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1A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:30 am



The sun berated Navi and Sanosuke as they had traveled through the hot sands of Suna. It has been a while since Sanosuke had been put through the hot trial that was the Sunagakure sands. The hot earth splashed on his face almost burning his face by how hot the sand was. It made Sanosuke have to clench his fist to deal with the pain. They had been walking for about a couple of hours now in this heat. Taking big steps that was large by yard, Sanosuke also had Toraika on him to follow him every step of the way. The group walked over large hills of sand that almost had Sanosuke trip several times. The sand was so delicate that just putting a bit too much pressure with every step he took, could lead to him falling in buried alive by the sand. Just so he wouldn't slip again, Sanosuke applied a small bit of chakra on the bottom of his feet so he could have something holding him up. When the sands would get violent the jounin would swirl chakra around his body to counterract the swirling sands from hitting him. While they were  walking, Navi was safely tucked away in a glass jar in his coat inside pocket. She would not be flying in this weather because she could be taken off flying in uncharted territory if she did that. It was the only choice she had so that she can go with them. While being in the jar, Sanosuke could tell that she was hating every minute of it. Even though they didn't have a telepathic link, Sanosuke could feel the anger that was developing in the jar. This was going to be a pain in the ass when Sanosuke chose to open the jar.

Why they were walking this far in the desert? Well when Sanosuke and Toraika got to Suna, the jounin was told by Toraika that she wanted to learn from the bird clan about their art of senjutsu. Navi told Sanosuke that the bird clan along with the wasp clan are rather closely related to each other in terms of history. So it was possible that Sanosuke could be able to pinpoint the location of the bird senjutsu clan. Sanosuke lead the girl to the library where they researched the exact location of where the clan could be located. Unlike the wasp clan, it seemed as the birds didn't mind people to know where they were living. There was books upon books about their existence. From tales, folklore and even people traveling there. So that was a good thing, they at least knew where they were traveling rather than just walking in circles in a dessert. Accordinng to the books they found, the bird clan was located at the heart of the harshest desserts causing sandstorms. It was a tale that the bird clan was responsible for creating the sandstorms in Sunagakure. In his time doing research Sanosuke learned that with every tale or myth, there is a bit of truth in it. By traveling through the harshest desserts they could probably get a read on the location of the Bird Clan.

Turning around, he wanted to make sure that Toraika was still following him. The glare the sun was giving in his eye was making it hard for Sanosuke to see. The wind chakra that Sanosuke had wrapped around himself was so that no sand would get in his eyes. "Toraika! You're still with us right?" Sanosuke called out. The sound of the sandstorm was drowning out his yell so he had to call out to his friend louder so she can have a chance at hearing him..

2A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Thu Nov 28, 2013 6:03 pm



Toraika was looking forward to anything that might come their way. She had read about the Bird Clan for as long as she could remember. She loved how they had so much power while they were in their element. The Suna deserts typically had terrible and brutal sandstorms that would keep the village locked inside their homes for days and little did she know that there was a myth that told of the Bird Clan creating those very same storms in anger of the village. Suna itself had no trees to be seen  except for the oasis that lay hidden away from the village, and there was rarely a bird seen flying over Suna that wasn't a vulture. Vultures. Those were terrible creatures that Toraika disliked for the main reason of them living by standards that Toraika stood against. They would stand over dying animals or people and await for their death to fly in and eat what was left of them. That didn't only break her spirits, but it also broke her heart. She was the exact opposite. If she saw a creature of any kind of living thing dying, she would go to them as quickly as possible and bring them back to life. Never had Toraika has someone die on her. Having that happen was actually one of her largest fears. She absolutely dreaded the thought. The birds she loved most were the white doves that flew over her village in the summer. Those were her favorite. Those birds stood for peace, love, and tranquility. They are loyal to their first and only love and always work together for things of the greater good. Not only that, they stood for innocence. This meant the most to her. The world was an innocent place at heart in her eyes. There were things she had seen in Kiri that had changed the way she looked out upon the earth but she still stood strong in her beliefs. The world will one day have perfect peace and there will be no pain or suffering. If the world would cry as one, it would be more gentle. That was what she believed. Though she knew it would be hard to get to that day. It would take time and pain and suffering to accomplish her goals. Death was sometimes necessary if the person did not deserve life. That was why she searched out the Bird Clan. She wanted them to help her train within their nature energy. The doves especially.
All this time Toraika had been lost in her thoughts as she walked the desert with her Senjutsu Master, Sanosuke-sama. She was excited for the journey and was having a great time so far. She watched Sanosuke-sama struggling in the strong desert winds and it was amusing watching him stumble over the large sand dunes. Once he put the chakra at his feet, he stumbled less but he still looked like he was suffering. It made her giggle. This was just another day in her home for her. She was born and raised here in this brutal desert that showed no mercy to outsiders. Outsiders such as Sanosuke-sama himself. "Toraika! You're still with us right?" She giggled lightly at him as he asked her that. She had been walking right behind him the entire time with no problem at all as if she was only walking along a paved street. Toraika simply covered her head and face with her long scarf that she wore around her neck that also bore her metal headband plate. It was wrapped all around her head and there was a small area she left open for her eyes to see where she was going but not enough room so that sand would fly into her eyes. To be able to walk or run in the sand without any issue, it took a lot of chakra control practice and living on the sand her entire life, as well as learning to walk in sandstorms as a baby, really helped her with that situation. She then decided to just tease Sanosuke a little since he was having so much trouble in the desert and she felt it just another walk in the park. Skipping forward to walk directly beside him instead of behind him, so that he could now see her, she continued to skip beside him along the sand. "Of course I am! Nothing on Earth could stop me from this journey! Come on, keep up! I didn't know you aged this much since we last were together!" Giggling as she continuously skipped along side him, she smiled and kept her head high, looking to the future and what approached her.
Senjustu Training WC: 1438/5000

