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1Light at the End of the Tunnel (Toraika) Empty Light at the End of the Tunnel (Toraika) Tue Nov 19, 2013 12:05 am



It all seemed so hopeless. The human body was so fragile and pathetic. Will was another story it was strong and sometimes too strong for the human body to even comprehend. This left fighting spirits alive while the body simply lay in defeat. A cruel trick on those who refused to let themselves down. Where the body failed, will made up in leaps in bounds but the mind swayed between the two never knowing which one to side with. His mind always sided with will wanting to push on and keep fighting, move forward and never back. On the other hand his mind was used to trauma of all kinds from animal attacks to social disease. So many things he wanted to feel he could no longer feel because of the childhood that was robbed from him. A borderline sociopath that longed for human response and love and yet could find nobody that would risk standing by his side. He was forever haunted by his fears.

Today his body had given up on his will, completely beaten down and only moving forward on pride alone. It wasn’t just the pain of worn out muscles but also the blood loss. His right leg had been pierced good enough to cause some pretty nasty damage and was now covered up by his headband and squeezed tight enough that it had slowed the blood loss at least a little. Yet every step he took forward seemed the have blood trickling down not just from it but also the arm wounds that were made from kunai. Better an arm then a jugular, in his mind anyways. His chest also had a slash across it from another sword, a careless mistake on his part. He spit to his right aiming at the ground as blood come out. He knew that wasn’t good. Luckily he had managed to drag himself back to the hospital after actually winning and completing his mission, although it definitely didn’t seem that way by his appearance. He stumbled in through the hospital doors. It was almost empty.

He laughed a bit as his vision blurred more and more. He knew the hospital staff were on full alert do to the attacks on the village and most of the ninja were out with their squads helping the injured. He had no idea it was this bad though. He could still walk but his balance was completely gone as he made his way to the counter and hit the little bell. His jacket had been cut open revealing his chest and the previous scars he was littered with, all from animal injuries caused by wolves and bears when he was a young boy. He had to admit for being known as the person to become chuunin in only a month it seemed painful to always have to undertake his missions alone. He coughed again as he hit the bell wondering where all the medical ninja were within the hospital. He couldn’t allow himself to sit or fall over, he had to remain strong because if he began to get tired even in the slightest that’s when he would be scared for his life.



Toraika had just gotten done fighting in one of her missions she was thrown into by some random jounin of Kiri. She wasn't very tired since she was accompanied by a few other shinobi, but she wanted nothing more than to go to the hospital and check on some of the patients. She knew she would be needed since most of the medics would be out on the field rescuing live action patients. As she walked in she was actually pretty surprised to see that there was no one in the lobby whatsoever. Not a single medic and the place was pretty silent except for a bell that kept dinging repeatedly. Almost instantaneously, she yanked her attention to where the noise was coming from, her long bright pink hair falling over her shoulders. Her heart stopped as she saw a boy around her age slide from the front desk and ringing the bell to the floor as his blood dampened the rug beneath him. She ran to his aid and saw he was loosing a lot of blood and that it was coming from his leg. Observing it, she smiled seeing that he had attempted to stop his own blood with his Kiri headband. Toraika was small but she wasn't to be underestimated or considered weak. She lifted the boy who was bigger than her into her arms and carried him to the couch in the waiting room, laying him down gently. She then immediately got her small medic pack out and pulled out all her bandages and scalpels. Slowly she began to untie his headband and placed it gently on his bare chest. She looked him over carefully and took note of his condition. He had obviously been fighting for his village just as she was doing for Kiri, and had gotten beaten up pretty badly. His clothes were ripped horribly all over his body and he had many cuts that were a few inches deep throughout his body. He kept trying to speak to her but she would hold a single finger to his lips and shake her head 'no' for him to say nothing. She didn't need him to speak to her. She was very skilled in what she did and him speaking would only make things worse and make him weaker.



