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Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

Tired and somewhat sleepy having left his bed early and leaving his home beneath the lake. He took his time to observe the daily market place.
There was not much happening and half the people seemed to still be sleeping. As the time passed he got bored and after having a small sandwich he went towards the training grounds.

When he got there it was extremely empty, as the wind blew through his hair. His blue eyes gazing towards his training post. He could not believe his eyes when he noticed that someone had stolen his spot this early in the morning. He stayed in a nearby shrub trying to decide what action to take. He had claimed that post as his, even having his name marked on it Yuzu Ren's Training Post, but sadly not everyone cared.

Chakra = 170/170

Last edited by Yuzu Ren on Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:39 am; edited 1 time in total


Hei has just woken up from his bed in his small apartment and he felt like getting a bit stronger in the training ground but he was too lazy to do that today so instead he chose to look around parts in the village to find someone he could fight and get some fighting experience that way, it would also help him get used his new abilities that he had gotten through his training in the academy a few days ago.

Hei had soon gotten ready to leave his home when he had found out that he forgotten to buy some water so that results into him not being able to use his kekkei genkai as much, but that didn't bother him much. He would just use his other techniques to get him through.

Hei had now gotten ready to head out and his first place that he had set his eyes on, the Kirigakure Training Grounds. Hei walked to get there and from his apartment it took a while to get there but eventually he arrived at the Kirigakure Training Grounds. Unfortunately there was no one there when he got there but he would wait there patiently to see out any other people that would want to fight him. As he waited he began hitting the posts in the training Grounds waiting for someone to join him for a fight.

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

"Hey! you what you doing to my training post" he pointed somewhat angry as he came out from behind the shrubs. He stared at the newbie wondering why everyone gets to train here to begin with. This place was so crowded, which is why he normally trained under the lake. He then spoke up again.
"What are you doing here, whoever you are" He glared at the stranger for a good while. Not certain of his intentions and beginning to question whether he should be bothering or not.

After he took a few deep breathes to calm down he finally said. "Get lost or train somewhere else this is for genin only"


Hei had been hitting around the training posts for a while and he still wanted someone to fight. He grew very impatient and started to do some hand seal to a jutsu but stopped from another person that began speaking to him in an angry tone as he popped out of the bushes. "Hey! you what you doing to my training post." Hei got mad and started to walk over to the guy until he stopped and the guy spoke again. "What are you doing here, whoever you are?" Hei was starting to get pissed off as the guy was glaring at him. After doing that for a while, he spoke again. "Get lost or train somewhere else this is for genin only."

Once the guy said that, Hei broke and began to run at the guy. Hei then jumped and began to use some hand seals to perform the Wind Release: Air Bullets Jutsu. He charged the wind bullets in his mouth and shot out one bullet straight at the opponent, another aimed right above the guys head and the last two towards the right and left of the opponent. Hei and the guy were about 15 meters away from each other and the bullets go at 50 mph so it would be considerably difficult to dodge all of the bullets. Once Hei Landed, he moved back real quick to see what the result of his attacks would do to the opponent.

Chakra: 130/150

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He did not have time to properly react to the wild kid who was running at him without reason. He drew his sword quickly. In mid air he noticed the hand seals, one Air Bulllet flew over his head while the other one got cut through as he launched a slash to split the bullet, however the impact still pushed him back a bit as he skid backwards along the ground. If the guy did not run up to him so quickly he might never have noticed it in time, having his sword out he was not planning to let this child play with him, even though he himself was a younger, smaller child. He held his stance slightly before rolling forward towards the guy who was backing away. He then in that rolled movement dropped his sword and charged at the guy.

Not one too take a hit or slight push back without returning the favor he jumped at him flying through the air with a kick. While not having any real taijutsu skill he felt that sometimes a good kick always did the trick. He had learnt that his opponent used fuuton and assumed that he may be countered. He was also forming seals mid air to confuse the opponent. This will be the second time he has faced someone who uses Fuuton and his passed experience might give him the edge. However he did not know who his opponent was or whether he had any more impressive skills he was hiding. Playing it safe he kept his focus as his foot began to reach closer to the victim.