3A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Fri Nov 29, 2013 2:06 am



Sand danced into his eyes while looking straight ahead in front of him in hopes that he might able to spot the Bird Clan realm. It was only minutes before Sanosuke concluded his search for the Bird Clan. There was too much sand dancing around rapidly in the air with freighting velocity that was so tight. The wind chakra that Sanosuke has woven around his body was trying its best to keep and sand from breaking in, but in the end some of it drizzled on him. There was only so much fuuton chakra that he could muster up before it just spits around without any control from a master whatsoever. This weather was so insane and controlled by the winds, being at the mercy of the dessert; this climate was impossible for people to live in without any shown difficulty. It took a significant amount of chakra manipulation for him to stay this close to the desert storm without being blown away into the unforgiving land with broken bones that would be caused by being swung around carelessly by the desert sandstorm nature vortex. It was impossible for anyone to be in this land with ease.

"Of course I am! Nothing on Earth could stop me from this journey! Come on, keep up! I didn't know you aged this much since we last were together!" Toraika said giggling at Sanosuke; mocking her teacher. Skipping forward to walk directly beside him instead of behind him, so that he could now see her, she continued to skip beside him along the sand. That was natural, she of course was from this village. So she was able to survive this harsh climate with ease and not any chakra usage on her part at all; unlike Sanosuke. Sanosuke just watched at Toraika was skipping around happily without a care in the world when they were practically walking along two sandstorms.

"Damn it Toraika, stop annoying me! I'm trying to focus here!!" Sanosuke barked annoyed at how easily Toraika was dealing with the situation they were in. A tick mark was pulsing on his left temple furiously, this was just annoying. Sanosuke took the time to look around there area. Even though they were walking along these two sandstorms, they weren't being swept away at all. This was all according to plan. There had to be some pseudo entrance to the lair of the Bird Clan that would make it seem as though it was impossible to see. Sanosuke had been following the sandstorm along it to see if there was an anomalies in the sandstorm. The chakra he had around him was not only to protect him from sand but gently touching the sandstorm as though it was his hand. He was looking for some sort of false wall. The Sennin didn't find anything until they were walking around the sandstorm close to 2 hours. But they had finally found it. Looking up, Sanosuke noticed that the sunlight of the harsh desert sun was blocked; thus shadowing both Sanosuke and Toraika. This was promising indeed.

Stopping his walking, Sanosuke turned to face Toraika. "All right Toraika, that's far enough. There's no hope in us going on a death sentence to find the  Bird Clan. If we walk any closer, we'll be sliced to pieces by these high winds." Sanosuke explained to his friend. A scoop of sand was in his right hand, in the sand there was also a gecko. He tossed the gecko at the sandstorm that was on their side. The poor sand creacher was sliced to ribbons. Blood splatted on the desert floor, which was swept away by the whirlwind. Walking in there would indeed be a blood bath.

"We're going to simply bring the birds to us. If Wasps and the Bird Clan are closely related to one another, then my chakra should attract them. But I'll need you help to do so." Sanosuke explained. Taking a seat down on the desert floor, Sanosuke got in a meditative stance while speaking. He had only one eye closed and the other one opened. "I'm going to focus on gathering chakra around me and radiate it like a beacon. But in order for us to really be noticed, I'm going to need you to match chakra levels with me so that we can amplify the chakra beacon level. With you helping I'm sure the birds would notice and come and investigate."

He wasn't particularly sure if this plan of his would work or not; hell he was only about 30% sure this would work. It was the only plan they could think of, so if this didn't work out then they would be back at square one. When he finished speaking, Sanosuke closed both eyes and began focusing chakra around his body. He focused on his chakra buzzing that was around his body. He was drawing from nature the chakra he needed so that he could make the beacon stronger. Lightning danced around the chakra cloak that he had dressed around his body. Wind put out every spark of static that came up, to only see it spark up once more. The chakra he had around his body was large enough, but from far away it would be hard to see. His chakra was too frizzy, and large. It would take a lot of concentration and willpower on Toraika's part to increase the clarity of Sanosuke's chakra signal he wants to give the Bird Clan. "Focus on matching my level of chakra I'm gathering. You need to clear the static of my chakra I'm giving off in order increase the visually of my senjutsu chakra. The Wasp Sennin lectured to the girl while his eyes were closed and at the same time he was focusing on raising the chakra levels he was gathering.

