He turned on the water and set it to a warm temperature and then poured in four different soaps. He let it fill as he turned and focused himself. He outstretched his arms and closed his eyes and suddenly an orchestra of beetles burst from him. Dancing and flying about as if they could feel his enjoyment. Happy bugs for happy Mure. He sighed in relief and smiled as the bugs found places to rest and remain safe so the bath water didn't harm them. And then Mure dived into the bath tub with a splash. Surfacing with a hat of soap suds with his nose just above the surface and happy eyes at the clean feeling overtaking him.


12Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:37 pm



Aimi wandered through the mazelike halls, knocking on a few doors to see if she can burrow some clothes was then she just realized she still hadn't caught the boy's name. Honestly, why hadn't I done so sooner. I can't refer him to Aburame forever. Aimi wasn't the type of person to refer to people by their last names. It was too formal in her opinion. Plus there was that hassle when you are in a group with several people from the same clan and you call out for one of them but they get confused about who is being addressed. Troublesome really. She had been looking around for somebody to just let her have some clothes to give bug boy but everyone was busy or something. The first person she asked was a Kiri nuke-nin named Sotashi. He was a man with a large build so his clothes couldn't possibly fit him. The second person she asked was a politician from Suna who was too busy 'exercise' with his mistresses. Disgusting pig. The third door was a group of thugs hiding out from the Tsuchikage in Iwagakure since according to one them was a murderous beast who had everyone in gangs or anything similar on his to-die-list. Not that she cared really but with the ruckus they were making they would be found soon enough. Hopefully the walls won't be splattered with too much blood. The clean up grew had enough on their plate already. Afterwards it was just more annoyances and her temper was starting to rise. It shouldn't have been that hard to find a simple set of clothes. So when she stood in front of a door in a dead end hallway on the second floor, she had a scowl on her face. She knocked loudly several times and guess what! Nobody answered.  Angered she kicked the wall. She would just head back downstairs to see if she can burrow some clothes from Marcus. He probably won't mind she figured.

Meanwhile a waiter from the bar downstairs knocked on her suite's door. Hearing no answer he simple used his key that allowed him to access any of the rooms and entered, rolling his food cart inside. He looked around and saw that the room was empty except for the splashing coming from the bathroom. A blush dusted his cheeks and the thought of a nude girl bathing entered his mind. He was a new waiter, having only worked here for a couple months and all he new about this suite was that it was owned by some girl his age. Suddenly realizing how much of a pervert he was being, he snapped himself out of it and began serving the food. He went to the coffee table in front of the television laying it out. There was the Aburame's order of chicken strips accompanied by a bottle of water since they didn't know what drink he wanted. Aimi's order on the other hand was much larger consisting of: a meatball sub, a basket of fries, a deep dish pizza with several meats, a light salad, fruit parfait, and a piña colada. It was a bit strange to the waiter to see a girl order so much food. He wondered if she was inviting her friends over. Just as he was about to leave he noticed that the bathroom door was opened just a tad. The blush reappeared accompanied by a rather lecherous grin. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt just to...take a peek he thought. And with that he carefully made his way to the bathroom door and as the sight was something he was bot expecting to behold. "What the fuck!" he screamed as he fell on his ass.


Last edited by Aimi on Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

13Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Wed Aug 06, 2014 7:51 am



Mure had been enjoying his bath. His skin felt like it was being soothed for the first time in ages by the bubbles and the warm water. The bugs coating the corners and parts of the wall didn't seem to mind the steam and once the bath was full he hadn't really needed to run any water anyways so the bugs weren't experiencing too much steam to begin with. But it felt so clean and nice and he just felt like he could enjoy it again. For once he just felt at peace and no one was going to show up and hurt him. Him and his bugs, his many many buddies were going to be alright. He didn't really know too much about the girl but she seemed really nice to him. Like an older sister. For a moment he pictured her married to his older brother and then she would be his sister. He pictured the wedding and then spending time with them both before he remembered the last time he had seen his brother. The night he left for a quick mission with his partner Tsuyo. He wondered where his brother was now. He imagined he was safe and alive. Enjoying retirement in some nice cabin in the woods. But the ANBU had been after them since they left. And no one survived the Konoha ANBU....His sensei Ukiyo had been proof of that. He had once thought she was unstoppable even against other Senju. Now he missed her. He missed them all really. Feeling his depressing setting back in he raised his hands up to smack his cheeks and then dunked his head. Forcing himself to think of better things. Like yummy foods.

