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1Erase the bingo book (S-rank Plot Crime) Empty Erase the bingo book (S-rank Plot Crime) Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:19 pm



Ukiyo sat outside the walls of Kirigakure no Sato with her back to the village. She grazed her hand through the dirt as she searched for roots. With so much moisture you would think the soil would be overcrowded, but it seems oddly distributed. In fact, all of the plants seem have entirely different life cycles than in Konoha. The abundance of moisture and lack of sun obviously have something to do with it, but it's really nothing like the floods from back home. I wonder how that effects their- Her thoughts trailed off for some time, observing the various plant life that was dispersed among the outskirts of the village. Ukiyo stuffed several small specimens into her pockets for later observation and experiment, noting the slight damage they were taken from being pulled out of the ground, I do apologize, I don't mean to harm you. I just need more samples for my research, you understand. In return I promise to extend your lineage; your essence will live on forever within me. As she finished her observations, Ukiyo stood up and wiped some dirt off her legs. The backs of them were muddy and proved to be far too much work to bother with, so she would leave the earth as it was to accompany her on today's mission.

Ukiyo had been approached earlier by a mysterious man who promised her a great deal of wealth in return for a small book. A bingo book, Ukiyo. This isn't just any old text. No matter the target, all villages fail to recognize a simple flaw of security. Ukiyo bent down and scooped up some earth. Roots. One can always find them in the soil, no matter how many generations pass. It is difficult to expunge such plant matter, especially in soil as rich as this. Mayfly will make short work of their security. Ukiyo smiled at the thought; the idea that the very plants a village was built upon could so easily turn out to be its downfall. Besides, anyone who orders the retrieval of a bingo book must have some malicious intent. I'm curious as to what he plans to do with it. Be careful to think of what he plans to do with you, Ukiyo. True, true. I hope to be here when whatever he has planned comes to fruition, however I suppose it won't hurt me to miss it. Either way, the payment for this book will be more than enough to begin our experiments. And what of the fighting? You mean the scrabble we had to sneak past to get here? That was a little more than a scrabble, Ukiyo. Anbu were there, Jounin, possibly even Sannin. Whoever this man is, he's waging a war. If we keep our head low and do this right, we have no reason to worry about that. It worked fine for getting past that fighting, it will work fine within the village gates as well.




The village was in turmoil. There was some kind of war raging on. It did not matter to the male at the slightest. His main goal back here was to see what all of the commotion was about and hopefully find the sword that had stayed in the temple ruins for too long, Sōshin. His speed was precisely on point with the light taps that he was making while he was sprinting with his arms flailing behind him like a dead body; more so a rag doll to be specific. Masking his entire movements with Boil Release chakra, his footing had made it seem like a tiny cloud of vapor had escaped his foot, but in the end somewhat melting the concrete or substance in which he was stepping on. He ran as fast he could, away from the mischief and nonchalant actions that others were somewhat pursuing right now. He had his own ideals and motives until it was time to strike. He ran as the wind trailed him with such force, trying to push him back, but it was of no avail. His cloak was not seen with him. He wondered where did he put the drastic thing. And his sword... was not with him either? He sighed at the disbelief, but truth of the matter. He had forgotten his weapons once again. How could he be so foolish?

He sighed even more, continuously beating himself up because of the thought. But, that could not stop him now. He needed to keep on going. And so he continued his journey to retrieve his sword. He ran as he stopped in his tracks, looking at a very unorthodox female sitting alone outside the walls of Kirigakure no Sato. What was she doing here? Hmm... it wouldn't hurt to at least ask or something in that manner. Taking light footsteps, he walked to the girl's presence that was a good distance from his. He then stopped in his tracks. Why did h-- he felt the pain of his memories coming back to him once more. For some odd reason, this pain was of a recent event. It was when he came back to Kirigakure, and the first place he had went to was the Temple Ruins.

Why was he even having a headache because of earlier? Was it trying to communicate with him or something?

It was a more depressing view. The sight of what it once was, was nothing more than just rubble. It was field with traps and less terrorizing missing-nin, things that the male was not even terrified of at the moment. His arrival in Kirigakure was subtle and swift, as he vowed himself to be there for only a short period of time. He had arrived back to his old home land, wanting to see the ruin that his clan had once started: the Osada Clan. From what he remembered, the ruins was started by a man known as Sero Osada, the Mizukage after Jurou. He remembered correctly. He was in Sunagakure at the time, tending to his wounds from his battle with Gin, and tending to his kids for a year because they originally lived in Sunagakure at the time. He promised the Kazekage, Gin Kuroka, at that time that he would sacrifice his village for his kids, something that was not decided by him when he was sixteen... when he first got her pregnant. In return, Sero Osada requested to help rebuild the village, in which Jurou had accepted and had Sero tell people that he would be back in precisely one year from then. Unfortunately, that never happened. That was eight to nine years ago. News was around that Sero died and another Mizukage took his place, and at that time, the ruins that were from the three major clans in Kirigakure: Aisu, Kaguya, and Osada, were gone from existence. He vowed himself to stay in the wilderness until the time was right to show his face in the actual village once more. He had heard disturbance messages all from Kirigakure that it was being terrorized by a man called "Seven Bells." Some still say he resided in Kirigakure at the time that Sero Osada was the Mizukage. And now, he's still here.

