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1Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:36 pm



As soon as Kami Akuma entered the Kirigakure area, it was visible that the whole village as going through war. This was surely not a small scale attack, but an attempt to destroy the village. No wonder the Kazekage gave us the choice to come or not, she knew the dangerous that laid ahead. Kami arrived with his team - leader, Toraika a special jounin from Sunagakure and as soon as they arrived, they were confronted by a jounin of Kirigakure. He seen that Toraika had the Sunagakure headband and only seen that there was two of us. The man asked Toraika since she was standing ahead as a team leader would, “Missions are assigned by rank. What rank are you shinobi?” In which Toraika will surely answer him without lying. And when the man looked at Akuma, Kami said nothing but nod his head once to say yes. Kami didn’t want him to ask for his rank since he said missions are assigned by ranks, and wanted to stay with his head medic for the entirety of the mission. The shinobi didn’t want to waste any more time so he said. “Alright then let’s go. I have a certain mission for you two, and hopefully we meet up with more shinobis along the way since this is a mission that requires a whole team rather than just a small unit of two.” Kami began to follow the leading man, knowing that Toraika can’t be too far behind. Kami knew though that he was needed somewhere else so he gained the courage to speak, “I am a Chunin.” The man turned to Akuma and said. “Damn it. There is nothing we can do now.” Kami felt regret, he thought that he has missed a chance to help those in need, but I guess not it is time to go into a more dangerous mission, all because I have a special jounin for a leader. After getting a certain distance closer, he heard a man that the jounin pointed to scream out.  “It’s a distraction! All Jounin rang forces and teams move to the rooftops, Seven Bell’s soldiers are moving in to reinforce the fighting in the City Centre! Hold them back, they MUST not reach their destination!” This was of course one straight forward mission that deserved no further questions, so Akuma Kami went with it and didn’t ask twice as he went toward the rooftops. Things were already looking dangerous and when Akuma was seen about to enter the war, the man that yelled out stopped Kami and said. “Four teams of three jounin rank missing ninja are moving toward the City Centre to back-up the fighting, Intercept and eliminate the elite troops of Seven bells before they get the chance!”

“Our intelligence is brief and to the point kid. In short. Wait for a team to gather around you before you enter this battle. You are only a team of two jounin. It might be better for you to wait don’t you think?” Akuma was really vexed at this order but he couldn’t dispute it since this is not his village and he is here to give Sunagakure a good name after all. So Kami did the best thing he could do right now, and he awaited a team of 2 special jounin or at least some few jounin ranked shinobis. Kami is calm though so he didn’t show any emotions when he agreed to wait, and so he did calmly and turned to Toraika and said. “If we don’t have allies come in 30 minutes, I am fighting without them.”

603/2500 [Need 2]

2Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:17 am


Nanashi combed through the all familiar landscape before him; barren of any vegetation and life, rocks scattered through the terrain matching the black dirt underneath his feet, and like an ever watching mother the reddish sky hung above him. He knew this place extremely well. This was the place of his subconscious, a place where his darkness desires fester and grow like a plague without constraints. He has been here many times before and every time they where there to greet him. But yet this time seem to be different, they weren't anywhere to be seen, their horrendous bodies not breaking the plain as far as he could tell. There was nothing but emptiness and it baffled the man greatly. Why was he here?

The ground underneath his feet began to rumble, as if answering the unspoken question, debris of various sizes rising and exploding into a fine black powder, the latter fallen harmlessly back to the ground, fissures began to split the terrain as if someone had decided to take an ax to it, odorless vapors began ascending from the cracks causing Nanashi to instinctively cover his nose and mouth, breath being held in fear that the gasses might be poisonous. What the hell was going on!? Again the unspoken question were answered but not by an unexplained phenomenon but by an all but familiar voice.

“So you back here again, eh Nanashi-kun? You know if you keep coming here I would think you have a thing for me.”

The humor wasn't lost by the silver haired male, but he didn't answer, instead remained silent as he try to find where the voice was coming from.

“Ah cat got your tongue?”

“. . . .”

“Fine fine. So much for me trying be nice. Guess you wondering why you are here right, especially since you ain't asleep?”
As much as he tried, Nanashi couldn't help to show some form of emotion on his rather stoic face. He wasn't asleep!? So what was he doing. And than it clicked with him.
I'm in – “

“Ah so you figured it out! Yes, you are in Kiri. Don't you remember your Tsuchikage sent you to help with Kiri's problem in hope to amend relationships?”

Yes, he did remember, Nanashi had woken up ungodly early to find an Anbu about to knock on his door. A quick conversation with the Anbu informed Nanashi that him and a squadron will be heading to Kirigakure to help the country against this enemy the infamous Seven Bells. And upon arriving to Mist his squad was immediately ambushed by the enemy with the Anbu Captain getting killed in the process of allowing the others to escape.
“So you do remember? Good, Good. Saves me time in having to recap everything that happen there. Now to the question at hand. You want to know why you here?”
Nanashi nodded. . .
“Well lets just say that because of this little war, the cage is cracking and it's almost time to usher in a new beginning!”
The cage? Than that means. . .
“Exactly! You are finally awakening! The killer. The murderer. The almost perfect epitome of a killing machine is about to be free! And there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. Ain't this a glorious moment? You will become what we and your mother knew you can be. The shackles that have kept you down will no longer be there! Now Nanashi-kun go! Walking into the furnace that's hell and bask in it's presence, while knowing there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop the walls from falling down!”
And with that said Nanashi was flung back to the reality that waited for him. . .



A head tilted to the right, the kanji for Void clearly visible on it's porcelean Anbu mask, eyes looking at the Anbu member with the peacock mask, who was shouting his name “What?” he asked, gloved hand sliding down the smoothed mask.
“Sir! What are our orders now?”

Why are they turning to him? It's not like he was the next highest in command. In fact the next in command would have been Chaos. Speaking of Chaos where was they? Void's head swirled across the assembled Anbu, five excluding himself in total, all kneeing down on one in waiting for something to happen. As Void looked across they noticed that Chaos was missing, where could they have gone? Turning their attention back to the Peacock member Void inquired their question. . .

“Where is Chaos?”

“That's what I been trying to tell you, sir! Chaos got killed!”

“Killed? How so?”

When we were retreating to this abandoned building when a hidden explosive device detonated, Chaos was the closely to the blast and it killed him instantly.” Void noticed the cracks in Peacock's voice, and as much as he wanted he couldn't comfort his comrade, at least not yet.

But onto more important matters, with Chaos dead it left them without leadership, and he's the only one left with enough experience to lead them. Fuck! Looking across the Anbu members, he cleared his throw, such actions causing all the residing members to look towards him “All right listen up! I know some of you might be depress in us losing our captain and Chaos, but this isn't the time or place to be mopping in self pity. This is war! Now I'm not going to sugarcoat it, more of us will most likely die. Some of us might be maim beyond prepare. But that should detour you. For we are not only fighting for ourselves but for Captain, Chaos and the innocent that's getting caught up in this mess.” Every Anbu looked up at Void who was speaking, broken spirits were being mended by his words.

“So right now there are dozens of bloodthirsty son of b*tches out there that would love nothing more to piss on our cooling corpse! Are we just going to roll over like some mutt and wait for them to kill? Or are we going to fight with every tooth and nail? I know what I'm going to do. And I damn know what you going to do! So are you with me. . .”
“Yes, sir!”

With their spirits uplifted all those in the vicinity body flickered out of the building, and not to soon for the building they once were in exploded in a blazing inferno. . .

Welcome to hell gentlemen. . .

Appearing on a rooftop, Void looked at his fellow Anbu members, all which appeared miliseconds after him. Seeing how they all where there, he turned his attention to the surrounding area, surveying the chaos that were assuring below them, enemies and allies a like were gauged in combat with one another, bodies littered the ground like fallen and forgotten leaves, being trampled over by others doing their bouts, smoke rose high in the air, buildings on flame and the sicken cries of those trapped being drowned out by other noises. The same can be said for parents on their hands and knees outside of the respective buildings, crying in hysteria, wailing for anyone to save whoever might be in side. No one came to their call, if anything the enemies put them out of their misery in a brutally fashion, their bodies being turned to ribbons, a red mist descending onto the ground.

So this was war. . .

For Void it was a shock to his system, he along with most of the generation never had the chance to experience war and thus it was new for them as well. The sound of vomiting behind him, one or two Anbu members emptying their stomachs out, only backed his previous statement. Looking at those who he were in-charge, making sure they were okay, Void caught something in his peripheral vision, there on the adjacent rooftop were two shinobi with the Sunagakure head – band and they apparently was waiting for something or someone, with a quick hand gesture Void and the five Anbu members body flickered towards the that rooftop the other two shinboi were standing on rooftop, of course doing so in a way that didn't startled either of them. Looking between the pair of Sunagakure shinobi, Void spoke to the woman, his voice being unrecognizable “The name's Void and the squad behind me is a group of Anbu. Before our leader died we were given the objective to prevent a group of missing nin from reaching the City Centre. I can only take it yours is similar?” Void's head tilted to the right, waiting for an answer. Either way, the man knew what he was doing to do. . .