Because he dunked his head he hadn't heard the knock or anyone coming in. By the time he raised his head out of the water his yellow eyes were shining happily. Still he smelled something nice in the other room. Had she come back with yummies? He felt his mouth water and his tummy rumble so he quickly got out of the bath. He found a towel and wrapped it around his waist tying it as his small form was more then thin enough to tie the towel. He was just about to investigate when he peeked out of the door. But he didn't see her. Instead he saw a mischievous looking individual he didn't know. The made eye contact and Mure saw it. As if a trigger to him Mure saw the fear and hate in the mans eyes as he saw the swarm of bugs. When he yelled and fell down the bugs reacted. Like a swarm they burst from the bathroom and zoomed and buzzed all along the ceiling and made the light flicker. But Mure was reacting as he thought he was being attacked. Some man he didn't know had approached him when he was weak. He knew the fear and the hate. He had been beaten relentlessly by that kind of people. The ones who didn't understand. They always took it out on him. They wanted him to be unhappy and alone. But he couldn't let that happen. He could not lose the happiness he just found.

Mure's eyes widened and through the flickering light they seemed to glow yellow. He moved sudden in a sudden dash. His reaction turning from shy to instinctual as he reached down. His small hand reached out. Bruises and scars covered his body from all the hateful people. All the beatings he had just taken because he had nothing more to lose. But he had something to lose now. He growled low like something dark within a cave of anger and fear. He feared this man. He feared this man would take away his happiness because he didn't understand. His hand gripped the man by the throat as suddenly he was dragging the man as if he was made of paper. Lifting him off the ground the became airborn through the room and the door way before Mure choke slammed the man down into the hall way floor. The cracking wood leaving an indent and echoing through the halls. But he was only just beginning. The older boy much bigger then him became like a doll as Mure began to slam him from wall to wall. Each time leaving torso sized indents into the walls and cracked plaster and floorboards. Mure's size and shy nature was a mask to his instinctive reactions and raw physical power. Still he wasn't breaking any bones but he was certainly cracking them.


14Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Thu Aug 07, 2014 9:26 pm



Loud thunderous booms of a fight echoed off the walls in the hallway including the staircase Aimi was on, though it sounded pretty one sided. What the hell was that? however Aimi just shrugged it off. It wasn't really her concern. Fights happened her all the time. Actually they were so frequent that the young Kumori was very much surprised that the building even remained standing, much less stay in it's pristine state. It was so strange indeed. No! she needed to stay on track. There are far more urgent matters which need her attention such as obtaining suitable clothing for bug boy whom she had a feeling was bathing. It would've been a good indeed to do so anyway. He was covered in filth and was a bit stressed. A nice hot bath would do just the job. She couldn't leave him in the bathroom in only a towel at most. Nor could she give him some of her spare clothes. She figured that he would feel uncomfortable wearing the spare clothes she kept here even if some were oversized.

A question passed by her but she paid it no mind. Instead she simple opened the door and hopped off the rather to head to the bar. She noticed a pastel purple head full of hair. It was Lian, another bartender who worked her.Lian is a very odd but beautiful woman. Heck she was even a former leaf nin, a jounin in fact. Though she retired for reasons unknown and whenever someone would ask about she would change the topic in such ways you wouldn't even notice that you already began a deep conversation about whales. Hopping down next to the female Aimi smiled. She was about to speak up to greet her but a few dirty glasses were tossed to her along with an old rag. "Go make yourself useful and clean those up ok" Lian ordered, not even bother to meet her eyes since she was taking several orders at once.

