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1Watch your heads!![C-Mission/Sora/Open] Empty Watch your heads!![C-Mission/Sora/Open] Fri Nov 29, 2013 3:07 am

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Watch your heads : C-rank Mission:

Having finally had a chance to finish off the cooling for his sword. Tsubakiri, his sword was ready to be used in battle, and his new mission required him to work with Sora Idao.
" Who is that i am sure i saw that name before "
Not sure but remembers seeing the name on the list in the academy, but uncertain what it was for. As he shakes it off his mind he carefully sheathes his sword to his back, the sword being a bit too long for him to carry it on his side.

As he walked he began reading that they were to clean up the shinobi missed by the Jounin on their assault. He waits near a tree not wanting to run into an ambush, as it would be too dangerous and careless with the team being smaller. He stretched a bit looking around wondering when this shinobi would arrive. He also wondered if this shinobi was going to be another girl like Keiko, or perhaps a mean strong guy like Daemon.

As he got a bit bored he took out his new sword swinging it around a bit then he wiped it off so long. "I wonder when they will get here, i feel as if a battle is near" he looks out into the forest knowing things will not be quiet for much longer. He then took a deep breathe and stretched out his arms, the wind began blowing through his hair as he tied up a small portion of it.

Looking lonely as he stood there waiting. Would they come back alive, would this war come to an end? These questions that Ren asked himself as he kept his focus.

Word Count=285/2500



Morning always brought its own unique set of challenges for Sora, on one hand, he loved to wake up and greet the day with open arms, and on the other he just wanted to lay in bed and enjoy the sensation of dozing there just a little longer. He stretched in his sheets and rolled over to his side, looking out the window he saw the sunlight creeping slowly but surely towards his bed which meant that it was well after dawn, perhaps into the late morning. Sora shook himself awake and sat up in his bed, he was supposed to be meeting another ninja to join a strike team for the Mizukage's war today. They were even conscripting Genin to do their work for them. Sora couldn't help but wonder if it had all gotten a little bit out of hand. Though really, in the end, it didn't matter all that much.

It had been five weeks since he had failed the exams at the academy (for the third time, no less) and had finally been told to pack it up and get a day job. Sure, the young Shinobi had wallowed around sad for a week or two but he had firmly picked himself up and decided he was going to accomplish his goals the only way he knew how, the way that all the adults he had ever met had taught him to accomplish his goals: By exploiting others. In this case, the 'others' was the village of Kirigakure and its time of war, Sora saw it as an opportunity to get in with the right crowds, meet the right people and recieve some real training in the field.

Sora dressed himself plainly, in a black shirt, on top of which he wore a slim fitting hooded jacket, and a pair of dark jeans atop his rugged, dirty boots. He looked like something out of an alternative magazine, all white hair and red eyes, dressed in something that looked like it had fallen off the back of a tour bus for some sort of punk band.

The daylight wasn't as forgiving as Sora had hoped when he stepped out into the street, he was on the outskirts of town right now, living in a youth hostel in one of Kirigakure's many slums. Thankfully, his neighbourhood had been spared much of the initial attack, but it was only a matter of time before the squads of Seven Bells Clansmen in the southern forests took hold of their positions and could mount a counter attack. That was, probably, the second reason he had signed up for this mission (under a fake name, oddly enough, as he was not technically a Genin), he wanted to protect his district from harm.

He took off at an oddly casual pace for the rendezvous point, he was to meet a Genin who he would be partnered with for their extermination of the stragglers that the Jounin left behind. Sure, they were playing glorified pest control, but it was better than nothing and would probably look great on an ANBU resume some day.

He entered the forest at around quarter to eleven in the morning, five minutes late for the meeting with his partner. When he came into the area, he spotted the other young Shinobi instantly, he was a young blonde boy, someone who had obviously graduated the academy on his first try, instead of being expelled on his third. The older ninja walked towards his blonde partner. When Ren saw Sora, he would notice probably first, the boy's bright crimson eyes which were firmly transfixed on his partner from beneath that mane of ashen white hair.

Sora grinned.

"Have the Jounin left? Are we killing people yet?"

{ 625||2500 }

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He stared in shock as his partner for the mission finally arrived. That guy looked weird with his white hair and red eyes. The outdated hooded jacket and rugged jeans and dirty boots. He was sure he had seen him somewhere before. As he thought about it looking back at his plain white t-shirt with a tie he picked up, and a small shoulder covering and loose brown shorts. He had just met someone who he thought would understand his sense of fashion.

