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1Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Empty Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:18 pm


Watch your heads:

“Oh . . . he wanted to chill out and hang around for a minute.”
A hearty chuckled ripping through his throat, shoulders moving up and down, as he laughed at the woman's comment. It was the small moments like theses that made working with Iyata so much fun, for despite the depressing situation she's still able to find humor in at the oddness of moments. Though the same can be said for him, he himself having made quirky comments in similar situations. While this might have been his first war, it obliviously changing him, he was quickly to understand that one must find some form of normal or otherwise they will have a mental breakdown. The thoughts of such a thing happening to Iyata wasn't a pleasant one, he himself didn't have to worry about his mental health, he wasn't exactly stable to begin with. “I see now.” He said, once he got his laughing under control, head looking towards the two that he dealt with both which were sleeping peaceful “Mine were tired so they decided to take a nap.” He stated, walking back over to the pair of men were, dragging them over to Iyata and unceremoniously dropping them back on the ground, never once did they wake up from such actions, they being out cold.
“Lets get theses guys back to the center yeah?”
His head swept from side to side relaying a negative to her question, a finger tapping her shoulder and bringing her attention to the squad of Kirigakure Anbu that had just showed up via body flicker and was now making their way towards them. The apparent leader of the group stepping forward “Are you the one who called for a prison pick up?” his inquired, his voice being indistinguishable thanks to his Anbu mask.
Seeing how he was the one to call them in the first place, Nanashi thought he should be the one to answer the man's question “Yeah, I was the one who call for the pick. Theses four.” He pointed to the three near them and the one cooling corpse of the other one “Are spies for Seven Bells. The three alive ones all had a cyanide tooth, which I removed. And I would bet my life the dead one had one as well. Oh the two sleeping will need a medic to wake them up.” The Anbu leader nodded at this, having his subordinates to pick up the spies, knocking out the unfrozen guy to make it easier for them to transport him, while another took the cyanide pills from Nanashi who reluctantly handed them over.
Well if that's all me and Iyata need to return to the base for another mission.” Nanashi stated, but before he could act on the said statement, the voice of the commander caught his attention.
Actually. Void-san and Special Jounin Iyata, I'm also here to deliver you your next objective.” Nanashi eyebrow arched at this, as he waiting for the man to continue As of a few minutes ago the commander had sent over a dozen deep strike teams into the heart of enemy territory. You are in charge of following this strike team and causing as much damages as possible, no one should be spared, no building should be left standing. Theses are your orders from your commander, do you accept them?”
Was this a dream or did the Anbu offer them a mission that basically allows them to completely cut loose, releasing the inhibitions that they have subsconsciously placed on themselves? Nanashi could believe his luck, looking at Iyata to see if she was down for such a mission, he spoke to the commander “Of course.” such simple words but yet they hid an hinted blood lust within them, that could easily be picked up by the experience shinobi.
Excellent. The destination is in a nearby forest that's about thirty minutes or so from this given location. You can tell you are in the vicinity due to the burned or destroyed trees.” He stated, pointing to the northern direction, once that was done him and his Anbu squad disappeared via body flicker back to the base with their prisoners in toll.
No sooner after they left Nanashi looked at his companion and spoke “So you ready to give Seven Bells a taste of his on medicine?” He asked, as he walking out of the clearing they were in and heading towards their next destination.

WC: 751
Mission WC: 751/2500

2Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Empty Re: Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:44 pm



“Yeah, I was the one who call for the pick. Theses four, Are spies for Seven Bells. The three alive ones all had a cyanide tooth, which I removed. And I would bet my life the dead one had one as well. Oh the two sleeping will need a medic to wake them up.”

Iyata reflected softly on how nice it was not to be in charge for once, don’t get her wrong she enjoyed being the one to give orders but it was nice and familiar for her to follow orders for a change. It allowed her to be reflected on what she needed to get done within the perimeters she had and not try and think of the most appropriate or logical point of action. Her main focus was ‘here is the issue’ and ‘here is how you fix it’ Which it was pretty simple for Iyata to do.

“ As of a few minutes ago the commander had sent over a dozen deep strike teams into the heart of enemy territory. You are in charge of following this strike team and causing as much damages as possible, no one should be spared, no building should be left standing. Theses are your orders from your commander, do you accept them?”

Iyata blinked in surprise she had never once heard the commander give someone permission to create as much havoc and chaos as their minds could create. She secretly smiled within herself which eventually moved to the surface and as Void looked to Iyata for her buy in on the mission. She nodded repeatedly and clapped her hands together in delight. She clenched a fist and grinned softly to herself, it was now time that she got to get some payback on those bastards for invading her home and all their atrocities.