((Just to be clear Nanashi is in his Anbu get-up and is the one speaking "Void".))

3Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Mon Nov 18, 2013 5:30 pm



Iyata was standing inside the command tent turning in her report when a Ninja tapped her on the shoulder, she turned her face to the Jounin and nodded to her gently. “Are you Iyata Aisu?” he asked softly. “Yeah I am, how can I help you?” she asked softly and turned her entire body around to stand in front of him giving him her undivided attention. “We have recently gotten word that the Shinobi from other villages are arriving and helping the war effort, we have been selecting our Special Jounin to assist them in guiding them through the city and helping them combat their mission objectives. This has allowed us to be able to focus our higher ranking Shinobi on main task objectives.” Iyata was well aware of all that and waved her hand back and forth. “Yes Yes…I am very much aware of the fact that we are strategically placing our troops, but if you have nothing further or greater importance…I shall take my leave of you.” Iyata did not had time for games, and for someone to approach her spouting off information that she was already very much aware of twisted her frustration level to a very high point.

Iyata stepped out of the tent and took only a few more steps, “AISU IYATA!” The same voice only more angered followed her from inside the tent out. She turned around to see the man still standing in front of her, “What iiiisss it?” she stated exhausted of this non-sense. “Iyata Aisu if you were not the student of one of the Legendary Sannin…I would…”Iyata’s eyebrow peaked up slightly. She frowned, “Don’t get your headband in a wad…it is apparent you really need to tell me something so spill it and say something I do not already know…”she exclaimed in frustration. The man’s face turned a dark shad of red, almost purple as he was trying extremely hard not to explode all over Iyata and make sure she disappeared into the depths of the village archives. Taking a moment to poise himself the man continued, “You have been tasked with taking up a position with a group of Sunagakure Ninja and a ANBU Operative. You are to assist them in making sure they are going to achieve their mission objective and also to act as guide. Some have never been to Kirigakure before.” He finished breathing hard, it would seem keeping his anger in check had taken a lot out of the poor guy.

Iyata blinked and smiled suddenly, “Oh…well why didn’t you say that before…”She exclaimed, “We could of avoided all that nastiness…where are they at?” She asked softly as she looked at the man. If the man had not wanted to kill her before, he sure did now. His face was red in anger with a gaping mouth, he was so frustrated at this point all he could do was just point to their location and turn around in a huff and storm back into the tent. Iyata heard yelling and cursing from inside, Iyata chuckled innocently and turned her attention towards her destination. She grabbed ahold of her puppet and once more it fastened his arms and legs around her chest and waist as she placed him on her back. Iyata took off at a dead run, she was nimble and quick to be able to get herself up and over the wall separating the command tent with the chaos that was erupting around the village.

She quickly located the area where the other Shinobi from the respective villages were getting ready to take on their missions. She looked skyward as someone suddenly cried out.

“It’s a distraction! All Jounin rang forces and teams move to the rooftops, Seven Bell’s soldiers are moving in to reinforce the fighting in the City Centre! Hold them back, they MUST not reach their destination!”

Iyata frowned softly and knew that she needed locate her team and quickly, She ran towards the grouping of people. A Jounin recognizing Iyata grabbed ahold of her arm, “Iyata I need you with these Shinobi.” She was suddenly pulled towards a small gathering of individuals and presented for all to see. “Iyata Aisu…This is your team.” She looked to Akuma and Toraika and nodded her head politely, she turned and looked at Void and nodded her head softly. “Pleasure to meet you all…”She stated softly and looked at them all…”So who’s the leader…”she asked. The Jounin smirked softly, ”That would be you Iyata…As the Resident Kiri Ninja you know the landscape better…” Iyata blinked…”Hey wait a minute…It's a damn village they all look the same!”the Jounin did not leave it up for debate instead he turned his attention back to the pile of shinobi that were spilling into the area and began to continue to dispense out missions left and right like a paper machine. Iyata turned and looked at the group and nodded her head, "Hello.."

Total: 850/3000

4Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:55 pm



Toraika sighed listening to her young Chuunin comrade and felt her motherly worry she always felt for those younger than her who seemed at danger. This mission was dangerous and she knew that Kami had never been to Kiri before. Of course, neither had she, but that was beside the point. She was older and had more experience in the shinobi world all together. She had her guard up the entire time they stood on the roof of the building. She was surprised that just as she thought, it was misty and damp all around her. The air was actually filled with moisture which was completely new to her since she was so used to the dry desert air. Taking another moisture-filled breath she looked over at Kami again as he spoke. “If we don't have allies come in 30 minutes, I am fighting without them.” This made her a bit nervous. She was in charge of this mission at the moment according to her Kazekage until someone of higher rank joined their team. If he was hurt or died on her hands for going against orders she would never live with herself. 

Just as she was going to say something, she began to hear the bloodcurdling screams of terror and agony which sent shivers up her spine. The next thing she knew, she could smell the stench of fresh blood. A scent she was all too familiar with. Being a medic as she was, she was not affected by that smell though the dreadful thoughts it brought with it made her a bit sick. Someone, on their side most likely considering who their enemy was, was in agony and she was a medic that had to sit back and wait to fight. It drove her crazy. When she was about to agree with Kami, a taller man in an ANBU mask leaped up to the roof they were on with some subordinates behind him and spoke to her. “The name's Void and the squad behind me is a group of Anbu. Before our leader died we were given the objective to prevent a group of missing nin from reaching the City Centre. I can only take it yours is similar?” This made Toraika a bit more comforted that there was a group of strong shinobi there for back-up. "Yes, we were sent on this mission by our Lady Kazekage. I am Toraika, and this is Kami. Are you our reinforcements?" She asked simply with her kind hearted smile she gave all people especially when she met another person new. She always felt uneasy around ANBU members though. The thought of having not only your identity taken away but your originality, made her feel indifferent to the whole system. She did feel a bit compassion for the man named Void who spoke to her. He had lost his captain yet they still were going through with their orders. It was more than just honorable. She could tell the man speaking to her was very respected and she was sure to respect him too if he lead them through the mission with minimal losses. She knew her life was at stake for the first time in her shinobi career and she was prepared to fight until she no longer felt her heart beating in her chest. Watching the blood fly through the air as their screams met in unison, the Kiri people needed help and she was going to be sure to save as many of them as she could. She was going to outshine her father and prove to her village and the world a medic could fight harder than some plain ninjutsu user. She was going to avenge the poor Kiri villagers dying and those that were dying to protect them.

Just before the ANBU, Void reacted, a woman of dark hair not much taller than herself, landed on the rooftop beside her. Accompanied by a man a bit older than her, she seemed to be ready to fight as well. She had a puppet around her and she wore a Kiri headband which meant she was familiar with her surroundings. She felt compassion and empathy for her as well. All the people that were dying and falling at the ground below them were the villagers she fought for every day of her life. She did not know what she would do if such a war had broken out in her own home. The man who had came down with her informed her that she was leading the team since she was familiar with the village just as Toraika has assumed. She was a bit relieved she didn't have to lead all these people in a village she had never been to and in conditions she had never had to experience. The woman by the name of Iyata, didn't seem to like the idea of being leader either though and argued until the shinobi had left her, leaving her to accept the task she was given. Toraika looked to Kami again worried of his well being. He was only 10 and entering war as a Chuunin. She felt her motherly side come out again and she promised to just protect him from afar if he needed it since there was not much she could do anymore. Now she was left to wait for orders from her new leader. "Hello.." Iyata said breaking the ice in a way which made Toraika sigh lightly. "Hello Miss Iyata. I am Yoisha Toraika of Suna. What are our orders?" She asked formerly wanting nothing but to get down to the battle field and assist those who needed her. She wanted to heal those who could still make it but not if she didn't help. Though she knew she was going to be required to fight the enemy instead. She was still okay with that of course. Though being the person she was, she preferred to halt blood than create it.

