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1The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Sun Jun 22, 2014 10:59 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko woke up, early in the morning, ready for another day at the shinigami academy. He sat up in his mattress upon the ground, and looked around his small apartment. It was kind of late into the day, but Toshiko meant to sleep in. He didn't have classes at the ninja academy for the day, and he was going to use his time wisely. Though he was meant to have a day off, he was going to use his day for training. He got out of the bed on the ground, and walked into the bathroom. He was wearing blue pajamas, with toad outlines all over it. Toshiko walked over to the mirror, and stared at himself. He looked at the scar upon his left cheek which he had acquired from his very own father only several years before. After staring it it, he looked at himself in the mirror, and spoke. "I am going to train today. I'm going to get stronger. I'll prove everyone wrong. I'll become the hokage, and then i'll take down my father. That's a promise." He took a deep breath, and nodded to himself. After doing so, he prepared to leave by brushing his teeth and taking a shower. At least 30 minutes went by before he got out of the shower, and once he did he put on his ninja gear. His black suit, and his sword sheathed diagonally across his back. Toshiko nodded once more, and then left his home. He ran out onto the streets of The hidden leaf village. He went right to the empty academy training grounds that his class would go to during their schooling hours. He went up to some of the wooden poles in the ground, and nodded to himself. "I got this. I'm gonna do it this time!" Toshiko pulled out 4 kunai, and then ran high up towards the wooden pole. he jumped up into the air, throwing all four of the kunai at once. The kunai connected, and landed in a horizontal line across the pole. Toshiko smiled, and fell back to the earth landing on the ground and laying down."Yes! I did it!"

Word Count: 377

Last edited by Toshiko on Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total

2The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty The Journey Begins! Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:45 pm



Antanas gets up with a sour taste in his mouth. Smacking his lips, he sits up on his bed and heads to his bathroom. "Living somewhere other than home could be nice..." he was thinking as he brushed his teeth. Antanas looked in the mirror, ruffled his hair, flipped it to the side and started to get dressed. He put on his shirt for relaxing, a white T-shirt with the Kimura Clan symbol on it. He jumps into some shorts, ties his headband around his right bicep and heads outside to train, making sure to ask his mom first. "If i lived alone then I would be able to do whatever I want..." As Antanas was thinking, he noticed the tree he had climbed his first few days out of the academy. Remembering his bad luck, he decided to go to the training grounds rather than go anywhere else. As Antanas walked through the town to the training grounds, he spotted a kid slightly younger than himself running toward the school. "Now what could he possibly want with the school?" Antanas thought aloud as flew by. Raising an eyebrow, he began to follow the kid. Jogging slower than the kid was, Antanas tried to remain inconspicuous so the kid wouldn't notice him. As they got closer to the boy, Antanas was flooded with memories from his days at the academy. He remembered Mika, Rain, and even Father. Antanas stops thinking about his father when he feels tears rolling down his cheek. "Focus on Mika and Rain, they want me to spend time with them later." He sighed. Lately, Antanas had been so busy he forgot about some of his friends. When Antanas and the kid arrived at the training grounds, he noticed that the kid was doing hand-seals. This should be interesting... Antanas is thinking as the kid took out four kunai. He then jumped in the air and threw kunai at a pole, and they where in a vertical row. I guess I found a training partner. Antanas thought as he stood up, waving to the kid now laying on the ground. "Hey buddy! That was impressive! Want to train together?" He smirked a bit, pleased he had found someone other than himself to train with.

[380 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:58 am; edited 1 time in total

3The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:19 am

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

After congratulating himself, Toshiko was met by another ninja about his age. Toshiko was laying on the ground, so he simply turned his head to the side to see him. "Huh? Who is this guy?" The young ninja came up to Toshiko and waved to him. "Hey buddy! That was impressive! Want to train together?" Toshiko got up from the ground. The first and foremost question that came to his mind, was how this guy knew he was training. Was he stalking him? Maybe it was a coincidence. Toshiko didn't want to be rude to the boy. Initially, he didn't know how to react thinking that it was some kind of joke. None of the other children ever talked to Toshiko other than to make fun of him. Toshiko's determination had always gotten across bad to others. That was simply why he couldn't believe that this guy was talking to him. Was this meant to be some type of joke? Even if it was, Toshiko was going to speak to the boy. "Uhhhh Thanks." Then, the words hit him. The boy was looking for them to train together. Toshiko wanted nothing more than someone to train with. Of course i want to train together! Let's start this with a spar! Toshiko then jumped up, and got in a fighting stance. "Before we start, let me introduce myself. My name is Toshiko. Toshiko Uzumaki! I'm the guy that's gonna kick your but in this fight!" After this, Toshiko charged the boy with a punch aimed directly at his chest.