Cold. The one word he could use to describe his entire life. The way he was treated was always cold and only served to further freeze his emotionless heart. The way he felt now bleeding out in the lobby of a hospital the village that had adopted him. His eyes blurred into a drastic tunnel vision yet no light was on in the distance. He had once been told that living was only from those strong enough to endure the pain life dealt. He wondered if this had meant he was weak. He felt like he was floating, in a daze as he looked to his right and saw someone else. The bell worked at least to some extent; perhaps he wasn’t weak at all. He struggled to speak to let her know it was his leg but a finger found its way to his mouth. It was warm and strangely the first time he had even been touched by someone else. At least in a way that didn’t involve violence.

Dameon wondered if this was how he felt or if he was just as cold as he felt. He looked at the kunoichi that was giving him medical attention and stared into her eyes. He wasn’t sure how he looked but he felt weak and couldn’t make out her entire face in detail but he knew she was cute, if only just from her worried expression about him alone. Her eyes though, it showed genuine concern, something he could not even fake. It made him wonder just how bad he looked. He looked at her though and felt warm, something he had never really felt with anyone, and it was different. Perhaps she was the light at the end of the tunnel. No need to die to be reborn. He didn’t know how to react or even respond and any attempt at talking was blocked by her finger. He stopped struggling as he didn’t know himself how he would tell her this emotion he was feeling frankly because he didn’t understand it himself.



Toraika was considered a highly ranked medic back in her village and she was proud of her title. She had healed more people than she could count, whether it be a minor scratch to internal bleeding. She had even brought people back to life when their hearts stopped beating. Speaking of which, she felt the boy getting colder and colder which made her own heart stop. She was losing him and she couldn't use her defibrillator on him with such a large open wound. If his heart started up and at an extreme pace, it would cause his blood to pump out even quicker. This meant she needed to act faster. She ripped the part of his pants where the wound was more so that she had enough room to work, then focused her chakra to her hands and let them hover over his wound then when basic medic jutsu wasn't working, she knew she needed to use her Kekkei Genkai again. It took a lot out of her, especially this one, but she knew she had no other choice if she wanted to save his life. As her eyes began to glow a brighter blue as if light was emitting from them, she weaved a few signs in the blink of an eyes and her hands glowed even brighter than they had a moment ago. Toraika once again smiled again just as cheerfully as she always did, feeling that his blood was regenerating now quickly and that his small wounds were nearly gone, and the large one on his legs was slowly getting smaller and less deep. Taking a deep breath she smiled at the boy's face seeing that the color was returning to his cheeks. He was going to be okay and she was more than ecstatic about that. She felt herself weakening more and more as each second passed but she was doing a good job at not showing it. 

Chakra: 215/250

Jutsu Used:



Warmth; it was new to him but could feel his body heating up slowly as he saw the glow of the ever familiar healing technique coming from her hands. It was a genuine life saver of a jutsu. He felt enough strength to move as he turned his head toward her. His eye sight seemed to be coming back steadily and he could completely see her new. His impression had been right even in his weakened state. She was indeed beautiful and those words usually never flowed into his mind or wandered anywhere close to his mouth. Mainly because he had never experienced such a thing in his life before, sure there were women he found cute and attractive, but this was different. Perhaps it was her gentle touch or the expression of concern on her face, it was different, but it was welcomed.

He felt capable enough to move struggled himself to sit up straight on the couch. His arms and his chest were still injured but they were never the serious problem. He could see now that she wasn’t from Kiri and her headband suggested she was from Suna. No doubt an alley fighting or rather aiding the village in its time of need against the opposing forced attacking it. His entire body ached and it felt as if it weight an extra hundred pounds from his actual weight. His jacket and body were fixable, his mind he wondered about on a daily basis. If his early exile had somehow caused damage to him in ways mentally that could never be prepared or if it had been the countless nights staying awake so he didn’t get ambushed by wolves. Either one seemed like it could have been the case but the woman that was aiding him now seemed to push all of that aside, her pink hair, and questions about her the only thing filling his thoughts.

“I…I’m Dameon,” he said struggling a bit at first as he extended his non injured arm to offer her his hand, and even in its uninjured state it rose shakily.