Mission WC: 1004/3000

Ninjutsu Training WC: 1004/3000

Last edited by Toraika on Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

5Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:32 am



A war like this hasn’t been seen since the organization that goes by the name of Akatsuki, or The Red Dawn terrorized the world. Their organization symbol was chaos, much like this guy seven bells. Kirigakure is in need of all help, that it why Kami wasn’t surprised when he began to see shinobis from other villages arrive to help. Akuma thought that Kirigakure was getting help from all the types of shinobis in this world, that they even went on to hire organizations that are typed, Mercenary Group. Kami seen that a group of ANBU shinobi came with one that was leading the pack, Kami didn’t know if he was the leader, but he was surely speaking for the rest of the gang. The number of ANBU members that arrived were 6, and that is including their leader that goes by the name of “Void.” Akuma knew very well that this was an alias, wanting to be ANBU himself one day, he knew the importance of keeping ones name a secret. Another young women came and it ended up filling the four man team that was requested of us. Kami was glad for that to happen, and if he could speak honestly, he believed that troops gathered rather quickly; which is an obvious good thing. The leadership type after the young women arrived quickly changed. This went from a squadron defending the City Center free – lance style, to it being an organized fleet. Kami out of all people seen himself as one of the most obedient people when it comes to laws and their ruling, but he does not believe that this mission deserves a leader. At least not right now.

As soon as Toraika spoke, asking the new found Kirigakure shinobi for the orders, Akuma felt like acting like a representative for reason since he has a one track mind, he believes he can see the end of the road from an inevitable stand point. Kami then said, “If I can intervene in this. These people that we are fighting have little belief and value when it comes to what they are doing. So we have will power over them. These are 7 Bells mercenary soldiers that will take on any mission as long as they are promised life. They are known criminals and assassins for higher in the villages that they are from. [Kami then looked over toward the ANBU Void and said] And yes. We do have to protect the City Centre. That is all of our orders.” Kami wanted to put to the side all of the mission and organization that they were versing specifics in order so that everyone can be in the same page. Luckily, Akuma has an eidetic memory and he can say what was said to him word for word but to make it short he simply put it in his own words, nevertheless, Kami Akuma never forgets a thing, and so they can listen to his word as pure truth. Kami then looked at Iyata and said, “Although we do not need a leader. Your position is as valuable as that Jounin said that dropped you off here. You do know the area better than us, and I suggest you give us all one specific spot to cover so that we can block off the enemy from all directions. Of course it may be risky to spread out, but think of the coverage. We just have to protect the village from specific angles to keep the city center from being breached.”

Kami looked around to see if his idea seemed to be of interest to the group, and if it was then he would finish his speech by saying. “I apologize for speaking so much but I have a mechanical mind. When I think of one thing, I stay fixated until it is solved or dealt with. This mission right now is my fixation. Iyata. I would like for you to tell us each where Kirigakures Hospital, Cemetery, Academy and Mizukages office is. Those are the roofs we have to keep an eye on since I think those places are the places where they are going to be coming from in order to breach the city center. [Kami then turned to Void and said] Maybe I’m wrong but this is worth a try. Since these shinobis weren’t here when this war first started and it is now that they are arriving, there is only two explanations to this. One. They have been in hiding here awaiting this time in order to ambush the village, or two, they are, did or have been arriving from the shores of Kirigakure since after all, this is an island. How else would they get here? So send your ANBU team over to the shores and even to scour the boarders in order to make sure they have no secret hiding spot like a cave, that they did wait inside in up until they were needed.” Kami Akuma didn’t think this was a difficult plan, but he needed to put it into more than just simple words if he wanted this squadron to listen to him, and for the obvious reason that he is young. But because he has an eidetic memory, Kami doesn’t consider himself youthful but instead just boarder – line useful. Kami only hoped that these shinobis listened to the plan rather than look at his age and make judgment from there. Especially the ANBU shinobis, they are going to be needed in order to stop this invasion or at least slow it down but Kami lied since Iyata is also especially needed, knowing that it is only out of her mouth that this team was going to get the map of kirigakure. She also had to assign each of us to our own individual land to fight off the invader, or she could give us the freedom to choose. Nevertheless, even though she wasn’t the leader in Kamis eyes with respect of course, it did seem like this whole mission rested on her shoulders and her knowledge of the battlefield, and right now, she is the leader until she spreads the team up to complete our individual tasks.


6Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:49 am


Void looked at the pink haired woman who asked him if they were reinforcements, and shrugged his shoulders likely. Was he reinforcement? No, they were just in the right area at the right time. They were just a group of Anbu who want to spill the blood of the bastards of killed their captain and comrade. They were just were just monsters who want to bathe in their enemies' life given essence, while at the same time drinking it as if it was some fine wine. That what they truly were, nothing more, nothing less. But it did know good to allow them to know that right?
You can say that. . .” His answer were short and probably didn't comfort the woman any, for he did nothing to confirm or deny her accusation. There was no point really, the Anbu squad haven't attacked the two Sunagakure Shinobi and that should be enough to calm her nerves. Though that's probably unlikely. . .
No sooner after the words left his mouth, Void along with his Anbu squad's head tilted to the right, at the exact moment of the materialization of the Kirigakure Shinobi. If one were able to see behind the man's mask they would noticed a small subtle smile spreading across his lips, his long eye locking with the female Kirigakure shinobi – Iyata Aisu. The man himself was relatively surprised that the woman who he had worked with prior to coming here was once again going about defending her village. Than again it wasn't that surprising for him, when someone threatens your home you would do anything in your power to stop it.
Well this is a surprise, didn't think I would be teaming up with you again Aisu Iyata.” He spoke, his voice on slightly humor in it. Void would hope that the Aisu member would remember the man who teamed up with her to take out the puppet master earlier, it would be a pity if she didn't, but what a guy could do?
Void's attention turned to the boy who was speaking about them not needing a leader amongst the group and he couldn't help but wonder who in the hell has been teaching the kid? An established leadership is needed in most case scenarios, especially when you are working in a group. A leader will be the one responsible in organizing and give the orders, thus taking out the problem of having to many people trying to act like an leader.
Actually we do need a leader. And I have worked with Aisu Iyata before can say that she is a wonderful leader. She has all the qualities and more that makes her the prime candidate.” As he said this him along with his Anbu squad moved to stand beside the Kirigakure shinobi. Of course it wasn't surprising that his comrades sided with the Iyata for if Void vouched for her leadership than they would follow her like they do Void.
The Kirigakure Hospital is secured. I having been assigned there upon arriving to Kirigakure helped to perform surgeries and the likes. But before I left the Kiri and Iwa Anbu had sat up parameters around it, and so far it has been secured. The same can be said about the other locations. . .” How did he know this you might ask? Well when you mingle with other Anbu members during war time they tend to tell you things you needed to know. Plus before they arrived here they had confirmation that those places were secure. . .
“The shorelines are crawling with allies there. How did you think we got here? The Kirigakure shinobi are guards the ports that surrounds this island, it was only due priority knowledge that we were able to get a ship and arrive here.”
Yeah and you don't tell us what to do. Only Void or Aisu Iyata can do it. Plus even if you could we wouldn't follow them. Not till. . .” Peacock said, obviously annoyed by the young boy who was trying to give orders to someone who obviously out rank him.
Void couldn't help but to chuckle at his Anbu outburst, turning around to see that the others in his group felt the same way. Theses Anbu members weren't like droids who lacked emotions, they were human beings and all of them were rebellious to those who haven't earned their respect, and that's something the Sunagakure boy will not. . . But Void decided for Iyata sake he would calm his group down.
All right guys listen up. I know you are angry. I know you want to kill the bastards who killed Captain and Chaos. I know you crave for the blood of your enemy, wanted to drink it like a fine wine. I know you want to piss on the cooling corpse of the enemy.” He paused as he looked over at his group.

So who am I to deny it? Who am I to deny you the opportunity to rip off your humanity and become the trained killers, murders and monsters that shinobi truly are? No I can't deny it and thus as your leader I command you to strip away your humanity, walk away from the light and let the darkness consume you and I will pray that you'll be able to sleep at night for the transgression you will commit. “ His words sent a wave through the small Anbu squad as their morale skyrocketed even further.
Captain will you shred your humanity as well? Will you got against the medic oath not to kill?” The youngest Anbu member asked.
Whoever said my humanity exist? Isn't that the rumor anyway?” He said with a slight humor.

“Umm. . .”

Yes I'm a medic but unlike those who commit their times in saving others. I use my knowledge of the body to kill without pause. So yes my humanity will be stripped and I will bask in the blood of my enemy with a smile on the face. But before I turn you over to Aisu Iyata, let me tell you something important. This is not a picnic, you will be taking other humans lives like taken candy. After your fifth kill you will become numb and each kill afterward will be meaningless, just another cooling corpse. Unlike many of your I'm the byproduct of a female serial killer, and done spilled blood at a young age. Killing for me is as easy as breathing. So take my words to heart, don't lose yourself, latch onto whatever reason you have for continuing to live and becoming a shinobi, latch on and don't let go.” It came to shock to many that Void was the by product of a serial killer but for a few they had some suspicion that he was, but could never find any concrete evidences.

“What's your reason?”
My reason is simple. I will become the monster, the devil advocate if it means others didn't have to. . Now stand up and get ready to receive your orders from Iyata.” Once that was said Void turned his attention back to Iyata wait for orders.

