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1Evil or Good? The meeting/Ayumi/no kill Empty Evil or Good? The meeting/Ayumi/no kill Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:44 am

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

In the middle of the streets stood a blonde haired tattooed boy. A young Uzumaki, and an idiotic one to top It off, once again he got himself In trouble, he was walking down the street when he saw a group of four bullying a shopkeeper, and knowing Shizuo he went wild on the idiots, the punk beat the crap out of the foolish four, and as he was helping the shopkeeper, one of the four idiots got up and attacked Shizuo, Shizuo quickly turned around, grabbed him from his hair and started punching him endlessly, he irritated Shizuo, after a half an hour of beating the poor things into a pulp, he calmed down.

Shizuo loves konoha, Its his life, punk like those, ruin It. Shizuo is willing to go as far as he can in order to protect Konoha, The young boy knew that this is becoming an issue, he has to start controlling his rage, as that was all he needed, Shizuo doesn't care about being called a hero or being called trash, If Konoha can remain safe and beautiful and glorious, he Is willing to sacrifice every drop of blood he has In his body.

Shizuo Is childish, indeed he Is, but that's just the outer layer, If one looks into his eyes deep enough, they would be capable of seeing an immense amount of sadness, no matter the amount of determination and diligence one has, they wont be capable of forgetting the pain of isolation, the pain of loneliness, and the pain of having no family whatsoever.

But still, Shizuo smiles and has fun, he ignores the pain and looks at the bright side, and his loneliness is being eradicated, he created Konoha's guardians, they became his new family, and as he loves konoha, he loves them, and would do anything to protect him, still Shizuo was greedy man when It came to friendship, If he Is capable of befriending someone he most definitely will, he wondered, will he meet someone today, or will It be just another boring day.



The cloaked girl made her way through the crowded village, her hood up as usual and her black cloak flowing behind her. Her cheeks were a little bit flushed because of the heat and strands of her grey-ish purple hair was falling in front of her eyes. Ayumi Houkyaku was finally heading towards the Administation Building to speak to the Hokage. She had decided, after looking around the Market District, she should take a longer route to the building to get to know the village more. Her eyes were tired and distant-looking, but she was as alert as ever, taking in every detail of the streets. She had very good eyesight since she didn't have the ability to hear anything.

Ayumi turned down a street, stopping when a small child ran into her path. The child stopped, looking up at her with wide eyes, but Ayumi smiled at him and continued on her way. People often were pretty scared of her at first sight so she was used to it. Being a Ronin, it wasn't easy to be accepted and she was pretty surprised she hadn't been questioned or threatened yet.

A few minutes later, the crowds started to thin out and the girl found herself looking up towards another row of shops. It was there that she spotted the commotion. A boy was holding a beaten lump of what looked like a person, blood on his fists. Neither of them were moving and no one nearby seemed to have acknowledged the scene either. Ayumi's eyes widened very slightly and she silently dashed over there, taking a quick, deep breath and only giving the boy time to let go of his victim before exhaling and releasing her Downward Surge technique. THe stranger was thrown into the air and slammed into a wall about a metre behind him. She narrowed her eyes at him, still not bothering to remove her cloak. She knew that the blow wouldn't have hurt very much but at least she had the element of surprise. She had doubts about her abilities but, in any case, it would be easy enough to call for help if things escalated.
Wind Style: Downward Surge:

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

He saw her attack, yet he still chose to take it, it couldn't be easier to seal such a technique, after all Shizuo's swallowing seal is not a technique to be trifled with, Shizuo yelled acting as if he had been completely taken in by surprise "Hey!!!, what the hell" he was amazed by her bravery, most punks around here avoid Shizuo, but she seemed to be different,She had a courageous look, and cute flushed cheeks, he wasn't capable of seeing her perfectly as she was wearing a black cloak, Shizuo would then stand up and go speak to her, he gave her his hand for a shake while speaking to her "ya know i wasn't bullying i was defending the shopkeeper, he was getting bullied hahaha" he ended his sentence with a laugh.

The Idiot was gentle but childish, one would think that It never occurred to  him that someone might misunderstand his intentions, but Shizuo was a devious one, only a brave heart-ed person would approach Shizuo, he always had that aura of intimidation around him, without a doubt Shizuo had fierce power, power that's empowered by his idiocy which made him fear nothing, Shizuo wanted one more recruit, he was a genius, but he was childish which made those that surround him think little of his brain.