4The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:28 am



After asking this boy if he wanted to train, the boy, who said his name was Toshiko wanted to start with a spar. Who am I to judge Antanas was thinking as the boy charged at him, and threw a punch at his chest. An easy move to spot, he moves aside with a quick jump. "My name is Antanas Kimura by the way" Antanas told him as he directed a punch to Toshiko's side, which was left exposed after missing his first attack.

[465 Words Total]

5The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:41 am

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

After Toshiko fired his attack, the boy jumped to the side. He said that his name was Antanas Kimura, and then aimed a attack at Toshiko's side. Toshiko took the attack on, and it connected with his side. It stung a lot, and caused him to lose his flow of movements sending him flying to the ground. Toshiko caught himself in the air, and then landed on both feet on the ground. Toshiko grimaced from the pain for a bit, and then looked up with a smirk on his face. "Well, i've got to admit it you're pretty strong! I've still got a few more tricks up my sleeve." Toshiko then did the Ram hand sign once more, forming 5 versions of himself. They were simply copies, and couldn't due any physical damage. Despite this, Toshiko planned it out. The six Toshiko's there now were, resided directly in front of Antanas. They all spoke in unison. "well, which one is the real me?"


Word Count: 177

Last edited by Toshiko on Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:16 pm; edited 2 times in total

6The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:52 am



The punch connected with the boys side, making him double over. I didn't want to hurt the kid... Antanas was thinking as Toshiko made the Ram hand sign. "This technique?" he sighed as five more "Toshikos" appeared. "well, which one is the real me?" They all asked. Antanas sighed once more, and hit his chest a few times. He felt a bubbly mud in his throat and spit out a stream of mud on the legs of all of the "Toshikos" revealing the real one. Antanas smirked, pointed at the muddy boy and said, "You're the real one."

[565 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:23 am; edited 4 times in total

7The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:22 am

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Antanas started hitting his chest a bit, and then literally started spitting a stream of mud from his mouth. Toshiko stared off in complete disgust of what he was seeing, and then watched as the mud came directly flowing towards Toshiko and all of his clones. Once it touched his clones, the dopplegangers dispersed into nothing. Toshiko now had mud covering his legs. He started to jump around in it frantically trying to shake it off of him. "Ew come on what the heck was that supposed to be?!" Antanas then pointed out in Toshiko's direction, and said that he was the real one. While disgusted, Toshiko was actually quite impressed. He'd never seen a jutsu like that before. maybe there was some things that he could learn from this guy. Regardless, Toshiko wanted to at least try to win this fight. He shook himself from the mud, and then jumped up in the air aiming a attack directly towards Antanas's head.
Word Count: 177


STR E -> E-2 (177/225)

Last edited by Toshiko on Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

8The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:49 am



Antanas wipes some of the mud off of his bottom lip. Toshiko was obviously taken aback, if not disgusted by his technique. Watching his reaction was the best part of all. Antanas then settles himself and watches Toshiko shake the mud from his uniform. "Sorry for using mud!" Antanas called to him, winking. "It's much better than using fire!" After Antanas had said this, the Toshiko sprang in the air, and was preparing to attack him in the head. While Antanas' eyes practically bulging out of his head, he steadied himself on the ground, and springs himself several meters to the left. To make sure nobody gets hurt, Antanas decides to stick to defense. 


680 Words Total

9The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:58 am

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko's punch seemed like it was going to connect, Antanas moved out of the way of the attack. Toshiko hit the ground once more, and rolled in the dirt. He got directly back up, and was panting. His stamina was running out quickly, and realistically he wouldn't be physically capable of doing much more. That didn't deter his actions. He had to prove himself not only for his state of mind, but to prove himself to the other villagers and to honor his dead mother. Regardless of the fact that this was a simple spar, he wasn't going to quit until he had given it his all. Toshiko stood up, and then ran right towards Antanas. He aimed two kicks at his skull, and then a punch to his chest. Regardless of whether or not it hit, Toshiko would then jump up into the air aiming for a tree in the current area, and would place his chakra into his feet standing on one of it's branches upside down. Toshiko jumped from the branch, and would aim a roundhouse kick to Antanas's side.