All the while the objective was becoming less and less more possible. . .

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

WC: 1223
Current Mission WC: 2638/3000

7Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:12 pm



"Hello Miss Iyata. I am Yoisha Toraika of Suna. What are our orders?"

Iyata looked to Toraika and smiled and nodded her head softly, she was about to go over the details of the assignment with the young boy with them chimed in.
If I can intervene in this. These people that we are fighting have little belief and value when it comes to what they are doing. So we have will power over them. These are 7 Bells mercenary soldiers that will take on any mission as long as they are promised life.”

Iyata would of agreed with the boy as it was in humanity to pick a fight or flight dependent solely whether or not they would live through the ordeal, “In that you would normally be correct in that statement, however my young friend. These Ninja are more afraid of Seven Bells then they are of us, so to negotiate a peaceful retreat is a far stretch out of the possible.” She commented, Void and herself had already come across a few of these Ninja and they did at no point consider the fact that they were outclassed by the two, or it was simply they did not care. The end result would have been the same, they would of died. Either by Seven Bells hands or theirs, and they willingly chose to throw their lives away in battle, To Die a Shinobi’s death on their feet than on their knees. Iyata could respect that decision because if presented with that ultimatum she would have chosen the same.

“Although we do not need a leader. Your position is as valuable as that Jounin said that dropped you off here. You do know the area better than us, and I suggest you give us all one specific spot to cover so that we can block off the enemy from all directions. Of course it may be risky to spread out, but think of the coverage. We just have to protect the village from specific angles to keep the city center from being breached.”

Iyata was not phased by the young upstarts choice at telling her what this team did and did not need, she did not want to argue with a Ninja that willingly came here to Hell to help her Village. She was not about to pull rank and tell him the many different reasons why they did in fact need a Leader…No…But Void didn’t mind…she looked on humored.

“Actually we do need a leader. And I have worked with Aisu Iyata before can say that she is a wonderful leader. She has all the qualities and more that makes her the prime candidate.”

Iyata smiled at the confidence Void placed in her abilities and nodded her head gently, “Void and I have worked together this evening already and we have seen what these people are capable of. As he said we do in fact need a leader, I do not rejoice in bossing people around but I do expect everyone on this team to pay attention when I give an order and move with precision to carry out the order. I am grateful that you have all come so far and long to help my village, and I want success just as much as each and everyone of you. Maybe even more then you all, because the reality of it is. Where you all can go back home to your beds and loved ones, all the beds in the village will be destroyed, and all my loved ones blood spilled to the ground we walk on this day, so I fight for a home…Success is my own means of motivation right now.” She it to be said…so everyone would know that she words were not motivated by power, but by perseverance of this village.

As she seemed to get everyones attention and Void was able to rally his Anbu group together and calm the tension Iyata pulled out a Map of the City Centre. There in lied many travel roots that all joined up in the middle. “Right now we have squads in place around these points…”She indicated on the map showing the travel points from the Hospital, Shoreline and the Main Gates. “Which means should any of the Seven Ninja appear in those areas they will be utterly destroyed. However because of those squads having moved there, the presence in these areas have weakened and with the Puppets in the area swarming the Squads still left. They are finding it a lot easier to make it passed the Allied Presence in those areas.”  She reached to the furthest point on the map. “Anbu Team has just been dispatched to help reinforce these areas over here, so that leaves us with just this area.” She circled the area near the academy, “Many residence have taken up refuge in the Academy, because it has not been targeted and our people have been careful about fighting in that area…and these Ninja know it. They will use these routes to hit the city center and attempt to join the fight with their compatriot’s…let’s make sure that does not happen.” She said firmly and rolled up the map.

“Intelligence suggests they are running in teams of Three, and reports of 4 Squads have been spotted. The best way I see it to work out to take out Four Teams as quickly as possible. We attack the first team all together, Once that team is nullified. One of us falls back near the city center, We take down the Second Team one more of us falls back to the city center. The remaining of us Four attack the next team, incase we are unsuccessful we still have two more near the city center with Void’s Anbu team to mop up the rest.” She looked around at them all and nodded her head gently. “Does anyone have any questions?” she asked. It was about poking holes in their numbers, disorienting them enough that they run straight into the cage without them so much as pushing them into it.

WC: 1029
Total: 1879/3000

8Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:53 pm



Toraika watched as Void, the ANBU man seemingly in charge of all the men, began to prove her subordinate wrong. Even she believed that we needed a leader in such desperate times, especially one that had a true reason to fight. She was sure she would respect Miss Iyata. Feeling a bit bad for Akuma for having everyone negatively object to his ideas because of his age, she smiled at him lightly to help calm him down if not much but a little. She was more than astounded that Void was a medic though. His personality was unlike any others she had come across in her own village. He seemed more lethal than willing to bring someone back to life. She listened to his bloody murderous speech and it made her somewhat uncomfortable. She wanted to be powerful and someone to listen to, but this man talking in this way saying such terrible things, regardless of who they were fighting was unneeded in her opinion. It was an obvious observation that the Seven Bells and their people fighting for them needed to die. The extra details about drinking their blood and desecrating their bodies made Toraika unwell and sick to her stomach. She was always raised to kill her enemies if absolutely necessary in a respectful way. That that was the only way to not become corrupted by the shinobi world and to not be stained by the blood poured across the world for thousands of years. Once more as Miss Iyata spoke up in her idea on a leader, she felt sympathy for her fellow Suna nin. He was young of course, and some of the things he said weren't the best route to take, and maybe he wasn't as near as experienced as the rest of them were, but he was trying as hard as he good, and his ideas weren't really that bad, though Miss Iyata's were even better since she worked into their battleground into the plan. Shaking off her motherly ties to those younger than her she tried to think of him as someone of her rank and on her level, as best she could anyway. 

The more the ANBU Void spoke of the battle and what he wanted his team to do,the more her opinions on ANBU grew even more negative. She disliked the ANBU and everything they did. She knew of what they did and what they stood for and it brought her a slight bit of anger inside of her core. Though she pushed it away since she needed to focus her anger on the enemy, not her allies. She was sure to train harder once she returned home to get stronger and make her Kazekage proud so she could earn a higher rank. Though right now it was all fair game. Even more she couldn't wait to get back and meet her squad and be able to teach them her views on the shinobi world and her way of looking at battle, and the human life all together. This war was terrible and brought pain and suffering to so many people as well as death to most. Of course she would fight for all their lives, and for their home, but she was more interested in saving those who still had hope. Once again pushing that desire far out of her head, she tuned back into the conversation once Void was done with his speech for his men. She couldn't bare to listen to anymore of it. Now Miss Iyata was speaking and telling them the final piece of the plans. From what it sounded like, Toraika was going to have to fight one of the members on her own which she was a bit nervous about, since she wasn't quite sure on who or even what it would be she was up against but she stayed confident in her abilities. Once Miss Iyata rolle rolled up her dusty and brittle map, she knew it was finally time to go. SHe knew Kami was ready to fight before because he wanted to show his skills and just get into the action, but now that their was a distinct piece of the plan for each of them to fulfill, she wondered if he was still just as enthusiastic. Now she cleared her mind of all the thoughts running through her mind so that she could battle efficiently and with minimal damage. She always had to focus on one ting at a time and right now, the lives of the villagers and their home was more important than any of her mere thoughts and wishes. Awaiting the final details before she went off and to know exactly where she was needed to go at the moment, she nodded to Miss Iyata to show her she got the plan and was ready follow in right behind her.

Mission WC: 1825/3000

Ninjutsu Training WC: 1825/3000

Last edited by Toraika on Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

9Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:46 am



Kami Akuma didn’t get angry when he heard Void counter what he suggested, but like he suspected, some people believe that “rank” really does have a factor on matters. Kami closed his eyes and looked down nearly shamefully when Void said that “we do need a leader.” And Kami was even more bothered but showed no emotion to the comment when he said that Iyata is more than qualified. Since Akuma may not know her, but he knows that if a Jounin assigned her to lead a squad like this then this for damn sure wouldn’t and shouldn’t be her first time, and if it is, then she is obviously qualified to be assigned to this squad. Kamis real dilemma, came with the situation at hand. Not that this squad deserves no leader, but it is better to be said that this squad shouldn’t be a squad at all and everyone should go on and do their own thing. Kami said nothing to Void, knowing he had nothing to say to him. Being a man of reason, he knew there was no reason behind this shinobis first statement, since Kami never said she is not qualified and he did not want to make it clear to void. Kami nearly laughed when Void said that the other locations are “safe & secure” especially because Kami Akuma literally named every part of the village. Kami then wondered, what does this man think is being attacked to begin with? He then got the nerve to speak and for the first time in a long time showed a little emotion behind his voice, “Look Void. I don’t care about ranks right now. I am trying to live.” Kami held his tongue in order to not sound ignorant, but this guy needed to hear something. “I have an eidetic memory. I don’t just spit ball things in order to sound like a leader. I think analytically, if I think something is inevitably going to end that way. Forgive me for thinking that math is correct.” Kami then showed Void what was going on around him and said, “This is a war my friend. NOTHING is safe and secure like your so called intelligence says except for the ground you are standing on; and even that is questionable. We are in an island. If you believe the allied forces have the shores secure, how would you explain the enemy getting here to begin with? The shore is far too wide of an area to “secure” so don’t be fooled by the words of others.”

