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Wolf was walking around the city this morning, for sleep wouldnt come to him this night he was busy thinking about whom to kill and slightly he was also thinking about his parents and other things in his life. During the night he noticed a group of kids walking in a group, just like the last ones he faced few days ago, the only differance was that these ones had stark white clothes with white bandas and a symbol of a blood drop on their chest, he wondered if it was another gang, though he wasnt in the mood to be chasing a group of kids around he would look for something else to fight, and he did some drunkerd ran into him and wolf beat the man to shit, not daring kill him as not to anger the mizukage, but he left the man unconcious in a ditch moaning in pain.

He continued walking around all night until the morning when a ninja approached him and handed him a parchment it had the seal of the Kage, yay another god damn mission to do, this is probably going to suck, unless i can kill someone he opened the parchment and read it to himself almost the exact same way he had a few days back, Dear Miho, you did quite well on your last mission and have some more concerning news involving the same topic. Some other genin have made a group we belive and it is reported that at the moment they have been walking around in white attire with some sort of blood looking mark, we think that tey are thinking about causing more troulbe, for they had already been robbing and attacking people on the street, Miho please take care of this, and when you are done come to the mziukages office for payment so a another mission he thought to himself as he sighed and remembered the kids he saw that night, dressed in whit...Son of a bitch i couldve finished the god damn mission there and then, but my laziness fucked me up Wolf turned and ran at where he passed the group of kids and looked around, but there was no people near or any tracks he could find there, which made him more angry, he was going to have to look for them with no trail, and to think that he couldve fininshed this before he ws given the stupid mission. He started at the very ghetto area of town hoping to find a broken down hideout or something to lead him in the right direction.

He came upon a broken down flop house looking place with some shadows creeping around the inside the building, Wolf walked into the buidling using his foot to knock the door inwards and let himself in, he looked around and saw two teens, in the right attire matching what he was looking for, but there was at least 8 kids and here was only two, but it was a start. he rushed the first kid grabbing him by the face and throwing him into the back wall knocking him unconcious, the second young teen was more ready for him though, he rushed him with a kunai, Wolfgang didnt want to get injured, at least not yet he had more places to go and couldnt get whatever injuries he had healed right away, so Wolf ducked the blade and grabbed the kids arm and snapped it at the elbow, making it bend at an odd angle, making the kid scream at the sight of his bone sticking out and blooding welling out, the kid fell over and started screming, Wolf kciked the kid in the head to shut him up, knocking him out an sending him into the back wall.
Now Wolf walked over to the non damaged kid and picked him up and shook him awake, he then told the kid You will bring me to your friends and others in your gang and will do so quietly unless you wish to be fucked up worse then that kid over there now walk or die the kids eyes opened in fear and started for the exit, hopfully this kid liked to live because he would kill him if he didnt bring to where he wanted him to go.

The kid brought him to a building that was marked as a general store and knocked on the door 5 times then 1 quiet and 3 loud, the door opened to a group of kids, all talking and laughing and lookng very odd, the moment they saw him they all stood up, this time Wolf was going to have some fun with them he annocuned to the group He! guys the ninja around here are looking for you i just caught them beating up one of your membes and they wan to kill alll of you, him, the one who took me here was plotting with them when i found him here he is please im just here to help you when he said that the group of teens turned on the kid that brought him here and they all threw kunai at him. littering the kid with knives, they were almost as stupid as he thought they had just taken his word on this, he would now delve further into their stupifity. he started to speak again to the idiots, I also have a message for your leader, please show me to him, its for all of your guys protection they all nodded and pointed at the backroom, Wolf walked to the back of the room they pointed at and looked in it, what he saw was a teen with blond hair, and a small mustase, maybe he thought it made him look cool, the moment the kid turned around he ran at him as quietly as he could and wrapped his arm arond the kids mouth, silencing the kid while the other hand grabbed at the kids arm, twisting it around his back, making the kid attempt to scrream but the scream was muffled and made no sound, he then brought the arm around and snappd the wrist sideways and then pulled the arm out of its socket, he would not let the kid leave the room though, so he smacked the kids head off the wall knocking him out right away and making him fall to the ground in a lump of limb and body, he would finish now.
Wordcount 1100 of 2000