Walking to the ruins, he glanced at the overwhelming destruction of the temples, mostly the Osada clan, his clan, the clan he started when he was a Special Jonin, the clan he was leader of now, or ex-leader. He walked along the pebbles and stepped over a few rocks, and eventually found himself going inside the Osada clan temple. Eight to nine years... and it was nothing but pure dust and rocks. He sighed at the site of this contraption, leaving the Osada temple ruins but leaping onward to the rooftop and staying there, keeping his eyes on a full moon. It was late out, and evidently he was beginning to drift himself off into a deep sleep.

Sounds were being heard when he dozed off. He had to remain alert and keep his eyes open, unless these baby ninja wanted a piece of Jurou Osada himself. "..." No words were being said as multiple chakra signatures started to come his way. He really did not care. As long as he was home, he was fine where he was at right now. He was willing to aid Kirigakure, but another part of him was telling to take sides with the "Seven Bells" person. He heard that he himself was very powerful among two lieutenants that served him quite well. He scoffed at the thought of such.

"Aoi Bara... good intentions from bad people." His words were of a raspy tone that was more emotionless than his face.

He exited the Temple Ruins that had housed his memories of what the Osada Clan used to be. Now, it was nothing more than a figment of his imagination.

Did he not just leave the place? Why was his head playing games with him? He tried to shake it off and evidently, it had worked. Good. Now it was onto more important matters.

Walking to the female's presence, he saw her as she sat on the ground playing with the dirt. He took a leap onto the village gates and jumped downward away from the girl and into the Wilderness to which was the darkness before Kirigakure. He shook his head as the palm of his hand hit his forehead. Mostly people would consider her weird as she also picked the little plant and put it in her jacket. He did not even want to question what the hell she was going to do with that. Oh well. It made little matter to him anyway. He decided again to walk to her distance with light steps as he kept his head low as the hood covered his appearance. Left foot, right foot. Left foot, right foot. It took many steps to finally get to her as the male bended down to her level and looked at her recent activity. He tilted his head some more as to asking the question of why this strange girl was just playing with dirt a minute ago? Soil was nothing but dirt to people, something that should not even matter going into people's lives. Well, that was how he saw it in his eyes.

"...Any idea why you are out here?" A simple question was asked. His voice was raspy and deep with a monotone sound. His words were more emotionless than his face. He thought that most shinobi would rather be inside the village helping out the new Mizukage or even this... Seven Bells person. Jurou would not be the type to choose sides, but orders were orders from Tsuyo himself.

So he had no choice but to aid the new Mizukage. He sighed at the thought. This was going to be a very long day for the ex-Mizukage.

Jurou wrote:Word Count ~> 1330/4000



As Ukiyo thought through the details of her mission, still feeling out the environment she found herself dropped into, she noticed footsteps drawing near. Ukiyo's hand flinched for just a moment before continuing her rummaging through the soil. And who might this be... The footsteps seized for a good while, making Ukiyo all the more suspicious. I suppose I've been spotted. Perhaps we should leave. Her hand stopped completely now, concentrating entirely on her sense of hearing. Every drip, every buzz, every minute sound that could be heard was evident to Ukiyo. She stood in silence now, frozen and still as she could. This isn't good. We're leaving- As soon as she was about to activate her jutsu, the footsteps picked up again. They leaped up onto the wall behind her and back down into the brush, making a good deal of noise on their way. A man was now visible walking towards her. He was tall with white hair down to his shoulders, wearing a large cloak. His stature alone gave him away as a shinobi, but Ukiyo wasn't put off by this. The fact that he had presented himself out in the open meant he was most likely not a threat. Ukiyo kept her eyes on him while remaining perfectly still, not wanting to give away anything more than what meets the eye. The man approached her slowly, and as he came further into view, Ukiyo could make out a stoic expression on his face. Even the man's walk seemed to be weighed down with a sense of foreboding unease. As he approached her, the man slowed down to a halt and spoke in a deep, harsh voice,

...Any idea why you are out here? Ukiyo was told there may be others joining her for this mission, so it seemed only appropriate such individuals would seem... suspicious. His question was just vague enough and his appearance intimidating to come off as the type of person she may be assisted by. Ukiyo lifted her lips into a pleasant smile, as if greeting a stranger politely. She responded in a soft voice, not so much quiet as it was delicate.