4A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Sat Nov 30, 2013 9:04 pm



Toraika knew that this was difficult for her Master Sanosuke-sama, and she valued him as well as looked up to him above all. He was absolutely breathtaking when he fought and purely watching him train as she had so many times made her heart rate pick up. She was proud he was her teacher and hearing about how his strength matched that of the Raikage's from random shinobi she met on her travels, it was absolutely flattering on her part. Perhaps if she grew a little stronger and became a master of Senjutsu, people would regard her with similar respects. She loved to learn and she loved that she had a Master to teach her anything and everything she needed to know about being a shinobi. Of course she had a squad of her own but that was it's own story. It was composed of a puppet user named Malacanth, an iron sand user named Hotaru, and a new girl named Sammey she also needed to meet while in Suna. And with how her journey was going so far, that wouldn't be too soon. The winds had suddenly picked up and it was now difficult for even her to walk in the storm. She had stopped skipping and was now walking alongside her Master. He seemed to be struggling even more than before now but that was to be expected. He seemed to have gotten angry with her for teasing him but it seemed more out of annoyance for her having a wonderful time walking in the sandstorm, and him struggling beyond belief. Sighing and breathing in a breath of somewhat clean air, she halted beside her Master who stopped dead in his tracks. "All right Toraika, that's far enough. There's no hope in us going on a death sentence to find the Bird Clan. If we walk any closer, we'll be sliced to pieces by these high winds." Then he proceeded to kneel down, scooping up a small gecko, and throwing it in front of them at the blazing sandstorms ahead of them. Now she understood why they had stopped now. There was deadly sand storm with winds that could shred a body to pieces. This was proven correct by the gecko that was now in slices and being blown away with the storm. "No we can't just give up after coming all this way! Please there must be another way to reach them! I know we are really close, let's find a way." Directly after she spoke, she watched her Master sit on the ground in a meditative position. "We're going to simply bring the birds to us. If Wasps and the Bird Clan are closely related to one another, then my chakra should attract them. But I'll need you help to do so."

Toraika, prior to hearing this, nodded and immediately crossed her legs on the ground watching him carefully on instructions on what she was to do next. "I'm going to focus on gathering chakra around me and radiate it like a beacon. But in order for us to really be noticed, I'm going to need you to match chakra levels with me so that we can amplify the chakra beacon level. With you helping I'm sure the birds would notice and come and investigate." Toraika liked this plan. She was going to have to work really hard to accomplish it and for it to work, but it would be so much worth it if it really did. She closed her eyes and breathed in another breath full of sandy air. There was nothing that would stop her. She was absolutely sold on her Master's plan. He was wise and had to have been strong to get where he is today. Surely his plan would work with no problem at all. She focused strictly on the feel, power, intensity and all around essence of his chakra. It was powerful for sure and he was even amplifying it. Next she worked with rounding her chakra flow and meeting his with her own. She had a bit less than he did but he was stronger than her after all, so it was to be expected. She tried harder and harder and she could feel her chakra burning her insides from such intense chakra control, but she was never going to give up. She was a Medical Nin after all, and that required the utmost chakra control. "Focus on matching my level of chakra I'm gathering. You need to clear the static of my chakra I'm giving off in order increase the visually of my senjutsu chakra." It was true. His senjutsu chakra was unlike anything she had ever seen or felt. He gave off this buzzing sound and his chakra was buzzing along with it. This had to do with being the Wasp Sage for sure. Whimpering lightly she focused her chakra into being let loose wildly around her and through her, then careful defined it to match his. Making it grow slowly to fit his was definitely not working, so cutting it down was her next option. So far, it was working too. Molding chakra was what she did everyday with her Medical Training, and this was the same idea, though there was more to mold and it was a lot harder to form it the way she wanted to. She wished she could just be walking in the sand again. That was much easier for her. Though this was a huge step towards what she was going to have to do to gain senjutsu training. Finally her chakra was nearly identical to his in volume and it was defining her Master's as well to help amplify his Sage charka. "Am I doing this correctly Master?" She kept her eyes closed and spoke softly to keep from ruining her chakra control. Her voice was softer than normal and she could tell. She hoped that what she said was even audible over the sound of her Master's chakra and the rushing of the sandstorm's surrounding them. More than anything she hoped that the birds would be attracted to their chakra soon. Actually she didn't even know what would happen when or if they did come at all. If they did, would she be learning from them there, or would they even reject her as a sage and send her away back to square one. It was now making her lose her focus and this alarmed her as she quickly recollected herself. She always lost herself in her 'what if' thoughts but now wasn't the time. Right now, she was to do anything her Master told her to do, no questions asked and obediently follow his orders, no matter how rude or demanding he sounded. She was happy to do so after all.

Senjutsu Training WC: 2594/5000

5A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Sat Nov 30, 2013 10:07 pm



Before closing his eyes, the sight of Toraika sitting next to him cross legged like himself was the last thing he saw. This was before he closed and began on the task of focusing his chakra so that he can try reaching to the Bird Clan with a large chakra beacon he was giving off. Focusing on the chakra at hand was a rather simple thing he could do. All he was doing was just sparking up his chakra loudly without any restraint. Anyone child from the academy that had just began chakra controlling can blast chakra like he was doing. To blast chakra loudly so that a being from the inside of this wickedly strong sandstorm to sight the chakra beacon was something that the academy student normally do. This was a task that only a sage of his calibur could pull off easily. Not a single bead of sweat was coming down his face as he focused on summoning a large portion of chakra. This task was childs play for the sennin, but for his student this might be something she might do. When Sanosuke had said this plan has about a 30% chance of success the low amount of success was on Toraika's fault. If he was with someone whom was perhaps stronger, then they would be able to attract the bird clan without any difficulty. However Toraika was with him so this might be hard to get the bird clan's attention.

This was the first time that Toraika has ever felt Sanosuke's chakra ever. It must be terrifying to feel the true pressure of sage's chakra. Sanosuke could feel the girl slipping a trying to match the exact pressure of the buzzing , static filled chakra signature that she was giving off. A sigh escaped from his lips as he peaked from his eyes to check on the progress Toraika was making on matching his chakra level. The amount of chakra that she was gathering was no where close to matching Sanosukes. "Focus. You must try and find another way to accomplish the task I gave you Toraika" Sanosuke said in a low voice so that she could hear him. That's when he could feel his chakra being molded, it caught him off guard. A smile found his way on his face as he looked at Toraika focusing hard on amplifying Sanosuke's chakra signature. Well, well, well. Didn't see that coming... Sanosuke mentally said as he observed is chakra being unraveled from the static he was giving off. The buzzing sensation of his chakra was lessening as Toraika unraveled his chakra to make it clearer. That was certainly an idea to forcefully mold his chakra to make it less static was an idea indeed. To be able to do this was something that would demand someone with high level of chakra control to accomplish such a feat. He could already feel his chakra being amplified with Toraika's assistance.

