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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

A young girl stands in the bloody cemetary near a grave stone that reads, " Forgive us ". No one understood the meaning behind this but one girl knew as she stood there and looked sad. "Ren, why"


"Did you hear what they said about that boy?"... a stranger said as another woman replied. "It's a shame such a small boy is really a monster, did you see what he did to the children in his class." The man coughed and said, "Do not speak of it or he will kill your entire family"
As he walked passed he could not understand why everyone in his clan treated him so much differently. He was talented, far more talented then anyone he knew he was only age six when he failed to become a genin, he did not like this then over the course of the year he trained harder than anyone else. Near the end of the year he became a Genin at age seven through a method which should have long been forgotten. The students all gathered for their chance to become hidden mist shinobi, they were all happy some of them were around 13 and 14 years of age, while others were somewhat older not possessing the talent to pass at younger than 16. This day would soon be forgotten by Ren who saw it as just wanting to become stronger than everyone else. It was something drilled into him by his father and mother, who were surprised and excited at the same time as it came time for them to meet their challenge.
The Instructor met with the genin of which roughly twenty were passing they were to meet up and join the military as a force of over 100 shinobi soldiers in a week from now. There were rumors of war and therefore this seemed ideal, however in secret the man who wished for his child to rise up through the ranks chose to give him a secret mission, one which he never learnt was wrong until the day his parents became exiles.
Training each and every day in the basics of swordsmanship he swung his blade as his father then taught him a technique that was far too powerful and dangerous for him to handle, on this day that technique would be made forbidden by the Elders. Until they day he learnt to control it. As the day passed by his father approached him and began detailing the targets for his mission. "Son, i have an important mission for you, if you complete this mission the clan will be greatful, your mother will be proud and your grandmother will be filled with joy. You need to kill all the people listed here even though you have not killed anyone before, i will tell you this one thing. If you fail this mission the entire clan will be killed.
The young boy did not know enough to question his father and never understood the true meaning behind the mission. He had never killed anyone before but he thought about everyone he cared for dying, however he took it lightly until the loss of a close friend which drove him to take it seriously. He was filled with a deep uncontrollable hatred which he unleashed on that day. While the civilians would later be told he went berserk and took them out inorder to become a shinobi, the truth was far from it. He could not allow anyone to stop him from completing this mission. This was when it began the start of his own legend.
Hyaku Daigyakusatsu, the hundred massacre.

Training Words = 602

Next time : FIRST BLOOD

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Day 1 Afternoon to Night : First Blood

Three kids all aged around thirteen years began their stroll through the village, they were picked out by Ren who chose to get close to them. They noticed him approach and asked. "Hi, little boy are you lost?" as the girl spoke seeming very caring, not knowing the darkness inside him as he just nodded. The girl thought to herself and told her friends they should help him out. Outside of a few at the academy and some instructors no one knew the boy and he just followed them. He told them his name was Yuu which was not too original, he just shortened his clan name since it was too much trouble to think of a random name. As they kept walking with him they talked while the girl kept holding his wrist tightly, he felt nervous as he only realised now that he was not actually sure how he would kill them. He was so deep in thought he did not even realise he was hungry until his tummy growled. The embarrassment on his face as he turned red blushing, he was not that good at controlling his emotions yet. They travelled to a nearby noodle shop that greeted them. "Hey lady, this kid over here is hungry give the best bowl of noodles you got right away!". This boy appeared to be the leader of the group while the other boy seemed to just sigh and look down as if they were wasting time. The girl kept looking at Ren as if she liked him a lot but in the end this would not matter as he ate the noodles, he was in a rush messing on his face. He enjoyed the noodles and actually forgot about his mission as he just smiled and asked for seconds. The boy who was sighing glared and after the third bowl the quiet one shouted. "Hey! if we feed him anymore we going to go broke we have not even done any missions yet, and we are not going to call this our first D-Rank mission or have fun doing this. Now stop stuffing your face and tell us where your home is you brat." When he heard mission he became sad as he looked down about to cry, the others mistook this for him having his feelings hurt. As the guy sighed, he then looked away while the other guy went and patted him on the shoulder. "Do not mind him, his always like that. I am sure we will find your parents right guys?" The girl smiled and nodded while the other serious guy just said "Whatever".