I'm looking for a book. What is someone such as yourself doing asking young girls about their business? Ukiyo loved coming off as a helpless, fragile girl. It used to bother her that others perceived her in this way, but since she went rogue it has only aided her. It was the ultimate tool of deception; allowing her to breach an adversary's guard by having them lower it themselves. She played it well too; her voice was soft and sweet, and while her appearance looked somewhat bizarre, it was far from enough to take away from her beauty. Her greenish-blond hair haphazardly framing the delicate features of her face, her lips petite and her eyes bold, she was blessed with everything she needed. Ukiyo giggled at her own question, raising her hand to her mouth as she took a step closer to Jurou. She moved with grace, as her Taijutsu had taught her complete control over her limbs. Her toes carefully found their way to the ground between them as Ukiyo twisted her hips, turning to her left slightly as she leaned in towards the man. If he wasn't there to assist her, Ukiyo wanted to be as close as possible to make her strike. And even if he was there to join her, it didn't hurt her persuasive abilities to put on a show.




"I'm looking for a book. What is someone such as yourself doing asking young girls about their business?" He was beginning to be annoyed already just by that response. It was not the simple that it was in the form of a question; It was the simple fact that her little childish tone of voice had tried to cover it up at the slightest. He wanted to laugh at her attempts on being the innocent, beautiful girl that she is, but that would be entirely rude on his part. Her voice and the way she used her tone kind of reminded him of Gin back then when they were in Sunagakure and she would always get her way with that same tone of voice. It was something that usually drove Jurou to insanity, but now... it just annoyed him at the slightest. ... No words were being said as his eyes caught slight wind of the girl's gracious movements. If anything, there was only one element out of the five basic elements that could move as graceful as that, and that was the element of Water Release.

Not to mention that her speed was fantastic as well, even at a short distance. He chuckled at his own thought of statement. Look at Jurou, complementing someone he had only seen for approximately 3 minutes now. Usually he would compliment those that impressed him, and there were slightly those around anymore for him to even compliment. It was something about this girl... Eh, probably was nothing at all. Onto more important matters instead of her coming close to Jurou, trying to lean for a small kiss. Maybe this little "close-up" could be a trap of some sort. If anything, Jurou was analytical, so strategies and tactics were his fortē, and judging from the way she moved close to him... she was quietly planning something sneaky. Jurou could not know what it was, but it was up to something no good. That voice of hers was slick as her movements was sly and cunning. Usually Jurou would not speak at all and just go for the kill with the usual stun then slice. Things were different now so he had to be a little bit more careful in his tactics of wasting another shinobi that was standing in between his path of greatness. So maybe this one would be of good use after all. Time to play the assisting field.

His snow white long locks of lavishing hair along with his turquoise, ocean-colored eyes had met her sparkle gaze along with her greenish-blonde hair. He moved with grace and finesse, thanks to the compliments of his Taijutsu and Bukijutsu mixed together. His persuasion was far different from hers. She was looking for something, and Jurou would make sure that she would find exactly what she wanted, but first... it was time for a little conversation. Judging by her body language, she was testing Jurou to see what was his next move was going to be. Whether to aid her, or go against her. Either way, she was planning something, and he was also. "I'm looking for a book. What is someone such as yourself doing asking young girls about their business?" He kept that small question inside of his face as he gave away a slight chuckle at her exact question. She was a feisty one indeed.

"And what is this book you are referring to? Maybe I can be of assistance..." His lavishing, beautiful turquoise eyes had kept its gaze onto her eyes, possibly reading her every movement, whether it be fast or slow. He wish he had his damn weapons to counter something just in case. He was just have to rely on his poor Taijutsu skills for now. He tilted his head at the question once more as he heard it in his head. This girl had such a smart mouth indeed. "Why... you seemed lost. I merely wanted to aid the beautiful princess in her quest simply because her puppy dog lost looks..." His tone of voice from both of his dialogue were smooth, but still had a raspy tone to it. He couldn't help his emotionless words and his face altogether.

This is what he gets for being around Gin too much, or maybe even having this personality at all to be exact. He hoped that Reiko would not be like this when she grows up to be a very strong kunoichi. This was the first and last time the phrase, "Like Father, like daughter" would ever be used; especially when describing those two together. His words were of small feelings and gentlemen-like, something that he had forgotten for so long. He now had to erase his current mission to aid this girl in her mission. It made little matter in a point of time for him to even forget about Sōshin, but this girl's aid had come first. He sighed on the inside of his body as his mind was finally at ease. He had now to help the girl find this book that she was referring to.

It had to be somewhere in Kirigakure. Judging from the war right now... multiple buildings would have tight security just in case for the Seven Bells... or in other cases, other missing-nin such as himself. He did ponder her statement at first. She was looking for a book... What book could be that important for someone to hide behind the walls of Kirigakure no Sato itself? It made little to no sense from his point of view, but this was not about him. So, he had to abide by her regulations and play by her rules. Oh knows... they come out with the book and both get paid and everyone is a winner.

