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1First Rite/Open[War Mission] Empty First Rite/Open[War Mission] Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:19 am




The fog that forever blanketed the entirety of Kirigakure only served to set the mood of the civil war. The fog, unyielding and eternal was much less blinding in the city. It was a light gray tinge to the background of screams, fire, and death. Hotaru himself had only spent a few days in Kiri. A majority of it was spent fighting the army of puppets and their puppeteers. They where all different, every puppeteer seemed to put his special spin on to his puppet. One was made of oak or ash wood. Brown,black, blonde hair, bald even. They all had the same weapons in common, foot long blades protruding from their wrists, elbows and fingers. It was an effect of wartime, he supposed. Make the least costing effective death machine, A smart move on their part. They are able to build more puppets if the standardized the molds, most likely leaving the controllers to upgrade them themselves.

Hotaru waded through the various alleys and walkways in the village. In the distance explosions, screams and the clash of metal on metal where heard regularly. The rooftops where where most of the fighting went on, a body of either side would drop down wherever Hotaru went. Very few villagers remained in the village alive. Most hid in the village bunkers, others lay where they where struck down by either the enemy or a casualty of war. Many of the dead where riddled with lacerations, some suffered from severed limbs that they inevitably succumbed from.

Hotaru was splattered and smeared with blood, a few cuts and bruises, nothing serious. His clothes where smeared with blood, his face shown stray droplet of red that he didn't bother to wipe off. Most of the Kiri ninja that surrounded him where gore drenched as well. Some, he saw where smeared with blood, cuts and holes in their armor. Bandages and untreated cuts and bruises where still visible. The fighting was beginning to take its toll on everyone.

Hotaru and fourty or so Kiri ninja where given the task of returning the library to the hands of Kirigakure. Apparently Seven Bells was using it a a command base with numerous puppets and soldiers guarding it. It would be a hard fought battle but Hotaru was sure he, at least, would come out alive. But, the attacking squads where spread out on the rooftops, as rays of light slowly extinguished over the horizon. It would be a night raid, giving the attackers an advantage in surprise. No one was spotted going in or coming out of the Library. The sentinals on the rooftop where killed only minutes ago, that was their window.

Hotaru and his group of fifteen genin where on the west side of the square shaped library, they would enter through the third floor windows and move down while other squads came in through the rest of the floors. Adrenaline was pumping through his veins, he wasn't nervous. After all, his group would not take the brunt of the attack, the group who would enter through the first floor, where security was the highest would suffer the most casualties.

Holding his right hand up in an 'L' shape he would give the signal, a wave of the hand. With him as a spear head the group would charge through the third floor windows. Hotaru himself formed the Iron sand that resided in the holder on his back into two separate sharp protrusions. He would crash through the window followed by the rest of his squad. There where few guards, even so they already took casualties. Hotaru skewed the closest enemy ninja through the stomach, eviscerating him. The warm spray of blood flooded over himself as the sound of broken windows and metal on metal crashing range all around him.

Hotaru was already covered in blood from his face to his torso, he pulled the iron sand blades from the ninja with a sickening slink. All around him was fighting, some of his ninja where double teaming one of the enemies. Kunai where driven through one another. Puppets with their metallic clanking where let loose. Their various blades sinking into Hotaru's forces. Hotaru himself returned the favor. He was not weak like his subordinates, he destroyed the puppets with a single swing of his sand. Their wooden bodies bisected and laying out their inner workings for all to see. Their controllers met a similar fate.

WC: 742/2500


2First Rite/Open[War Mission] Empty Re: First Rite/Open[War Mission] Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:48 pm



The fighting, blood being spilt, the sounds of swords clashing, grunting and various other noises were exchanged between blows. All throughout the city these sounds were heard and to survive one had to be on their toes but this was Tee's kind of place, somewhere where he could let loose and be himself without being judged. Blood splattered across his torso and face, its source somewhere to the right of him he had no idea whose blood or was friend or foe but it made HIS blood boil. His tongue slowly but surely licked the blood on his chin that had splattered exciting him, a thin fog stretched across the city and the fighting as at a high point. The intensity of the fighting was like no other. Him and the group he was with were given the task of liberating a library which shouldn't have been too difficult a task especially for such a large group such as them. There were about forty of them in all, and there was strength in numbers as Tee had learned all to well during this escapade. He was ready to kill, he was ready to show his strength in battle, to kill, to give in to his primal urges and run rampant.

The fact that this was a well planned out night raid would yield the attackers the element of surprise and hopefully it would create an atmosphere of chaos for the defenders. If they were smart they would be prepared ahead of time for such an occasion but for some reason this group didn't strike Tee as bright if they had the balls to attack Kiri. Tee planned on making a name for himself, what it was, was beyond him but a name hr would make and in the name of his fallen sensei it would be made. The nights raid would be one of his first steps toward such a goal and he would be doing all he could to achieve his goal. There he was on the west side of the library with this group of about fifteen or so other ninja all prepared to tackle the raid. Each of them with different abilities and techniques, each prepared for everything and anything that the enemy had to offer. Pretty much everybody knew of their dependency on their puppets as well as the generic puppets they had. Each may have had a slightly different appearance corresponding to its user or some were simply plain.

The weapons for each essentially being the same except for the few that were smart and added their own custom additions to their puppets offering a surprise for their opponents who were most likely going to expect the same generic puppets they were used to seeing. Tee was one of the first in his squad entering the building through one of the third floor windows, all of them entering undetected as they should have, they were ninja after all. The man whom Tee assumed to be the group leader and the man directly in front of him held an L shaped signal and would give a wave of the hand. In Tee's mind this was a signal to which he would obey putting his personal feelings aside momentarily knowing he would be able to let loose in a few moments. Then behind the group leader they crashed through the windows there were a few guards a little less then their group so they had the advantage in numbers, at least for this area anyway. From Tee's quick skim he counted 7 guards and as predicted they were not at all prepared for the well organized attacked headed their way. Apparently they had not received word from any other floors or were just plain deaf because some were sitting in chairs others walking around aimlessly.

One or two might have been prepared but they were the lucky ones, for now. Utilizing his fire style wouldn't be a good idea due to the fact that their goal was to capture the library and burning it down would yield them no benefit so being as Tee had neglected to come prepared with any ninja tools or swords he decided he would probably have to find one amongst the battlefield or from a fallen enemy. Being right behind the leader who had easily defeated an enemy Tee too took to one of the closer unprepared enemies whom had been sitting in a chair his legs up on a desk. The man had fallen back in surprise upon the groups entry and Tee stomped the man's skull in as he had attempted to get to his feet. Three thorough stomps to the face and it was beyond recognition. Brain matter oozing from his head, blood dripping and a nasty sploshing sound as he lifted his foot from the now dead man's head. The adrenaline rush received from that simple act alone was simply amazing. His blood boiled excitement anticipating his next kill, yearning for it in fact. Tee in one swift motion retrieved from the dead man's waist a single kunai knife in a ninja pouch and wield it in a defensive positions looking around him and listening to the sounds of battle.

He was expecting to be attacked and was anticipating it, it was better to be safe then sorry right?


3First Rite/Open[War Mission] Empty Re: First Rite/Open[War Mission] Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:57 pm



Mission was a failure, thread is closed. Sorry

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