“Excellent. The destination is in a nearby forest that's about thirty minutes or so from this given location. You can tell you are in the vicinity due to the burned or destroyed trees.”

Iyata knew of the exact location that she spoke of, she remembered playing in that area through much of her childhood. Fond memories of dancing through the trees on warmer summer days came wafting into her head filling herself with nostalgia, now was not the most appropriate time to take a trip down memory lane however she did in fact enjoy it enough that she smiled. She looked to Void as he got off the communication with the Commander.

“So you ready to give Seven Bells a taste of his on medicine?”

She chuckled softly finding it funny he even asked. She watched him take off towards their next destination, she quickly followed suit launching herself into the nearest tree and running along the tree branches with void at her side. She kept having fleeting memories of dead bodies dance into her memory from when Void first found her, she felt slightly ill but in an odd calming sense she began to feel significantly better at the idea of being able to pay back those people that harmed her villagers…yes she felt that Kiri residence no matter what where her people and she would defend them and avenge them in the single breath she took.

It was not long before they entered into the darkest part of the forest were the trees were burned and scorched from the fighting going on around them. Iyata looked to the distance and saw the battle that ensued up ahead, it was something to behold. It was sheer and utter chaos would be the only word to describe what she was witnessing. She saw hundreds of Shinobi engaged in staunch battle neither giving ground, she witnessed elements of all kinds and Jutsus that she had never seen before being launched from all sides killing the individuals that were unfortunate enough to be on the receiving end, those that were able to walk away would be injured for a long time. Iyata touched down just out of the clearing and took a quick surveillance of the area to make sure she was not missing anything of detail that could potentially come to their assistance. Iyata then ran into the clearing looking back to Void and nodding with a smile for him to give them all hell.

No sooner had she left Voids side she found the opportunity to be of the most help, she had spotted a group of the sealing corps trying to erect a large barrier to help break down and defend against the weaker of the attacks that were raining down on them but was finding it burdensome as every time they attempted to begin the seal they were interrupted. She quickly cleared the distance and made a series of seals, as if the heavens themselves opened up on the battlefield once more snow and hail began to fall strengthening her abilities and natural Ice Affinity to even higher levels. Immediately ran through a series of seals which allowed her to manifest ice mirrors around the sealing team in a circular pattern. Which could not of come at a better moment as a much higher grade of attack almost hit them dead center. Iyata’s mirror was able to erect itself quickly and block the attack from reaching the sealing corps.

She slid in between one of the mirrors and smiled to the corpsmen “You all alright?” She asked looking around making sure that they were all still whole. They grunted softly, “Yeah we are fine, these mirrors will help us out a lot. Thank you Iyata!” Iyata smiled to the man and waved a dismissive hand. “Alright guys, well get your asses to work we have a war to win!” They seemed to be more rejuvenated by her words as they went right to work on their seal. Iyata looked out between the mirrors at the battle field and quickly slammed one of the mirrors closed as another Fire attack impacted the mirrors. She winced and shook her head, “Damn they are not playing around.” She took a deep breath and jumped out from behind the Mirrors and began running towards them. She was confident the mirrors would keep the corpsmen safe while they worked on the seal.

Iyata saw a large group of Shinobi and jumped high into the air she reached her hands up above her head as she gathered ice crystals from the atmosphere and threw them all forward as Snow and Ice rolled out of her area in a tidal wave of white death as a sum of 10 Shinobi were caught into the avalanche their bodies sustaining heavy damage as broken bones and suffocation began to take effect. The Avalanche coming to a dead stop right before the tree line. Iyata landed on the ground beside a Sevenbell Shinobi, they quickly began exchanging blow for blow one another. She had learned previously not to expose her back to them and dedicated herself to keep him in the forward of her view and not allow him to get behind her he was however very quick and made the attempt to get behind her. Reading his intent in his actions she was able to duck and catch him up into her legs as she extended them outward tripping him up into the dirt on the ground. Iyata reached over and punched him square in the face able to successfully put him out. She looked over to the corspmen as suddenly a large purple screen erected itself around the group as bombardment after bombardment came in nailing the barrier. She smiled happily that they were successful in getting it up so quickly.

She allowed the brief moment of respite to take in the situation and find out where her abilities would be best placed on this battlefield.

Chakra 185/250:

WC: 1306/2500

3Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Empty Re: Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:08 pm

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

It had been several hours, and Raishi was fatigued from the long journey. Iwayama on the other hand, seemed to storm on, determined more than ever. They were nearing Kirigakure, The Village Hidden in the Mist, and they were closing in fast.
Raishi, exhausted as he was, slowed his pace down a bit, taking in deep breaths and wiping away the sweat that moistened his face. He was in desperate need of a drink, and felt like he would collapse if he didn't stop

"Don't tell me you're tired?"