As they travelled Ren was getting tired as the girl then helped him up before handing him to the boy to carry on his back. The young boy knew he had to kill them but he just could not get himself to do it, however things did not always go according to plan but his father would not allow his heart to soften. As they passed by an inn which happened to have a lot of information they approached it, however from the corner of his eye he saw his own father. His father was no fool and had prepared some insurance, through some intense hypnosis that was done to him when he was a bit younger whenever he saw his father without thinking he would just follow his mission. This would later be undone by an unamed shinobi who was able to pick up on this.

"sorry", he was on the boys back and snapped his neck before any of them even bothered to look back. He dropped down and took the kunai out of the pocket of the one who had carried him. He dashed towards the girl who just felt something stab into her back, it was not deep enough to kill but the shock was a bit much. The blood did not shoot forward but the scream led to the serious guy turning around. "Wha..." before he could speak the girls senbon was taken and thrown as the serious one was more focused he avoided a direct hit but his left eye got a needle inside it as he drew his kunai. "You little brat, you going to pay for what you..." as he was about to use his Katon technique the boy held her in front of him. Using the girl who had been kind to him as a human shield as she was still in shock and looked back and asked. "Why...?", he nearly hesitated for a moment and let go of her and sat down hugging his knees. "aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the hypnosis did not fully work as he was nearly about to lose his mind. The girl held her side and fell forward towards the serious guy who said. "We must kill him before he tries to attack us again. " The girl looked sad then said while crying, "Who would do that to a child" as her level of understanding was enough to notice he was following trained actions rather than his own. Shivering in fear and confusion Ren could not understand any of it at all, that was when the serious guy whispered to her. "I will kill him, you need to get out of here before you get in my way". She did not want to leave, but the guy grabbed her then threw her completely out of the inn before placing a firewall to the entrance of the building. Unable to aid her friend or help the child not counting the other boy whose dead body just laid on the ground outside. She went into shock and would survive mearly from her having gone into a coma. As children and people they were good, but as shinobi the dead boy and the unconscious girl failed completely.

Training Words = 602 + 975 = 1577

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Day 1 Night : Innside duel

The fight changed as he looked at the kid then prepared to use his attack to burn the child alive. "Katon Goukakyuu nojutsu" as the flame shot from his mouth towards the confused child, his survival instinct kicked in as he jumped up to the ceiling gripping onto it his using his chakra. There was a fairly violent explosion as the flames were hot Ren struggled to focus as his mind was not clear, the smoke got to him as he coughed he was about to fall into the fire as he got lucky that the inn keeper who was in the back showed up and doused the flames with a large bucket of water.

The serious boy looked at the inn keeper with a glare then said. "Get the hell out of here if you do not want to die right now." The inn keeper ran out by the back and was going to call for help but was silenced by Ren's father who wished for Ren to become strong or die. He basically kicked his child off a cliff and told him to fly whether he wants to or not. In his fathers mind he thought he could just have more children no matter how many he needs until he gets the perfect child.
After being wet for a bit he calmed down somewhat then looked at him, confused he just looked at him focused. "my names not Yuu, and my mission is to kill you" the boy did not look too confused then replied. "Sorry, but this is a mission you will fail since unlike my friends i am not scared to kill little children."

Ren used the generic sealing technique to bring forth his sword from a scroll he kept with him. The boy looked at him and then summon a weapon of his own, two small axes as he took a stance with his left arm raised and his right hand held to his side. That was when the fight began as Ren dashed forward the boy just able to keep up swung for Ren's head, as ren ducked under to get an opening he kicked up, the boy followed with a circling side step and got behind him but the boy knew this tactic and was already swinging his other weapon to his back at full speed.
Ren managed to block, but was knocked back by the boys superior strength as he hit against the wooden wall coughing up some blood as he fell. Not even giving Ren a chance to recover he tossed his other axe right for Ren's chest as he fell to the side as it cut one inch into his left shoulder and pinned him to the wall. The pain was intense as Ren screamed out, "Aaaahhh!!". This did not affect the boy in the slightest who then threw his his second small axe for Ren's chest again. The young boy Ren just barely got his sword in the way as it got deflected just above his head.