Toraika could tell that the boy was getting stronger but she wished he wouldn't sit up. She wanted his blood to continue to flow and it wouldn't flow as fast if he sat up. Taking a deep breath she intensified her jutsu as the light grew brighter and her ration was released as well to heal him up all better and give him a little 'jolt' of energy. This weakened her even more but she still hid it well. It was a medics job to always look strong in from of their patient so that they knew they could count on them. The boy mentioned his name as Dameon which was a cute name and it made her smile again. "I'm Toraika." She said softly hiding the pain in her voice. His shakes hand extended to her and it broke her heart to see him trying so hard to thank her even though he was weak. She wanted to take his hand as well but with both hands full of electricity and being used to heal him, she couldn't. "Relax for me, you are just about healed up to perfection." She reassured him in a way to let him know that wasn't being rude by not accepting his hand, just that she couldn't. As she finished up with his major wound and it was only about an inch deep now opposed to halfway through his leg originally, she scanned his body with her eyes, channeling chakra through his body. She found only a mild concussion which she was relieved about. She couldn't cure it to perfection for a bit which upset her but this jutsu took it out of her.



Dameon’s hand didn’t stop as she spoke; he understood that she needed to focus on the more serious of matters at the moment. He did something he had never done before and that was display his emotion in front of someone he had only just met. His hand touch her cheek lightly he her right side than gracefully slid her hair back behind her ear showing her face even more. He gave a small smile on his face as he nodded at her. He knew it would be a while before he was at a hundred percent, his body was naturally resistant to being healed but he appreciated her making him comfortable. He leaned back, not using his muscles as he slouched back against the arm of the couch. Half a smile still on his face as he watched her.

“Thank you,” he spoke softly, not knowing whether or not he should just fall asleep and get some rest. It seemed like a good idea, he knew somehow she would take care of him. Besides the couch was more comfortable than his bed anyways. His eyes closer with a smile on his face, exhaustion had finally surpassed the adrenaline that had got him this far. All he could see now was darkness and trees. Glowing eyes of a pack of wolves that had surrounded him. All he had was his sharpened stick and dry blood wounds all over his torn and food starved body. This was his reoccurring nightmare he knew it passively and was forced to watch almost every night. His seven year old self fighting off wolves with no remorse or emotion but taking bites and scratches to his body to do so. When one wolf died they all would retreat and try again the next night. His dream turned to complete darkness and suddenly he was thrown back into the world of the living.

Dameon woke up in the hospital bed raising himself halfway up breathing heavily as sweat come from his forehead. Slowly the memories came back to him of his solo mission to secure a warehouse of invaders completely solo. He had won but suffered a lot of damage. He was still sore, very sore. It felt like days had passed since then but he didn’t know for sure. He looked around the room looking for any sign, for anybody. He knew how it went though; he never had anybody that cared about him enough to see if he was ok. His cold emotion of loneliness returning to him, nobody in all his times of coming to the hospital had ever visited him, not even the doctors. He was simply left to fend for himself once he felt capable of walking out the door. He sat up in the bed resting his back against the pillows as he looked outside wondering if the enemy had advanced any further.



Toraika blushed the moment his fingertips touched her cheek. The feeling of them brush her hair behind her ear made her blush even more. She turned to look down at the boy, her eyes still glowing their bright blue, since her kekkei genkai was still in use. She did not understand what the boy was doing but she could tell he was weak. This made her sigh knowing her kekkei genkai had less effect on those with pharmacophobia. She assumed that was the case anyway with the effects she was receiving. Finally realizing it was as good as it was going to get, she closed her eyes as the last of the blue lightning and glowing chakra seeped into his body. Feeling absolutely weak, she was ready to fall over from exhaustion at the moment. Her Healing Hands was extremely tough on her stamina. Dizzily, she glanced back at the boy who had his eyes closed now and stopped moving but she was a professional at what she did, and could tell he was only deeply sleeping off his own exhaustion. Smiling at the boy, she then looked down and shakily picked up her large bandages and wrapped his leg with them so that it would heal faster and bacteria wouldn't get inside of it. She put all the rest of her supplies back into her small pack and shakily stood up only to fall forward towards the couch, catching herself on the back of it before she had fallen on top of it. She wanted to sleep herself, but her job wasn't done. With the enemy running all over the village, killing anyone they could, she couldn't just leave him in the lobby like this. Taking a deep breath, she did her best to gather just a bit of energy, just enough actually. She then bent her knees and scooped him up into her arms, and carried him to the stairs she found at the back of the room, then up 3 flights until she was on the fourth floor. She walked to a room way in the back, making sure he was way out of anyones senses, and laid him on a bed. It was dark outside now and she was now completely out of energy. Surprisingly there was not a single person in the hospital, it was completely abandoned since the war was going on outside and all the medics were needed, which led her to believe that they only moved the patients somewhere safer. At least she hoped that was the case. Watching him stir in his sleep cutely, she smiled with her last ounce of consciousness, then fell to the floor, finally having enough.