"Am I doing this correctly Master?" Toraika spoke as she had her eyes tightly closed focusing on the task. Sanosuke had his eyes opened now. His chakra levels were high enough so that he no longer had to focus on raising his chakra levels, just maintaining this high level of chakra was something that he could do easily without much mental strain. He watched as Toraika began to focus more and more chakra on molding his. This might actually work, but just barely though.

"Yes Toraika, bravo! Now that you cleared up my chakra, unleash everything you have in your chakra. Use all of your chakra you can to match mine. Clearing up my chakra signature should make it easier to match levels with mine" Sanosuke said. He was watching Toraika carefully. A strange sense of deja vu washed over Sanosuke as he watched his new student in senjutsu struggle in her training. When she asked her to train her, Sanosuke saw the look in her eyes. It was the same look in her eyes that Sanosuke had so long ago. "Put everything you have into this Toraika, there's no assing this. Give me everything you got!"

The chakra he was gathering around his body had grew so large. Looking at Toraika, there was a large beam of chakra that was gathering around her body. It must be the largest she's ever summoned at once. The chakra that was coming from the two were interwined. Sanosuke was surely certain that this was enough to summon the birds. At first Sanosuke wasn't too sure if Toraika had it in her to focus chakra to match his. But now the Wasp Sennin was sure that they could get the clan's attention. That's when a voice could be heard from within the the sandstorm. It sounded as though it was coming from the other side of the blasting winds.

"Wasp Sennin. State your business here"

6A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:40 am



Toraika used her Master's voice to guide her through her struggle of focusing her chakra and his into one. It was still proving to be difficult but she was doing it. There was so much on the line. Her future, her dreams, her goals and even their lives. There was no way to travel at the moment any longer if the winds didn't die down or the Bird Clan let them into their safe domain. She was more than mortified by what happened to the poor gecko that her Master slaughtered and left to blow away in the sand. Though that was how she wanted to die when it was her time. She wanted to be let loose in a sandstorm and be left to wander the desert for all eternity. She loved her village and her home that much. Though now wasn't her time. She had too much going on and too much ahead of her to die here. She had made promises to so many people she intended to keep. There was nothing stopping her now. "Yes Toraika, bravo! Now that you cleared up my chakra, unleash everything you have in your chakra. Use all of your chakra you can to match mine. Clearing up my chakra signature should make it easier to match levels with mine." The only sound that left her lips was a small whimper of agreement and understanding. Upon hearing this, she she relaxed and let her chakra flow through her body freely but also defined it and kept it in line if it tried to release itself freely from her body. She was so lost in her thoughts and holding the control she had exactly the way she had it, that once he began to shout something to her, she completely zoned into his voice, still keeping her focus on her chakra. "Put everything you have into this Toraika, there's no assing this. Give me everything you got!" She immediately did as she was told obediently and released all her chakra she had been syncing with his and sent it from her body straight up to the sky and opened her eyes to see it mixing with her Masters. She suddenly blushed from embarrassment watching this. She had actually been powerful enough to match her Master's chakra? That absolutely blew her mind. Once she watched their chakra flow and dance all around above them, it actually brought a smile to her light pink face. Chakra was such a pretty thing to watch as it was out of body, she had always thought so. The next thing she knew, the wind picked up only slightly as the sand stirred around them at a completely new rate. She looked at her Master confused as to what was actually happening since she honestly had no clue. But more than anything she hoped it was the Bird Clan coming for them. She truly wished they were friendly as she was too. It would make everything that much better. Seconds later, her suspicions were put to rest when there was a loud voice heard over the buzzing of hers and her Master's chakra and the wind of the sandstorms.  It was like a new thing to her and it brought her warmth inside, regardless of how stern and hard the voice sounded. It brought her a great feeling all over. "Wasp Sennin. State your business here." She snapped her gaze from the direction of the voice in the storm to her Master. She wanted to know exactly what he would say. Would he just tell them to let them in, or would he tell them every little detail. Maybe just the basic needed details. Either way, she waited for his response anxiously.

Senjutsu Training WC: 3224/5000

7A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:41 am



"Wasp Sennin. State your business here."

The voice was boomingly loud. It was as though just the sound of the voice was so loud that it silenced the sounds that was coming from the whirling sounds that was coming from the sandstorms that was surrounding the pair. Sanosuke looked towards the source of the noise. It was coming from the heart of the sandstorm that was directly in front of them. The sound had slightly surprised the sennin, it made him slightly jump while he was sitting. For a split second he was blindly searching for the source of the voice. When he found it, Sanosuke smiled to himself once more. He had found yet another hidden senjutsu clan. These were definitely the birds they were looking for. Even though the odds were against them, they had pulled through. But Sanosuke must address the voice that was directed right at them. Sanosuke got up from his sitting position and cut off the chakra that he was focusing. He activated a small amount of senjutsu chakra in a veil that was wrapped around his body so that it would give them the signature of wasp style senjutsu chakra to the bird clan.