He sighed on the inside once more... being back in his own village and doing this little request is surely not going to get him to come back here ever again; no matter what Kajiya says that'll persuade him too. This is going to be a long night...

His thoughts exactly.

Jurou wrote:2373/4000



And what is this book you are referring to? Maybe I can be of assistance... The man's voice was a bit smoother than before, though still riddled with a dark type of grit. His aura as a whole seemed to cast a shadow over the petite Kunoichi, trying as best she could to maintain a cool composure while simultaneously expecting an attack. Though his words did ease the tension between them a bit; he seemed oddly willing to help. Everything about his appearance made him look like a reckloose, like someone who would sooner stare daggers at a helpless soul rather than assist them. Ukiyo doubted it was her charm, though it did seem to be setting a precedence of civility between them. She batted her eyes at the offer, continuing to smile peacefully as he answered her question,

Why... you seemed lost. I merely wanted to aid the beautiful princess in her quest simply because her puppy dog lost looks... Ukiyo giggled at the comment, not because it flattered her or pleased her in any way, in fact she almost found it offensive. However the ruse she put on demanded such childish responses, and she was willing to play the part until a time came where it was unnecessary. The man before her had an incredible chakra, and his physique was immense as well. Ukiyo didn't want to drop her guard around him, that was for sure, but she also needed to find out quickly whether he was a friend or a foe.

I still don't know anything about him besides his appearance, and it's almost time to move. The guards will be taking a shift change within a matter of minutes, and that's the perfect time to head in. We can't waste any more time here. What are you thinking, Ukiyo? He seems strong, that's for sure. He could definitely be of assistance, though this will turn ugly fast if he turns out to be on the other side of things. He doesn't appear to be a shinobi of any village... Appearances can be deceiving, mind you. Either way, we need to be going. If he discovers our intentions and informs the village, there's no way we will retrieve the book. Having him on our side, however, will make any resistance we come across meaningless. Perhaps we should just leave. No, I've decided. I will ask for his help, and should he turn out to be the enemy, we will dispose of him here. There is no one nearby that I can sense, and from the looks of it he deals mainly in hand-to-hand. With his mass and our finesse, it should only take a few moments to detain him.

Ukiyo tilted her head down a bit and her smile began creeping up the sides of her face into a monstrous grin. The innocent little girl she was acting as dissipated into an appearance of sheer madness. Her eyes looked up towards the man with villainous intent as she tilted her head slightly towards him and spoke in a firm, steady tone,

I'm here to retrieve a very special book. Within these walls lies a great wealth of information that my...employer has use for. It is my job to retrieve it. If you would like to join me, you may. If you wish to stand in my way, you may. What you choose will decide the next few moments with dire consequence, so pick your words wisely. I'm here to steal Kirigakure's bingo book, would you like to aid me?




I'm here to retrieve a very special book. Within these walls lies a great wealth of information that my...employer has use for. It is my job to retrieve it. If you would like to join me, you may. If you wish to stand in my way, you may. What you choose will decide the next few moments with dire consequence, so pick your words wisely. I'm here to steal Kirigakure's bingo book, would you like to aid me? Wait... no... wait... she couldn't be serious... She wanted to steal wha-- she was not kidding. Even Jurou, who now hated Kirigakure no Sato, his own village to which he was once the ex-Mizukage, would not even consider or even thinking of stealing Kirigakure's bingo book. Wait... if she steals the Kirigakure bingo book, that would mean that Jurou's identity would be in there as well... meaning... he had to destroy the book. In order to do so, he had to retrieve it. In order for him to retrieve it, he had to...

...partner up with this woman. He sighed a small sigh. Then his sigh turned into a small smile. This was all getting to be too good to be true. To think she was going to pull this big mission off by herself; it was fortunate for Jurou to stumble upon her and come to her aid. Her voice had changed. He noticed that when she lowered her head and told him what was going on. New information means new fun for the ex-Mizukage. He had orders to help the Mizukage win, but with that bingo book still in their possession, the Mizukage would spot Jurou's identity, therefore blowing his cover, and have him executed. Not without a good fight. Anyway, the question of realization had come into mind when it came to the new information that was given to him. The plan itself was simple:


This was basically no more than an infiltration mission. A mission that heavily required stealth, reaction timing, and velocity. Jurou had only one jutsu that could complete the stealth part, and that jutsu was Hiding with Camouflage. The same jutsu he used to keep himself undetected when he traveled to different villages. He had no time to waste. Time was of an essence and this book was the only thread that had a clinging to him being in jail, or him and his freedom from Kirigakure. His snow white long locks of lavishing hair along with his turquoise, ocean-colored eyes had met her sparkle gaze along with her greenish-blonde hair. He moved with grace and finesse, thanks to the compliments of his Taijutsu and Bukijutsu mixed together. His persuasion was far different from hers. She was looking for something, and Jurou would make sure that she would find exactly what she wanted, but first... it was time for a little conversation. Judging by her body language, she was testing Jurou to see what was his next move was going to be. Whether to aid her, or go against her. Either way, she was planning something, and he was also.