"I have seen you somewhere before haven't I?" he looks him over carefully as he was wondering how long this guy would keep grinning for. "You shippaisan, the guy who keeps failing the exams every year right?" He looks at him waiting anxiously for a reply having almost not realised he was asked a question.

He paused in his excitement and then replied "I did not even see the Jounin, but i did get a small note just now ". Hands the note to the three time failure as the note says. "I am going on ahead, you guys clean up the left overs". With that cleared Ren looks to him again and puts a hand to his chest and introduces himself. "I am Yuzu Ren, of the Yuzu clan, do not slow us down with your three failures okay" Saying it in a calm tone without any indication of sarcasm or malice. Basically he told the guy not to mess up in an innocent tone. He put one hand on his sword preparing to leave. "Are you ready, Shippaisan?".

Before he even let him reply or say anything he began to walk towards the forest as the wind blew through his hair. Some blonde strands blowing free and floating off. He may have done a mission earlier, but that could not prepare him for a real battle. As he knew he would have to take time to learn what his partner could do, while also not alerting the enemy of their presence.

In a soft muffled whisper he says "The time for war is now, and i can not be afraid"

Word Count=641/2500



Sora grimaced as the boy spoke to him. The young blonde Shinobi looked like something out of an after school special, he was perfect. Graduated before he turned ten probably, from a nice clan, probably top of his class. Surely, this young boy standing before Sora was pitted to be one of the great leaders of Kirigakure's future. It was pretty cool actually, or at least it would have been if Ren hadn't brought up the exam failures that Sora was slowly etching into his belt. The Academy had never been his thing, it was just something that clicked better with other ninja than with him, he couldn't sit still and listen to lectures or practice the techniques out of a book. Sora was a free spirit, someone who needed to get out into the world to learn and grow. The first time he took the exam, he failed by a landslide, the second time was an even more dismal failure but the third time, last year (likely the same year Ren had graduated) he had been close to passing, missed out by only a few points and told they weren't going to waste any more resources training him. So here he was, using a fake name to sign up for a dangerous combat mission in the forest.

Seemed sensible.

The note presented to him by his partner was a fairly solid indication that their job was to follow the swathe of gore and fire that the Jounin had cut through the forest and clean up the trash that they had missed in their rampage. As the two prepared to leave, the younger boy made a comment to Sora about his failures, causing the white haired boy to grimace and grumble, narrowing his eyes at his blonde companion. Sora wasted no time in getting on with it and broke out into a running sprint, darting back and forth in the trees. As he sped off like a bolt of black lightning, he yelled back to his partner -

"Try to keep up~"

The young albino leapt up into a tree and closed his eyes, focusing on the inner fires and flows of chakra inside his body. Concentrating deeply, he would pull from his inner natures and combine them, allowing them to meld into his signature style within his arms, toiling and rolling down his wrists and breaking forth magnificently into the world in a haze of gray smoke which, like clouds, tumbled over itself into a desired form, a curved and jagged knife with a ruthless cutting edge, two in each hand, between his fingers solidified. He grinned from ear to ear as his eyes darted over the burning trees, spying his first prey, a ninja picking up a puppet who bore the insignia of the Seven Bells Clan.

Sora was positive that the Clansman wouldn't be alone, but he had the great Yuzu Ren to back him up, so what could go wrong?

He jumped from the tree and careened his body towards the earth in a graceful arc, landing on one knee and swinging his right arm down vertically, hurling the throwing knives towards the now nearby Seven Bells puppeteer, which lodged themselves firmly in the shoulder and throat of the young woman, causing her to attempt to shriek (which really only ended up being a bloody gargle) and collapse to the ground with convulsions. Sora stood and rolled to his right, expecting a counter attack, but was met with nothing. Instead, as he came to a kneeled position, with the remaining two knives still being held in his left hand which was now across his chest, hand near chin. From the forest wall before him, between where he and Ren now were, in a denser brush, wooden figures emerged in both directions, prepared to meet the Genin head on.

Sora felt at ease with the adrenaline pumping in his veins, he bared his fangs at the creeping tide of bunraku weaponry and got ready to consume them. There was more than one reason he didn't do well in the exams, he wasn't very studious, but that was also because he possessed certain... Other hobbies.