"Will she join my gang, I hope she does..." were the words he said to himself as he hoped for her to join.



Ayumi read his lips and moved out of her defensive stance after a second or two of silence after he'd spoken. She gave a quiet sigh and looked around, trying to spot some obvious traps or dangers. The last thing she wanted is to be attacked. After realising no one was around, she shook her head to his handshake offer and glared at the stranger. She couldn't be too careful in a situation like this. "How do I know you're not lying?" She spat, each word a little louder than the last and a bit wobbly due to her deafness. She had decided that there was no point in accepting the word of someone who she'd just met; people had to be on high alert at all times.

Even though, deep down, Ayumi knew that she wasn't much of a match for someone so strong, she was willing to try or at least get help if he turned out to be a criminal or a traitor. She'd be able to hold him in one place until someone showed up... That would be enough. Ayumi wasn't scared - it wasn't in her nature to be so - but she did know that any normal girl of her size and build would have left by now. Why was there any point? Should she just have left as soon as she had arrived? This guy's smile seemed genuine, he seemed carefree and friendly, however Ayumi had learned the hard way not to judge people on their emotions.

Uzumaki Shizuo

Uzumaki Shizuo

The villagers surrounding the area spoke "Shizuo. you're a lovely child, but take it easy on these Idiots", "Shizuo my dear stop putting yourself in danger for us", "Shizuo you punk, we know how much you care for us, but you cant keep getting into trouble", "'Give him a break, the guy loves us as if his family,good job shizu-chan, keep smacking their asses".

"haha, will do old man, will do, but now the important thing is..." a moment of silence passed as all of them would put on that dead serious look, shizuo continued speaking saying " it.....there...", the old man replied "I-It...I-Is here", shizuo would then give the man a handful amount of  money as the old man gave him a lollipop and out of innocent joy Shizuo would jump around "yay yay i got it i was waiting for so long".

Never the less his childishness would surpass all expectations, Shizuo spoke to the girl as he reached out for her hand and held it "come on dont be a meanie, here I'll give you this lollipop as a token of our new friendship, next time lets share a bottle of sake", he continued speaking by saying "but if your under age you shouldn't, uncle told me that its bad to get drunk when you're under nineteen years old" he spoke innocently like a child of five to four years old, his tone was childish, he had those adorable puppy eyes, with an ever so beautiful smile, on a closer look, Shizuo is quite the cute boy but not many look at him close enough to figure that, Shizuo's expression suddenly darkened, as he pushed her gently to the left and stood in the place she was standing, someone appeared to be targeting this girl, Shizuo was pierced to inches deep on the left side of his chest and in his stomach, this was quite the shocking view, The Demonic Uzumaki hit, but what was more frightening, is the look on his face, with the humongous amount of chakra he let out almost that of a beast, and the fierce expression he had, he was ever so pissed, he thought, what if it hit her...

Four, four minutes passed like a flash, the rogue, was left in ruins , broken legs, broken arms, dislocation to deep cuts, he looked back at her wiping the blood from his mouth as he spoke " got pissed off tehee" tehee what, a monster for a second, Shizuo never liked those that cause pain to others.



"Come on, don't be a meanie, here I'll give you this lollipop as a token of our new friendship."

The girl stopped reading his lips as he began to talk about sake. She was instead watching all of the people around them. She was taking in what they were saying and learning more about the stranger before her. Shizuo She thought to herself, considering his name. He didn't seem too bad if the villagers were smiling like this. In fact, he seemed like a good person. It seemed although his story was true. He seemed childish for his age, but she didn't really mind. Maybe she could make another friend here.

Ayumi shook his hand and took the lollipop when prompted and was about to speak when she was pushed to the side. She watched as the guy was wounded and flew around to get a good look at her attacker. She lifted her arms, about to perform a genjutsu, when the stranger interjected. She returned her attention to him as she watched him click. He was running before she could stop him. It was apparent that his chakra was massive even to Ayumi... It was impressive but she still had no intentions of stopping him. Maybe he was having fun... After what seemed like seconds, the attack was over.

When the stranger returned to her, she glanced between the beaten mass and him. She didn't look like she particularly minded that he'd just destroyed a person but she sighed deeply and tried to smile at him. Without saying much, she walked over to meet him and looked at his wound. "Are you okay?" She asked, looking back up to his face. "I'm... Um... I'm Ayumi." The girl introduced herself at last, and then remembered the important detail she should include. "I'm deaf... I lip read."

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