This time he would even agree to go to her aid in getting the book for no price whatsoever. Jurou was on a mission himself, and since this needed to be gotten out of the way, he can put his missions on hold until all sideline quests were complete, or at least in his eyes. He had to be fast and quick in his movements and he had to be stealthy and subtle. One wrong movement could mess up the operation, having him end the life of witnesses, whether it be friend or foe. He had bigger fish to fry when it came to this mission, and with that came his approval of her aid. "You have many sweet words for a poison ivy such as yourself..." That dark tone of voice would never escape his mouth as he talked to the female. His aid would be given for now. Along down the line, it might even backfire on him as well. "Since you are stealing the bingo book of Kirigakure, you can count me in on your aid..." It was time to burn his records of this village as a whole. He had gotten up from his position and motioned his hand downward to the female that was still sitting on the ground. He proposed his hand in a gentle-like manner, similar to a groom asking his bride do she want to have this dance when she is sitting down. It would probably take more than two people for this task, but two is fine for now.

Many thoughts of what his decision was had ran into his head once more. These thoughts weren't good thoughts either. It was more so of what ifs and second thoughts of not even helping the female anyway. There was thoughts of double-crossing deception, her lying to him just to kill him in the end to take the money for her own. Negative thoughts rushed into his mind for him to even comprehend what he did just a few seconds ago. What he did... was it the right thing? Was it a good thing? Why is he having second thoughts about this female? She had a exceptional chakra signature, meaning she was strong, but something was off about her. He could not put his finger on it. From the looks of the girl, she loved to play in the dirt. Being connected with the soil and plant life and whatnot. That was somewhat odd to Jurou, and confusing at best. No matter. There was more important things to accomplish as of right now.

"I can already see this is going to be fun..." His words exactly as he still offered his hand in aid. Looking at the security, this was going to be a very tight situation. Getting the bingo book was the gist of the situation, and that was mainly on his mind. He needed a tactic, a strategy for them to sneak in unseen and get the book and leave without being heard. This was something that needed a short time of thinking. Being an analyst, it wasn't really that difficult for Jurou to think of plans a couple steps ahead of anyway. As he said before, this was going to be a fun night for the both of them indeed.

Jurou wrote:3473/4000



The man's expression was one of utter shock. Not surprising, given what Ukiyo had just revealed. As the man contemplated what she just said, racking his brain over the implications it held, Ukiyo waited patiently. She held a comfortable grin as she looked over the expressions of the man before her. An eerie silence fell over the two of them as Ukiyo's words hung in the air. She wondered what the man was thinking, wondering if this would soon go from a peaceful meeting to a blood bath. Ukiyo hated to think it would turn out that way though, it would put her far behind schedule and leave her feeling sick again. It didn't take long, however, for the man to let out a sigh, relieving the tension between the two shinobi. Unless the next words were "I really didn't want to kill another missing-nin today", she was in the clear. The man made a content smile and Ukiyo could tell he was a friend,

You have many sweet words for a poison ivy such as yourself... The man spoke in almost a rusty tone of voice, harsh yet handsome in its own way. Since you are stealing the bingo book of Kirigakure, you can count me in on your aid... Ukiyo's smile lifted, hearing exactly what she had hoped. It would help a great deal to have someone by her side for this, as she wasn't sure exactly how strong the resistance would be once inside. Still, it was difficult to know whether she could actually trust this man. For all she knew, he was only pretending to assist her so he could stab her in the back once inside, foiling her plan for whatever reasons of his own he had. As the man reached out his hand towards Ukiyo, she took a deep breath.

This is risky, Ukiyo. Clearly. You don't know the extent of his power, or even what is powers are. What if he implements a similar trick as you, and that hand turns out to simply be a trap to cast his jutsu? What reason do you have to think otherwise? I don't, I suppose. Though at this range, if he attempted any sort of jutsu, he will be met with a lovely barrage of skewers. Judging by how he's been presenting himself, I'm sure he's detected that our chakra signature is comparable to his own. He must know that any attack at this range would likely end with both of us being critically wounded. And if he's Anbu? I'm sure there are plenty of ninja who would gladly give their lives to end your own, Ukiyo. Ah but we have medical knowledge on our side. Even if he attacks, and even if he hits, it will not matter. The result will be a mutual defeat, and we will simply heal away any wound. Even if he can do so as well, it will at least reveal his true intentions and from there we can make an escape. So, you've decided then? Yes. We have nothing to fear right now. It will be best to stay on guard within the village walls, but right now, we are safe.