Wolfgang threw the body into the room, hearing the kid groan as he smacked into the the table in the center of the room with a crash, Wolf then followed in looking left and right at the stupid kids who let him in and saw no problem in letting him see the leader, Wolf then yelled out, Clubs done, if you dont leave now and  never come back NOW LEAVE suprisily none of them left, their faces hardened, into what seemed a show of defiance they almost look brave, but that would do perfectly for wolf, he would crush them all, four came to him with kunai in hand and stern faces, they all went to stab him near the heart area, Wolf jumped up and dodged the blades and the flew back down with his foot crushing one of the kids skull and sending him flying against the floor, Wolf then turned to the others around him, he sent a savage uppercut to ones chin, breaking his jaw and sending him into the air, the other two hesitated, perfect they were not as brave as they seemed not to crush the spirits that much more Wolf swung his left hand out with a backhanded slap to the kids head sending him flying a few feet across the room, the other kid was just about to turn and run, no this is what you wanted wasnt it huh i thought you werent scared hahaha he wrapped his two huge hands around the kids neck and threw him at the far wall, the kid flew straight throught the thin wooden walls, and queuing the rest of his buddies to try and help out, there were 5 left...5 more to crush they would see it coming, but they would feel it...
Wordcount 1400/2000



3 more came at Wolf the moment there was a lull in the fighting but the kids that were coming now were more cocksure then anything he had ever seen the 3 kids actually were working in unison, which caught Wolf off guard for a moment, and the three of them cut him with their kunai, one of his arm and two on his torso, one on each rib, they didnt hurt and thankfully were not deep, for Wolf wouldnt know if they were Wolf would have no idea, but it still made him made, Wolf bent over and picked up a kunai from a knocked out kid and started on his fight back, he swung the blade at the first kid he saw, the kunai hitting another blade in a metal clang, then wolf dodged two more kunai attacks from the others, he then quickly swung the blade around and caught the blade in the kids left knee cap causing him to scream, but not fall...the kid then stabbed Wolf in the back left shoulderblade causing blood to run down his back, now he was angry, he jumped up and over the group and activated his boil dart barrage no jutsu creating three darts made of acid and he then threw them at the group, they all blocked the darts but they didnt dodge the cloud of acid, engulfing them all in a cloud of red gas, burning away there skin and there clothes, two of them jumped out of the cloud their other friend wasnt as lucky he fell over had the rest of his skin melted off of him, the other two wer still in extreme pain, and he then rushed the two pips squeaks, they were in too much pain to dodged he shoved the kunai in ones chest and then kneed the other one in the chest with all of his might, hoping to break a rib, the two of them screamed in pain in unision, which was funny, when unhurt they were perfect but a little bit of pain drove them apart, the two of them then fell to the ground groaning in pain. there were only two more runts left to squash...

Wordount 1770/2000
Chakra 190
jutsu used~Acid Dart Barrage



the last two came at him much slower and more cautious then the rest, but it mattered not no matter what they did they would be in a lot of pain and all that mattered was how the dealed with the pain, Wolf decided to charge this group this time, he clotheslined one of them and sent him flying though he got up shortly after the hit, but he wanted these two to last longer then the others, he grabbed the other kid by the neck and the arm, kind of the same way he held the leader, and snapped the arm backwards and then out f the socket, he then kicked the kid towards the other one and threw three more darts all of them at the two kids whom he was fighting, causing them to scream in pain , Wolf then yelled, IF ANY OF YOU GUYS ARE DOING ANYTINH G ILLEAGAL AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU he said as he walked out of the building and left the acid ridden buidling he was now on his way to the mizukages office to collect the reward for the mission, he needed some smokes afterall... he went down to the Kages office and looked up and down the building and walked in, after he was done at the office he started on his way home, walking down the main road and too the alleyway he called home, it was then he realized that he was still bleeding and that he felt a little bit light headed so he decided that it would be best to go to the hospital and get checked out, at least he would sleep in a bed tonight...
Wordcount 2000/2000

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