Kami then said nothing as he heard one of the ANBU men flip out. He sounded crazy to Kami, especially because Kami wasn’t trying to give orders. Just give suggestions in order to finish this mission up. After all, I thought a team needed input from all of its members, or else it’s just one man and a whole team following. Kami decided to stand up and walk toward the Kirigakure shinobi and the assigned leader of this new found tea, Kami then said while Void was giving his ANBU squad their pep talk. “I apologize if I offended you. I did not mean too. I just know that time is running out. I was here first and I have been waiting a small while for you guys so I know that our surrounding allies have already began.” Kami Akuma then heard what Iyate had to say. And she made more since than the ANBU squadron did in his eyes. He entrusted himself to her, only because of what she said about this being her home and that winning is no option since it is mandatory for her. Kami thought about it, and she does have no place to go to sleep at night in, and even if her house was still standing, it was a sure thing that the one next to it wasn’t so lucky. So would someone want to sleep knowing that there is so much carnage just a door away? Kami didn’t think so, and it was all the more reason he felt he should finish this mission as soon as possible. Iyata then rolled out a MAP OF KIRIGAKURE. This is where things got real interesting. Since Kami has an eidetic memory he began scanning the picture and all of its detail in order to get a better feel for his battlefield. He meant no disrespect but he completely blocked off all of what Iyata had to say in order to better concentrate on the map that was shown to him. Kami then went against all of his reason to follow the law in order to follow his better judgment. One of Kamis biggest downfalls of having a one track mind is following his judgment above all others, although his judgment is usually NOT the wrong way to go. Kami tapped Toraika on her shoulders saying, “We will meet again at the end of this war.” The he stood up and said to the team. “I’ll take care of the first wave.” Kami then used his NIGERU. A technique that mirrors the body flicker in speed and with Akumas Sannin speed, he got where he wanted quicker than most can arrive.

Kinō-sei is the technique that Kami decided to use. Getting the earth element in the palm of his hand first before molding into 10 senbons while he hid, and saw the first wave of 3 Jounin ranked shinobi. Kami is one that is right now supposed to be a Special Jounin so his strength can nearly compare to theirs, but it was in his speed that he really shined. Getting to where the enemies were in a flash, Kami had 2 senbons in hand, wedged in one of the targets hearts. While the shinobi fell back and the other two went to look to the side, Kami used that space in time, knowing he wants to become a shuriken specialist that he would have sufficient aim, he still took it upon himself to toss all remaining 8 senbons just in case he was to miss, 4 at one target and 4 at the other. All the Senbons were aimed at the enemies’ necks and they fell like a sack of potato. Of course, things would necessarily be this easy but these shinobi surely didn’t expect such speed to come at them like that. Soon enough it was abundantly clear that one of the shinobis used the substitution jutsu and dispersed only to leave behind a piece on wood. Kami then got in his defensive stance, he did not lie to himself and he admitted that this was a surprise. He didn’t calculate this much to happen. Kami then heard something coming from the streets, and by the time Kami looked down he seen 3 kunai coming at him. Akuma dodged it by back flipping away from its trajectory. When Kami landed, he pondered the idea of running. Since he didn’t expect to go one on one with a shinobi like this unless if it was an ambush, but then again he thought, “Why was this shinobi playing the defensive to begin with?” Kami came up with the conclusion, that although these may be jounin ranked shinobi, their training as a jounin weren’t really based on military training but on criminal activity. Thus they are just as new to this war business as the rest of us. Kami then looked for the man he was targeting, feeling that he knows exactly how to handle this. The man was in hiding, and although he was pretty good at keeping himself in hiding from Kami, Akuma still was training to become a sensor so he has a small skill in the specialty. When finding the man attempting to hide in the shadows, he made it clear to the enemy that he was found so that he can come out and see Kami face to face. Kami then said, “What is your name shinobi?” The shinobi then said nothing. Kami responded to his silence by saying, “It is a formality to know the name of who you are fighting. Although… [Kami then leaped to charge straight at the enemy while saying] I never cared much for formality. Sutoraiki!” And as soon as he began his charge, chakra began coating his skin. The enemy also ran in order to attack Kami but Kami was obviously just slightly faster than the shinobi and when getting to the destination, Kami delivered a punch with such force and intensity that he knocked the shinobi out and sure made him fly backward a few 5 meters. Kami has never hit anybody this hard, and this punch also had strength that was backed up by speed. Kami then while looking at the body of the knocked out shinobi thought of the reasons to how these soldiers could have gotten information to come at such a perfect time. Then he knew, there must be someone else relaying signals for backup that is not Seven Bells. Kami needs to find a sensor to find this transmission if it does exist.

WC 3000/3000

Last edited by Akuma on Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:20 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : OOC edit)

10Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:51 am


Void and his Anbu squad didn't even bother to pay attention to the young up start comments. The boy obviously didn't know what he was talking about, and his words only prove the fact to them. The fact that he wants to live, meant he didn't have the conviction needed to be a shinobi. A shinobi didn't pursue the career path because it's a 'safe path' at least not the men and women that he knew, no a shinobi went this career path for one reason only, to gamble with their lives. From what he could gleam from the man's words it's obvious that the Sunagakure academy still sugarcoated the crap that they taught to the younger generation, filling their heads with pretty lies, and even if the boy was from a clan they did a crappy job in telling him the truth about a shinobi. And as for the comment about having an eidetic memory? That meant nothing in field, Void himself had one as well, though he didn't flaunt it around like some reward, the fact that Akuma had mentioned it twice meant he was trying to make up something that he obviously lack. . .

Knowledge. . .

But enough about the upstart that will mostly get killed doing the war and that's if he's lucky, a far worse punishment is having him to suffer night terrors from the transgressions that will be committed below, yes that would be a fitting punishment in deed. Would Void had night terrors? Probably but he's already use to suffering from some rather disturbing dreams.

Yes, and the cage is cracking more!

Void turned his attention towards the pink haired woman beside him, and noticed how she looked uneasy around him. His head tilted to the side, and a smirk danced across his face, are all Sunagakure shinobi this soft? Have they never heard or read about war speeches? There were some legendary speeches especially by some of older Kages, which Void used to rally his troops. The things he said might have been disturbing for an ordinary civilian, but as a shinobi one should know that such things were needed to be said in order to raise the morale of he troops. It has been a tactic used throughout history, and Void wasn't going to let it die on not on his watch.

Void's attention turned his attention towards Aisu Iyata and the map that she produced. His long eye scanned across representation of Kirigakure, as he listen closely to the woman's words and what she needed them to do. The plan itself seemed sounded, and he would take her words to heart, why wouldn't he take the words of a Kirigakure shinobi words to heart, especially the one who he had worked with before? It were a safer bet to let someone he trusted hold his life in his hand, instead of some upstart, know it all. . .

Once she had finished speaking Void spoke adding his own input  “Two of my Anbu members are snipers and can be used to pick off targets that manage to get to close to the centre district from afar. Add in the sole genjutsu user of my group, who can disorient the enemy, and they could remain up here to snipe and cast genjutsu that disorient the opponent” he stated, given Iyata the must needed detail about his squad. The more information she had the better she would be able to plan.

“I will take out the first squad.”

Void's head snapped towards the direction of the Sunagakure brat who had spoken about wanting to take on the first squad by himself, obviously not having paying attention to the woman's orders, he couldn't help but to shake his head the idiot rushing head long into a fight. Did he not realize that those below were stronger than any one of them individually? They being around the rank of Jounin? And while the kid's speed was impressive, he wouldn't last long against those who he come in contact with.

Oh well. . .

Turning his attention back to Iyata, Void spoke “You know he's going to get himself killed right? Those below ain't exactly genins. They are near our level or higher. You can sense that right?” He asked, standing up and stretching “Either way, seeing how the kid has a problem with taking orders. It will be up to us to take out the forces below, we can worry about the brat who wanted to play hero later.” He said turning his attention towards the Anbu members “You know your orders, now move.” The Anbu members disappeared no sooner after their captain gave them their orders, while three of them remain on the rooftop hidden from view.