He could hear something now but it was faint but I was faint. Like footsteps walking across the floor of the hospital, but their feet were flat. ‘I know that sound,’ he thought and sure enough the head of a penguin popped into the door way before walking in keeping its eyes on Dameon. The penguin or as Dameon called him ‘Penpen’ had been abandoned and hungry so he took him in, plus it kept him company. The penguin ran ahead toward the bed stopping and began jumping and waving its wings frantically. Something was wrong; he always did this when something was wrong. Dameon looked down over the edge of the bed and noticed her, the same woman that had nursed him back to health. He had assumed she left; apparently she had been there the whole time. It made him feel bad and sore or not he jumped out of the bed noticing she had been sleeping and picked her up carefully and placed her down on the bed. It was the least he could do.

Penpen himself jumped onto the foot of the bed and began reading the newspaper he had found in the room. Dameon always noticed him doing that but was never quite sure if he could actually read it or not. Dameon himself stood next to the beautiful kunoichi and moved her hair out of her face and pulled the covers up to her chest before grabbing a chair and sitting it next to her. He waited for her to finish sleeping and would even guard the room if necessary. He owed the woman so much and the emotion that swelled inside of him was unlike any other. He would protect her for her having cared about him so much. He closed the door and looked out the window favoring his left leg. No visible signs of fighting could be seen, but he knew it was there in the distance just outside the gates. He needed to recover soon so he could help them.




Toraika was out like a light and was more unconscious than sleeping. Though she was having vivid dreams of her home before her Father had died. She was the way she was because of him. He taught her to always smile no matter what. Even if you feel pain inside, smile anyway to make others feel a bit better. A medical nin should always be cheery, especially when with a patient, because it helps the healing process. She missed him so much and the dreams she had like this when he would train her made her break a bit more each time she had them. She could feel someone lift her and lay her on something soft like a bed then brushed her hair away, and covered her up with what seemed like a blanket. Desperately she tried to wake up and react to this but it was hard. Mentally she willed her chakra to flow fast as well as her blood so that she could move and eventually she did. It began with her fingertips then it was her arms then her legs, and finally she opened her eyes. Blinking a few times to get used to this new light, she woke up and sat up in the bed as the blankets fell off of her chest revealing her torso again. She felt gross and wanted a bath, as she did every time she woke up, but she was extremely sweaty and had random blood on her body, as well as cuts and bruises in minor places from the war. As she looked straight forward she saw a small penguin reading a newspaper which lead her to believe she was still sleeping and it was just a dream. Blinking again really hard, she opened her eyes to still see a penguin reading at her feet. Sensing someone beside her now as her body woke up, she snapped her gaze to her left to see the boy her age she had healed sitting beside her. Putting two and two together she realized why she was laying in the bed and he was sitting beside her. She pulled the covers off of her body and stood up, feeling better than ever since she got rest. "Thank you for laying me down, that was sweet of you. How are you feeling?" She asked delightfully in her kind soft-spoken voice.



Dameon had seen her move and stood up as well right in front of her. Penpen only turned his head a little but before folding up his newspaper and walking out of the room slowly like they had been disturbing him. After she spoke he kind of blushed having never been told he was sweet before or anything for that matter other than a nuisance. He also didn’t know exactly how to respond to her as he looked down into her eyes. She was short but to him only added to her beauty and now that both of them were completely conscious he felt embarrassed for thinking of such a thing. His jacket was still around him open completely exposing his chest that she had healed earlier and his leg and arm were both wrapped up. She looked in many ways a million times better than he did or perhaps ever did. His answer to her seemed on impulse alone and uncontrolled.