The boy then understood that he had to respect that this was no ordinary little boy, as he began forming his handseals for some unknown jutsu Ren infused a bit of chakra into a nearby chair that he stretched out to with his foot. It appeared to the other boy Ren was trying to get the chair to defend himself with. This was true to some degree however this did not phase him, he was going to charcoal this kid with a technique he could only use once as he did not have the strength to use a jutsu of this strength a second time with the fact that he had been doing training earlier.
The ground began to shake as a strange fire was building up as that was when realised the rest of his body could not move much, he had been wrapped up in strings which he then realised must have been dropped on him when he dodged and did not notice them cause they were thin, this was a form of chakra binding using a light near invisible string, the binding was not perfect which is why Ren still had movement which made it clear that he could not use it fully while fighting and needed time and concentration to focus his chakra through the strings. He was finally read as he performed the jutsu that could mark the end of the little boy. This was the first time he witnessed a fire jutsu this powerful, Katon Ryuuka no jutsu as the flames shot forth it was not clear what happened but the other side of the inn had its entire wall and upper roof blown away. This would have alerted people if Genpachi did not keep a barrier up around the inn. How could Ren survive against someone with superior jutsu and technique with only the basics.

Training Words = 1577 + 824 = 2401

OOC : "See how Ren survives next time on Hyaku Daigyakusatsu..."

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Day 1 Midnight : Duel under the MoonLight

A large explosion hit the wall of the inn as the boy looked at his handywork. The explosion of fire from the blast of the jutsu sent pieces of a chair flying through the air. He looked around as he noticed that he atleast hit his target somewhat, with him holding his right arm as he was laying against the till of the inn.

The young and resourceful Ren had used the chair as a replacement as it took his place, the distance was not far enough for him to avoid the explosion after. As he had blocked the burns with his right arm, his clans inability to handle severe burns well made his right arm all but useless. He hurt his back as he flew into the till and his shoulder that was stabbed earlier by the axe also was in pain. He began breathing fast as his heart was racing he was hurt really badly and the situation was almost life threatening. As he wondered whether he could really complete such a difficult mission. He looked around the wall he left burning down and the other wall even though it was extinguished the wall was no longer as sturdy as it was before. The building itself was barely holding together as he struggled to pull himself up by the till with his left arm.

The serious boy took a breather having used a fairly taxing jutsu that was beyond what most genin could even dream of performing. He took a deep breathe as he went a bit too far as he should have maintained his advantage and used a weaker technique as Ren then climbed up and rolled to behind the counter before performing the Hidden Mist technique as the serious boy began to laugh. "Do you expect to hide behind that counter you know i could just blast you out of there."

The threat was not as empty as he seemed to make it sound. It was a double bluff, he could not really perform that jutsu again right away but on the other hand he could force it out. So either way you had to be prepared for both as things were not quite clear as Ren grabbed hold of some of the bottles he found there. He then tossed them towards the heat of where the fire was as they exploded spreading the fire further as he looked on. "Hey kid, are you crazy if you burn this place down we"

Learning of the child's plan to have the building collapse on them he looked to go outside when he noticed the fire was spreading in a square like fashion around the building. This was when he looked and thought he saw a man outside but he ignored it, the barrier was not visible to Ren though as it was only noticable to those with a very good level of perception. The inn was burning down and he could not afford to be stuck in here so he began running upstairs, Ren picked up on this and held his right arm tightly as he followed him up the stairs as the bottom floor began having the flames spread inside again. They reached the upper floor as he reached there the boy was not sure if he would be followed. Being prepared he already planned out his attack throwing three kunai towards the top of the stairs. Ren just barely dodged to the side as the three kunai pierced his right shoulder as he was in pain. He barely had the energy to scream as he tried to hold in his reaction as best he could.