Leaving Void with the two females “Well ladies are you ready?” He asked before turning his attention towards Iyata “Be careful out there.” he stated showing concern for the Aisu woman who he had worked with before.

“You to pinkie.” He said given a victory sign towards Toraika direction. Why was Void showing some signs of humor during this dire times? Well it was his way to cut the obvious tension between the three. . .or rather the tension between him and Toraika.

With that said Void would disappear along with the other two, and head into the battlefield.

WC: 3593/3000

((OOC Note: Seeing how Akuma willingly left the thread without finishing the objective, he can't enter back in, this was confirmed by staff. So the posting order will remaining the same, outside of Akuma no longer posting. So we will continue onward towards the objective, till this mission is complete.))

11Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:18 pm



“Two of my Anbu members are snipers and can be used to pick off targets that manage to get to close to the centre district from afar. Add in the sole genjutsu user of my group, who can disorient the enemy, and they could remain up here to snipe and cast genjutsu that disorient the opponent”

Iyata nodded her head gently thankful for that information as it could very well mean a much easier time for the person that fell back first. This made her plan feel even more viable “Thank you Void that will provide a much needed help at the center district..”She went to open her mouth when Akuma spoke up, she didn’t mind if he spoke so long as it was something that contributed to what the overall objective was.

“I’ll take care of the first wave.”

That was not it….to add insult to injury he took off out of the area and disappeared into the city. “What the hell is he doing?” She exclaimed as much in worry for the kid as she did in anger at this kids disrespectful nature. She understood that he had a one track mind and that it caused him conflict in processing of multiple information…but that did not excuse his idiotic behavior. She clenched her fist tightly before throwing it aside releasing the fist and the frustration she was feeling at the moment and looked back to Void as he spoke..

"You know he's going to get himself killed right? Those below ain't exactly genins. They are near our level or higher. You can sense that right?”

Void made a valid point, these people were not the average of the mill Ninja they were here with a purpose and would kill anyone child or not if they got in their way as Void and herself witnessed earlier this evening. Iyata frustrated with the young Chunin shook her head, there was little that could be done about it right now and Void voiced those words from her head.

“Either way, seeing how the kid has a problem with taking orders. It will be up to us to take out the forces below, we can’t worry about the brat who wanted to play hero later.”

As cold as it was to hear those words physically spoken she knew that in her heart of hearts, that they were the correct words. The lives of many were hanging in the balance, the lives of the many never outweigh the lives of the few. Iyata looked around the group to make sure they were clear on their orders and what needed to happen. She glanced from each face moving down the line and came back with the same conclusion that they were indeed ready to put this plan into action. As Void gave his orders for his team to move out Iyata nodded her head. “Let’s get going, hopefully we run into that young boy on the way out there…”She said softly and deeply she wished they would so that he would not be fighting alone.

Leaving Void with the two females “Well ladies are you ready?” He asked before turning his attention towards Iyata “Be careful out there.” he stated showing concern for the Aisu woman who he had worked with before.

Iyata smiled to Void and nodded his head, “I’m more worried about you…” she managed to crack a joke and smiled to Void.

“You to pinkie.” He said given a victory sign towards Toraika direction.

Iyata chuckled softly at Void’s humor as misplaced as it was, it was definitely needed in such dire times and she could respect that. Anyone that could look at a dark situation and smile or perform a cause to smile was okay in her book. Iyata grabbed her puppet and attached it once more to her back and looked to Toraika  and Void. “Indeed let us get a move on…Let’s catch up.” She said softly more for Toraika’s sake as she had sensed that the woman was very much the nurturing type as was needed in her profession.

Iyata turned and took off back into the city of hell with the other two remaining of her squad. She was very much aware of Void’s abilities but Toraika was a mystery to her. But she was not concerned between Iyata’s ability to effectively neutralize opposition and provide defense and Void’s ability to effect the battlefield in a area wide format. Anything that Toraika could do would only help their success. As they travelled towards the first contact with the Ninja Iyata’s mind drifted back to something Kaguza had told her..

"In any battle, each fighter has areas of control. These areas determine their striking distance and threat. If you can enter an opponent's area and take control, you'll likely win.”

Iyata kept those words close to the surface of her mind as she would need to be on guard, these were actual Ninja not no stupid puppets that are merely mirroring their commands. Ninja thought and reacted on their own and were very unpredictable.

Iyata looked into the distance and saw the group of Ninja running along the roof top, She looked back to Toraika and Void a moment and gave them a smile of confidence in what they were doing and what was going to happen, “It is time…” was the words she chose to use at this particular moment. She jumped into the sky and landed ontop of the roof opposite the roof the Bell Ninja were running down. Iyata raised her hands up to her mouth and blew into the softly, holding her hands down to her side as balls of Wind Chakra pulsed and rotated in her hand she looked ahead of the Bell Ninja and decided to time this precisely.

Just as the Ninja neared the end of the Roof to ascend to another roof Iyata threw Three balls of Wind into the roof top. Upon impact the balls exploded in wind Chakra destroying the roof top shattering the shingles and splitting the timber around their area of effect. The small explosions was able to vibrate the length of the rooftop and cast the shingles downward onto the ground as the roof began to collapse slightly the Ninja firmly planted on the roof fell with the Rooftop and landed onto the ground with Shingles and lumber strewn around them. Iyata jumped back down to meet her team and unsheathed her blade. She threw another three balls into the Rubble which again exploded upon impact however the Ninja jumped escaping the explosion of timber landing on the ground in front of her team.

Chakra 230/250:
Total: 3009/3000

12Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:20 am



Toraika could hear the screams of once powerful men and women at the ground as their bodies were ripped apart and mutilated. Even through the fog of Kiri, she could still see the blood splattering across the walls and filling the air with its dreadful stench. It struck fear into her, deep into her core. There was a part of her that wanted to go down there and help the Kiri people, and heal as many wounded shinobi and civilians as she could. But then there was another part of her that wanted to run far away back home where things were peaceful and she was safe. Though she knew the second choice was improbable. She could never abandon anyone who needed her. Even if it was just a little. She was just as strong as any of her enemies she would face down there when she tried hard enough, and since she was in the deadeye of war, she was sure to fight until her body stopped moving no matter how much she willed it to move, and she blacked out. There was no way she would nor could turn back now. It was too late to try and save herself nor did she want to. Sure she was scared, but she was sure the small children and innocent villagers of Kiri were more than terrified and being attacked for no good reason. She would not stand for it. Nothing was stopping her. Making up her mind finally, she knew that she would fight until she couldn't or even worse. Never giving up, and standing by her beliefs, staying confident in her abilities, she would save Kiri by contributing everything she could.

She had zoned out for just a bit as she went through scenarios in her head of the outcome should she lose and live, win and live, lose and die and win and die. For some, she dreaded the outcome and wanted nothing but to change it. In others she was quite satisfied. Toraika could not stand this aspect of herself. She wished that she could behave normally in battle and keep her cool and composure like her superiors but she guessed that was something that came with experience and training. Doing the best she could, she took a deep breath and built her confidence within her until Kami, her small chuunin friend that journeyed there with her, decided to hop off the roof and fight all the first wave all by himself. He was a young boy and not too experienced. Well less than she was and that was really saying something. "Kami! Stop you can't fight them alone!!" She called out to him as she ran to the edge of the rooftop reaching out her hand that would never be taken. Realizing he was gone and not coming back, she withdrew her hand into her other hand and held them close to her chest. 'If he gets hurt, I will not return Lady Kazekage.' Her own words rang in her head. He was part of her mission too, and she seemed to be failing it. It wasn't what you would call baby sitting, but more of watching over just in case. Her heart was screaming at her to stay and fight to save the village and help the higher ranked shinobi fight off the Seven Bells clan. Though her head screamed at her to jump down behind Kami and fight with him. Even fighting alongside him, they might not achieve what they needed to, but at least she could say she could die trying. Right now though, she could save lives being a stronger Medical Ninjutsu user than a fighter. It crossed her mind then that she had not even mentioned what she specialized in to help Miss Iyata create her plans. She looked back down to the battlefield and saw that Kami Akuma was no where to be seen. It was at least a sign he might not have died. Keeping that thought in mind, that her 10 year old friend was laying in wait and not in danger, she shook off her bad feelings and gave her attention to Void who began to speak. 

