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1Take the Punks Empty Take the Punks Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:24 pm



Today so far was a normal day Wolf woke up and ate his normal breakfast of rum and dired jerky and set off the do something with his day, he went down to the bar and sat down at a booth, he ordered a bottle Sake, the bottle came in a few minutes and then the waiter left him to his drink, he drank it slowly sipping at the strong rice wine and regretting not getting a bottle of rum, he was just starting to enjoy himself and his drink when a jonin form the Mizukages office and handed him a parchment and told him, They may be here now so get going Chuunin you got a day, dont dally on he left and laughed to himself, all the hate he got from the ninja of this village it was amusing at times but this one annoyed him, but as always the mizukage let him do mission like this as long as he didnt go around attacking everyone he saw and any of whom didnt like him, if he did he would end up attacking everyone he saw most of the time.
He opened up the parchement and read it too himself laughing in happiness as he read it through, he would be able to attack someone today it seemed, the note read, There has been cause for concern amongst Genin and Chuunin amongst the streets of Kiri, some believe them to be forming an almost socialist gang. Disperse them, please Wolf dont kill anyone this mission we only want to teach them a lesson the last part sucked but by ''scare'' that meant he could attack them but as long as he let them live the mission was a sucess there was still fun to be had. Wolf downed the rest of his cup and handed the rest of the bottle to the barkeep and walked outside and looked around he was to find some teens, but where to start looking was over his head, but before he thought about what to do a group of 5 kids approached him wearing black bandannas and hats, the kid in the front called out to him, Hey baldy give us your ryo now or die so this was the group of ''dangerous'' kids, Wolfgang laughed in their faces and spoke out to them, Step back little kids, i may not be wearing a headband a killer a bringer of death and pain of which you little bitches have no idea now what will you do punk the kid in defiance stabbed out at Wolfs neck, Wolf caught the blade in his hand feeling the blade slide in his hand and cut through numb flesh, the kid had balls, but chose wrong, sometimes the brave died and the craven lived well. he tore the blade out of the kids and hand and shoved it into the kids gut, driving it 2 inches into flesh, the kid made a funny sound at it too, the other went on the attack the moment the big kid fell over groaning, Wolf jumped back and dodged the kunai they were stabbing at him with, Wolf made a few hand signs, and created a large fog dragon out of Acid and shot it out at the teens, he smashed a kid in the face and made him fall to the ground and yell, he then twisted it to the left and hit the back of one kids knee, driving him to the ground as the acid burned away the pant leg and then the flesh left with it, the other two were now on him in a moment, he brought the dragon back and smashed a kid in the back with it, melting the flesh off his back and driving him to the ground, the other threw a kunai at Wolfs chest, he let it thunk into his huge pecs, causing a spurt of blood to splash out and drip down Wolfs chest, there was a smile on the kids face until Wolf grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up and choked the kid till he turned blue and unconscious, the smile turned to shock, Wolf then took the kunai out and stabbed the kid in the knee , right between the joint so as to maybe cripple him, Wolf then yelled out to the leader of the group, If i see you or your gang here agian, wait scrath that if i hear that your still even a gnag i will finish you all of much more painfully though i will wreck you all now have a nice night as he started to walk away the leader stood up and yelled out to him, Fuck you im not done yet i still have some fight in me come on freak, you think your tough, take me on i will kill you and leave you body for the crows he grinned a bloody grin, the kid was mad, or proud it would kill him someday, but not today since he had to let them all live he would just hurt him more, Wolfganf Answered out Noone will find your body they will wonder where you mom will cry and the village may mourn but that wont change your fate, you will be food for some animal, i wont bury you and i wont kill you ill leave you bleeding and dying in the forest where the wolves will find you and eat you alive, how about that no one threatens the Beast and gets away with it, Im a wolf kid and its lunch time Wolf rushed the kid with an axehandle, the kid blocked it but Wolf could see the strain of trying to block Wolfs strength, Wolf swung his hands around and went for a sideways axehandle catching him in the ribs and feeling a few of them crack, he also heard the kids gasp of breath, Wolf then pulled the kunai out of his chest and swung it across the kids face 4 times, slashing at the kids cheek then his forehead and then his chin, and finishing off with his right eye, knowing he would never see out of it again, Wolf then used the other hand to swing a hook at the kids chest, breaking a few more ribs and knocking the kid to the ground.
Wolf was not too worried that the gang wouldnt trouble anyone anymore
Wordcount~ 1000 words count of 1000 mission completed
Jutsuused- Fog dragon

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