“I fee…l like I’m still dreaming after all you are the most beautiful thing I had ever seen,” he said an almost immediate sign of panic and embarrassment on his face. He had never ever once opened the emotional can of worms of attractiveness. He reached his left hand back behind his head and scratched it nervously as he rethought what she had asked.

“Better! Better…much better. Sore but not dead….and socially confused,” he said completely embarrassed and as red as he could possibly be. He was trying to cover up what he had said earlier but he did feel that way. He was just so used to abandonment and rejection that he was always afraid to say what was on him mind. He looked down kind of embarrassed and not sure how she would respond.



Toraika giggled lightly watching the cute little penguin waddle out of the door in what seemed like annoyance. The little guy must have wanted some quiet alone time and she felt kind of bad for making him get up like that. After he was gone, she looked back to the boy in front of her and blushed now as her eyes fell to his exposed chest. Sure, plenty of boys ran around wearing little to no shirt but his body was extra pleasant to look at. She almost opened her mouth to stutter out a few words out of embarrassment, but then she closed her eyes and shook her head violently to stop her from speaking. Besides, she was waiting for his reply to her question. “I fee…l like I’m still dreaming after all you are the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.” Toraika was not expecting that answer at all actually. He was a bright shade of red himself and his words made her skin turn nearly the same color. She was always so embarrassed when she received compliments regarding her looks. Any on her abilities she was more than proud of, but she didn't pay that much attention to her physical appearance, though she always made sure she looked presentable. She wasn't sure quite how to respond as the boy added something else. “Better! Better…much better. Sore but not dead….and socially confused.” That answer made her blush a bit less and actually giggle lightly at how cute he was when he was nervous like that. Lightly, she placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad I could help, and thank you for calling me... beautiful. I do not hear it very often from someone my age like you... Normally just elders and Academy children. You are really kind." Smiling her calming sweet smile the whole time and scanning his body for any wounds.



He didn’t know how to react in these situations. All the fighting scenarios and years of training seemed useless when it came to moments like these. He was eternally grateful to her, his guardian angel of sorts and he still didn’t feel like it was enough. On top of that she was making him feel an emotion he couldn’t recall ever having. It was scary and frightening to him and he felt so helpless at the moment as he looked down before looking back up at her and leaning in and kissing her quickly on the lips and wrapping his hands around her to hug her. He didn’t know if what he did was right but it felt right as his head rested on her shoulder.

“Thank you,” He said not knowing what else to say as he pulled away slowly. Now he felt like apologizing as he could see she was just as red if not more red than he was. Human interaction was definitely not something he was used to. This had been the first hug he had ever given anyone and emotionally his walls and barriers seem to crash around him and he was spiraling out of control. He always kept himself guarded and afraid to meet people out of fear of not being accepted. It came with the baggage of his childhood. Just as much emotionally scarred as his body was physically scarred. Every day seemed harder and harder to continue on knowing it would be another day without the comfort of another.

Now his emotions seemed to have built up and flown out with his actions after having met her. His ‘heart on a sleeve’ so they said. He had only just now got that expression and he was internally conflicted as he looked into her eyes. Not knowing what she would do or how she would react only made things worse and he never liked leaving anything up to chance. He looked down again not knowing what to say or do and feeling overwhelmed with everything he had kept hidden away for so long.

“I…I’m sorry…it’s just that,” he said stuttering deciding to stop mid-sentence. He was sure she didn’t want to hear anything he had to say.



