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Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Mission name: Silver Saboteur
Mission rank: C
Objective: Find the sabotaged section of the refinery and apprehend the Saboteur.
Location: Konoha
Reward: 180 ryo
Mission description: One of Konohagakure's Silver Refineries has recently come under attack by a Saboteur, who they believe is one of the employees. The mission objective is to locate the section of the refinery that has been sabotaged and report it to the supervisor, and then to catch the Saboteur in the act. The shinobi is then given the option to oversee and aid in fixing the sabotaged and damaged areas of the refinery.
Mission details:
The Silver Saboteur is one of the new workers that helps in the refining process of the silver. The area of the refinery that has been sabotaged is the purification of the silver, which is what increases it's value. The Saboteur allows for other metals and minerals to enter the purified silver, destroying it's near perfect silver content and both weakening the metal itself as well as the price of selling said metal.

Name: Takashi
Age: 42
General Appearance: Takashi shows signs of age on his face. His skin is leathery and his hair is grayed and thin. Takashi is short and stout, clearly built more horizontally than vertically with a slight gut as proof. He wears a red tunic with tan shorts and a white sash, as well as a decorative banana worn like a headband on his head.
Personality: A generally nice man on the outside, but acts with a certain professional attitude while on duty. He prefers to get his work done quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly and the Saboteur has stressed him out greatly. Thus, he is much more irritable and jumpy than before, and would prefer for the ninja he hired to work quickly.
Motivations: Reaching the daily quota, producing quality products.
Fears: Failure, his Superiors, the Saboteur.
Other: /

Kyoto was surprisingly early this morning. He was standing at the corner of a building. His eyes were scary red and he had bags under them. He waits for his partner Seth, who he had going with him on this mission. Kyoto didn't get any sleep the night before hand and was very tired. He was probably too excited from all the missions he was doing. And he'll, along with his partner, make it to Chunnin soon. The two even met an new friend, Shizuo, and joined his group called "Konoha Guardians" which he thought was awesome. With a couple of yawns, Kyoto starts to doze off while standing. The time he was up, it could take Seth about 15 mins to wake up and come because Seth is normal and could actually sleep.(Or could he? xD) But who knew? Seth was probably as excited as Kyoto was about everything. And might have not slept either. But Kyoto tries to take a short rest.

WC: 167

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth leapt from roof top to roof top with considerable haste, not taking as much as a break to catch his breath. He had woken considerably late this morning and did not have much time to spare. He was to meet with Kyoto in just a few minutes, and Seth being a person who likes making a plan and sticking to it would loath to be late especially when he was the one that suggested the time to meet. The morning’s cold air burned in his lungs, his short breaths clearly visible in the morning rays.

 Seth stopped when he arrived at the silver refinery where he was supposed to meet his friend. He took a few moments to catch his breath sending vapors spiraling up a few meters before dissipating into the atmosphere. After catching his breath Seth took the time to look around for his teammate. It did not take him long to find Kyoto who seemed to be either napping or resting his eyes leaning angst the wall below Seth. Seth dropped down and clapped a hand down on his friends shoulder saying “Not sleeping on the job are we” laughing as he did so.            
WC 198/1000

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Once his good friend and partner Seth got there he put his hand on Kyoto. This alone was a shock to Kyoto, thus making his eyes shoot open. Reviling the redness and straining eyes he looks towards Seth. "Why...? I have yet to sleep!!" Kyoto begins to whine as tears slightly started down in a stream under his eyes. Seth reminded him that they had a mission to do, so with that he gets up off the wall extremely slowly and stands in very slouched position. Yawning very loudly and then stretching out his body,cracking it in the process."I need some coffee..But it can't be helped. Whats the job bro??" Kyoto asks as he most likely forgot the mission as he was too tired to pay much attention to it. He was more awake now so he could get the info from his pal.