STR E -> E-2 (225/225)

Last edited by Toshiko on Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

10The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:15 am



Antanas was quickly running out of energy to keep fighting and dodging. He desperately wanted Toshiko to win, but could do without a kick to the face. Watching the boy's feet gave him an idea. Antanas grabbed both of his feet, and sank underground carrying Toshiko with him. When Antanas comes back up to the surface, he confirmed that he had gotten Toshiko with his Double Suicide Decapitation. Out of breath, Antanas said, "You are really strong for a boy your age. You did very well." Catching his breath, and going back to his normal self, Antanas told Toshiko, "You are almost as good as me!" flashing him a thumbs up, and offering him a hand to pull him out of the dirt hole. Antanas could already tell this kid would be someone amazing.


815 Words Total

11The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:36 am

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

All of Toshiko's attacks missed. antanas would go on to counter by grabbing both of Toshiko's legs, and drilling both of them into the ground. Toshiko was met with a face full of dirt as the boy pushed the two of them 10 meters underneath the ground. Antanas came back up to the surface, and dropped Toshiko. Toshiko now had his head above the surface, and the rest of his body buried underneath the dirt. He frantically moved around, attempting to escape but he just couldn't. After a while, he used up his lasts bits of energy, and accepted his defeat. "You are really strong for a boy your age. You did very well." Despite his defeat, Toshiko was still gaining recognition from this boy. He had never had anyone who'd done something like that for him in his life. Toshiko smiled, and then spoke. "Thanks a lot, you're pretty strong yourself" "You are almost as good as me!" Antanas smiled, and gave Toshiko a thumbs up. Toshiko laughed, and then playfully yelled at Antanas "Well see who's gonna be on top next time!" Antanas then held out a hand towards Toshiko to allow him out of the hole he had been placed in. Toshiko stared at his hand for a few moments, and then smiled at him. Toshiko forced his arm out of the dirt pile, and grabbed Antana's hand. He pulled himself out of the dirt hole, and started wiping himself down. Once he finished, he looked to Antanas and smiled. "thanks for that spar Antanas. It was a lot of fun. We should do that again someday don't ya think?" Toshiko closed his eyes, put his hands behind his head, and smiled at his new friend.


Word Count: 308

12The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:05 pm



Kicking open her door, Rain Kusomono runs out of her house. 'Now, where should I go today...' She asks herself silently, looking around at all the sights. Candy shop, training grounds, or Antanas' place... Maybe she would intercept him before that blondie did.
Shrugging off the idea, she decided to go to the training grounds. Even if nobody was there to spar or meet up with, she could still practice her justus. Walking through the village there, though, had to be one of the best experiences someone could have. She could smell the ramen being made from the shop, while also smelling fresh bread being baked. The sights, though, took the cake for sure.
Although the town wasn't flashy or huge, it was beautiful in it's own way, with it's different colored roofs, and diverse people. It had it's own charm, and Rain loved it.
Before she knew it, she was already at the training grounds, and she noticed two people, already sparring. "Ooh, Antanas..." she giggled to herself, "You're going to beat him..."
Watching, she noticed all the different techniques used. While the unknown boy seemed to be offensive, and making shadow clones to confuse him, Antanas seemed to be playing the defensive, dodging, and occasionally vomiting mud. Eugh, she always hated that trick of his. Though, when she noticed that the spar wound down to an end, she jumped out of the tree, and waved over at the two boys. "Hey! Antanas!" She called, running over. "And you, unknown guy. Hey there." She nods at him, and smiles slightly.

Total Word Count: 261

13The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:35 pm



Finishing the spar, Antanas pulled Toshiko out of the hole created by the jutsu. Toshiko then told him, "Thanks for that spar Antanas. It was a lot of fun. We should do that again someday don't ya think?" Smiling, Antanas said, "Sure, that would be great." Just then, Antanas heard a voice calling his name. He sees a girl with blue hair run over to them, waving her hands wildly in the air. "Hey! Antanas!" She called, running over. "And you, unknown guy. Hey there." she said, directing her attention at Toshiko. Antanas looks over to him, and sees he is surprised by this girl's presence. "This is my friend, Rain" Antanas says to him, chuckling a little bit. "We went to the academy together." Antanas gave her a pat on the head, which he knew bugged her.