Toraika was happy to see that she had saved another life and was now ready to go to the battlefield and continue doing so since she was not in the midst of a mission currently as far as she knew anyway. She was about to speak and tell him how to keep up with his wound so that it wouldn't get infected, but a millisecond before she opened her mouth, her lips were being pressed against by another's. The boy was kissing her and now wrapped his arms around her. Her arms above where his wrapped around her waist pulled up in a gesture of confusion. She had had many boys and men confess to her after her saving their life, but he was the first to kiss her. There was a word for someone loving someone after them saving their life but she couldn't recall it at the moment. She had actually not been kissed in a long time and she had turned a bright red, such as a fresh ripe apple, the moment their lips connected. He had pulled them so close that her bare stomach met his and it made her whimper in the kiss but only lightly. She was more than flattered but she knew it was all coming from his head. She would have to explain the condition to him. 

After a few moments in that position the boy finally pulled away and she was able to breath again. Her blush began to fade but extremely slowly. “I…I’m sorry…it’s just that.” The boy began but she stopped him politely. "It is okay, I have to admit you are the first to kiss me afterwards, but this reaction is normal. Just keep using disinfectant on your leg every day and keeping it in bandages. If you plan on returning back to battle any time soon, I suggest long range jutsu if you can. Please stay careful and be safe." She finished smiling cheerfully at him and bowing down to a flat back then standing straight back up and walking towards the door.



He had done it again chased off someone that had brought out emotion to him. This time it was different though she appeared just as full of emotions as him. Reina who he had talked to before and yet hadn’t talked to him in weeks had vanished. He needed that same feeling, to be heard, or rather for him to talk. He never talked much and his emotionless state had what emotions he would feel piling up inside his stomach. He couldn’t release it all at once in fear of causing destruction but if he could release the pressure bit by bit he hoped he could recover. He quickly followed up behind her trying to think of something to say so she would listen.

“I didn’t mean to freak you out. I just…I need someone to talk to. Psychologically, I want you to understand. I’m not just thankful for you saving me, it’s something else. I may never see you again Toraika and if you go now I may never be able to talk to someone again. I’m afraid…please,” he didn’t know what else to say. His soul cried out admitting something to even himself he had never come to terms with or understood. His subconscious wanted him to be emotionally free. It was like a fuse had been lit eight years ago and it had just now reached the powder keg. He felt weak, like a single feather could topple him over. Nobody had ever seen him like this, not even Reina, who in all her kindness couldn’t dig this deep into his soul. Perhaps it was because she saved his life or maybe it was because he already felt like he was dead and she had revived him from a lifetime of misery. He had no answers, only questions. He hoped someone could provide answers or at least let him talk long enough to solve it himself. He couldn’t walk forward anymore, his body weakened by the release of so much tension he fell down on the bed into a sitting position as he stared at the ground his hand around the back of his neck rubbing over his branded scar of his clan.



Toraika was absolutely shocked by what he had to say. He wasn't scaring her away at all. She only wanted to get back to helping others that might need her. She thought he was actually really attractive and above all really sweet. She was a teenage girl of course ad if any boy with his type of personality and body had kissed her she would normally stay a bit and consult her feelings and his as well, but there was a war raging outside and everything was on fire in the mist. Where the light rarely shown and the fog and mist filled the air at all hours of the day and night. “I didn't mean to freak you out. I just…I need someone to talk to. Psychologically, I want you to understand. I’m not just thankful for you saving me, it’s something else. I may never see you again Toraika and if you go now I may never be able to talk to someone again. I’m afraid…please,” She didn't know what to say after he had said this and it hurt her heart on the inside to hear such a thing. There was clearly something wrong with him whether it be truly psychological or physical, he needed more help of some kind. She then stepped back over to him and brought her hand to the side of his head gently, just feeling it then activated her medical ninjutsu but only to see if his concussion had worsened and was causing him to react this way. Her face was only another inch away from his and she looked deep into his eyes. "Your concussion is a bit worse than I originally thought... You don't need to be afraid, as long as I am still needed, I won't leave you." She smiled again sweetly to help comfort him since he was obviously in need of someone to calm him down.