Iwayama called out, ahead of him by about 2 meters. Raishi was surprised by such determination and energy that Iwayama was showing...he had never seen him like that before. He looked so...excited. Probably because this is his first actual battle, he thought to himself, despite over the yelling voice of his brain.

"I *pant* need * pant* to *pant* REST!"

Raishi's words seemed to hurt him as he spoke, and with the last word said, he dropped painfully to the ground, wondering why the hell the villages were so far away from each other.

"Urgh, hop on my back boy"

Iwayama grunted as he spoke, and his words were as refreshing as a nice, cold drink to Raishi as he heard him say it. In actuality, he had been waiting for Iwayama to say that since they had first crossed the border...the Water Country border. Raishi jumped up immediately, hoping the sudden burst of energy would not leave him as he dashed for Iwayama's back. He hopped on happily, and rested on the rhinoceros as he increased his pace and dashed for Kirigakure. As Iwa's pace increased, Raishi bounced up and down, continuously making contact with the rhino's hard, armour like body.Shit...this was a mistake...he thought pitifully to himself. He hoped Kirigakure was not that far away, if not he would most likely suffer a concussion, before he even reached the battlefield...

"We're here"

Raishi opened his eyes, several minutes later, to Iwayama's gruff voice. Something had changed in the way Iwa spoke; the determination and anxiety seemed to have been replaced with something else. It sounded almost timid. Raishi was worried at this, and raised his head up, focusing his eyes to see the famed Village Hidden in The Mist. His eyes widened as he saw the carnage before him, and he finally understood the reason of Iwa's change in emotion. It was fear, his all too familiar foe. WHOEVER..WHATEVER DID THIS, MUST BE VERY POWERFUL...Raishi thought to himself, in a matter of fact way. The village, at least from where Raishi was, resembled a war zone, and apparently, from the different shinobi he saw around him, wearing different village headbands, this was even a safe zone. SO WHAT ABOUT THE PLACES WERE ACTUAL BATTLING IS GOING ON...he thought to himself, thinking about what he had signed up for.

"This is really....terrible"

Iwayama spoke as soft as he could, trying to his best to sound sympathetic, despite his natural, rough voice. Raishi looked round the organised chaos, looking for a place to receive missions. Every previous hint of fatigue and weakness had disappeared. This was actually it. It was time to actually help this village.

A few moments later, Raishi found himself in what seemed to be the Mission Headquarters. He was given a mission almost immediately as he entered, and he was out in no time. He had been briefed quickly because apparently, the mission had already begun without him so he needed to catch up. As the Commander talked to him about the details, he took mental notes about what exactly he needed to do, and the place he was supposed to be heading to. HEAD TO THE FOREST. JOIN THE STRIKE FORCE. MAKE AS MUCH DAMAGE AS POSSIBLE. GOT IT. Raishi hopped on Iwayama and briefed him too about the mission, as they made their way to the forest.

In what seemed to be seconds, the duo finally arrived at the forest, and they stood facing the forest, unsure of what was awaiting them.

"Now as I said before, the mission is simple. We let all hell loose...are you ready?"

Raishi spoke to his companion, hopping of him as he knelt down, getting ready to sprint. This was really it. He had never been in an actual war before, and he was sure that it would be a mind changing experience or him. But is Iwayama ready or this? he thought to himself softly. Despite Iwayama's toughness, Raishi was terrified of losing his friend.

"Let's GO!"

Iwayama seemed to bellow as he spoke, and dashed forward into the forest. Raishi simply chuckled a bit, as he raced on, behind his rhinoceros. He was lucky he had a companion in times like this....someone who had his back. and he had his friend's back too. He would always have his back.

Now side by side, the pair advanced deeper and deeper into the forest, until finally they reached their destination;the side of the forest that was filled with turmoil...the war zone. They saw trees that had evidently gotten burnt as a result of the fighting, and also broken puppet parts. Chaos. As they headed on, they could hear the voices of shinobi in battle in the distance,about 10 metres away, and the sounds of metal clashing against metal. They were almost at the battle zone.

"This is it Iwayama.."

Raishi spoke to Iwayama softly, in a way to prepare him for the battle ahead as he too brought out one kunai from his pouch, holding it in his right hand. Suddenly, three ninja body flickered in front of the duo form nowhere, causing the two to slide to a stop. The three wielded swords, about 1.3m long, that looked menacing.

"Get ready to die!!"