Aimi opened her mouth to argue but Lian suddenly turned to her and put her manicured finger to her lips. "Shush, go ahead and do it. I'm too busy ok" and off Lian was back to work. Aimi glared harshly at Lian's head, even imaging her hair begin set on fire but nodded anyway, grumbling as she did so. Aimi was turned on the faucet water and poured the lavender dishwasher soap onto the yellow sponge. As she was about to start Lian passed by her again, whispering in her ear "If you finish working fast I will give you more plushees" Aimi's eyes widen slightly and a dopey grin appeared across her face as she began washing the glasses with new found motivational vigor. Heehee more plushees~ I love plushees~. Lian was a very observant woman and she noticed Aimi had a strange obsession with cute things. So she began using this incredibly adorable plushees as a way to get Aimi to do what she wanted.

By the time she finished, all the dishes and then some were clean, pristine, and sparkling with a bright shine. Before Aimi could realize she was manipulated, Lian sneaked a small blue lion plushee into her pocket without anyone noticing despite being in a crowded bar. Just then Marcus returned from whatever he was doing. "Hey Aimi did you need something? Something wrong with the food?"

Huh didn't even noticed he was gone but regardless..."Actually Marcus I came here to ask you if I can burrow some of yours clothes..."




"For bug boy..."

Another moment of silence passed between the two before they burst out in laughter. "Hahaha ok ok sure Aimi. You know where my room is. Actually I'll just take you there. Lian, Toni, you two will be fine? I'll be right back" The other bartenders nodded, too focused on the crowd the was growing larger. Taking this as enough confirmation, Marcus took a hold of Aimi's hand and led her through the kitchen and into another door going up a rusty black metal staircase which led to a few private rooms. It was wear some of the workers lived. Those who came to work here but didn't have a home were given a space here in the back for free for two months before they had to start paying for it. It was a pretty good deal the owner came up with. Speaking of the owner, Aimi doesn't remember ever seeing him nor has anyone else except Marcus though that part wasn't surprising. Marcus was the best friend of the owner and had been working here at the bar since it began or at least that was what they were told. Still strange however. Seeing that Aimi zoned out when they arrived he chuckled and snapped his fingers in front of her face "Aimi we're here. You really got to fix that issue with zoning out. People may take it the wrong way"

Aimi, back in the realm of reality blinked several times and lightly smacked his hand out of her face. "First of all don't do that. And second since when did I ever give a shit about what other people think" she took the key that was in his pocket and opened the door, letting herself in. She ignored the sigh that escaped from Marcus' lips and went into his bedroom, opening the top drawer of his dresser. She took out a white long sleeved shirt with some socks, and in the second drawer she took out a pair of dark blue jeans. "These should do nicely. Thanks Marcus"

She was about to leave the one bedroom flat but Marcus grabbed her right arm. "The waiter who brought up your food...he's kinda new. Please don't tell me you roughed him up. Cause I heard some crashing and banging"

Aimi, perplexed, shrugged off the older male's arm. "I don't know what you're talking about. I left my room to bug boy as soon as we got there so I can find him some spare clothes..." she grew quiet as she began connecting the dots and her eyes widen as she did so. "Shit" she cursed under her breath and ran out, heading to the room but making sure to thank Marcus once more.

Aimi was more than surprised at the display she found in the hallway that lead to her room. There was an indent on the floor and torso imprints on the walls. Cracks covered the plaster and floorboards. And in the center of it all was bug boy beating down a waiter no doubt the one Marcus had mentioned. "Yo bug boy that's enough! You won the fight already ok!" Aimi rushed to bug boy's side to see the waiter had been knocked out cold. Rolling her eyes playfully, she had a feeling he deserved it and as such she went inside the suite, grabbing the phone and dialing the front desk. "Hey Caius can you send a clean up crew to my place and an ambulance ok thanks" she hung up on Caius and gestured for bug boy to come inside.