I can already see this is going to be fun... Ukiyo took the man's hand and allowed him to help her up. He possessed immense strength, lifting Ukiyo as if she weighed absolutely nothing. Once on her feet, Ukiyo released her new acquaintance's hand and looked around. There didn't appear to be anyone within earshot, and Ukiyo didn't notice anyone else's presence appear since she had been sitting there. Ukiyo leaned in and began revealing the plan, knowing that she would have to trust this man at least that much if she wanted his help.

Alright. I scouted the area yesterday using my Mayfly technique, traveling through the root systems below the village to avoid being noticed. There are several Anbu positioned throughout a building towards the center of the village. In the basement of this complex is the bingo book. There looked to be two or three positioned in the area immediately around the book, however I was unable to get a good view due to their presence. I did scout outside the room however, and it appeared that shinobi go in and out of the room every several hours. I assume this is when they shift posts. Our best chance is to infiltrate just before one of these transitions, when the Anbu currently stationed there will be most susceptible. I will be using my Mayfly technique to get in and out undetected, and I have a sleep powder that can knock out the guards should we choose to use it. The problem with the powder is that it will effect you too, and it also takes a little while to go into effect. Originally I was planning on using that without giving away my position, so as to incapacitate the guards without raising suspicion, however I was worried that they may set off an alarm at the first sign of my spores. Ukiyo dug her foot into the ground and looked down as she thought about her plan, considering different aspects of the security an the different methods she could use to infiltrate. She looked back up to Jurou and stared him dead in the eye, seeing how he reacted to hearing all this and then preparing to ask him a question. So, that is the plan so far. Seeing as this will most likely change now that you're involved, I need to know what you're capable of. What abilities do you have to infiltrate this building undetected, and what do you believe we should do about the guards? If you don't have any way to get in and out quietly, I'm afraid you won't be any help on this mission.




OOC: Taking another post since this needs to be done by tonight :/

As Ukiyo spoke, she saw the sun reaching a certain height from the horizon of tree tops. Shit, it's time. If we don't leave now, it'll be too late. We can't afford to cut things that close. The plan wasn't exactly set, hell, she didn't even know if this man was capable of actually coming, but they had to move now. Before he could even respond, Ukiyo reluctantly cut him off. She hated not having a plan, it went against everything she knew of survival. Going in with a wild factor like this man could easily doom the mission, but it was too late to tell him he couldn't come. She had to hope for the best, and worse comes to worse, handle things herself. She looked back to Jurou and spoke authoritatively,

Tsk, we need to go. There's no time to finalize the plan, we'll just have to wing it. Internalize what I told you and don't be seen. If you can't keep yourself hidden, you're better off staying here. If you can't handle yourself in combat, you're better off staying here. Don't come with me if you feel you will compromise this mission, understand? Ukiyo knelt down and placed her finger into the dirt, then began etching out a picture. When she finished, Ukiyo had drawn what looked like a tall building with several stories. It's structure was almost cylindrical, with slanted roofs forming a circle around it at each level. At the top, the roof came together to a point in the very middle. On top of that point was a rod, probably a conductor for the occasional thunder storm Kirigakure gets. The only other defined features were scattered windows along each story and a set of doors in the front. Ukiyo looked back up to Jurou and continued, This is the building that our target resides in. It's towards the center of the village, so going directly straight from the village gates should land you very close to it. The book, as I said, is in the basement. I will go in now with Mayfly and spy on the room as best I can. When I see you enter, I will emerge from the wall and we will neutralize any adversaries. If you do not make it there in time, I will be engaging without you. We must leave immediately if we are to make out window. If you are coming, good luck.

With that, Ukiyo jumped back and merged with the one of the great walls of the village. She didn't have time to wait for Jurou, especially knowing he would have something to say about the plan. While he had enough time to get a word in, Ukiyo would most likely miss the majority of what he had to say. Again, it disappointed her to go in with such a flimsy sense of a plan, but it was now or never. Ukiyo finished merging with the wall quickly and proceeded to travel downward, into the ground. She quickly found a vast network of roots beneath the village that she could blend with, allowing her to sneak in undetected. Fools, building on top such a metropolis. It's clear that this was once a source of great life, though now lies in ruins. They will answer for their crimes, and through the corpses of our fallen comrades we will show them our strength. Kirigakure's time has come, and we shall assist in the judgment of their carnage. Our first job is to retrieve that book. With that, their defenses will be weakened dramatically, as they will not be able to prepare for the imminent attack. Whoever is orchestrating this must know what they are doing. Good, such a task is not one to be left to incompetence.