Sanosuke looked towards the spiraling whirlwind of sand that was before him. Chakra came from his throat as he spoke. "I am here, a Sennin of the Wasps to seek counsel with the leader of your village." Sanosuke began to speak. His voice was amplified greatly but not loud enough so that his voice would not be louder than the voice that was coming from behind the sandstorm. A discrete buzzing could be heard from Sanosuke's voice as chakra was amplifying his voice. It must be an effect of using wasp style senjutsu chakra to amplify to volume of his voice.

There was a silence in the desert. Even the sandstorms were quieted as Sanosuke waited for a response. If they were to deny the request, even though there was no reason why the birds would not accept the request, there was nothing much they can do. This place was casted in wind. Most of Sanosuke's arsenal was not set for combating against wind type defenses so Sanosuke couldn't just tear open the sandstorm. Even if he did, it would be disrepsectful and they would never teach Toraika after that stunt. So Sanosuke would have to patiently wait for the bird's response. Finally it spoke. "You may pass" was all it said as the sound of flapping could be heard. It grew louder and louder with volume. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of wings flapping in the air. It was even louder than the sandstorm itself. Winds kicked up drastically. Sanosuke held up his hands defend himself from the relentless winds that was threatening to pushing him backwards and sending him flying into the desert sandstorm. Must keep it together..." Sanosuke mentally chanted as he tried to withstand the winds.

When the winds died down, there seemed to be an entrance made out of wind. It was like a wind tunnel that was pulling both Sanosuke and Toraika pulled into the direction of the voice. This was their way of letting them enter into the location of the Bird Clan. The wind tunnel was threatening them with strong enough winds to suck them into its grip against their will. It was more like the sucking wind was just directing them towards its stomach so that it may lead them to the Birds they were searching for. Now Toraika would get the training she seek. Sanosuke turned to look at his student. The girl was strong indeed and using this much chakra must leave the girl with little to no energy left. Even though she wasn't quite as strong as Sanosuke, she was putting everything into matching his chakra. The kid was strong. It seemed as though she would make a splendid sennin. Turning back around to the wind tunnel that would take them to the Bird Clan, Sanosuke walked over to it and rose his hand.

"Come on gaki, we're heading out." Sanosuke said as he walked into the wind tunnel that was in the direction of the voice. Forceful winds sucked Sanosuke into the sandstorm without any harm coming to his body as he traveled to the location of the bird clan.

8A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:53 am



Toraika was completely amazed with her Master. He was so intimidating and fearless. The way he projected his voice so that it was heard vibrating throughout the desert, made her stomach vibrate as well just from being a few feet away from him. She was so scared yet so anxious at the same time. She wanted nothing more but to get to the Bird Clan and meet with its leader. She wondered what type of bird the leader would be. Before she had been going through the different birds she looked up to and the ones she frowned upon. She mentally begged the world for the leader of the Bird Clan to be a bird of good nature. She pleaded the world that it wasn't a bird of darkness such as an owl or a crow or a raven. She had heard of the Raven Sage. His name was Tame and he had done many terrible things to the shinobi world. Of course nothing as terrible as Hao did, but still terrible things, and he was even still alive. That just went to show that if she gained the power of the wrong bird, she could be manipulated into being something terrible as well. This made her a bit nervous. She didn't want to destroy her dreams with clouded judgement of nature energy of an evil being. She quickly shook the thought away as she realized he had lost focus again and had missed the entire conversation her Master and the voice had had. Now there was a giant wind tunnel sucking her Master in and at the last second had sucked her in as well. She didn't really see it coming so she went flying through the air upside down. It was a scary feeling. She started to scream not realizing where she was or anything. That was until the wind tunnel opened up and let her loose with her Master ahead of her. Quickly she composed herself once she saw the opening. She moved so that she would be on her feet and land that way once she hit the ground. It worked too. Now she was standing in grass as the wind tunnel disappeared behind her. She gracefully had stepped out of it like she had never been scared in the first place at all. Besides, she had always been graceful. It was one of the best things about her in her own opinion, and she was even somewhat like a cat in the way she always landed on her feet. She liked to think that was why her name was Toraika. It was the tiger in her, her parents believed she had in her at birth. 

She began to look around as the sand cleared and it was breathtaking. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. There were birds of all shapes and sizes flying around in different flocks all around her and there were trees of all types surrounding the area as well. It was all stationed within the sandstorms since they covered the border as the land as far as she could tell. There was even a large lake with small waterfalls trickling down from the small mountain like cliffs at the edge of the Bird Clan. It was the most magnificent thing she had ever experienced. It was somewhat of a dream in the way it was her heaven. She loved the water and she loved trees and fresh air. She mostly loved the birds. She was even what you could call jealous in a way. She wanted to fly like them. Sure, she had jutsu that let her manipulate the wind around her to fly, but she wanted wings that could take her anywhere she wanted. Like a child in a candy store, she shook those feelings of wonderment away, she stepped forward to her Master. "So I see we are here... I knew you would not let me down, Master." She then smiled t him and awaited whatever bird it was that spoke to them through the sand storm to show them their leader.

Senjutsu Training WC: 3921/5000

9A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Sun Dec 01, 2013 1:11 pm



The landscape was indeed beautiful of the Bird Clan. Grass that was so green and pure that it seemed as though it was made out of shards of emeralds. The droplets of water that were clinging onto the blades of grass so that it looked like pure grained crystals. It was the sight of the crystal that resembled water droplets that was so clear that he could see his reflection. Trees were uprooted from the ground. The ground itself was crafted so that trees were not growing under but just part of the grass itself. Sanosuke looked up in the skies to see that the clouds in the sky were so pure. Just feeling the natural chakra of the clouds, it felt as though it was so delicate that just sensing too much of the clouds might make it poof out of existence. In fact just about anything in the field was so fragile. Birds from all shapes and sizes flew around happily. They were either flying aimlessly in the skies or they were lounging near the pure bodies of water that was brilliantly placed throughout the land. Even though when looking upwards, there was no sun that was visible. But looking around, he could sense that traces of the whirlwind that protected the Bird Clan location still existed. The winds seemed to be carrying sunlight to illuminate the the field. The way how the light traveled left a visual sun with no actual purpose to the Bird Clan.