The one in the middle, seemingly the leader, spoke with a screechy voice as he advanced towards the pair, the other two following his lead. Raishi's heart rate increased as he advanced as well, Iwayama by his side. It was really going to happen...

"Iwayama, NOW!!"

With that, Raishi jumped backwards away from Iwayama, closing his ears. The ninja had no idea what Iwayama was going to do as he opened his mouth and bellowed. This bellow was going to be heard by anyone that was 30 meters away from Iwayama. Taking by surprise, the shinobi were instantly knocked into the air, screaming and closing their ears. While they were in the air, Raishi took three kunai, throwing them accurately at their heads. The three fell dead, and Raishi retrieved his kunai from their heads, smiling and nodding at Iwayama. They headed on to the clearing to join the real battle field, were everyone was fighting. There, he caught sight of all kinds of jutsu and elements he had never seen before...even ice?

Iwayama 30/50:

4Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Empty Re: Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Sun Dec 01, 2013 7:17 pm


Bells chiming in a light summer breeze during the morning sunrise, filtered into his ears, bringing a small smile across his otherwise stoic face, lone eye twinkling with hidden merit and head lolling to the right, looking at the form of Iyata who was chuckling at his previous statement. Like a rise furnace, a soothing and welcoming heat bubbled up from the pit of his stomach, and wash over his body, bringing him with a sense of joy and happiness. The reasons for the strong emotions being because of the woman beside him. Nanashi has always prized himself in figuring out individuals through their body language alone, a byproduct from being a Geisha. And it was because of such a skill that he had noticed that during their previous mission that she had seen to be distracted by something or another, her eyes had a distant look within them and the vibe that she gave off wasn't the one he was accustom to, it was hard to explain, it just felt wrong. There were other warning flags that he has noted throughout that mission but those that were mention were the more prominent ones. He would have brought the subject up to her while doing the mission, but at the given time it would have been inappropriate to do so. He would have brought it up to her after the mission but again the fact that she didn't seem to want to talk about it talked him from doing so. Whatever was distracting her was her own problems, her own personal demons which she would have to slay, they weren't his and thus he didn't feel like asking. Of course he would have offered an ear or two if the woman did want to talk about it, but apparently she did not. It didn't concern him that much for the silver haired man would have asked her after they had finished the missions, upon arriving back to the barracks, anyway. But thankfully something like that wouldn't be needed for whatever was eating her up had apparently vanished and she was back to her normal self, something that he was glad about.
Oh you care now, since when?
Nanashi tried to annoyed the disembodied voice that lurked within the deepest cesspools of his subconscious, but it seem like the voice wouldn't have anything of that.
You know you don't care. You are a sociopath, you lack human emotions.
That wasn't exactly true. Yes, he was a sociopath, something that he had accepted along time ago. That didn't mean that empathy wasn't possible for the man, for in fact it was highly possible. As evident by his mother who Nanashi took a lot after, he was able to experience a wide range of emotions like any other human does. While they might not be as strong as others, they were still there, which was the only thing that matter in the end. He could feel. He could cry. And he could be angry. He was not emotionless. . .
Hmpf. . . You and your emotions, why not strip them away?
Was the question really needed to be asked? The moment that he stripped away his emotions in the moment that he will become nothing but a monster, needing to be put down. The only times that Nanashi allowed such things to occur is doing missions, and in this case doing the war. Those were the only times that he ever allow himself to immerse into the darkness. Then again it was something every shinobi did, and while many got lost within the blood they spill, he did not. He knew exactly how far he could go before he became nothing but a feral monster. Nothing but a beast that days were numbered.
So is that why you joke with her?
Yes, that's exactly why Nanashi tried his best to joke with Iyata or anyone he is teamed up with for that matter, not only to give them some normalcy but also to bringing him back from the darkness when he overstayed his visited. Luckily for him he has never been to far gone as of yet, and the few times where he was also there, he had Iyata to unknowingly bring him back. The Aisu woman was someone who he can count on to bring him back when he wanted to become the beast and rip everything in his path to shreds. Of course he would never admit this to the woman beside him, not because of fear, but because he knew that she already knew about it. That's if she had paid any attention to the one time he gave a small motivation speech to a small platoon of Anbu on the rooftops during one of their missions.
Hmpf. . .whatever.
Nanashi couldn't help but to mentally chuckle at the being retreating to the deeper pits of his mind. That was a first for him, the leader of the bestial humanoids that plagued his dreams talking to him. That never happen before, and despite that it didn't bother him the slightest. There were other pressing matters at the time.
Doing the sprinting towards their next location, Nanashi had allowed Iyata to take the lead, she having a better understanding of Kirigakure no Sato than he did. The idea in doing so was something that he had planned from the beginning, for what a better way in getting to a location than by having a native take him there? Launching from one branch to another, Nanashi head lolled from side to side, eye scanning for any potential signs of an ambush that becomes an increasing concern the closer they got to the location. The high ground, in the world of a shinobi one should always travel in trees when possible, not only does it allow them to get a drop on other shinobi – they not having a tendency to look up – but also allowed them to bypassed in tripwires on the ground alone with given them a bird's eye view of the place. Of course this isn't always true, there have been a few times were enemy shinobi had rigged tripwires within the trees in a given radius, catching those who aren't expecting it off guard, and it was theses that Nanashi was looking out for as they entered a darker part of the forest.