"You okay back there, golden boy?!" Sora yelled over to his partner, hoping the boy hadn't already succumbed to the puppets on the other side of the brush.

{ 1350|MISSION|2500 }
{ 135|CHAKRA|150 }
Forge Style - Throwing Knives Creation:

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He felt strange when he saw the failure dash ahead, not wanting to waste his chakra or tire himself out he just more or less matched the speed keeping a distance. He watched as the failure ran up the tree and jumped down, he wondered why waste so much time going up and down again. Just as he was about to join him he ran into a puppet which nearly hit him but just collapsed as he looked on to see the puppeteer was already taken out by the failure. He then thought to himself, are these really shinobi or just a genjutsu they so weak.

As he stood in the brush he heard the failure yelling to him but before he could respond he noticed two puppets closing in on the failure , but in that moment he nearly got hit by a katon technique shaped like a flaming dragon was heading straight for him avoiding the technique just barely. He had to trust that the failure would not fail in defending himself from the puppets. As Ren realised he was up against bukijutsu users when he noticed the wooden appearence were masks to confuse the enemy. As the first one came he blocked the sword strike with his own sword knocking it to the side, he just barely had time to deal with the second sword slash and he replied with his secret art Mizukiri, as the shinobi had his sword knocked out of his hands.

Realising a third shinobi had prepared another katon and he could not deal with all these problems at once. He formed a few fake seals as the bukijutsu users charged forcing the katon user to keep his attack on hold. They both slashed through him only to be met with having struck through a tree branch. They realised they were tricked. As Ren hid in some shrubs he began forming more seals he then lets several clones run out about eleven of them. The two bukijutsu users were confused and the katon user noticed two clones running towards him. The bukijutsu users cut two of the clones who turned to water wetting them while the one with Katon used his phoenix fire to take care of the two clones but also lit the tree he was using on fire as he jumped down to join his team mates.

Meanwhile one of Ren's clones decided to sneak and take a peak at the failure in battle. The bukijutsu users both said they were fools to fall for those clones. The Katon user then spoke. "You made me waste my chakra on two clones while the real clones were down here. But that will not work again you child". Still underestimating Ren while the remaining clones still circling them they figured one must be the original and they waited planning it out. The Bukijutsu users both taking stance as they prepared to take out all the clones with a single technique.

Was this all there was to Ren or did he understand better than anyone that there was still a second Katon user hidden who first attacked him. Patiently hiding as they watch carefully. He then took a deep breathe. "Do not go dying on me, Shippaisan"

Meanwhile the clone not wishing to be involved as it hid behind a tree near to where the failure was. It concentrated to make sure it did not waste its chakra as it observed in order to learn the puppet users techniques and how the failure truly fights.

Word Count = 1232/2500
Chakra = 130/170

Jutsu Used



Mizu Bunshin:



The first kill was always the easiest, the one you catch by surprise before they can see you coming, those ones always drop for free. It's fighting the opponents who know where you are that's the real challenge. Sora's eyes darted back and forth between the puppets as they lumbered forth, spurred onwards by shadowed masters in pursuit of the boy's blood. He rolled to his right, launching his body off his shoulder and spinning his left arm outwards to hurl the two remaining knives in his hand towards the puppet. As he did this, the puppet steadied its arm forward, and the second of the bunraku constructs levelled its arm towards the albino as well. The knives rocketed through the air towards the puppet and when they had almost reached their destination, the senbon launchers ground to life, spewing forth a barrage of needles for the boy, aiming to pepper him with wounds.

With his right hand, Sora began to gather chakra and performed a quick half Tatsu seal, as he did so, he would vanish, replacing himself with one of the two daggers which were poised just below the puppet's arm, causing him to close the distance and avoid their senbon in one action. In a plume of smoke, the albino Shinobi reappeared and spun out to the right, his burning chakra natures fusing in his back and exploding in violent leaps out of his palm, creating a long cloud of gray energy extending from his palm. He spun back in towards the first puppet and clenched his fist around the energy, which instantly solidified in his hands into a long straight sword which twirled up in a rising slash behind the puppet, right through the chakra strings which suspended it.

The boy's deft manoeuvre had succeeded in severing the strings from one of the two puppets. He twisted his body and ducked low to avoid any oncoming assault and locked his crimson gaze onto the second puppet. Sora snapped his jaws and charged for the puppet at a sharp angle, putting a beeline between the end of the brush where the men were situated and the puppet which was on the offense against him. As expected, the puppeteer moved his companion into the boy's path to intercept, with blades extending from its wrist, the puppet spun in circles, slashing at various heights in strange, inhuman ways.