955 Words Total

14The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:47 pm



Rain watches as Antanas introduced her to this unknown fellow. "This is my friend, Rain." He said, looking over to Rain for a moment before returning his attention to his friend, who was still unknown to Rain. "We went to the academy together." Rain nodded to confirm what he said was true. "Yeah." She responded, but then she felt him pat her on the head. She growled, looking up at him. "You'd better not pat me like that if you don't want to lose a finger." She says, in a deadpan voice, while smirking slightly. Right after, she leans onto Antanas, watching the unknown boy with curiosity and a touch of fierceness. "What's your name?" She asks, not unkindly, but not in a very polite manner, either, flipping her hair a bit to the side and pushing it out of her eyes.

Total word count: 403

15The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:58 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Suddenly, a strange girl with blue hair jumped out of a tree that had been right by Toshiko and Antanas. She greeted Antanas and shouted out his name. Did these two know each other? Antanas introuduced her as his friend Rain. He said that the two of them went to the academy with one another. Antanas patted her on the head, and she growled at him. "You'd better not pat me like that if you don't want to lose a finger." Toshiko started laughing for a bit. Then, Rain turned her attention to Toshiko asking for his name. "Hi there. My name Is Toshiko. Toshiko Uzumaki. It's nice to meet you Rain." After speaking, he smiled at her and held out his hand to shake.

Word Count: 134

16The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:02 pm



"My name Is Toshiko. Toshiko Uzumaki." The boy said. "It's nice to meet you Rain." He reached out his hand, and Rain was confused for a moment, before she realized that he wanted to shake her hand. Grinning, she extends an arm, and grips his hand, shaking it not too vigorously, but not exactly gently, either. Letting go, she smiles at him. "How was getting beaten by one of the only ninjas that take pride in vomiting on people?" She asked, with a giggle hidden behind each word, looking at his mud stained pants. She looks over at Antanas, to see what his reaction was.

Total word count: 508

17The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:12 pm



After patting Rain's head, she threatened to cut off his finger. "Sorry, sorry. You don't have to cut my finger off" Antanas rubs his fingers, "I need these!" After Rain and Toshiko introduce themselves, Rain asks him, "How was getting beaten by one of the only ninjas that take pride in vomiting on people?" Before Toshiko can have time to respond, Antanas steps in and changes the topic. "She is just jealous that she can't do it too" Antanas teased Rain. "She uses those odd little puppets to do all of her work for her." Afraid that she will cut off his finger, he doesn't pat her head. "I'm just kidding Rain, those puppets are cool" he tells her, remembering how good she was at controlling them. Antanas then opens up his arms, like signaling for a hug of forgiveness.

[1100 Words Total]

18The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:29 pm



She snickers as Antanas changes the subject, then lets out an exasperated sound when she makes fun of her awesome, talented puppets. Scuse him. She crouches down, about to pounce on him, when he laughs. "I'm just kidding Rain, those puppets are cool." he says, calming her down. He then opens up his arms, and she gratefully presses into his embrace, wrapping her arms around him. "You're a real jerk, Tonis..." She mumbles into his chest, looking up at him quietly. Looking into his eyes, she jumps. Crap. She forgot about Toshiko. She jumps out of his arms, nodding slightly at him, then turning her gaze to the other boy. "So..." She mumbles softly, looking around at the training ground, bright red and embarrassed. "I take it you guys are finished training for now...? I came here to train, but I don't mind doing it alone. Just askin'." She shrugs, not sure where she was going with her whole 'one way suggesting' conversation, but she simply sighs. "Anyway, yeah." She pats Toshiko on the shoulders. "You're a pretty cool dude, you know."

Total Word Count: 690

19The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:38 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Rain shook his hand, and then smiled at him. "How was getting beaten by one of the only ninjas that take pride in vomiting on people?" Toshiko's cheeks got red from embarrassment, and he yelled at Rain. "Hey i didn't lose! He just got the best of me for a moment that's all. You'll see next time i'll come out on top!!" Antanas jokingly defended Rain, saying that she was just jealous that she couldn't use his jutsu. "I'm just kidding Rain, those puppets are cool" "Wait a minute......She's a puppet master?" Toshiko had heard of puppet masters before, but he'd never actually met one. Toshiko then thought that maybe she'd like to show what she was capable of doing. "Well why don't you show me some of your puppetry skills then?" Rain then came up to Toshiko, and patted him on the shoulders. "You're a pretty cool dude, you know." Toshiko got red with embarrassment, and then stared at Rain. He quickly squealed as blood started Rushing out of his nose. Quickly he covered the rush of blood with his palm, and held his head up in a attempt to stop the bleeding. "Come on Rain what did you do that for?!"