Total WC: 315

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

Seth sighed. He should have guessed that his friend had hurried off here before fully understanding the mission requirements. “Lately the silver refinery has been experiencing issues.” Seth said starting to explain the mission parameters. “For the past week all of the silver they have been purifying has gone through the process and comes out unpurified. This greatly reduces the value of the silver causing the silver companies’ finances to plummet. The system has been checked but they can’t find any issues with it. So basically the only reason the silver should come out not purified is if someone is sabotaging it. It is our job to discover how the system is being sabotaged and who is doing it.” Seth said to Kyoto basically restating what the Hokage had told them the previous day. “You ready to get started?” Seth asked Kyoto walking into the refinery.            
WC 146 total WC 344/1000

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

OOC: lol Sorry bro >,< Was busy!

With his eyes closed, Kyoto gives Seth a very lazy thumbs up. He was too tiered to do any more than that. "Sorry bro..If anything goes down, you think you can handle it?" Kyoto was talking about if a fight were ever to break out, would Seth be able to do it alone. Group or a single guy, could Seth do it alone. If he really need help from Kyoto, he'll have no problem to help. Kyoto then starts to walk towards the entrance of the refinery. His eyes were still closed as he walks and yawn at the same time. Soon he winds up walking past the entrance of the building and straight, then as he continues he hits a wall, which made him jump and woke him up. He was sleep walking, and wasn't really himself today. Kyoto needed to get some rest before something was to happen.

WC: 153
Total: 468

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

OOC(no prob man happens to us all)
Seth looked at his friend who looked like he could keel over any second. This caused Seth a great amount of worry. Kyoto was one of the most active and positive person he knew. No matter what Kyoto always had a smile on his face, confidence brimming from him. A Kyoto with less energy than him was definite cause for alarm. "If you are not feeling well feel free to take it easy this time" Seth said patting Kyoto on the back. "If anything happens I will call you if I need help" Seth said with a smile turning around and heading deeper into the silver refinery. 

Seth made his way through the twist and turns of the large building. He had a guess on how the saboteur was ruining the silver's purification process. The silver was being ruined by minerals that were not being removed from the silver. The only possible way for this to happen was if the filters were tampered with. So, Seth asked a man named Takashi to show him all the locations of the filters throughout the building. Hopefully this would lead them to the saboteur.
WC 192 total WC 536/1000

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Allowing Kyoto to rest, Seth goes inside the silver refinery. "Best partner ever..." Kyoto says quietly to himself before falling asleep. Kyoto started to dream. He began to dream about him and Seth becoming the two most powerful ninja in the village. No in the whole world! They fought plenty of bad guys and was still unmatched in strength. After awhile, Kyoto dream switches up into the distant future. He sees him and Seth old. Even after all this time they were still the best of friends. But although this picture was very blurry, one distinguishing thing was pretty clear. One of the two wore the Hokage hat and robe. Quite frankly, Kyoto wasn't really qualified for that job, not even as an adviser. But he believed Seth qualified for both jobs excellently. If they would keep up this pace, Seth would most likely become the Hokage before Kyoto. Which didn't bother him one bit. Kyoto would love for his partner to become the Hokage.

WC: 167
Total: 635

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

They checked filter after filter. Seth was looking for a precise thing now. With the filters there would always be some residue from the last couple of times the silver was refined. Seth’s idea was that all they had to do was look for the filter that still had residue of the minerals the filter was supposed to take out after in the area after the filter. This way they could immediately tell which filter was the one being sabotaged. It was a simple idea but it would also be undeniable proof of the location of the sabotaged location. After finding the location all they would have to do will be waiting for the saboteur to come and then apprehend him. On the fifth filter Seth could not see any difference in the silver between the before and after part. Seth quickly called Takashi over saying “Hey what mineral is this filter supposed to take out?”