The burnt and scorched trees in the surrounding area was a dead give away to the fighting that either had come through the area or was continuing a little bit further ahead. It was than that the sounds of chaos ranged within his ear like a music symphony which made him realize that the battle was still ongoing just ahead of them, and with a slight turn of his head in the direction he took noticed of it for himself. The sheer, utter chaos of shinobi both enemy and ally a like flinging incredible jutsus and weapons at each other, lighting up the surround air with explosions of various magnitudes was beautiful to say the least. Nanashi watched impassively as bodies both intact and not hit the ground, providing the thirsty and hungry earth with much needed food. And it seem like he wasn't the only one who were taking in the chaos that was assuring ahead of him. . .
Looking at his female partner, Nanashi watched as she touched down on the outskirts of the chaotic battle, nodding back at her as their eyes locked onto hers “Good Luck.” The words were barely a whisper, and it would probably be drowned out by the noise that surrounded them, but nevertheless he said it anyway. Maybe she would hear him anyway.
There's movement!
The sound of leaves rustling caught his attention, as he spied a pair of long rang puppeteers perched not that far from his position, their puppets armed with what looked to be senbon launchers, aimed at Aisu woman who was heading to assistant a barrier team. Oh hell no! Acting quickly Nanashi summoned five inched chakra senbons before letting them rip through the air, they piercing the side of the each puppeteer skull, a small spray of blood oozing out of the wound, bodies falling from the branches and neck breaking upon impact with the unforgiven ground.
Jumping down from the tree that he was stationed in, Nanashi founded himself surrounded by three enemy shinobi who had just now taken noticed of him and were preparing to launch their respective jutsus. He wouldn't give them the chance to do so, katon chakra began to pour out of his body taking on the all familiar form of three flaming cats, which wasted no time in attacking the three shinobi, latching onto them before exploding, the last thing being heard was their signature 'meow'. Nanashi looked from behind a tree, that he had stationed himself behind upon forming the cats, at the scorching corpse of the three which attacked him.
"Three down, more to go. . “ He mused to himself, walking further into the assuring chaos, before taken notice of a group of injured allied shinobi that were being advanced up by a small platoon of enemy shinobi. He wouldn't make it in time to act like a buffer between them, and it would be counter productive to do so. Instead the man began going through a set of hand signs, his silver hair getting increasingly longer before harden, his technique was released with a simple whip of his head, hundreds upon hundreds of hair senbon flew towards the advancing shinobi, riddling them all into nothing but a pin-cushion. There wasn't any time for them to escape, for no sooner at the first one fell it was already to late. Their bodies would have more holes than a sponge and death was a given.
The sudden massacre of the advancing shinobi caused the injured shinobis to look in the direction of where the jutsu came from. Nanashi began making his way over towards the small group, they automatically relaxing when they saw who it was “Is there a medic within this group?” He asked, receiving a nod from one of the members.
Yes, I'm a medic. But I'm to hurt to heal the others.” Nodding at the man's words, he kneel beside the downed man, summoning a red senbon “I'm a medic as well. What I'm going to do is heal your wounds and help you with healing the others as well. Okay?” not waiting for the man to answer he plunged the senbon into the wound, getting a small whimper from the individual which soon changed to a sigh as the effect of the needled took over. Being a Guanyin, Nanashi had a lot of different usage for senbons, the most prominent being able to heal others with them when needed, and that's exactly what he doing for medic. the healing itself didn't take that long and within a minute or so the man was back at full health.
“Thank you for helping.”
There's no need for that. Lets just finish healing up the rest.” Nanashi stated, and thus the two medics began tending to the injured, another barrier team having arrived to their location and erecting one around them as they focused on the injured. Roughly twenty minutes later, the barrier fell from around the group allowing Nanashi to emerge from it, with the once injured group following him.
Well I need to find my partner and make sure she didn't get into any trouble.” He said with a chuckle before heading to the direction of where he last saw Iyata.
Appearing beside the Aisu woman, Nanashi couldn't help but to whistle in approval of the chaos that she has caused “Damn. I think I'm in love.” He said with a chuckle. Looking around he noted that there was still another but small group of advancing shinobi that were heading towards their direction “How about – “
Void! Void! Come in! We need you and Iyata to come to – “ Whatever else would have been said on the communication system was cut off, as static overtook the system.
Fuck! Iyata. We have a problem. Got a message from the sector leader about needing us somewhere else, but before he could tell me where we are needed, the communication device went dead. And there was sounds of battle in the background. We need to head to that section and figure out what is going on.” He said looking around at the numerous of ally shinobi that were flooding into the area, taking note of a Iwa Shinobi with a rhino?
We are no longer needed here. They can handle the rest on their on. But we need to get to that place now!” He said, before sprinting through the forest, with Iyata beside him, the pair heading towards the location of the building that housed the sector leader. 

