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1Lucky-13 [Mission/Open] Empty Lucky-13 [Mission/Open] Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:10 pm



Kami Akuma was more than tired, of being within and seeing the carnage alike. It was no secret that Akuma wanted this horrific war to end, but the way in which it is to end is the real problematic question. The Roof Top wars seemed to have no answer, since nobody really understood who was rallying the forces from within Kirigakure to begin with. Akuma looked around and seen that there was no way for them to do it here, simply because too much was happening and there were too much allied forces on the rooftops. So Kami knew that whoever was sending those signals, not only has to be inside of Kirigakure, but they have to be in an abandoned place at that. A place with no danger around them in order to keep them worried. And a place where one can stay in secret for the longest period without being noticed. Kami looked around for the perfect area, and it didn’t take a genius to know the answer. The Bloody Mists Academy. It has been abandoned for years, but it is a perfect place for a shinobi to hideout, especially if he is hiding from the village of Kirigakure itself since they rather never go there that accept that the history was part of their lives to begin with. Luckily Kami has a one track mind, and is very analytical about these things but before making a jump to conclusions, Kami first located the first sensor in the perimeter that he could find. Of course Kami is training to be a sensor, but the skill he is training is not perfected yet. As soon as he seen one, he asked him to use his sensing technique but to focus mostly toward the Bloody Mists Academy. At first the shinobi was hesitant, saying he is too busy and that the place is abandoned. Kami couldn’t blame him for saying such things since Kami appears like a young kid compared to all of these grown shinobi. But Akuma needed answers, so he resulted in saying just a little white lye. Kami said to the sensor, “Hurry, these soldiers are receiving signals and whoever is producing these signals, well… they are doing it from that direction.” The sensor seemed hesitant to follow the orders of a young 13 year old but what he was saying was way too important to ignore since it would be disastrous for the village if it was true. The sensor agreed and used his unique technique to sense the area around the Bloody Academy, and to his surprise but obviously not to Kami’s, he seen the chakra of a man who was sitting and looking out of the window inside of one of the rooms in the abandoned school. The sensor was surprised and shocked at the fact that the kid was right and when he was going to tell his commanding officer about the finding, Akuma held him back saying. “You are needed here. I’ll tell him what you found.”

Kami ran and reached the commanding officer of the rooftop wars fleet. Akuma didn’t waste any time in order to get the man’s attention as he confronted him and said with respect to his ranking. “I’ve been wondering how these soldiers have been relaying signals in order to communicate sir, I asked a sensor to prove me wrong and so he didn’t. It seems like the rooftop striking elites are receiving chakra signals and the chakra signals are being emitted from the direction of the Bloody Academy. I know I am not from your village, but we don’t have time to gather troops in order to go over there; you can trust me and you need all of your man power here. Let me do this alone.” The general was of course hesitant to let a young shinobi got into a mission alone in such troubled times but he seemed like he knew what he was talking about. Seeing as a dead Sunagakure shinobi of that age can possibly cause for war if the Kazekage found out, the commanding officer said. “I will let you go because it seems like you you’re your stuff kid. And it isn’t that I don’t trust, but I am going to leave the window of opportunity open for whomever wants to shine into this mission in order to assist you in the fight. [The commanding officer then, with a serious face said] Alright soldier. You may go now.” After those words were said, Akuma dispersed with his immense speed, equal to that of a Sannin. Kami is one of the fastest shinobi in his village and certainly in the top 3 ranking. It seemed impossible but even the commanding officer was surprised to see such a young shinobi carry such speed, a speed that was definitely faster than his own. Kami was going to get there faster than he could possibly think of, and this was only because he is attempting to assist in the best way he could to end the cruel war. Kami doesn’t know much about Kirigakure, or 7 bells for that matter, but he was asked to be here by his Kazekage to give Sunagakure no sato a good name and he isn’t one to turn down such an offer. With the wind blowing in Akumas hair, Kami even passed by a few allied shinobis and also a few enemies alongside missing ninjas from all villages in this large scale event. It was incredible to see such immense power stacked into one village, it is the Namehage Festival, but with combat enabled. Kami then got to his destination and he didn’t slow down when he entered the Bloody Academies building. Akuma dashed through the halls until he got to where the sensor explained he seen the chakra. It also appeared that the man didn’t know he was sensed, since the sensor told Kami that he was sitting and also stayed sitting by the time he left.