From Sora's body, a burst of gray energy erupted and solidified around the boy into curved steel plates forming protective layers orbiting his body, blocking the assault from that direction. He spun out of his orbiting armour shell and swung his blade, which was now firmly gripped in both of his hands, in a downward arc for the puppet, smashing into its shoulder and jarring it, causing it to flail and topple sideways, tumbling over itself.

White strands of hair cascaded brilliantly around his shimmering ruby eyes, it looked like he could have been in a scene in some comic book, hammering his sword down into the form of the puppet like that, all the while grinning like a maniac. With the force of his swing providing easy forward momentum, Sora rolled through forwards off his right shoulder and somersaulted back into a run for the brush. His frontal assault was met with hurried positioning and when he penetrated the tree line, he was faced with the full squad of men that they would be fighting. In the trees, two men who were busy forming hand seals, just beyond the opposite side of the brush, two swordsman, and inside the brush, two puppeteers. Sora froze as the men in the trees stopped weaving their chakra and looked at him with furrowed brows and deadly gazes.

The boy ducked forward and broke into a dash for the other side of the brush, the side where Ren had been fighting. As he ran forward, his hands shot to his chest and he stomped his foot on the ground, while the orbiting armour that still encircled him served to ward away any instant attacks. He broke the barrier of the brush on the other side and dashed away towards Ren, catching the attention of the two Swordsman that Ren was fighting, causing them to break their concentration for a moment to look at the disturbance. Behind Sora, the two Katon users in the trees breathed deep and exhaled rumbling fireballs from their mouths, illuminating the area behind Sora as he ran.

Sora spun to face the rolling flames and thrust the sword he had created into the ground between his feet, he slammed his hands together in front of his chest and steadied himself, stomping the ground once with his foot. Two fissures severed up from the earth and threw themselves upwards haphazardly to either side of the albino's body. The two boulders spun once and lurched forward into the mouths of the two fireballs, causing them to encompass the stones and roll in on themselves, dispersing.

The white haired boy took a deep breath and gripped the hilt of his sword. The steel armour orbiting his frame looked worn and dented, both from the puppet's onslaught and the scrapes on them as he had gone through the brush. The defence was spent, but at least his sword was still in tact. Now that he was poised along side his team mate, maybe they could out match and overcome these foes together. Meanwhile, the Seven Bells Shinobi gathered themselves again, and prepared to fight.

{ 2270|MISSION|2500 }
{ 95|CHAKRA|150 }

Substitution Technique:

Earth Release - Guttural Assault:

Steel Release - Weapon Making:

Steel Release - Armor Making:

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

His water clone had watched the battle intently learning that seemed to use a unique form of earth and a new element.He realised that the failure could create weapons by solidifying his chakra in the form of steel, that would be an interesting technique and might be able to make better use of his techniques as well. As the water clone observed carefully it watched carefully picking up on the skill of his movements as well as the moment when he nearly lost track of him.Carefully tailing him from the trees he noticed that there were six shinobi. While it seemed that the failure failed to defeat anyone, he did manage to delay the puppeteers getting their puppets functional again as well as give hope for a way to get through this.

As the failure made his way next to Ren who looked at him for only a second before charging in while they were distracted by the failure's sudden appearance. He used this moment to close in on them, as he then performed a raiton technique burning the jutsu user who was too distracted to react as his hands were no longer able to form seals before kicking him in the face knocking him out. The two sword wielding shinobi finally realised what was going on and attempted to slash him, slowing down slightly to avoid slashing each other. He was not one to be taken lightly as that brief opening allowed him to grab both their wrists. He followed up with a second lightning technique the moment he made contact as they were too shocked to respond. What would have normally just burnt and shocked slightly made them lose consciousness due to the water that wet them earlier from the water clones who he had sacrificed for this earlier. The other hidden fire jutsu user took this chance to take him out along with his own people. In self defence Ren managed to hold up one of the bodies to block the flaming fire that hit as the body was burnt resulting in the death of the human shield. The hidden katon user had forgotten about the water clones and was then trapped within a water prison, performed by one of Ren's water clones who picked up his location.