The second round to their fight was about to begin and his opponent was trying to buy some time until he could use his technique again, but there was something different as Ren had lost the ability to use his right arm for now he had something held tightly in his left hand. He brought up his sword which he picked up again and chose to have ready. They stood there as all of a sudden they heard a sizzle and a few crackles as the fire was burning the first floor to the point that it would not be able to hold the top floor any longer. In response to this the boy realised there were not ready available windows so he blasted a weak but effective fire jutsu against the ceiling blasting through the roof as he jumped up the took out a dagger waiting for Ren to follow him again, but having learnt his lesson he walked slowly towards the hole. The ground near the stairs began giving way as he looked near the hole he performed the Bunshin Jutsu as he sent up clones. The boy stabbed the two clones that jumped out then jumped back as he realised he was setting himself up for a trap. Ren took that chance to jump out and also be on the roof as he then looked on. "I can not let you escape"

Then they both paused and looked up as the moonlight shined within the sky, as they then immediately looked down both gripping their weapons tightly as they stood upon a burning building, as the serious boy holding his kunai formed seals and performed Katon Housenka as he fired roughly six small fireballs. Ren barely evaded them with each sidestep as he dashed towards him getting grazed just above his head as well. He finally passed them and as he reached up close the serious boy replied with a counter dash strike. This was when he attempted to finally use his sword technique in a real battle, he raised his sword from its low stance upwards. The force of the technique took the serious boy by surprise as he got cuts randomly around his body while his wrist got cut 1 inch deep as he dropped his dagger. He heated his hand and sealed the wound by burning it closed quickly, showing his experience as he backed away since he could not use his dominant hand anymore. They were now on equal footing but it seemed like Ren was now tired having exhausted the last technique he could perform at this time.

Seeing his opportunity once again he took a deep breath he had one last jutsu which did not require hand seals, all it needed was for him to focus the chakra into his breath as he smiled before taking a deep breath. Ren's one eye began closing as he was struggling to remain conscious as the pain was slowly beginning to kick in. He then chose to speak as dropped to one knee, " I am sorry that i have to kill you " In that brief moment in time he showed compassion before dashing madly towards his opponent. Time was running short as the boy realised the slight pause allowed the kid to get closer to him. He charged it up and released an explosive breath of fire to which Ren just jumped into the sky, the boy looked up as the Moon could be seen behind him. In that moment his attack looked beautiful as he came down stabbing his blade towards the boy, who could manage to tilt slightly getting the blade stabbed one inch into his joint between his neck and his shoulder.

He smiled and said something that was not clear as the fire had spread faster due to the barrier forcing the fire upwards. The building began collapsing as they fell through the inferno as Ren could not understand it. The boy did something else that Ren would not even pick up on. As he had the young boy sitting on him breathing heavily. He did not have the energy to move anymore and the flames were parted for a moment by the collapse of the building. That was when the boy who had called him a brat laughed inside. He thought about how he did not really even care about his team mates, and how this boy seemed more important to him then they did. This kid like him understood the cold harsh world of being a shinobi, even though he was just a little brat with a sword and a few of the basics. The young Ren lost consciousness fainting on the serious boy who decided that he could also help the friend he did not even care about. The foolish girl who felt that they needed to help a small boy who was trying to kill them. "I was hoping to show this off for my mother, but you a good boy so even if you do not see it i am glad someone is here for it." He moved his hand with its hurt wrist then hugged the small boy then formed a handseal. "Katon ....." The name of the technique was not clear but as he completed it he rolled the boy off him as he coughed blood. The flames washed over the boy burning him to ashes, while a small area around the Young Ren was protected. Children were never meant for war, but in times of war they would be all that stands between the village and its destruction. It was the fate of many children to duel with the raging fires of war under the light of the Moon that shines upon both the guilty and the innocent alike.

