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26A Night Out (Toraika) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Night Out (Toraika) Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:01 am



Toraika smiled and her blush simply faded away. She wasn't so nervous anymore and the feeling she felt now after being in his arms was unlike any other she had ever had the pleasure of feeling. She then slid off of his lap and stood to her feet again which proved to be a bit difficult primarily because her knees were now weak. Gasping as she held onto a nearby chair for a few seconds to steady herself, she giggled at her clumsiness. She was normally extremely graceful, this day being an exception. She then realized that it had been a long time since she had been on her date, not just a simple hour and she knew her squad would be worried about her, especially since she didn't state where it was she was going. "I am glad and I had a wonderful time... It was truly amazing. But I have to go now. My Kazekage needs me back with her and I also have business to do back home. But I am sure I will see you again. After all, it would be impossible not to now." As she kissed his cheek by standing on her tiptoes, she walked to the door and let her guard come back up. It was still a dangerous time in Kiri. "I hope I see you again soon Dameon. And be careful. I don't want to see you in the morgue, regardless." She added at the end making sure he knew she planned on seeing him again, and that she had faith that he would be okay and stay alive.

27A Night Out (Toraika) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Night Out (Toraika) Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:13 am



Dameon smiled as well as he stood up with her and moved to catch her as she stumbled a bit. Dameon himself had been sitting so long he simply stood still to regain his balance as he followed her and listening to her as they walked. He assumed she would have had to go back to the village but was a little surprised it was so soon. He felt though that after the day they had spent together they would see each other again, even if he had to go to Suna himself to see her.

“Well seeing you sooner rather than later would be the best. I don’t know if I will ever stop thinking about you to be honest. You should be careful yourself there is a lot of fighting out there please be safe so I can make you dinner again,” he said with a warm smile as he kissed her again and opened the door turning the lights off and locking it, so it would lock once they both left. He would come back tomorrow and clean up.

28A Night Out (Toraika) - Page 2 Empty Re: A Night Out (Toraika) Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:02 pm



Toraika smiled and nodded at everything he said letting him know that she planned on doing just fine. She was strong enough and she knew she could protect herself from anything that might at her while she was alone but she worried for him. He walked her out the door kissing her goodbye and locked up the shop. As she waved goodbye and went her own way, she took a deep breath, breathing in the moist Kiri air that was laced with the blood of her enemies as well as her allies. She wanted nothing more than to stay and fight but she knew she was needed back in her own village. Her Lady Kazekage was requested into war and she had to go give her the mission. She also was sent word that she needed to get her new squad member and bring her back. On top of all of that, she was being specially trained by the Wasp Sage in Senjutsu. There was no telling how long or what she was going to have to do for that training. Making her way back to her camp carefully was easy enough and she would return to Suna first thing in the morning.

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