[Exit Thread]

WC: 2179
Misson WC Total: 2930/2500
Chakra 245/300:

5Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Empty Re: Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:34 pm



Iyata looked around at the carnage that was enveloping her and she shook her head mentally, she could not believe how much the forests that she had traversed herself as a child had turned into a warzone. It was not uncommon to be fighting other villages but those typically resulted in black ops and small scuffles here and there. As she took in the carnage she witnessed something that was able to chill the blood in her veins in the distance she saw a group of Genin trying to fend off a group of what appeared to be Seven Elite Forces and were quickly being pushed back by the assault. She feared for the safety of the Genin and began to run her way towards the group of combatants. She feared she would be too late because of the distance between herself and the genin but knew that she would regret it for the rest of her life if she did not try to aid them anyway she could. She would not be much of a Shinobi if she did not at least try and help the people around her when she was given the opportunity especially a group of New Shinobi’s.

Iyata was closing the gap fast however she was interrupted by a wayward Ninja from Sevenbells elite group. Iyata was quick on her feet and noticed that the Ninja was getting awfully close to her, she had managed to deduce his true intentions of keeping her away from the Genin as he threw a hellacious fireball towards her direction. Upon impact with the ground right in front of her what seemed like Salamanders of pure fire pooled out of the inferno and raced towards her like they were flying along the ground. Iyata quickly dodged to the right and continued to run however it would seem they could home onto their target. Iyata quickly began to avoid by ducking and dodging between the hellish lizards attempting to make them collide into one another. She was successful with a pair of the salamanders however she found herself expending more energy and time as it went about. She had gotten an idea, she ran straight and as fast as her legs could take her allowing the homing fire lizards to join side by side in a attempt to make contact with her. She at the last moment jumped into the air turning herself about in midair she took aim at the Lizards.

She opened her mouth as she had been gathering chakra around her pooling it into her mouth, she suddenly released a large waterfall from her mouth which pooled on the ground below before rushing forward and out like a wall of water. As Iyata fell back behind the water wall the salamanders collided with the water fizzling into nothing. Iyata hit the ground behind the water as it ran its course rushing forward putting the fires around the area to a mere smolder. Iyata turned around to see the Ninja standing in her way, she frowned softly and popped her neck pulling her Kunai out. “You realize you are standing in my way…an to be honest if there is one thing I hate that people do is stand in my way. You and your people don’t even belong here and yet you constantly stand in our way.” She smirked softly sliding herself into position. “You realize you are not going to win this war right? Because no matter what is driving you forward, or what you are fighting for. What we are fighting for is more powerful, that is the love we have for one another and that the love we have for our village…in the end people like you will always lose to people like us…” She said factly.

The Ninja smiled at her softly, “If you believe yourself to be so righteous Kiri Scum, why not show me how strong your convictions truly are and face me…” He taunted her while laughing. Iyata smiled softly, he did just ask for it, it would be very rude not to accommodate his lack of interest in breathing…or better yet she would assist him in being able to breath much easier and she knew just where to start. Iyata lunged forward her feet hitting the ground running which quickly closed the gap between herself and the other Ninja. She traded a quick succession of blows with the Ninja able to deflect and counter his Sword attacks with her Kunai. Her muscles ached softly as the impact of blows from herself and the other were tiring down her body. But she would never relent she would make sure that he never touched another one of her village members again. Iyata lunged to the side flipping her Kunai forward in her hand to perform a lunging strike, he was quick but not quick enough she had managed to stab him through the side and the blade sliced through out to the opposite side, it was but a scratch but she did draw first blood.