“That’s kind of what I need to talk about. It’s the concussion that’s making me feel the way I am, it’s just the reason I am being so open. I’m not used to talking to people. I was kicked out of my home when I was seven and lived two years alone in the wilderness fighting off wolves, bears, and other creatures. I found myself here a place I thought was a refuge but since then I’ve lived in a room no bigger than a prison cell with rain constantly leaking in and waking me in the morning. The last eight years I’ve been alone nobody to call a friend that hasn’t abandoned me. Yet I made Chuunin after a month of being a Genin. I have nightmares that plague me as I sleep making sure I never get more than a couple hours of sleep,” he said taking a break as he looked into her. He was sad, down to the very bone, but still no tears. He never really cried which was something else he noticed. He just wanted to be human, feel human.

“People ignore me every day and when they have to interact it’s as if their disgusted. They judge me and all I want is to not be alone. Yet I’m conflicted because as much as I don’t want to be alone and I want to meet people and be with people, and experience things like love. I have this constant fear that no matter what I do to make them close to me they will leave me, just like everyone else. Am I so repulsive that people just don’t want anything to do with me?” He said emotionally flapping in the wind and feeling the warmness of her presence only made him keep talking.  He didn’t feel like himself and at the same time of admitting everything he held in his heart he felt like a ten ton weight had been lifted from him. A single tear rolled from his eye down his cheek.



Toraika was absolutely astounded by his openness. At first glance he doesn't look like to type to give so much information so soon after meeting someone, but his concussion was pretty bad after all. She felt pure sympathy and compassion towards him. It was heartbreaking to see someone so strong break and be hurt so much. "I am sure people do not feel like that and try to outcast you, maybe you should look at the world from another angle. It can only help." The more she heard his words the more hurt she felt for him as it broke her heart. Though once the tear dripped down his cheek her heart broke in two completely. Getting on her knees so that they were eye to eyes she wiped the tear away gently with her thumb. "If you need to cry let it out, but try to understand that you do not need to either." She knew it sounded like she spoke in riddles a lot of the time, but she wasn't. She was truly just trying to make things easier to understand.



“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to start spilling my guts like that. You are the first person I have opened up my emotions like that to. I’ve always felt emotionally numb, no feelings or emotions, and just empty. Concussion aside… I’ve had lots of concussions. I know what they feel like, and I know what they do. This isn’t what you think. It’s me opening up to the first person that’s ever made me feel. I’ve been treated for multitudes of injuries and have had all sorts of people heal me. So it’s not that I survived a near fatal incident. It’s your beauty, your smile, and the way you genuinely cared about me. Even now, I can see it in your eyes it’s like my story split you in half. You don’t make me feel hollow and you’re the first person to make me feel that way. So I told you everything and I don’t know why, but it felt right. It feels like a weight has been lifted from me, a weight so heavy I couldn’t describe it,” he said placing his hand lightly over hers and feeling the calming warmth of her skin. There were no more tears and he felt so embarrassed with himself to have said the things he did. He looked down at her not really knowing if he should say anything else or grab Penpen and leave. He also didn’t know how she would respond to him after saying what he said. Maybe he didn’t want to know, she probably would just run off like everyone else. He didn’t want that though. He knew hundreds of ways to kill someone, he knew how to do recon, be a tactician, and even cook a mean filet mignon, but nothing in his life had ever prepared him to share his feelings or even talk to a total stranger.

”Maybe I should just go, you don’t want to hear me like this”



Toraika was still amazed by all the things she was being told by this boy she had just met. It was deep and heartbreaking but she wished that he wasn't hurting so badly on the inside. Toraika automatically loved whoever she came in contact with and that was a given, because she just loved everyone. For the most part anyway. Though she had never tried nor even put thought into having passionate feelings for someone. That was new to her. Her best friend back in her village was a lot like this boy. Torn apart from the inside out and looking for someone to love. She still didn't believe that he loved or had true feelings towards her, but she could tell he was in psychological pain. After all they had just met and she had only been doing what she believed and stood by when she saved him. "You may come back to Suna with me if you feel so out of place. The world is literally brighter and more uplifting there. I love everyone and the village gets along. It's a nice place to live if you would like a change of scenery.