He smiled for half a second the failure had proven very useful and with that they only had to deal with the rest of the six shinobi. His remaining ordinary clones ran around causing confusion before one of his other water clones the one who was hidden made a risky combination with the other final water clone forming hidden mist technique from two locations. With the large amount of mist the fire jutsu users were unable to aim and were vulnerable as well as the puppet users losing sight of where their puppets were. The sword users were charging ahead attempting to dash through the mist directly towards him. They were not out of the mist yet and Ren had the advantage as he hoped the failure would not fail to perform what he needed of him. It was time for Ren to use one of his clan's techniques designed to deal with the large amounts of mist in their village.

Forming seals quickly he performed his clans secret jutsu as water formed on the pupils of his eyes allowing him to see through his own mist through a special refraction of the light within the mist.
"Shippaisan, take out those two weaklings they about half a step to the right and the other one is two steps behind that one!"

In response expecting this failure to be able to take advantage of the situation.
"The one puppeteer is to the right in the mist, the other puppeteer is to the left still getting his bearings" He takes a short pause. "The Fire users are both gathering chakra at the back just throw whatever you have directly through the center to stop them!". Just in case Ren took his sword and went back into his stance with his sword now lowered. He was preparing to take out anyone who managed to pass by someone he felt deserved to have their name mentioned. Atleast if he managed to follow his instructions well. While it seemed less reckless he did learn from his previous mission of using shinobi as a distraction in which case he was. Then taking advantage of trapped shinobi in order to allow others to move freely.

"Shippaisan!!!", in that moment one of the Sword wielding bukijutsu users appeared out the mist exactly where Ren said with time short and the Katon Users in the back about to both fire a dragon fire jutsu through the mist and time was short. Would he be able to meet Ren's hopes or will he forever be Shippaisan the three time failure.

Word Count= 2049/2500
Chakra= 95/170
Water Clone 1 Chakra = 2/17
Water Clone 2&3 Chakra = 7/17

Jutsu Used


Raiton Kangekiha:

Kiri Shiryoku-C:

Jutsu Used by Water Clones

Water Clone 1
Suiton Suirou:

Water Clones 2 and 3



Sora's gambit had worked like a charm, and the albino's grin was as wide as ever. As he rushed forward, the window he had opened for Ren allowed him to dispatch of a large number of their opponents in quick succession. The boy was a Suiton specialist it seemed, between his water prison and the water clones that Sora could now clearly see. The young blonde moved like a pro, darting back and forth performing hand seals, quick firing jutsu left and right to take out enemies from all directions in all manner of different ways. It was interesting, Sora mused, to watch a ninja who was so much different then he was, fighting the same opponents.

Two water clones combined techniques, causing a thick mist to envelop the area around the brush, which, with the flame of the trees within, was eerily silhouetted beyond the thick white haze. Sora crossed his hands at his chest, focusing that steadfast chakra again into his palms, the shapes elongated between the boy's slender digits and solidified into more of the vicious throwing daggers from before, eight in total, four per hand. The mist rolled to its maximum distance and Sora's blonde partner snapped his eyes wide open and looked intently at the fog. It wasn't a far cry for Sora to assume that perhaps his liberal use of the Hidden Mist jutsu was connected to a Kekkei Genkai, at least that seemed the most sensible reason he would obscure all of their opponents when clearly the two both felt most at home with their skills in duelling.

As Sora predicted, Ren had a plan. He began to speak and Sora's ears burned as he concentrated on every word. It seemed he could see perfectly through and around the mist, and could pinpoint the exact locations of their foes. Sora loved the thought of a spotter, someone who would simply direct his aim and watch the bloodshed he could create. Sora laughed and lunged forward, responding to the first order.

Sora closed his eyes.

'Half a step to the right, and the other one is two steps behind that one.'

As soon as he felt the cold, wet mist touch his nose, Sora twisted his body around and lurched to the right side, unfurling his left arm and throwing the payload of throwing knives contained within it directly for the man who was trailing behind his comrade. The knives spun out and peppered the man across his side, causing him to tumble and fall. Continuing his spin, Sora would extend his left hand (now empty) backwards and gather his focus. The sword in the ground, which was now about six meters from him, glowed slightly and deconstructed, turning back into chakra and rushing for the albino's hands where it came to nest and solidified back into a blade. The spin took Sora to a position slightly behind the man who was at the front of the mist. He crouched low and with the blade in his left hand inverted (blade back along his forearm) he sliced the back of the man's ankle, forcing him to relinquish a startled grunt and collapse totally onto the ground, his ankles bleeding heavily, this would happen around the time Ren would yell.