In his dodge he had managed to swing his sword around attempting to cleft Iyata’s arm clean off at the shoulder, Iyata instinctive to a swordsmen having been trained by the best lifted her spare Kunai in her opposite hand upward and was able to deflect the blade with the flat of her Kunai. She needed to end this and quickly her body being abundantly flexible she slammed the end of the Kunai she was not blocking with into the ground the point sticking skyward. In doing so she rotated her herself around to face him. She grabbed ahold of his arm and wrist and was able to snake her long legs up the inside of his shoulder and wrap her leg around the back of his neck. In pinning him there she quickly kicked one of his knees our from underneath him causing him to drop towards the ground. His eyes widened as he quickly approached the ground with no way to brace himself. More over he was horrified to realize that at his angle he was going to meet the Kunai. An in a gruesome crunch Iyata drove the mans head through the Kunai from the bottom of his jaw nearest his throat the blade pierced the flesh and opened up a blood gushing wound. Iyata laid there a moment longer listening to him choke on the blood as it spurted everywhere. Iyata released the mans arm and slowly stood back up.

She closed her eyes and wiped the blood from her hands onto her pants, she would contemplate what had all happened later right now she needed to get to the Genin. She quickly turned her attention back to see where they had gotten off too. She reached down yanking the Kunai out of the Ninjas throat and brushing it across her pants once more before taking off in the direction that she saw them. It was not long before she arrived and was able to see much to her glee that the Genin had the numbers game in their corner and were able to overwhelm the much stronger Jounin. She smiled softly when all the sudden Void appeared at her side.

Void! Void! Come in! We need you and Iyata to come to – “ Whatever else would have been said on the communication system was cut off, as static overtook the system.

“Fuck! Iyata. We have a problem. Got a message from the sector leader about needing us somewhere else, but before he could tell me where we are needed, the communication device went dead. And there was sounds of battle in the background. We need to head to that section and figure out what is going on.” Iyata almost took the moment to argue that point when Void said with finality. “We are no longer needed here. They can handle the rest on their on. But we need to get to that place now!” Iyata sensing the seriousness in his voice she relented to him and nodded her head softly, “Alright Void. Lets go..”She said softly as they took off towards the sector leaders location, she glanced back at the war raging on and knew that this would not be the final time she had these Shinobis blood on her hands, oddly enough she did not mind that fact and took solace in knowing they would meet again.

Exit Thread

WC 1412:
Mission WC: 2500/2500
Training Polar Restraint: 212

Last edited by Iyata on Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total

6Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Empty Re: Cutting Loose(Mission/Iyata/Open) Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:30 am

Raishi Kanetsu

Raishi Kanetsu

Uttter Chaos...

Raishi stood there, flabbergasted by the scene in front of him.So this is what an actual battle looks like.. he thought to himself, fear building up inside him. He swallowed down the fear, remembering that he was not alone. Iwayama was with him, and would always be with him, right by his side.
"So what's the plan?"
Iwayama asked in an anxious tone-he was ready to deal heavy damage. Raishi just smiled and signaled for Iwayama to go on ahead.
"Have fun."
With that, the Indian rhinoceros seemed to smile, as he charged at a group of enemy shinobi, about 3 meters in front of him. He'll be fine Raishi thought to himself in a reassuring tone. Iwayama was more than capable of wreaking havoc on his own, he was an abnormally massive rhinoceros after all. Maybe that was why Raishi was so worried...Iwayama was to big for him not to be noticed by his opponents. Looking at him charge into an unknowing ninja, causing the ninja to fly forwards, most likely with a broken back, Raishi smiled to himself, waving away any previous thoughts that Iwayama couldn't take care of himself.

Raishi himself had been too busy surveying his surroundings, that he had not been paying attention to the group of ninja, 5 in total, that were charging at him.They were about 4 meters away from him and they all wielded blades, like the earlier ninja that had attacked Raishi, and they looked menacing...and cold. Instantly, Raishi wove handseals, channeling chakra to his lungs. In a matter of seconds,Raishi released a dark cloud of smoke that expanded in milliseconds, spreading 20 meters around him, in every direction.He smiled to himself as he instinctively got kunai from his pouch, one in each hand. The thing about the jutsu was, he could see through the smoke, but his opponents could only see about a meter in front of them, much like the Hidden Mist technique, that Raishi had read about from his times in the Iwagakure library.
"Hiding in smoke ayy? *cough* Show yourself, you pussy!"
Raishi heard the screechy voice of one of the enemy ninja. It seemed to resemble the voice of the earlier ninja he had fought with..maybe they were related? He didn't care, and even if they were, they would meet the same fate.