After close examination and thinking back a bit, she realized that he had been speaking before but she had not heard anything that was said. All she could do was hope that it wasn't something of the utmost importance. “Either way, seeing how the kid has a problem with taking orders. It will be up to us to take out the forces below, we can't worry about the brat who wanted to play hero later.” This made Toraika a bit uneasy again. She could not hold back her inner thoughts anymore. "Void, I understand he went against orders, and that he is in danger now, also that he disrespected you, but that doesn't mean you should disrespect him either..." She finished her sentence looking at her feet in a bit of embarrassment for being so outspoken. She could not help herself, but Void did not have to call him a brat and pretend that he was insignificant just because he made a dumb decision. Toraika felt extremely fearful for what the man would say back to her, but hiding her face under her hair, she pretended not to exist for a few moments. Toraika never really spoke her mind to those stronger than her and that was actually respect in her own right, but she wasn't comfortable around that man whatsoever. Then Toraika remembered what she needed to tell Miss Iyata. "I am a specialized Medic... But I can also use Ninjutsu..." She said still hiding under her hair and softly almost to the point of it being a whisper. That was when Miss Iyata made the call to get going. “Let’s get going, hopefully we run into that young boy on the way out there…” Toraika had to admit that she prefered the Kiri kunoichi over the ANBU man and that was for sure. She seemed more level headed and kind at heart. "Indeed, let's get a move on... Let's catch up." Her leader commanded making Toraika nod and leap from the roof.

Leaping from the roof behind her leader and the man she considered rude, the man made a final comment to be careful. The both of them. He seemed to have a soft spot for Miss Iyata but she knew that would only give him a reason to fight harder in battle to protect her. Toraika was naive but not dumb. Actually, she was quite clever in her own right and had faith in her abilities at this point. Watching her leader unleash a fuuton jutsu against the enemy, she knew the battle had begun and she was sure now that she was ready herself. Her Medic abilities were not only a powerful way of healing another person, but they were a powerful offense. Her kekkei genkai had saved her in battle multiple times after all. Happily, she looked forward to the battle now, ironically, considering her original thoughts.

Mission WC: 3018/3000

Ninjutsu Training WC: 3018/3000 (Complete)

Last edited by Toraika on Sat Nov 23, 2013 2:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

13Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Thu Nov 21, 2013 12:50 pm


“Void, I understand he went against orders, and that he is in danger now, also that he disrespected you, but that doesn't mean you should disrespected him either. . .”
That was a shocker! The pink haired woman could speak after all, but more important could actually speak to Guanyin Nanashi. The silver haired male tilted his head to the side, towards the woman's direction, lone eye looking at the woman who sadly found something more interesting on the ground. Though he did noted that there was a pink hue spreading across her cheeks. Could the woman actually be embarrassed at her small out burst? What in the world was there to be embarrassed about? She stood up for her comrade when someone else disrespected them, that was the right thing to do and she finally did it! It only just took her a few tries. Now if only she had shown this earlier with Sunagakure Chuunin, and maybe he could have actually helped out on this mission, instead of gallivanting on his own.
You misread me, if you actually thought I was offended by the kid's comments. If anything I founded them humorous. But you need to teach the kid that it's not wise to disrespect those in authority or go against orders, for that could easily been seen as an act of treason. Or in some case a beating from the superior, luckily for him I don't like to beat those under me for fun. . .I allow them to do what they want, with them knowing if they fuck up it's their own fault and thus don't expect me to come rescue them. I lives of many outweighs the life of one. . . it's the way of the shinobi.” Some probably wouldn't believe the words that he spoke pertaining to superiors beating the underlings who don't follow orders and disrespected them, but there has been many documented cases where such things done happen. He himself had been a witness to a few of them, having been there to deal the person afterward, and to put it plainly it was brutal, Disrespect and disobedience wasn't tolerated by the higher ups, with many taking his approach to the latter. It was truly staggering how many genin and chuunin entry shinobi died on missions because they can't control their mouths or had a problem taking orders. All those deaths could been avoided if they just did what was ask of them, but alas most didn't and many ended up taking a permanent vacation with death. Such thoughts about the foolishness of shinobi came to a halt when he heard Iyata speak. . .
“I'm more worried about you. . .”
Oh! Did his ears deceive him or was Aisu Iyata actually worried about his safety? Did she really had so little faith in him to believe that he wouldn't be able to defend himself properly? Or was she just trying to show that she cares about his well being? No matter the reasons he couldn't help but to chuckle at her concern, never admitting it was truly touching “Yeah. Yeah. Just don't get yourself injured. I would hate having to heal you.” Of course the latter part was a lie, being a medic Nanashi was required by the Oath to heal all those who are injured and as of yet he hasn't broken it and didn't plan on doing so in the near future. He would heal all of those who were in needed of it, even if he didn't want to.
“Indeed let us get a move on…Let’s catch up.”
No sooner had the words left Iyata's mouth, Nanashi took off with the woman following her are a moderate pace as the three of them descended into the city of hell.
Was it sad that despite this being his second mission that Nanashi had become immune to all of what he was witnessing? From the allies shinobi getting ripped to shreds, the enemies showing no mercy as they brutally killed any and everything that got in their way. From the people literal throughout the streets, crying in hysteria over corpses of their dead love ones. To the smell of burnt human flesh that thickly hung in the heavy like some cheap cologne? None of it seem to phrase him anymore, he had quickly became desentalize to the carnage that was happening around them.
And that's why upon touching down on the ground, a pair of black two foot long senbons slid out of his sleeve in one fluid motion, sailing into the air as they pierce the skulls of two advancing enemies, hitting them with a soft “thump”, rushing towards the fallen enemies, he removed the blood stained weapons before they bodies could hit the ground. He couldn't relish in his successful kill, having to block a sword strike with one of his senbons, from another enemy who tried to sneak up behind him, sparks flew off the grinding weapons as he held his own against them, before using his free hand and stabbing the man in the eye with his other senbon. The cries of the man ripped through the battleground, as he clutched his damaged eye, the senbon sticking out, plainly visible for all to see as blood squirted from the afflicted wound. His cries however would be snuffed out as a smile appeared across his throat, via a kunai swipe from Nanashi, blood gushing out as he drowned on it.
The sound of an explosion drew his attention towards the area where he saw Iyata ventured off to, seeing the rooftop of a building collapse and three shadows jumping out just before it and appearing a front of the two females. Without wasting any time Nanashi's body disappeared and reappeared right beside Iyata, as he took stock of the three before him. All three of them were men, dressed in armor that was eerily similar to the type that Nanashi was wearing, a sword was strapped on their person.
Well well. . .what do we have here?” Was the words spoken by the middle man, his voice sounding almost robotic in nature “Three little bitches pretending to be shinobi.” Something about the man's words must have been funny for the other two started laughing “So how do you like what we did to the place.” He stated, spreading his arms around at the carnage that surrounded them “Isn't it beautiful? The sounds of men, women and children dying? Ain't it orgasmic the look on their faces when they realize that no one would save them, and that they were going to die. I never felt so much pleasure in killing before. I mean sure raping a bitch or two is pleasurable but this.” He paused as if to find the right words “This is unexplainable. But enough of that. Come allow us the pleasure of getting off on your cooling corpses!” No sooner had the words left his mouth, he charged towards Iyata, bringing out his katana in a fluid motion, attempting a horizontal slash.


The sound of metal hitting metal ranged out clearly, as Nanashi appeared a front of the attack, blocking it with one of his senbons “I'm sorry for taking your thunder Iyata, but this sack of flesh pissed me off. So I hope you don't mind me taking this one on my own, do you?” He asked, thrusting his other senbon at the man's chest, causing him to jump back where the other two members remain standing.
So you want to fight me? Fine than! While I would have loved to deal with one of the whores there, you know make them into my play thing before I kill them. I will allow my comrades take turns doing that, besides sharing is caring right?” He laugh obnoxiously, before looking at Void, his body posture once lax was now tense “Come than boy, show me what you can do!” With that said he jumped on top of an adjacent roof, the other two following their leaders lead, as they waited for their respective opponents to follow.
The invitation has been sent, will you accept or die it, Nanashi-kun?
Guanyin Nanashi didn't even need to think twice about his answer, he will be accepting the invitation to this dance of death and he will be the one to make it out alive, turning his attention to his two comrades, he focus his attention on the pink haired one “I know we got off on a bad foot, but be careful when you fight him.” He turned towards Iyata “You to. Once either of your finish help the other with theirs if it's needed.” With that said, Nanashi jumped onto the roof top of the one who had spoken earlier, the man apparently waiting for him.
No sooner had he touched down onto the rooftop, he had to dodge a doton fuma shuriken that was hurled at him. “Well there goes the thought of the man being patient.”, he mused, barely dodging a katana swipe and countering it with a thrust with his senbon, which was dodged. Jumping back, and putting some distance between the too, Nanashi placed his senbons back onto his person, ten chakra senbons formed in his hands, before being thrown at the man, one senbon having an additional affect and sped towards him quicker than the others. The missing-nin didn't even bother to move, instead he quickly went through a set of hand-signs before a wall of earth erected a front of him, causing the senbons to bounce off harmlessly. . .
Upon seeing the wall erected, Nanashi was already moulding raiton chakra in his mouth, a small yellow sphere form a front of his gaping maws, and like a sling shot the sphere sped towards the opponent taking the shape of a lightning spear, the power in which scorching the rooftop. The missing nin didn't stand a chance, for one the man wasn't a sensor and thus couldn't pin-point chakra signatures, two; the spear was fired at the moment the wall was erected thus he couldn't see it heading towards him, and the finally reason, the spear would been upon him at the exact moment the wall can down, thus leaving no time to escape or to use a substitution.
Or at least that what Nanashi thought, . .