Ukiyo quickly made her way towards the center of the village, where she had memorized the building being. She now simply had to position herself accurately, which would only take a second, and emerge. As Ukiyo rose towards the surface of the soil, she could sense it getting denser and denser. We're here; the foundation is surely pressing down on the roots from just above. Let us merge with the wood and take our position. Ukiyo approached the source of the pressure, and as she made contact with a stiff board overhead, she knew she had arrived. Ukiyo swiftly meld into the wood from the roots below it, keeping herself hidden by doing so. She felt out the structure she had become a part of and quickly made her way to what seemed like a section of the basement that was branching out from the main area. She traveled up into the wall of the far end and made her way to the ceiling, where she would peak her eye through the wall to see what the situation was. There was a small pillar with the several compartments, and she knew this is where she had seen the book be stored before. Around it was a barrier of some sort, but clearly one that was being maintained. There were three Anbu in the room, two of which on either side of the entrance and one within the extended branch of the room. Each of them could see the others, though only one had a clear view of the pillar. The two by the door must be the ones sustaining the jutsu, as it probably gives them knowledge of what's happening in and around it. We'll have to take down all three at once if we want to retrieve it. Damn, that man better arrive soon or else this is going to be a messy job for sure.




"Alright. I scouted the area yesterday using my Mayfly technique, traveling through the root systems below the village to avoid being noticed. There are several Anbu positioned throughout a building towards the center of the village. In the basement of this complex is the bingo book. There looked to be two or three positioned in the area immediately around the book, however I was unable to get a good view due to their presence. I did scout outside the room however, and it appeared that shinobi go in and out of the room every several hours. I assume this is when they shift posts. Our best chance is to infiltrate just before one of these transitions, when the Anbu currently stationed there will be most susceptible. I will be using my Mayfly technique to get in and out undetected, and I have a sleep powder that can knock out the guards should we choose to use it. The problem with the powder is that it will effect you too, and it also takes a little while to go into effect. Originally I was planning on using that without giving away my position, so as to incapacitate the guards without raising suspicion, however I was worried that they may set off an alarm at the first sign of my spores." The Mayfly technique huh..? To which it travels through the roots of the ground itself. Only thing of that manner to which Jurou had even heard of was... Wood Release. So, she's a Senju. She must be really powerful to fight up against. Jurou would have to do some research on that later, but right now was the mission at hand. She laid down the schematics of the entire infiltration. She had figured out the layout of the building, how to get in, where to go, and out to get ahead with the nearest exit. She was pretty quick on her feet to say the least. As he heard about the sleep powder, it would be quite nauseating because he would get affected by the sleep powder as well. This was going to be a waste of time if he did get affected by so. All and all, he had gotten most of the intel and decided not to say any words on that. Then the question had hit him. This time, it was about him personally.

"So, that is the plan so far. Seeing as this will most likely change now that you're involved, I need to know what you're capable of. What abilities do you have to infiltrate this building undetected, and what do you believe we should do about the guards? If you don't have any way to get in and out quietly, I'm afraid you won't be any help on this mission." He had a few tricks up his sleeve, but even though time was not on their side, he would have to postpone the talk later as the sun rose. Still there was nothing for him to even say. He had just let her kept on talking as the sun was rising. She had said more in the process. "Tsk, we need to go. There's no time to finalize the plan, we'll just have to wing it. Internalize what I told you and don't be seen. If you can't keep yourself hidden, you're better off staying here. If you can't handle yourself in combat, you're better off staying here. Don't come with me if you feel you will compromise this mission, understand?"

All this talk was wasting time, and even he felt annoyed, but he needed to get a move on quick and fast. "Tch, you don't have to tell me twice. We have to keep ourselves in the shadows. You have your Mayfly, I have my Hiding with Camouflage. I won't be able to initialize my cloak, so that is of no use. Now, if we are done talking, can we go?" He was growing impatient to say the less, but the female had drawn a layout of the building to finally resolve any other issues and whatnot. He studied the detail of the layout at hand, tracing them with his own finger to scan the matching results of the building. Good. It matched perfectly. This is the building that our target resides in. It's towards the center of the village, so going directly straight from the village gates should land you very close to it. The book, as I said, is in the basement. I will go in now with Mayfly and spy on the room as best I can. When I see you enter, I will emerge from the wall and we will neutralize any adversaries. If you do not make it there in time, I will be engaging without you. We must leave immediately if we are to make out window. If you are coming, good luck." He did not say a single word as he saw her jump back and disappeared, most likely merging with the walls and whatnot. Such a very nifty technique, but it was now or never. It was time to go.

Utilizing one hand seal, he had put the snake hand seal in front of his face as his body was thinly coated in chakra, rendering himself soundless and scentless from others around him. It was a good sneak attack, and also a good evacuation technique as well. Seeing as though he would need to move swift, he did so and he did so quickly as possible. This was going to be a one time thing, and Jurou was not going to miss any part of this. The building was in the exact center of the village. He had almost forgotten how foolish Kirigakure was to even put the HQ building right there in the middle. Possibly to see that whoever was even dumb to sneak in there. He had a clear vision of his movements only as he started to move swiftly with light steps. Jumping from building rooftops to building rooftops, his main objective was to get to the center of the village without being seen. He jumped from one rooftop and landed on the surface of the ground with both feet. Perfect. No sound whatsoever. He had remembered the layout of the building perfectly, seeing as he was near the building already.