He noted the five ninja's position in his cloud:one was 3 meters in front of him, another 2 meters to his left, 2 to his right, and one about a meter in front of him. Perfect. With that, Raishi began his attack, dashing towards the ninja that was a meter in front of him. It seemed that the ninja heard his footsteps, despite his blinded state,as Raishi saw him clenching his sword tighter, standing in a defensive stance. At least that was what it looked like. Raishi tried slitting the ninja's throat, as he moved the kunai in a slashing manner, but the ninja simply parried the blow by holding his sword vertically. The sound of metal on meta reverberated throughout the cloud, probably signaling the others of Raishi's current position. The ninja just smiled, pushing Raishi kunai away with his sword, as he made for a slash, for Raishi's own throat. Raishi's heart pounded as he did a few hand springs backwards, dropping his two kunai on the floor in the process. The ninja in front of him charged towards him as he had done earlier, now sure of Raishi's position. Raishi could also hear the footsteps of the other ninja, coming towards him from every direction, surrounding him in a circle. Shit.

With that, Raishi channeled chakra into his hands quickly, making molten magma in his hands as the ninja neared him fast. He saw all of them raise their swords high up into the air in unison, to cut him in several pieces at the same time.
They spoke in unison, all with screechy, rather irritating voices. This made Raishi wonder where the hell the enemy ninja came from...they all spoke the same bloody way!
Raishi's heart pounded hard on his chest, as the ninja around him started to arc their blades down, commencing the killer swing. In that instant, Raishi threw his shuriken, eight in total, at specific locations in each of the ninja's body's. They wouldn't have bee able to see the shuriken, and even if they did, their swords were already high up in the air. Each ninja had a kunai in their throat, and three of the ninja in front of Raishi, had them in their sword holding handings. Once he threw the shuriken, Raishi jumped over the ninja in front of him, doing a flip in the air, and landing about two meters away from his previous location. He smiled as he heard the screams of the ninja, as the shuriken exploded lightly in their positions. He exited the cloud, heading into the main battlefield, knowing that his opponents had suffered, painful deaths. Next time, don't call me a pussy, he thought to himself, giggling at his own cruel joke.

He was now ten meters away from his previous position, which had been the center of the cloud. He had ten more meters to go before he was out of the cloud, but he didn't mind. It didn't affect him after all. He heard foot steps in the distance, and he brought out two kunai once more, one in each hand. Here we go again, Raishi thought to himself in an excited tone, as he saw two ninja charging towards him, side by side about fie meters away from him.
"What the hell is this?"
He heard one speak, with a raspy voice, to Raishi's relief. At least it isn't screechy , he thought to himself jokingly. The two seemed to be charging in blindly, and they had no idea of Raishi's presence, now 3 meters in front of them. Raishi just smiled, as he threw the two kunai at the charging ninja's throats. Their swords were at their sides, and they couldn't see a thing, so it was unlikely that they would be able to deflect the kunai.
"I have no idea, but we have to be careful in case we run in-"
The second ninja was interrupted as the kunai entered his throat, and what was once speech, was replaced with a rather disgusting, gurgling sound. Raishi saw the two ninja all to the ground, grabbing at their throats as they struggled to breathe. Raishi raced towards the both of them, sliding to a stop when he was above the, looking down on them.
"Next time, pay attention when you're in battle. Actually, there won't be a next time."
He smiled, knowing that they couldn't see it anyway, and pushed the kunai deeper into their throats in turn, starting with the ninja that was last to talk, so the irritating gurgling noise would stop. Blood splattered all over Raishi's hands, and he nearly threw up at this. He made sure the kunai didn't go all the way through, and he quickly pulled out the kunai as soon as the irritating noise stopped. He wiped the bloodied kunai on the body of the nearly-dead ninja, before heading out of the cloud once and or all. He needed to see how Iwayama was doing.

Moments afterward, after warding off 2 other groups of ninja in the cloud, Raishi finally got out of it, and noticed a group of young Kirigakure ninja, trying to fight off older enemy ninja. Raishi raced to their aid, weaving handseals as he let performed his Spectre Apparition Technique, reducing the number of enemies the children had to fend off. Smiling at them, he raced on looking for Iwayama.

When he found Iwayama, Raishi was dreadfully impressed by the immense amount of damage the creature had done. He smiled at his companion, as he could tell that the rhino was seriously having fun.
Moments passed, and what was once a forest was now littered with dead bodies;blood was grass. The Kirigakure shinobi, as well as shinobi from other villages, had really dealt some serious damage, and this made Raishi smile; it was his first battle, and he had survived. It was a tremendous success. Whistling for Iwayama, Raishi headed on back to the Mission HQ for a full explanation on what had caused the chaos. Being as he had come late, he had missed the briefing about the situation at the village, so he didn't really know what was going on. Although, he did hear something about an individual named Sevenbells...


Raishi chakra=280/315 (1 C rank, 1 B rank)

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