Hei jumped up and spit out the wind bullets, he saw that his opponent had drawn a sword and wielded it quite impressively. One of his wind bullets had successfully hit his opponent but was slightly reduced in power since it was sliced in half, all it did was push him back a bit and rip through that part of the opponent clothing. Slicing it in half wouldn't really do much. Soon after Hei walked back real slowly, the other guy rolled forward dropping his sword and began to charge at Hei. Dropping his sword was the first mistake that he did and would regret later on.

The other guy jumped at Hei and began to do a jump kick. Hei knew that it would be very easy to avoid the kick with his improved reflexes and speed. Hei ran with his improved speed to the side of the direction the kick was going and used his Wind Release: Stream jutsu to push back his opponent while he was mid-air. He did it so the guy would fly into the pressured stream so unless he can change direction in mid-air, he won't be able to defend against the attack. Hei then ran toward the direction the guy dropped his sword and picked it up. "Tsubakiri eh? Nice sword you got here, looks like you're own sword it going to be used against you. Next time don't drop one of your weapons, remember this for later."

Hei then started to swing around the sword that he had picked up. It was a basic one-handed sword just about 20 centimetres smaller than Hei himself. Hei then after getting used to it ran toward the guy that had been blown away and once he got in range, swiftly swang at him.

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

He was a bit confused as to why his opponent was bypassing him and he recognised that streaming jutsu anywhere. Feeling it was the right idea to prepare the replacement technique in advance.
He did not expect someone to go after his sword, but then he realised this was the home of what once had the seven shinobi swordsman of the mist. So basically everyone could be a potential swordsman. The timing of the replacement must have been really off or really coincidental as when he switched his sword was blown through the air, and being fast himself he was now being swung in the air by this guy who did not seem to realise that he was swinging a person and not a sword.

As it took a while for him to even begin to figure it out as the guy swung Ren towards his sword, which he grabbed in mid air before kicking loose from the guys sweaty grip. "Hey, just cause i am a bit on the lightweight side, does not mean you can swing me around however you want to". He held his sword tightly then lowered his stance slightly waiting expecting his opponent to attack for real this time. The wind blew through his hair as he did not show any openings, he prepared to attack again if his opponent took too long.

His opponent seemed to be proud of his fuuton techniques and showed signs of being able to use swords. He watched closely realising his opponent was rather similar to him. Holding his trump card carefully not allowing any room for error as he already prepared a tactic to deal with him.

Jutsu Used



When Hei had started running to get the sword, he noticed that his opponent was performing hand seals to a jutsu while mid air. Hei had a feeling since he was fly mid air that it would definitely not be an offensive jutsu because if it was then he wouldn't be able to support himself from his fall that he was going to land pretty soon. It obviously wouldn't be defensive since it was mid air and had nothing to defend against so Hei found himself to resulting that it would be something that would affect his sword. Hei knew then that he shouldn't get close to the sword because if he did, it would most likely give him a negative boost to this battle.

Hei jumped back a few meters and when he did, found out a few seconds later that the other guy was using a substitution jutsu to switch with his sword most likely to stop Hei from getting a hold of the weapon. Unfortunately since the sword was on the ground, so was the other guy once the substitute was done. This gave Hei time to run for the sword. With his improved speed, Hei would probably get to the sword much faster than the time it would take for the other guy to even stand up. Maybe he was overreacting but still, he would get there pretty fast. So Hei charged in the direction of the sword getting his hands ready in case the substitution would happen again, he would use a jutsu towards the sword which would soon to be, his opponent.

Yuzu Ren

Yuzu Ren

After using his replacement jutsu and the opponent seeming to know all about it he formed a few seals and performed the hidden mist jutsu. With his location hidden along with his sword, he took his sword Tsubakiri and walked out of the mist easily since he could see through it after activating Kiri Shiryoku, his secret clan technique. As he looked back he felt he had been wasting his time all along, why train here when the lake was a much better location to train in. He then left the shinobi by himself as he walked off towards the lake.



"Well crap. Next time you won't escape me." Hei said as he walked around mindlessly in a fog to get out of the place.


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