Chakra = 375/400:

The book had lied within the basement, to which it was nothing but ruins as new structures were created. He sighed. This was going to be a very long night for Kirigakure indeed. The target was in the basement, so going straight without being seen was the key. As that was what he did. Going straight inside the building from the village gates, surprisingly the alarm did not go off. Fancy that. Now, he had to be able to reach the basement. But how? Remember the layout of the building... The inside of the building. There has to be air vents that are currently off at the moment, for the building does not need air. He was an invisible sitting duck right now, trying to think off a-- the stairs! She should be near the basement as of right now... Heading for the stairs, he had seen a couple Anbu walking up the stairs as well. As he was still in the Hiding technique, he held on to the ledge and hopped over the ledge, soaring downward to the basement ground as he landed with little sound.

The door itself read BASEMENT in all capitalization letters as he opened the door and walked through the door. It was mainly dark with little light, so he would have to make this quick. The book itself should be in the dead center. Being there was so many doors, this would be difficult indeed.



Ukiyo waited, hoping her supposed partner would show up before she would be forced to go, There's only a few minutes left. If he doesn't show soon, I won't have enough time to wait any longer. I don't want to have to take these three on by myself, but it looks like that might be the case... Suddenly, a feint sound could be heard from outside the room. It sounded like a door closing, or perhaps opening? Either way, it was enough to grab the attention of the two shinobi guarding the entrance of the room. One turned to the other and noted,

It's 10 minutes till the next shift change, that can't be them. The other shinobi nodded, and the both of them turned to the last Anbu in the room. As the two stationed by the door released the barrier around the pillar, the third Anbu put his own up. This one was clearly weaker, as it wasn't being maintained by two people simultaneously. The two shinobi opened the door and headed into the outside area to investigate the source of the noise, and Ukiyo knew this was her chance.

That must be him, just in time. I have to give it to him, I wasn't expecting much help. However simply drawing those two away for a moment is more than enough to finish this quickly. Ukiyo fully meld with the wall yet again and traveled around the room. She moved to directly behind where the final Anbu ninja was standing and silently emerged from the wall. She carefully reached her hand up and readied them. Ukiyo was observing the Anbu's back and had figured out exactly where his spine was, so now all that was needed was a quick adjustment to it. Ukiyo swiftly placed two fingers around a portion of it and, just as the ninja realized her presence and was about to attack, she pinched inward. This broke a vital portion of the spine and paralyzed the shinobi, who promptly fell limp. Ukiyo caught the ninja to prevent him from making any sound, and carried him over to the pillar where she would lay him down gently. Ukiyo then stood up and searched the target as quickly and as quietly as she could, praying Jurou would be keeping those other Anbu occupied. She found the bingo book in less than a minute, and in the process several books on current Kirigakure residents. As soon as she found her target, Ukiyo meld back into the floor and proceeded directly downward. There was no reason to stay behind now that she possessed the book; her partner would have to fend for himself.

She traveled through the roots and headed back to where she had originally infiltrated the village, where she emerged from the ground victories. Ukiyo held the book in her hands and flipped through it, reading up on the various criminals and missing-nin of Kirigakure. She smiled pleasantly, happy that the plan had gone smoother than she expected. She wondered if the man that assisted her would join her on the outside, if he even got out of there alive. I do feel bad for leaving him in there. After all, if it wasn't for him we may not have even gotten this thing. But he must have known what the deal was going into this; the only priority was retrieving Kiri's bingo book. Hm, I still do wonder why he wanted to- As Ukiyo flipped through the pages, she noticed a picture of a man who looked almost identical to the one she had just teamed up with.

Osada Jurou, eh?...

4189/4000 ~Complete~

Last edited by Ukiyo on Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total



Bodies dropped. Blood was actually spilled on the ground. Decimating the two other Anbu was a piece of cake, utilizing his own assassination skills in the process. The book was gone good. It was time for him to go. Getting out of there was the hard part, utilizing the sleeping powder that had affected him. Damn... his body had fallen heavy to the powder. His eyes were heavy. "Sneaky little bastard... Shit... eyes are..." With a feint drop, he fell to his slight slumber.

------30 minutes later-----

His body grew back to the original state. It had seemed that the jutsu had worn off. He looked up. He was outside the village gates. Good. At least he made it out of there. He looked around and saw that the girl had gone off... with the book! Shit! His profile was in there. He sighed a unrelenting sigh as he shook his head, knowing not to team up with the female. He thought she was going to destroy the book. He felt his body feeling light once more. He could move. Good. His body was engulfed in flames from his feet to his head as his body vanished into thin air. He needed to find the girl, even if it was the last thing that he would do. He would not let her get hold of his identity and his information... even if he had to kill the girl himself.

Chakra = 365/400:

[Exit/Mission Complete]

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