2Lucky-13 [Mission/Open] Empty Re: Lucky-13 [Mission/Open] Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:46 pm



Kami ran and dashed through the halls and when he got to the room of his destination, he came to a sudden stop. It was no mystery that the shinobi knew he was sensed and he knew that someone was inevitably going to come to find him, but the real surprise was in who they sent to finish this mission. As soon as the missing ninja turned to see who came toward the door, he slightly smile. Kami Akuma didn’t say anything though as he stayed starring at the man with cold eyes. Knowing that this shinobi is stronger than himself, Kami is going to have his hand full with this battle. The man then began to speak as he looked outside the window once again and toward the stars. “The ninja academy of old, long abandoned and now used as an outpost for higher ranking members, the academy is five stories tall boasting a watchtower at its top, inside it are empty classrooms and a courtyard where the bloody ninja trials used to and still to this day are performed.” The shinobi paused and looked at Kami while he took a stand on his feet and said. “That is the description they give us on this place. I used to live here. I used to train here. I was even raised here. This is my home.” He looked out once again and said. “What is it becoming?” Kami then decided to speak. “Don’t you mean, what has it always been?” The missing ninja smiled and responded by saying. “You are a wise kid. You are smart. Wise and Smart people should be dealt with in their youth before they rise to power. How does that saying go again, “Die now, and you die a good man. Wait to die with later, gain power. And watch you die an evil man.” I’m sure the saying is not as long as that but you know what I mean.” Kami as then quickly, tired of talking. He created the clone hand sign and suddenly had three Izoku clone appear within his line of sight. Kami didn’t want to play games with this guy and he wanted this mission completed as soon as possible, so he believed that the easiest way to do make this happen is to go right ahead and fight this man like there is no tomorrow. As soon as the Izoku clones appeared they charged at the shinobi who was still turned toward the window with the speed again equaling that of a legendary sage. The shinobi was also quick though as he dodged the strike of the first clone without even looking back and sliced it with his sword, right in the abdomen. It was an attempt to dispel the clone by slicing it in half, but the attempt was soon noticed to be of no avail. As the sword phased through the clone while the clone turned itself to wind but only in its center spot where the sword passed through.

The missing ninja was more than surprised at this technique, and like usual, this technique gives way for the first strike to be nearly an automatic hit. One of the other Izoku clones attacked the missing ninja and punched him in the face while he was surprised that the sword didn’t hit its mark, or better yet, it did hit its mark but it had little to no effect to it. Kami seen then, that the missing ninja wanted to test out these clones and see if they had some type of duration period in terms of how much hits they can take. And as he swung his sword back and forth, straight and backward, slicing and dicing, stabbing, twisting and turning. Nothing was necessarily working as the clones phased through all attacks with ease. They were phasing through these strikes of course because they were maneuvered to be completed with kenjutsu and no chakra infused into it. Until the man figured out his mistake, Kami was going to have the upper hand. And so the clones attacked and hit the jounin a few times before he finally noticed that he needed ninjutsu in order to finish these clones off. The way he noticed was by using one of his ideal jutsus that is known by all of his partners in the squadron of Elite Strike Team. It was Doton Shuriken. The doton shuriken is a simple technique that had two shuriken pop out from the ground right after the jounin missing ninja stomped on the ground with force. The shuriken were caught and tossed at one of the clones, dispersing it instantly without warning to Kami or the other Izoku wind clones. This is when the missing ninja noticed the clones weakness which is ninjutsu and suddenly began to use it in order to attempt to disperse them. Now that the clones were aware of this, they were trying their hardest to evade all of the attacks thrown at them by this criminal shinobi but they soon, like the jounins bukijutsu styled kenjutsu strikes became to no avail. The criminal first created a spiraling water ball and when he had it in his hand, he quickly threw it right at one of the clones. Dispersing it in a big watery explosion. This was incredible to see even for Kamis eyes but he couldn’t lose focus, as soon as the man prepared for his second technique Kami and his clone knew what was coming. Kami was preparing for a new technique up until the jounin shinobi used the Doton Shuriken targeting him. Kami thought he was going to go after the clone, but he surprised Akuma and nearly took off his head with the speed and power behind the toss. Akuma jumped and dove to the side in order to roll and get to a safe distance while the Jounin shinobi chased the jumping Kami, the Izoku wind clone ran and from the side of the jounin, tackled him in order to drop him instantly. The criminal lost his sword when he fell, having it slip right through his fingers when he landed on the floor.