“Maybe when this is all over and the fighting stops. I feel connected to you somehow, like I was meant to meet you,” he said placing his hand on her left cheek and moving the few strands of her hair that crossed her eyes behind her ears. He wanted to go but he couldn’t just leave an abandon his village and even if he left it couldn’t be permanent. He could visit though and take a vacation of sorts. He would really enjoy that. He slid off the bed and knelt down in front of her. He placed his hand lightly on her leg as he looked into her eyes. He didn’t mean anything by the touch as he took his hand off of her leg and placed them on his own. He knew she would have to go soon to help out with her squad. He didn’t have a squad to return to though. He would most likely end up leaving the hospital to go to his hole in the wall room at the abandoned warehouse.

“I’m sure you anxious to leave. Emotionally I am new to people and feelings and social…anything, but I feel emotion when I talk to you and it makes me feel alive. I truly mean that. I am sure you have some place to be that’s more important than dealing with me. If you want to go I understand, but perhaps I could treat you to some dinner tonight,” He said kind of boldly not knowing how else to word exactly what he was feeling or say that he wanted to spend more time with her.



Toraika blushed loving the way it felt when he brushed her hair behind her ears. She wasn't even quite sure why she liked the feeling so much but she did. She would be happy to have him stay with her and her Mother. She had so many friends from Suna and it was her home. It always welcomed her and brought her so much delight. If he wanted people that would love him and show him affection, Suna was the place to go. In her opinion anyway it was. Of course this was still war and she did not intend on leaving until her job was done. “I’m sure you anxious to leave. Emotionally I am new to people and feelings and social…anything, but I feel emotion when I talk to you and it makes me feel alive. I truly mean that. I am sure you have some place to be that’s more important than dealing with me. If you want to go I understand, but perhaps I could treat you to some dinner tonight.” She was extremely flattered but having dinner at night here in Kiri was an accident waiting to happen. Besides it was highly improbable since the village was at war and everyone was dying. There probably wasn't even a place to eat in the first place. "I would love to have dinner with you tonight, but can we maybe reschedule? I do not think this is the best setting to have a nice romantic dinner in." She then giggled and smiled again standing up so she was not at her knees anymore and took his hand in her tiny ones.



Dameon stood up with her slowly loving the feeling of his hands with hers. He was glad she had admitted to wanting to spend more time with him. It was something he wasn’t used to hearing from anyone. His heart seemed warm enough to melt. And he had a big smile on her face as she finished her sentence. He could see it in her eyes that she enjoyed his company and the face he tucker her hair behind her ear.

“Every ninja has to eat to keep up their strength. The area around my dump of a house isn’t anywhere near the fighting and there is a nice teriyaki bar. It’s probably closed but the owner lets me us it to practice cooking. He says I am extremely talented, I would love it if you could find time to have me cook you a nice meal,” He said interlocking their fingers as they held hands. The truth was outside of being a ninja he was an amazing cook, though he tended not to tell anyone that part. He couldn’t stop looking into her eyes as he continued to smile, something he wasn’t too familiar with doing.



Toraika giggled lightly at his determination. She was not sure what her squad would think of her going on a date in a village at war and she was not sure how she felt about it either. She looked to her feet frowning. She really wanted to spend more time with him and make him less upset and look forward to the future. Have a bright view of the world and the people in it, like she did, but she did not think it was the best time for a dinner. As he intertwined their fingers, she blushed a bit lightly. She sighed knowing she couldn't just reject him especially after all the things he had just spilled out to her like he had never gotten to speak of them once in his life. "Well, I suppose... But only a single hour... I must get back to fighting and saving this village with everyone else after that... Okay? I just hope I can find where you will be." She giggled and smiled at him as she turned away to leave. Outside the sounds of agonizing screams mixed with metal against metal clanging filled the air like they had since she had arrived in Kiri. The people needed her and she was going to be sure to help them.



“It’s not that hard to find. It’s on the west end of the market district. I will leave the light on so it’s easy to find at night. I can’t wait,” Dameon said with a wide grin on his face. He couldn’t recall a time he had been happier and actually attracted to someone. It felt like life was slowly getting better or that fate had made them meet. If all the pain and suffering he had endured met meeting her it was well worth it. He smiled on as she turned to leave and he watched her go. He had a unit he needed to return to as well, he could hardly move but he was sure he could help with something at least.

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