So this is the heart of the storm... Sanosuke thought to himself as he looked around. Two birds were before him and Toraika. They both were swans who's feathers were so elegantly groomed that it shined like they were made out of diamonds. Both of them were the exact copy of each other. The swans were 5 feet tall and stood with the utmost posture. Their posture didn't look unsteady at all. Curves in their necks were more to an angle than normal swans. On both of their foreheads had the same markings that greatly resembled buddhist markings on them. The birds had the green of eyes and didn't say a word as they took off flying deeper towards the open grasslands of the Bird Clan. The message that was in their movement was simple; follow them to their leader. Sanosuke rose his shoulders and dropped them before he started to follow the birds with Toraika following him closely.

As they walked he noticed that Toraika was staring there in a daze. She was trying to take in as much of the surroundings as possible. It made Sanosuke smile. This made him feel like he was a new student to wasp senjutsu all over again. To think it was one year ago where he was in the same shoes that Toraika was in; the shoes of an eager student. Though Sanosuke had a rougher first start than the Suna kunoichi was having. Sanosuke hopped that Toraika would have a better learning course than he was given. "So I see we are here... I knew you would not let me down, Master." She then smiled t him and awaited whatever bird it was that spoke to them through the sand storm to show them their leader. It caused a small blush to burn slightly on his face with embarrassment. He looked away and closed his eyes as he walked.

"If you have times to give thanks, then you have time to detect that we have company" Sanosuke said trying to change the subject as he stopped walking. The swans that were in front of him stopped flying further. They were swirling in circles above them. So it seems as though they were finally where the swans were supposed to be. But the only question was where would Sanosuke would detect the leader of the bird clan.

Even before Sanosuke could reach into the land to try his best to detect the leader of the Bird Clan, he was given an answer. It was done without needing to have to resort to sensing the field to find the leader. A giant looming shadow was casted above both the wasp sennin and the suna kunoichi. Sanosuke looked upwards to find the swans were flying in circles under the shadow as well. It grew larger and larger with every passing second. After a few more seconds, the two swans that directed them flew out of the shadows and landed on the ground. With a giant whoosh, Sanosuke noticed the shadow had landed in a giant pond that looked to be 50 meters wide. When they had stopped walking, they were just at the edge of the pond. Wind kicked up gently as the giant swan landed gracifully in the water. The swan was even more beautiful. It was shining so brightly that it was glowing with beauty. Its bill was pure white that it greatly resembled pearls. The eyes of the swan were emerald green eyes that glowed with power. Just like the markings that were on the two swans that guided Sanosuke and Toraika, it was on this giant swan as well. The markings were on its forehead and trailed all the way to its wings.

"I am the great sage of the Bird Clan, Aelita. You are the Wasp Sennin, Sanosuke Flynt. What business do you have with us brother senjutsu user?" the swan said with such a beautiful feminine voice that it sounded like the voice of an angel. She could tell just by the small veil of senjutsu chakra that was still on his body. So Sanosuke's hypothesis was correct. The Wasp Clan and the Bird Clan were like brothers and sisters to each other, so it made sense that they would want to heart what Sanosuke had to say when he was this close to their territory. If he wasn't needed as a mediator, Sanosuke would see no point in him going; Toraika could have done this herself.

Getting himself together, he looked at the great sage Aelita. "Aelita-sama, I have come before you because this young Suna shinobi by the name of Toraika would like to be taught in your style of senjutsu" Sanosuke said. He patted Toraika's head to show the great sage whom he was talking about. Aelita looked at Toraika with interest. She was trying to peer into the girl's heart to see if she was really worth being taught. "I am only here as a mediator for the girl. You have my approval of a sennin from the brother clan of the wasps, taught by past Queen Melike and current great sage Queen Titania, that Toraika would make an excellent student in your art of senjutsu."

Aelita took time to take int he request she was given. It seemed as though she was trying to figure out if shes should of not. Then there was pressure coming from the great sage. She was peering down on Sanosuke's student. Emerald eyes of Aelita glowed with power while bearing down upon Toraika. This amount of pressure she was giving off made him feel like he did when he was in the presence of Queen Melike. It made him remember how much he squirmed at the pressure when the Queen did this to him. Finally Aelita spoke after minutes of just observing Toraika. "Is that true little one?" she asked Toraika.

