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1Withering away (open) Empty Withering away (open) Fri Aug 03, 2012 9:33 am



Hira stood atop a hill looking over the mist village, his knews up with is arms placed on them. He was in a completly empty clearing other than the tree that was just a foot to his left. He drew his sword and jabbed it violently into the tree, much farther than he needed to. When he relaxed his grip the sword stayed motionless in the tree. He pulled out his water bottle and was about to take a drink but stopped when the bottle was close to his lips. For once he wasnt in the mood for water, he dumped the water out of the bottle then returned the now empty bottle to his waist. He said nothing as was the way he was when he got depressed. He reached over as if to retrieve his sword but instead grabbed the blade of it and without removing it from the tree slid his hand down the blade causing a cut on his hand to form that stated to bleed. He held out his hand in front of him and allowed the blood to drip slowly from his hand to the ground.

2Withering away (open) Empty Re: Withering away (open) Sun Aug 05, 2012 9:32 am



It was a cloudy day, and Night decided to climb the hill to relax. Their first ever test, where all of their members gathered for the first time, was ruined. Their newest member, Himi, ran away halfway in their test. "Dang, it hurts so bad. I didn't have the strength to protect her....That must be why she ran away. I should train harder.....I should start training. " Night looked up to the misty sky and thought, "Sigh.....But I guess Hira would've been hurt the most, since he liked Himi. " Shrugging off the thought, Night continued climbing the mountain. As he got to the peak, he saw Hira in front of a tree. The tree had a sword in it, and not only that, it was bleeding. As he looked closely, he saw Hira staring at his palm; his bloody palm. He then ran to Hira, tapped him on the shoulder and say, "Hira.....are you okay? I feel the same way too, but..... but....." Night paused and sighed. The words wouldn't come out of his mouth.

3Withering away (open) Empty Re: Withering away (open) Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:14 pm



Hira still looking at his bloody palm was sort of suprised when night tapped on his shoulder. As he watched night studder he knew exactly what his problem was, they were both taking the news about himi quite hard. Hira stood up, and placed the hand that wasnt bloody on nights shoulder "its ok night, i understand what your trying to say." he said sincerely. He turned back around after saying that and looked down at the mist village, to him it seemed as though his troubles are only just begining.

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