3Lucky-13 [Mission/Open] Empty Re: Lucky-13 [Mission/Open] Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:31 pm



The Missing ninja here is not used to fighting without his sword, so when he lost it, he appeared worried in order to retrieve it. Kami AKuma still has not personally joined into the fight, as he is having his clones fight for him and honestly, the idea isn’t half bad. Kami AKuma was still to break a sweat, and that is not to say that he is an all - powerful shinobi that is able to defeat people with little to no movement, but thanks to his strategizing ahead of time, it was difficult to decipher the weakness of these clones. And by the time the jounin was able to do so and decipher the weakness, it was far too late as Kami AKuma nearly had the match one in terms of thinking ahead of the opposing shinobi. A scrabble was on its way as the jounin was on the floor with the Izoku wind clone, knowing he had to slice it or at least punch it in order for it to get in to its phase through mode to get out, the criminal missing – ninja gave the clone a powerful punch to the stomach and when it turned into wind, he quickly used that time lapse to get up and run toward his sword. After getting his sword the criminal missing ninja began to speak “You are a tricky young shinobi aren’t you. No wonder they sent you. So where are you from after all? You don’t appear to be from around here.” Kami didn’t want to talk to this shinobi but he knew that it was a ninja formality to at least give your name up if you are fighting someone to the death, so that they can know who killed them or even who they are going to kill. So with a serious expression Kami said, “My name is Kami Akuma. I come from the Akuma family in Sunagakure in order to assist in this catastrophe. And you are?” The shinobi smiled once again like he did the first time he met Kami. “You can call me Meka kid. I am an ex - ANBU from Kirigakure as you can already tell. I love my village but I am here because I will do anything for my squadron of elite 12.” Kami then thought and said, “So you are the Leader of the Deep Striking Elites?” The shinobi calmly responded saying, “Yes.” Kami then seen his weak spot. And decided to play into it. “You say you love your village. Do you love the Kirigakure no sato village villagers?” The shinobi was ready to respond as he said. “Of course I do.” Kami then smiled and said. “You have a funny way of showing it. You, yourself have been looking out the window and witnessing what your own gang is doing to the village under the name of seven bells. If you don’t wish to do this? And by this, I mean destroy your village, why do what you want to do in “doing what your team wants to do” when what they want to do is destroy the village.” The shinobi got serious and said, “That is nothing but a conflict of interest.” Kami then quickly said, “But what are you more interested in?”

This question left the criminal in a blank state as he said. “I told you, you are wise and smart. Maybe I should’ve have dealt with you before.” He then charged at Kami Akuma full on with a clear attempt to kill. Kami Akuma knew that he has hit a nerve in this shinobi psychological arsenal and so he played on that instead of fighting this man, knowing that he is clearly stronger. Akuma did what he knew he could do best at this moment, and so he chose to run. Having the speed of a Sannin, Kami Akuma was going to be nearly impossible to catchup too. Kami ran and ran until he realized that the shinobi behind him was thinking too much about his conflict of interests. He was confused and didn’t know whos side to take, whether to stay with his gang of four teams of three A rank missing ninja that were moving toward the City Centre or to take the side of his hometown village, Kirigakure no sato. As soon as Kami seen a tear run down the shinobis face, Kami stopped his run and the missing ninja also stopped screaming. “Why did you stop running?! Don’t you know I want to kill you?!” Kami said nothing as he looked into the eyes of the man who had just one tear running down his cheek. The missing ninja was confused to have Kami say nothing, and he was so confused that it came to a point that he got angry and charged at the young shinobi while screaming like an animal. “Ahhhhh!!!!” And as soon as the criminal got in distance to attack, Kami Akuma did not move and when the sword began to come down on Akuma, Akuma still didn’t move. Until the sword stopped just inches from Kamis shoulder and Kami began to speak. “You don’t want to kill me. I can see it in you that you do not want to betray your village. Come with me and you can fight alongside us.” The man had more tears run down his eyes as he closed them and said, “It is too late for me to go back to the village. My squad needs me and seven Bells will find me.” Kami was confused and as soon as Akuma asked, “So what are you go-” The man took his sword and quickly stabbed himself in the stomach. A swift death for a swordsmen and a sure sign that Meka was tortured by the decision of betraying his village or his gang while also fearing what seven bells would say about the choice. Akuma was so close to the man who just committed suicide that blood splattered on him. It was nasty and it was the first time death was so close to Akuma. He didn’t expect this to happen at all, and even with his one track analytical mind, he never calculated this to happen. He then thought, seven bells must have these guys in a true state of fear to have Meka rather kill himself than do anything really.

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