Training Words = 2401 + 1578 = 3979

OOC : Next time on Hyaku Daigyakusatsu...:

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Day 2 Early Morning : Broken Heart

"How could i kill them?" as tears slowly flowed from his eyes as he woke up in the ashes of the burnt down inn building, he killed three children who had tried to help him find his way home.
He thought to himself he was no longer a child and that he was nothing but a monster.
A heartless killer who just follows his mission all because he wanted to become strong.
All because he was told to do it, not for once thinking for himself on what action to take.
It began to rain as he could barely smell the ashes his left shoulder was hurt and he could no longer use his right arm anymore as it was charred. The battle was hard and he did well in managing to survive while the boy he defeated had a smile on his face. "I can't believe you beat me, you little brat" as he had died not even trying to get a last attempt on his life. A sense of pride Ren thought as he realised if he was beaten he would have killed rather than die peacefully.

A passing shinobi who was part of the underground chose not to report this as he ran it passed some of the council members. They decided that anyone who would die to a child who was not even a genin yet, was worthless to the village and they chose not to seek a way against it. They said it not only made a perfect test for their genin soldiers. They would say they were attacked by an outside group of assassins and that those who survived are the true elites amongst the genin army. Little did they know they would not get an army, they would get something far worse as the rain continued to pour down.

"Who am I?" as a girl who knew him walked passed she rushed over to him and began shaking him a bit as he did not even respond to the pain anymore. He was awake but not yet conscious as he took a hard blow to the head as well. She held him close to her as she said to him. "baka", as she lifted him up she carried him all the way to the Kirigakure hospital as she got in the medical staff were all busy from some earlier epidemic of shinobi injured in an explosion. After being held by her he never fully understood but she did understand that he was her friend. She watched over him that morning as she heard the door open, the woman looked down on him with a sad look then at the girl. "You a very kind child, what is your name". She looked down then hesitated before stating her name. "I am Emma of the Hozuki clan". The old woman smiled then said, "I am his grandmother, pleased to meet you" the old woman began healing Ren. She was skilled in medical jutsu but the damage to Ren's arm was something that could not be fixed with ordinary medical jutsu. She began aging as she used the technique the little girl the only one to witness it as she spoke. "You see when medical jutsu is not enough, then you need to pay a price, for me its just a few more years but for him its a lifetime. You must look after him he needs to have some good friends when i leave this world one day." She hugged the girl then sealed her memories of her being there and of Ren's arm being hurt. Her secret technique could not be allowed to get out as she left the room the man known as Ren's father stood there. "Why are you keeping from my own child, you old hag". As she laughed at her foolish son she spoke. "His my child and no matter how much darkness you put into his heart he will always come back to me. Our family is used to living with broken hearts." as the woman gave a serious look the man backed away. He knew how strong she was for a half dead old woman. She was once known as the White Death because when she killed her victims their blood would be white from the curse of her sealing jutsu. She was a shinobi who had lost her true ability in strength and endurance but she more then made up for it in her intellect and swift movements. She was fast for an old lady as he nearly attempted to pass her only to find she was right next to him before he even knew it. "Would be sad if you had to die like your father, so young, so young indeed." as her old laugh was basically a direct threat as he backed away. He knew the only reason he was still alive was because the ANBU were patrolling the hospitals at the time. If he entered the room of his own son he knew she would have placed a seal to activate if he ever entered.

As Ren opened his eyes Emma was sleeping by his side as he looked down at her, "Why you here?". She looked at him with a look of concern then said. "I'm your friend silly now get well soon okay so i can see you at the academy again some time". He was too shocked and heart broken to respond other than to nod his head. She smiled but later that day the real trial would begin, his grandmother knew there was nothing she could do about it other than keep Ren safe from his father. He was not the only one with a broken heart though as Emma was saddened by the fact that Ren may never understand the feelings she has for him.

Training Words = 3979 + 981 = 4960
Training Fuuinjutsu C to B = 4000
Training Strength D1 to D2 = 400
Training Endurance D3 to C = 525
4000+400+525 = 4925/4960

To be continued
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