Word Count: 230

20The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:46 pm



Rain looks confused, as he starts bleeding. "Oh, sorry man." She backs off a bit, rubbing the back of her neck, blushing a bit herself. "U-Uhm, yeah. I think I could show you a puppet technique or two of mine... They're simple, really... Maybe we could spar sometime. I just have to save up for a puppet, right now..." She giggles quietly, once again being entertained by his embarrassment. "A-Anyway, on the training aspect of things, I do use jutsus, and I would like to practice those..." She twirls her hand in the air, smirking. "Once you're done admiring how sexy I am," she does a little pose as a joke, "Maybe we could do a one on one spar, maybe even two on one, if Antanas would join. But yeah." She nods at him, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet.

Total Word Count: 834

21The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 2:58 pm



After Rain jumps away from Antanas' hug, she pats Toshiko on the shoulders. Toshiko then begins to bleed from his nose. "Really, Toshiko?" Antanas laughs as he turns as red as the blood coming out of his nose.  "Once you're done admiring how sexy I am," Rain babbled as she does a little pose as a joke, "Maybe we could do a one on one spar, maybe even two on one, if Antanas would join." Hearing this made Antanas interested. "Two on one, huh? Sounds interesting" he told them as he rubbed his hands together. "Now, are you guys leaving me all on my own?" He then makes a mock-fighting stance, wondering if they really wanted to fight.

1220 Words Total

22The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:13 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Rain went on to speak, saying that she could show Toshiko some of her puppetry skills after apologizing about his nose bleed. She spoke of how she mostly used Jutsus while training, and she wanted to practice them. "Once you're done admiring how sexy I am," She said the words, and then jokingly posed. Toshiko's eyes widened as even more blood started gushing out of his nose. He turned his head to the side as his face's color changed to that of a ripe tomato. He held his head up in a attempt to stop the bleeding, and managed to slow it down a bit. He wiped all the visible blood from his hands and upper lip, and then stared to Antanas. Rain spoke of possibly doing a spar, to which Antanas complied. "Now, are you guys leaving me all on my own?" Antanas then made a playful fighting stance. Slowly, Toshiko stared over to Rain. Her rays of sexiness had stopped their godly effects on Toshiko, and his nose didn't start bleeding again. All jokes aside, he wanted to fight with Antanas once more, and he also wanted to see the abilities of Rain. "Let's do this again! This time, Me and Rain Against you. That is, if you think you can handle it!" Toshiko smirked and stuck his tongue out towards Antanas.

Word Count: 232


SPD E -> E-2 (225/225)

Last edited by Toshiko on Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

23The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:25 pm



Rain listens as her new friend accepts the sparring, and the idea for it. "Alright, so here are the rules." She smirks. "No jutsu's that can kill, first off, but I think that's about it." She moves next to Toshiko. "You ready, Antanas?"

Total Word Count: 878

24The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:35 pm



"Alright, so here are the rules." Rain smirks. "No jutsu's that can kill, first off, but I think that's about it." She then moves next to Toshiko. "You ready, Antanas?" Antanas says "I'm always ready" Antanas chuckled as he looked at a branch that was broken from a previous spar. Making it look like he was cracking his neck, Antanas infuses the branch with chalkra, preparing to substitute with it, while keeping Rain and Toshiko unaware. Standing in a battle position, Antanas yells, "The question is, are you ready?"


[1312 Words Total]

Last edited by Antanas on Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

25The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Empty Re: The Journey Begins! (Open, No Kill) Mon Jun 23, 2014 3:45 pm

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko Uzumaki

Toshiko prepared to fight, and Rain went over the rules. The one and only rule was, no jutsu that kill. She walked up until she was beside Toshiko, and asked Antanas if he was ready. Antanas was strangely looking off in the other direction. Toshiko glanced over to the direction of Antanas's sight. There was a broken branch on the ground. It didn't take long for Toshiko to figure out what Antanas was planning he got a little bit closer to Rain, and then whispered in her ear. He's gonna use the substitution jutsu on that branch. When i go to attack him, you get near it and when he appears you attack him." After speaking, Toshiko gave a devilish grin to Antanas. "You ready Anta? I'm coming at you with everything i got!" After speaking, Toshiko would then run towards Antanas, and jump up in the air. When he came back down towards the earth he would aim a punch directly towards Antanas's head.

Word Count: 178


END E -> E-2 (178/225)

Last edited by Toshiko on Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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