10A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Mon Dec 02, 2013 1:03 am



Toraika was still taking in the scenery and still speechless to the sight she was be holding. The things she was seeing were absolutely incredible and unexplainable. How these things thrived in the desert was beyond her comprehension. She still felt like a child in a candy store. Then as she was about to ask her Master where the voice was that spoke to them, her question was answered before it was asked. Two large swans stood before her and her Master. They were only a bit taller than she was and absolutely beautiful. They were elegant and delicate and as perfect as they could be. Before any words were exchanged between the two couples, the swans flew forward at a slow pace with her Master following behind them on foot. Toraika followed behind him and was sure to stay only a foot away in case they didn't accept her there for not being a sennin in the first place. She was so close to becoming a sennin she could taste it. After thanking her Master, he came up with some smart remark to bully her, though she saw the red tint to his face which made her giggle. She wouldn't let anything stop her now. Though the next thing she felt was a strong powerful chakra directly above them. She slowly looked up to see a large swan the size of a giant towering over her and her Master. It sent off intimidation but she could sense how powerful it was. "I am the great sage of the Bird Clan, Aelita. You are the Wasp Sennin, Sanosuke Flynt. What business do you have with us brother senjutsu user?" She gasped lightly from how loud it's voice vibrated through her body. Though now that she spoke she saw that the swan gave off a sense of absolute beauty, grace, strength, tranquility and wisdom. Lady Aelita was exactly as she had prayed she was. She was a bringer of peace and love, and even Toraika could sense that. She looked at her master awaiting to hear his response to Lady Aelita. "Aelita-sama, I have come before you because this young Suna shinobi by the name of Toraika would like to be taught in your style of senjutsu." Even her Master seemed to be intimidated by the giant swan leader of the Bird Clan. The next thing he said flattered her and she even blushed a bit, not just because she was flattered obviously, but because she was embarrassed. After all they didn't even ask her to let Toraika learn, they just sort of told her she was going to learn her senjutsu ways. Toraika hoped that Lady Aelita would let her learn of her sage techniques though she got skeptical as she leaned over her and glared deeply into her soul. She hoped what she was thinking was good things and not judging her in any way. Now she unwrapped her shard from her head so she could look the safe in the eyes and so that's she could look back into Toraika's. Toraika's eyes were soft and full of innocence and her heart had positives outlooks on everything as well as a naive personality. The swans still stared through her with judgement and wisdom. After a few minutes of their silent state down, the swan sage spoke. "Is that true little one?" Lady Aelita asked her still staring down upon her. Toraika nodded and felt seriousness overcome her. "Yes m'lady. I mean it. I want nothing more than to learn all you have to teach me and let me learn. I want to become one with the birds and expose your strength to the world. Especially spread your peace and love Lady Aelita. The shinobi world needs peace and love more than ever. Please accept me as a sennin." She still kept eye contact hoping she would agree and let her train. She would not know how to react of her answer was no.

Senjutsu Training WC: 4594/5000

11A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:28 am



"Yes m'lady. I mean it. I want nothing more than to learn all you have to teach me and let me learn. I want to become one with the birds and expose your strength to the world. Especially spread your peace and love Lady Aelita. The shinobi world needs peace and love more than ever. Please accept me as a sennin." Toraika said pleadingly to Aelita while attempting her best to be as humble as possible. She was before a great sage after all. Showing how humble you are was the key. So she would have to try her best to show Aelita that she meant only the purest of intentions when she wanted to learn the bird style of senjutsu. When she spoke to Aelita, her words were sincere. Along the ferry ride, Sanosuke remembered Toraika telling Sanosuke about her reasons for being a sage in senjutsu. But hearing her speak like this to the great sage of bird style senjutsu; it just made her reasons more pure and from the heart, she was literally telling the great sage everything from the heart; uncensored, filterred description about her undying love to to the shinobi world. It even left Sanosuke baffled at words. Toraika....

Finally Aelita looked at Toraika with interest in her eyes. The whole time the giant swan looked at Aelita. The emerald eyes of the giant swan never wandered from the suna kunoichi whom was desperately pleading her case for the swans to teach them their way in senjutsu. The way Aelita was looking at Toraika, it was as though she was still contemplating her decision. Sanosuke wondered if he should speak on Toraika's behalf once more, but that would be redundant and most likely annoy the bird great sage; making her chances of accepting Toraika's pleas of being taken as a sage drop. It was all up to Aelita now. Both Sanosuke and Toraika showed their hands to the swan; there was nothing the two can do. A wing from Aelia was raised with the utmost grace. Water droplets still hung from each delicate feather from the swan's wing. The ways she gracefully raised it was as though she was simply moving in slow motion. Sanosuke was a bit startled and had to control every instinct that he had to defend Toraika. Had Aelita denied Toraika's request of being  a sage to the point that they would kill her? No he would have to watch this to the very end. Being gentle as possible, Aelita pressed the tip of her wings against Toraika's forehead and another tip on her chest; it looked as though it was right over the Suna Kunoichi's heart. "Child of the Sand. You possess a kind heart, I can see it in your eyes. I have seen what troubles you have faced, and the people you want to protect. Even against overwhelming odds, you still faced each problem with kindness. You hold the true heart of a bird sennin" Aelita finally said.

A wave of green energy washed over Toraika's body. It traveled down each of the markings that was detailed on Aelita's body. The green danced around the slick feathers of the giant swan making her loook as though she was glittering in green sparkles. Sanosuke smiled as he noticed that he was noticing that Aelita was pouring senjutsu chakra into Toraika's body. The chakra wasn't as violent and chaotic as the wasp's senjutsu chakra. This one was more soothing and calm, but it held power in the calmness of energy. Just from this distance, even though Sanosuke wasn't being touched by the natural chakra of the birds, the wasp sennin could feel his body feeling calmed. This is the senjutsu chakra of the bird clan huh? It's soo much different from the senjutsu chakra of the wasp clan..."Aelita removed her wing from Toraika's body and returned them gently to its proper position at her sides. She looked at Toraika as the glowing finally ceased. "I have given you the gift of senjutsu of the birds. You must harness that gift I have given you, raise it for it is apart of you now. Come back to this place when it has hatched young Toraika. Until then I expect that your brother sage, Sanosuke Flynt will supervise your training so that you can raise your gift with the utmost care." Aelita said cryptically. Her voice was soft and soothing like the chakra she had just endowed Toraika with.

