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Infiltrate and Isolate, that was their command and that's what would be done. This would be done in teams of three, although he only saw three teams of three there could have been more but he wasn't one hundred percent sure. But it didn't matter he was ready to fuck shit up even if he had to go on by himself. To him all these groups weren't necessary but it offered strength in numbers and I guess that was alright too. The other two groups and the one Tee was in all dashed to the coast where the fishing boats were located. The coast having been evacuated long ago due to the threat of the Seven Bell there was a plethora of boat choices they had to make. Tee himself picked out a sturdy small wooden paddle boat himself. This would offer for faster speed and less noise as opposed to a boat with a motor or a sailboat where one had to depend upon the wind.

He looked back at the two others in his group whom he knew nothing about and couldn't quite see their faces due to the thin mist and heavy night sky with the only thing for light being the moon itself. No stars flooded the sky therefore no light was provided by stars as they didn't exist. Getting in the boat they alternated between paddlers as they approached the camp they were to infiltrate. They had to be careful and stay quiet as the element of surprise was their best friend at the moment. The other two groups had take separate routes and would get on land through different ways, the first group being far ahead the third being far behind.

This would make sure they were spread out to give the opponent little time to defend against the coordinated attack that was soon to come.




Now in the boats they were ready to go up to land so the ninja could carefully and quietely take over the area securing the base and taking over the base that was sure to drive chaos in the army of th Seven Bells. It was a rather simple opperation sure to be filled with success due to the careful planning and precision that was in place. As Tee's boat neared land it was apparent that he was the leader of his little squad since none of the other ninja had stepped up in the least so it was up to him to do the leading it seemed but that was alright with him because it would offer him some prior experience for when he became a true leader at Chunin which would most likely be processed after this mission he believed. As the boat neared he whispered to the two other ninja in the boat with him "ok look heres the plan you two are going to go in via the west ill go through the east side and we will circle around the encampment in cover you guys on the opposite side so i can signal for you guys to move on in. Take the men out quietely with weapons or if your better with your hands do that and then i'll provide further instructions when we converge." The two ninja nodded after he explained what was going to happen. The other two boats the one both far ahead and behind had already docked and Tee watched as the ninja emerged from off of the boat and into the dense woods and bushes.

Tee's little squad themselves were the last of the three to pull up on land leaping off and into action just like Tee had commanded. They had better listen to him or he would have their ass weather it be before they attacked during or after it didnt matter to him they were gonna get it for disobeying if they did though because Tee didnt take any crap from nobody. So as planned they saw the clearing up ahead with the encampment set up and went their seperate ways Tee to the east and the two ninja to the west, he was not sure of their capabiltiies but he knew that if they were together they would have a much better chance of completing what they had to do. Just then Tee heard an explosion and a mass of flames erupt from the west side. "Shit" he whispered most likely it was either his squad or one of the other squads that had fucked up and gone and ruined the element of surprise entirely, those damn fools. Thats why Tee prefered to do things in small groups or even by his damn self, why the hell did other people have to get in the way all the damn time.

But even still he was not detected quite yet so that was good for now, he still had the element of surprise but it wasnt the same because now the enemy would be on alert for other enemy ninja. Their base was quite small and basic aside from the large 25 meter high watch tower made of wood that stood tall and mighty in the middle of the base no doubt providing them with reinforcements, watch, and the majority of their supplies. Whatever was there that was key in destroying their defenses. So Tee being the top five boss that he was decided that he would perform his Eizo technique. Creating a sort of clone that had essentially all features like him, the only thing different was that when it died it would dissolve instead of poofing like a normal clone. It could also take as much damage Tee could in fact one would have to kill the Eizo in order to rid themselves of it. Too bad it was hard enough to kill Tee himself let alone another him, these Bell bitches were fucked and had chosen the wrong damn village to mess with this time. Maybe if there were any left they would think twice before messing with the likes of Kirigakure.

Now Tee's Eizo would stay put and perform the tiger hand sign and inhale deeply. He would then stand up and exhale launching a fireball at the tower right at the middle so that it would fall down causing more destruction. Tee himself would have crouched away still heading around the base. The base had a bunch of tents surrounding the tower and Tee would choose a tent right near the boarder of the bushes and go behind it. He would unsheath his blade and cut through the tent quickly looking around to see if anybody was inside. There were two cowardly men inside shaking and having their backs toward him with their attention at the entrance no doubt trying to hold out in the tent like a couple of retards. By the time they had turned around both would have been falling toward Tee having met a quick death at the hand of Tee and his blade. He would have sliced both of their necks at the artery in one fluent motion. As their bodies flopped to the ground his thirst for blood accumilted, his blood boiling and a sinister grin coming across his face. He looked at the blood that stained his blade and slowly put the blade to his lips to lick the blade. But then he heard a noise outside and from the entrance of the tent peeked out a head that started saying "Tim, John we got a-" he he stopped as he realized Tee was standing there the apparent killer of his friends. And he quickly backed out of the tent. Tee himself ran back out of the back and traveled back into the bushes.