She plopped down next to the coffee table and began eating a bit after setting the clothes down on a chair. When she had eaten almost all the fries, and half the salad she spoke up. "You should eat. That thing back there must've tuckered you out. And um are you ok? Like are you hurt or anything cause I have a feeling that jackass in the hallway fucked up somehow and deserve that beat down you gave him" she chuckled as she took a bite of the fruit parfait however she noticed the markings on his body along with the holes. The holes themselves didn't bother her but those marks sure fucking did. She was going to ask since it was probably a personal question but she made a mental note to look into it some other time. "That was pretty fucking awesome. Didn't know you had the strength in ya....y'know um what is your name by the way? I'm Aimi of the Kumori. Oh and those clothes on that chair is for you. A friend of mine gave them to me so you can cover up alright" She smiled at him as she took another bite. Man this has turned into one interesting day


15Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Empty Re: Stolen bread (Open/no kill) Fri Aug 08, 2014 8:24 pm



Mure had flat out smashed the man so many times he was going to be hospitalized for some time. The hallway looked like a human wrecking ball had been used on it and Mure had done it to the boy who had walked into the bathroom he was in and screamed in fear of him. All the hate that had driven Mure to the streets and the beatings he had suffered over and over again had begun to pile up. And just like all the other times he had blotted out when he had given in to fear he had snapped at the boy. His small form was deceptive with the thin body. Not a speck of hair dotted his exposed pale skin. Just the bruises of being too kind to others too often and taking the simple beatings as he subconsciously held back. Never wanting to hurt others that were not intending to do permanent harm to him. He had not known his own strength because he had blotted out the true battles he had fought when people were actually in danger of doing more damage to him then he could recover from. And the rare aura of pure power seemed somehow to also feel pure. Nothing dark was in Mure even when he had lost it and attacked something he had perceived as a threat. But when he heard Aimi's voice he dropped the boy letting the person crumble to the floor. He took to steps back and his faded gaze switched to a blinking and confused Mure. He looked at her and then at the scene. Before blinking as if confused. His little voice hesitantly speaking up.

"I won? I did this?" He asked as if he wasn't even aware he had been fighting. Why had he been fighting? He saw the man was breathing well enough. Still he felt kind of bad and a little sick standing there in the hallway over someone he had hurt. He went into the room as she gestured to him but for a moment he grabbed a blanket and walked back into the hallway. Wrapping it around the man carefully so only his head was poking out before going back into the room and closing the door. He half smiled shyly and spoke up again." There now he won't be cold....Mure's name? Mure's name is Mure. And I didn't mean to hurts nobodies. Oh...clothes? thank you!" He said before quickly moving into the bathroom as he snatched up the pile before closing the door behind him. After a moment he came out dressed in new clothes but with his old clothes in his arms. Nibbling his lip. Before speaking once more. "I dun wanna lose big brothers clothes. Please don't throw them out. pretty please." He set them to the side with his gas mask on top since one had to remove the mask to eat and fished into one of the pockets. Pulling out and old and torn up dirty konoha headband before sitting in front of his food. He bowed his head before he quickly wolfed down the food. Hardly taking the time to enjoy it before yawning. He rubbed his eyes and would lay down where he was next to the food. Soon he was slumbering. His small chest rising and falling under the white long sleeved shirt when something happened. The bugs people feared of him that had been resting on the ceiling began to buzz and slowly and in groups began to circle down. Like a beautiful dance the bugs flew and the light in the room made the bugs seem like sparkling jewels as they descended and flew into the boy. Like hundreds of dancing jewels and lights they returned to their home in a startling display of beauty. It was a wonder how anyone could hate Mure.

Exit thread

C ~> C-1, 575/575
C-1 ~> C-2, 600/600
C-2 ~> C-3, 700/700

Reaction time
E ~> E-1, 75/75
E-1 ~> E-2, 150/150
E-2 ~> E-3, 225/225
E-3 ~> D, 300/300

D ~> D-1, 325/325
D-1 ~> D-2, 400/400
D-2 ~> D-3, 450/450
D-3 ~> C, 525/525

C ~> C-1, 575/575

E-2 ~> E-3, 225/225
E-3 ~> D, 300/300

41 left over

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