"Wait Aelita-sama. What d you mean by raise it? What must I do? I don't understand what task you're giving Toraika." Sanosuked asked Aelita desperately. She wasn't going to be trained here with the other birds? This was definitely strange. Why not? Was she not good enough? This didn't make any sense at all. Why could she not train here.

"We let our young go off in the world so that they may grow. When they are adults, they come back to the nest where they may be tested to see if they are truly adults." Aelita explained. It made Sanosuke's eyes pop open as he realized what Aelita was getting at. This was unbelivable. How could something like this happen? These were all the thoughts that were coming to his mind at Aelita's words. Just from her saying that, Sanosuke understood what he must do. "I believe you already know that answer, do you not Sanosuke Flynt?"

12A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:26 am



Toraika awaited the Lady Aelita's response anxiously. She wanted this more than anything right now and she didn't know what else to do if they denied her. "Child of the Sand. You possess a kind heart, I can see it in your eyes. I have seen what troubles you have faced, and the people you want to protect. Even against overwhelming odds, you still faced each problem with kindness. You hold the true heart of a bird sennin." Toraika was touched by what she had said. She completely understood the things that drove her here and saw deep into her core, making her able to see the true reasons she needed to become their bird sennin. The next thing Toraika felt was her heart race pick up. She nearly cried from happiness and memories from what the sage had said, and now she touched her forehead and chest. Her feathers were soft and gentle and warmed her heart instantly. A green light suddenly emitted from her body and she felt a new power being embedded in her. She closed her eyes feeling at total peace with the world. There was no past, there was no future, and there wasn't even a present. It was all of time being stopped while peace and love and tranquility washed over it. The feeling was sensational. She slowly opened her eyes as she felt Lady Aelita's feathers pull away from her. She saw the green light fade away and she felt stronger. She felt at one with the world. "I have given you the gift of senjutsu of the birds. You must harness that gift I have given you, raise it for it is apart of you now. Come back to this place when it has hatched young Toraika. Until then I expect that your brother sage, Sanosuke Flynt will supervise your training so that you can raise your gift with the utmost care." Lady Aelita's soft voice now sounded even softer. Toraika nodded and bowed to her. "I will not let you down Lady Aelita. I will become a master in your gift and bring kindness back to the world. I promise you this and give you my word. I know my Master will take good care of me and help me achieve this as well. Thank you so very much." She then stood up to face the Swan Sage again. She knew she had given to her not just power but trust and Toraika was going to do everything in her power to make the Lady Aelita proud of her, as well as making her Master proud.

She had been lost in her thoughts again and had missed the whole conversation between her Master and Swan Sage. She didn't quite understand what was going on now but as for jumping in at that moment and hearing what she did she was able to put two and two together. It seemed Sanosuke didn't understand Lady Aelita's methods and was trying to understand what was going on himself. "We let our young go off in the world so that they may grow. When they are adults, they come back to the nest where they may be tested to see if they are truly adults." She knew this about birds. She thought it was amusing and interesting that that was how the Bird Clan handled things here as well though. Sanosuke still was confused, though she decided to let them talk since they were of higher power than her. "I believe you already know that answer, do you not Sanosuke Flynt?" The Lady Aelita once again confused her. She zoned out in her thoughts again trying to comprehend the situation and when she snapped back to reality they were leaving. Her Master pulled her along behind him since she had not been paying attention and he wanted to go. "Goodbye Lady Aelita, I look forward to seeing you when I have mastered this energy. Stay safe." She then waved goodbye and follows her master out through the wind tunnel that had brought them. Setting out back to the village was now the easy part again for her. She needed to go meet her student at the border and leave for Kiri again. She had so much waiting for her there. She had the rest of her squad, friends, the boy she loved, and goals all standing there in need of her. The Kiri village itself needed her and her Master back, so she was not going to let anything stop her again. She was determined and heading towards her future again. Now skipping in front of her Master in the sandstorms just to make him speed up his walking.

(Exit Thread)

Senjutsu Training WC: 5386/5000 (COMPLETE D RANK)

13A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Empty Re: A Bird's Roost(Toraika/Private) Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:33 pm



This was something indeed that Sanosuke was trying to figure out exactly how the Great Sage of the Bird Clan did what she did to Toraika. Sanosuke had just figured it out and was still at a lost of words. Looking at Toraika, she seemed like a different person. She looked as though she was more complete, as though she was close to finding herself. This was the effects of having senjutsu chakra of the bird clan inside her. But that chakra was something more than that. When he could figure out exactly how this was possible, Sanosuke would be sure to inform Toraika what he found out. But in the meantime there was nothing more for Sanosuke and Toraika to be here. Aelita has done what she needed to with Toraika and now she must go and find her own way in the world as a bird sennin of the Bird Clan. She would then go back to the home nest where the Suna soon to be sennin would show her great sage what she learnt in her travels. It was something so foreign to Sanosuke that it seemed so unbelievable. Sanosuke bowed to Aelita before walking off into the wind tunnel that would take Sanosuke and Toraika back out of the dwelling of the Bird Clan and into the strong sandstorms. It would be up to Toraika to find her way back to the dwelling by herself when she is ready to comeback. The Wasp Sennin just hoped the girl was prepared for the training she would have to do under his wing. After all, Aelita left her under his wing to teach her how to be a sage....
(Exit Thread)

2,000/2,000 Training Complete for Static Frenzy
2,000/2,000 Training Complete for Shatter
1,500/1,500 Training Complete for Soul Resonance

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