Takashi headed over to where Seth was standing and took a look. “This filter is to take the bits of calcite sand out of the mix.” He said to Seth giving him a confused look to why what the filter took out mattered at all. “I want you to look at the part after that, is the calcite still their?” Seth asked pointing at the place he was talking about. Takashi took a second looking at it then he suddenly jumped up with a yell. “It is still there this is where the dam problem in my system has been occurring” he screamed out in rage, only to be quickly hushed by Seth. “We need to keep this quite” Seth said to the very unhappy man. “I want you to go and announce that the workers are to get back to work and get this up and running. Let no one know we know the location of the problem. My friend and I will use our henge jutsu to pose as workers and keep an eye on this spot. As soon as the saboteur reveals himself we will apprehend him. You got all that?” Seth said explaining his plan to Takashi. He nodded and walked off to do as asked. Seth then turned to his friend and performed the henge. He then asked him “I know you are not feeling the best, if you want I can take care of this. However, if you want to stay that would make me feel better about this having you here as backup if I need it. But as I said whatever you want my friend” He finished putting his hand on Kyoto’s shoulder.
WC 437 Total WC 973/1000
jutsu used :
chakra 145/150

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto dream wasn't much after that, the rest was really all a blur. But now Seth comes to Kyoto telling him what they were going to do. Kyoto was now pretty rested. Rested enough to get a pep back into his step. Now Seth putting his hand on Kyoto's shoulder is what ultimately woke him up. "Heya man.." He said in a very tired voice. He was slightly surprised at the fact that he was using the transformation technique. But the surprised feeling quickly faded as he guessed that it was Seth speaking to him. Doing a kip up, Kyoto pops up to his feet and stretches out. Patting his stomach, his expression changes, from a very lazy and sleepy one to his normal and exciting face. "Seth! What are you doing like that!?!?" He asked as he was surprised although he had already seen him like this, while he was half awoke. "Ahh what ever!" Kyoto then uses Henge no Jutsu. Transforming into a guy that looks like a worker. He is wearing a hat that shades the upper part of his face. "I am now Takeda!" He says to Seth as he winks to him in a very obvious way and continuously, signaling Seth to play along with it. "We are pretending to be some workers right?? Have you found anything on the saboteur??? Speaking of this mission, I had an awesome dream! I'll tell you about it later." Kyoto was happy, and looked forward to this mission now that he is awake.

WC: 268
Total: 903
Jutsu used:

Seth Lualdi

Seth Lualdi

OOC(sorry for taking so long been busy with school and family stuff)
Seth was glad to see his friend was back to his regular self, even if he had not listened to the entire plan. “We are disguising ourselves so that the saboteur will not be surprised to see us. This is the spot where he or she does it; we are going to catch him in the act so we can have solid proof of the person who is doing this. As soon as he does it we will leap out and get him okay” Seth said to Kyoto in a hushed voice giving him the short version of the plan. It for a few minutes it was a huge bustle of movement as all the workers got to their positions. Once things settled down the silver started pumping through the system. There was a worker at the station that was having problems but he had yet to do anything out of the ordinary yet. About twenty minutes into the process another worker made his way over to the spot. He gave the guy a nod saying “Hey man take a quick break I will cover this for now” Seth was almost absolutely sure this was their guy. As soon as the other worker walked away the new one went to work removing the filter from the system. Seth leapt out to the left blocking his exit. He decided he would give Kyoto the part he liked best putting the beat down on the guy. Seth would just make sure he did not try to run. “You got this Kyoto”        
WC 259 Total WC 1232/1000

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto Yoshida

Kyoto watches on as the man who switched places with another worker started to do some fishy stuff. Then seeing Seth going left, Kyoto knew for sure that this was their guy. He then walks up behind the said man, smiling and cracking his knuckles after getting the go ahead from Seth. "Yo! Your reign of terror has come to a stop! For I am one of the Tenacious Duo of Konoha! And you'll pay for your crimes!!" Kyoto said with his hands on his hips and his chest sticking out, showing dominance. The man just laugh and pulls out a knife. The man didn't have any kind of form, showing Kyoto that he don't know what hes doing. Which puts a very disappointed look on his face. The man then rushes Kyoto with the knife raised but before he could bring down the knife to cut him, Kyoto just jabs him to sleep. "<,< This guy sucked..." He says to Seth after turning around to him with the same expression. Then the owner came to thank the two and said that they'll take it from here.

WC: 190
Total WC: 1093

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