Sora dropped the sword and listened more.

'Puppeteers, one to the left and one to the right, in the centre, two Katon users,'

It must have been like watching art in motion. Sora twisted his body in a twirl and dragged his feet along the ground. The second part of the Doton technique he had used before activated, causing two more large boulders to wrench themselves free of the earth, each one hurtling off with one of each of the puppeteers as their intended targets. The boulders would crash into the two men with enough force to knock them down, and allow the two young ninja to deal with them soon.

Simultaneously, Sora began to drop to his knees, reaching his right hand (which clutched four throwing knives) and flicking two up from between his fingers behind his back. His left hand careened upwards and caught the thrown munitions. Sora brought his left hand down fast and hard, releasing the two knives in the direction of the first Katon user. He spun on his right knee and stood, withdrawing his right hand from its wrapped position and throwing the remaining two knives for the second Katon user. The first of the two casters would be grazed severely by the two knives, the first slicing into his cheek and severing his lips apart, causing him to tumble backwards off the tree and into the undergrowth. The second man wasn't so lucky, Sora's aim had been true and the first knife dug into the man's shoulder while the second penetrated right through his left eye socket, causing a fatal haemorrhage as the knife cut into the tissue beyond his eye.

Sora came to a standing position, his arms slowly falling to his sides as the mist broke around him. He opened his eyes and scanned the area. His grin had faded to a serious smirk and he thrashed his eyes back and forth, looking for any sign of movement or resistance. When he spotted none, he turned to face Ren and then looked down to the man who's ankles had been cut, who was still laying in the grass between the two Genin.

Sora couldn't help but wonder how he had ever gotten by without a spotter. He was a ranged fighter after all and there seemed to be nothing more valuable than attacking from range against opponents who have no clue where you are. Ren had called the instructions perfectly and even though Sora couldn't see through the mist himself, his attacks had been on point and disaster was averted. He'd had a lot of fun out here, just doing something real for a change. As the chaos had largely faded, Sora relaxed his stance slightly and with a hand on his hip, began to speak.

"Do you want me to clean up here or...?" The albino cooed at his companion "I don't mind doing it by myself, really,"

{ 75|CHAKRA|150 }

Steel Release - Returning Steel:

Forge Style - Throwing Knives Creation:

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

When he noticed all of them were defeated he let his two water clones take care of the remaining two puppet users. The water clones beat the puppet users up until they eventually died from blood loss due to being kicked in the face a couple of times. In fear the Katon User who had been trapped inside the water prison begged for his life. After the other two water clones were done having fun with the dead puppet users, they subdued the one who surrendered then carried him together.

The water clones began talking to each other. "Hey why do we have to carry him, there are three of us" The main water clone replied. "I just used the water prison technique i am going to fall apart any second now. All you did was use a bit of mist" The two water clones glared at eachother then smiled for a second, then sighed and walked with the one prisoner.

"Hey, Shippaisan. You better not be this useful all the time or you might give yourself a good name" While in someways that would normally be sarcasm, this was actually a genuine statement with no ridicule in the tone of his voice.As he slowly walked away as he could not be too far from his water clones he looked around at the blood shed. He would have taken more of them alive if he could carry them all, but he could only carry one so he figured the rest had to die. On his way back he picked up a broken headset. It did not work but seeing as he already had his previous headset torn to pieces, he put this old headset on to be more comfortable.

As he travelled the man he kept prisoner said, " Are you one of those bloody mist brats? Why don't you come over to our side we could use skills like yours". Ren kept walking along as the man wondered if he was being ignored. "We can offer you 1000 ryo if you defect and if we lose the war you can always pretend you were a spy and join back". Ren was getting annoyed, but he prefered having live company. "We of the seven bells only care about power, with power you can take all the women you want get drunk and party all day long". He then glared at the man before speaking his mind.

"I would join you if it meant i would die staying here, I love money but i hate traitors and have no intention of becoming one. I do not know why i would need a bunch of girls or to get drunk. I hate parties they too noisy and just so you know. I am going to be kicking you until i feel better once we there"

The seriousness in his voice and the specific warming up of his feet while he walked indicated that he was being dead honest. "I am sorry i will shut up now okay" Ren looked at him and sighed.

Word Count = 2561/2500
Chakra = 95/170


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