The man apparently had some skills, seeing how he had appeared to the left of the earth wall, dodging the blast completely, and already going through another set of hand signs, a sphere of water appearing in his hands, as he threw the spiraling ball towards Nanashi.

Dodging to the right, a two footed senbon slide out of his person and grasped in his hand as it made contact with a sword strike that could have cut him in half, using the proximity to his advantages, he grabbed the missing-nin's hand that held the sword, dropping his own senbon to the ground, left hand coming up crackling with raiton chakra and grasped onto the man's face, sending hundred of bolts throughout the missing nin body and causing it to shake violent. Not wasting any time, a kunai appeared in his hand and sliced across the man's throat, almost with enough force to take his head off. The man dropped. . .dead to the world.
Retrieving his weapons, Nanashi move towards the edge of the rooftop, as he scanned the other two rooftops where his comrades were fighting, watching out for any signs they need help.

WC: 1960
Current Mission WC: 5553 | 3000

Charka 195 |250:

14Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Thu Nov 21, 2013 7:50 pm



Iyata looked at the man he pulled himself out of the rubble with his cohorts, the corner of Iyata’s lip twisted into that of disappointment. She had wished to take them by surprise and destroy them all. She sighed some seeing as she would now need to spend more time separating their heads from their bodies.

What a bother…

“Well well. . .what do we have here?” Was the words spoken by the middle man, his voice sounding almost robotic in nature “Three little bitches pretending to be shinobi.”Something about the man's words must have been funny for the other two started laughing “So how do you like what we did to the place.” He stated, spreading his arms around at the carnage that surrounded them “Isn't it beautiful? The sounds of men, women and children dying? Ain't it orgasmic the look on their faces when they realize that no one would save them, and that they were going to die. I never felt so much pleasure in killing before. I mean sure raping a bitch or two is pleasurable but this.” He paused as if to find the right words “This is unexplainable. But enough of that. Come allow us the pleasure of getting off on your cooling corpses!” No sooner had the words left his mouth, he charged towards Iyata, bringing out his katana in a fluid motion, attempting a horizontal slash.

Iyata had instinctively brought her own Katana up to block the attack, it was nothing she could not of handled having done so many times before with the best swordsmen in all of Kirigakure her Sensei Kaguza. But as a Angel of Death descended down in front of her she quickly realized it to be her own personal Angel of Death, she looked at Void’s back as he stood in front of her and blocked the incoming attack. She smirked and tapped his shoulder…

“I'm sorry for taking your thunder Iyata, but this sack of flesh pissed me off. So I hope you don't mind me taking this one on my own, do you?”

Iyata canted her head to the side and evaluated the situation and thought it over a moment or so, “So long as you leave those other two for me…Im okay with that…” She was a woman of compromise after all. She smiled sheepishly to Void and slid out from behind him. Looking directly into the Ninja in front of her she popped her neck rotating her shoulder around. As Void once more spoke to Iyata and Toraika, she listened softly.

“You to. Once either of your finish help the other with theirs if it's needed.”

Iyata chuckled softly and looked at him “Who’s leader here, me or you…” She joked in good fun before watching him follow swiftly after the Ninja that had attempted to assault her. Iyata looked back to Toraika and nodded her head, “Do what you can, I should be able to keep them off balance. When you see your opportunity, take it.” Iyata turned herself to the side and slid her blade behind her holding it in one hand. She quickly took off towards the group of Ninja, they were quicker to react that Iyata had originally believed. They quickly closed the distance between herself and them and slashed vertically with their blades in unison. Iyata lifted her blade up from her side quickly and stopped both the blades from travelling further as their blades met with hers horizontally. She placed a swift kick into one of them hitting him square in the gut causing him to stumble backward. She used the backward momentum to push herself backward throwing her leg around hurling a sphere of Fuuton energy from her leg into the stomach of the other Ninja throwing him up against the wall.

Iyata lunged forward attempting to drive her katana’s edge into his chest but he quickly countered with his sword pushing her back with a thrust of his shoulder. Iyata stumbled back and was met with a foot to the back of her knee dropping her down to one knee. In a very bad place at the moment Iyata reacted the only way she knew how too, she pushed herself upward throwing her body into the Ninja in front of her causing her to collide with him and based on his bodily reaction he was not anticipating it. They both slammed into the wall Iyata pushed herself off the wall with her foot throwing herself backward and into the other Ninja knocking him down to the ground. Iyata turned around and lunged to the side making a series of seals.

She looked ahead as she saw that the two of them began weaving their own Seals. They manifested swirling balls of water and threw them immediately at Iyata, smirking softly “You fucking Idiots…IM A AISU!!!” She clapped her hands together and spread them wide as 5 Inch Thick Mirrors of Ice Formed in front of her. The Balls impacted with the mirrors and, upon impact the water within the Jutsus Froze causing the balls to drop onto the ground with a clatter. Iyata threw the Mirrors forward colliding them into the Ninja knocking them off balance. Iyata suddenly opened her mouth and a waterfall worth of water poured out of her mouth and gathered at her feet before rushing forward with Tidal wave like properties slamming into the Ninja and causing them to hit the walls of the nearby buildings pinning them there.

Iyata looked back to Toraika giving her the signal with her eyes to take them out, She turned her eyes back to the Ninja she kept pinned to the walls with her Suiton Jutsu.

~~ After Toraika’s Post~~

After the girls finished putting the Ninja in their place they took off to rendezvous with the other Ninja to find that they had been successful in eliminating the opposition. Iyata touched down next to the ANBU Members and smiled softly as they gave slight cheers of victory. Iyata could not help but join in, they had been successful in striking a large blow against the opposition and were one step closer to reclaiming Kiri. She could not resist and took a page out of Void’s book and threw up a Victory Sign with her Fingers.

Chakra 185/250 :

WC: 1067
Total Mission WC: 3000/3000
Training Element(Fuuton) B>A: 1079 WC

**Side Note: Feel free to Wrap it up Toraika! =)***

15Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Empty Re: Rooftop Wars [Open/Toraika] Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:54 pm



Toraika was anxious to defeat these rapists and murderers with all that she had. After making those devastating advancements, she wouldn't let them get out of it alive. Normally she preserved life but this time she was going to take it. That much she knew. She watched as each word that the ring leader of this wave of destruction on the rooftops, dripped off his lips with hatred and malevolence. He had done so many wrongs and hurt and killed so many people. He disgusted her and she was going to make it where none of these men ever hurt another human being again. When Void took the leader she was actually happy about it. She would have fought him and for Miss Iyata to destroy him would have been fine too, but she could tell there was a deep violence within Void. He would destroy this disgraceful slime giving him as much pain and suffering as he could which didn't exactly comfort her, but it did make her feel like it was deserving for him.

Once the battle had begun with Void, Toraika was prepared to take on whichever of his subordinates was left, though Miss Iyata instructed her to jump in when there was an opening. Toraika was somewhat offended by this. Did they think she was weak and pathetic? She could hold her own and then some! Instead she just sighed and nodded in response to her. She was still required to follow orders from her leader. Shrugging it off she kept her guard on high alert to watch and see if or when she was needed. The weapons of all of then flew through the air while Miss Iyata used her ninjutsu to counter attacks until the two men she was facing were hurled into the wall. The next thing she knew she was getting the okay to take out the targets with the final blow. Now Toraika was satisfied, she was flattered that the woman I trusted her to close the kill but also she had never killed a human in her life and she wasn't sure if she could bring herself to it. Then she remembered that these men weren't human, nor were they even men. They were slime at the bottom of a dark lake and she was going to end them. "Lightning Release: Great Ascension." She said it softly as she made the hand signs and slammed the roof beneath her with the palms of her hands. Her blue lightning surged through the roof and quickly made its way to the two men up against a wall. Once it reached them, two bolts of lightning erupted from the ground and impaled them each through their chests. Their blood raining down the spike of lightning. It was a new sight to her. Dead men pouring their blood everywhere at her hand. She could feel a wet substance on her fingers as she stood up and though she could easily see that it was nothing but water on her fingers, in her eyes, she saw nothing but blood on her hands. It was a sad feeling knowing she had stolen their life over saving it. Though Toraika was finally seeing that the world wasn't as bright and beautiful as she had always believed it to be. Some people deserved to die.

WC: 3580/3000

Chakra: 225/250

Jutsu Used:

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