Then seconds later where he had once been inside the tent it had exploded leaving nothing but ashes and flames behind. The Eizo however had its own problems to deal with, its jutsu had drawn attention immediately and while Tee was dealing what he was dealing with three of Io's rear guard came to face him. The Eizo licked its lips as it was prepared to fight and had a thirst for blood just as Tee did. The tower had not fallen over but was leaning to the side closest to the Eizo. The Eizo performed the Tiger hand seal once more and inhaled deeply. The three guards dashed towards him having a speed superior to his and leaving him with no time to run away. But he did get his jutsu out before they reached him and thats all he needed. The fireball hurtled toward the tower and hit it dead on pushing it in the middle and knocking the top half which had already been leaning toward the Eizo to where the Eizo stood. If the Eizo stayed where it was it would be crushed by a burning tower. But the three opponents had reached him first slashing him in three ways with chakra scalpels that pierced his skin about 5 inches deep leaving little room for survival. But as soon as they had looked back to confirm their kill they would have met a fiery death of being crushed by the wooden toward. The Eizo would have met death as well but it didnt matter since it wasnt really Tee.

Tee's chakra



Only Tee was left hiding amongst the bushes like prey rather than a predator, that didn't suit him well but he noticed the tower falling off in the distance knowing it was the doing of his Eizo, but it was apparent that the majority of the attention would be off in that direction while he was free to kill the enemies silently from behind, especially since they probably thought that he was dead or something due to the explosion that had occurred back at the tent. As he peered through the bushes he watched as two of the enemy was running by, this was his chance to fuck shit up, he unsheathed his brand new blade and dashed toward his opponents and in one swift motion went to chop off both of their heads, but he had only succeeded halfway, chopping the one closest to his head off but the other was either expecting it or had fast reflexes because Tee's blade was met with a Chakra scalpel of equal strength with his blade capable of negating the blade apparently.

Now that it was a one on one things would be easier for Tee regardless of the fact that according to the Intel the opponents were faster and stronger than he was. But as they struggled against one another the scalpel had begun to resonate and grow into a full sized blade which length barely superceded his but still did so. It glowed blue and green hues that almost mesmerized Tee had he not instantly caught a grip on himself. Tee staring the man down with a burning hatred accumulated and kneaded the Chakra down in his stomach and took a deep subtle breath so his opponent wouldn't notice. Then opening his mouth slightly he exhaled subtly as well but released a highly flammable and noxious gas that was invisible to the sight. The only distinguishing factor about the gas was the smell that night curl ones nose. But by the time that was noticed it would be too late. Tee leaped back a short distance releasing them from their tenacious clash and revealed a lighter from his front pocket. He flicked the lighter arms length away so as to only allow a simple spark to commence and that set ablaze the entire cloud of smoke in front of him. The flames engulfed the man as well as a good majority of his surrounding area excluding Tee himself.

Once the smoke and fire cleared though, there stood a heavily disfigured barely clothed man breathing as if he had just run a marathon with second degree burns all over. Taking advantage of the man's weakened state Tee charged toward him blade clutched tightly with both hands and thrust at the man's chest impaling him and quickly pulling back. Blood over the length of the blade his opponent coughing up blood and falling to the floor, this was as it should have been. But then seemingly out of nowhere a Chakra scalpel was around his neck and he felt soft breathing on the back of his neck. He had been ambushed and so caught up in this guy he had neglected the fact that this was a camp and had more than just the one opponent he had been focused upon. But just as quickly as the man came his arm fell limp on Tee's shoulder, the Chakra scalpel disappeared as well. When he looked back the man had a kunai to the head penetrated in deeply, hr had forgotten all about his comrades that were supposed to have helped him. For all he knew they had all perished by the hands of the enemy but apparently not.

"Sir the east side of the base as well as the north where the tower is has been cleared, should we check the south and west quadrants?" It was apparently one of the ninja that had been with him earlier except now he had his face exposed. "Is the other ninja alive?" he asked seemingly ignoring his subordinates question. "No she's alive she should be here soon" and seemingly right on cur she leaped beside the male ninja. "Alright good well you two go check on the west I'll go for the South. Now the two had dashed to the west quadrant Tee would go to the South to make sure the job had been performed and the base had been captured completely and there had been no survivors or if there was they would become prisoners of war for the likes of Kirigakure. Whatever was to be found they would be handled with little care and regard for their personal safety and most likely killed at one point or another anyhow. As Tee walked around the quadrant he was to check it was quite quiet, unnaturally so to have just taken over an enemy base but as hr looked around nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary.

But then he felt an excruciating pain on both of his legs and dropped to the ground immediately, he passed out and the last thing he saw was feet heading toward him and then a loud shriek. When he had awoken to his surprise he was back at the camp in the hospital region wondering what had occurred, most likely he had been ambushed and his team had saved him, he smiled having loyal subordinates and at the notion of perhaps having his own little squad.

Whatever would happen in the future hopefully it involved him and a meal of baby seals because he was hungry as hell and had not had a baby seal in ages especially since this war with seven bells and all had started.

65/150 Chakra

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