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1A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Empty A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:50 am



Mission name: Collapse the Tunnel!
Mission rank: B
Objective: Save EVERYONE
Location: Bordercamps
Reward: 500 ryo +3 EP
Mission Description: “We can’t hold on here! This place is overrun! How the hell did they find the tunnel!? … We can’t outrun them like this! You! Take a team, and take this ignition switch. It’ll detonate the charge we set further down the tunnel, but you have to get close to use it because of the walls.”
Mission Details: One of the many Iwa escape tunnels they used to enter the nation has been overrun with bandits of varying ranks, chasing Iwa ninja back up the tunnels and into their country. But, least you all be cut down, you’ve been chosen with 5 other ninja to face the tide, and attempt to blow the charges to cut off the enemy.

The cave is filled with Bandits of varying ranks between D-B and the occasional A. All have X-1 stats of their ninja rank as well as Bukijutsu. All of them are wearing mixed armors of heavy and light of their ninja rank as well as weapons of all shapes and sizes. Note: Only the charges will collapse the tunnel due to the chakra reinforced stone the walls and ceiling are comprised of. Must be within 20m to blow the charges.

2A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Empty Re: A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:51 am



Raphael stood over the corpses of Ryuzaki and the men that were his followers, they had betrayed the boy's trust and he could not allow them to continue on with the plan they had hoped to enact in the name of the Raikage as it could start an all out war between the village hidden in the clouds and the village hidden in stone. Raphael looked to the boy that was with him, though only a genin the boy showed promise in his abilities not only as a shinobi but in the fact of following the orders given too him. Raphael was surprised that he had been able to hold his own in the fight against the men, but at the same time he was glad the boy was on his side in this fight. "If what they said was true then we do not have much time, come Makoto we must help your brothern." The young Jounin stated before he began to move across the desert towards the Iwagakure border camp. These men had plan to use these weapons against the land of stone, to aid an attack that had already been set into motion. Now the only choice the two boy's had was to reach the tunnel that they spoke of and help the Iwa forces deal with all the bandits before it was too late. Raphael knew that if he moved at top speed he would be able to reach the Iwa encampment in no time at all, but he was not alone on this and Makoto while skilled was not on his level. There was no way the jounin could leave the boy behind in good conscience, especially when it was his brothern that was under attack. "When we get there stay close to me and do as I say, that is the only way we will be able to make it through this." The boy said as the pair moved across the desert sands, "now tell me what are the contengence plans in place should the camp come under attack, does the village have defenses in place?" The boy added looking to the genin in hope that he was aware of whatever plan his nation had in place should they fall under attack. Though of course if the Iwa leadership did not feel it necessary to share that kind of information with the low level shinobi of their village it would be a set back but not anything that the young jounin could not over come. The main priority right now was to reach the border camp and assess the situation, with any luck the attack had not begun yet and they would be able to warn the camp of the impending attack. Of course as a shinobi Raphael knew better than to go into a situation hoping for the best case scenario as it never seemed to work out that way, no while it was good to hope for the best a shinobi must always be prepared for the worst.


3A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Empty Re: A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:45 pm



Makoto found the events that occurred seemed strange, but more then anything else this shinobi seemed rather strong as he found there was very little he could to to help Raphael. Makoto always followed orders since if he behaved very well he might get a special reward, in most cases he would love to get new jutsu scrolls or secret techniques. However at his current level he was unable to so he just did his job for the ryo and preferred to perform well in order to maximize the benefits he got. He felt the best way to gain jutsu was through trust, so if he can be trusted to do his missions properly then they may trust him with some of their most secret techniques.

Makoto agreed with the powerful shinobi and followed his lead, while he seemed polite it was more a case that he found no reason to be openly rude to anyone at all. He noticed that Raphael was taking shorter steps as he realized this was done to allow him to keep up, though occasionally one of those steps would increase the gap between them, but it was nothing he could not deal with considering how fast everyone else was around him.

Makoto did not really like bandits, but he did understand them to some degree, they wanted something and would do anything for it. However Makoto felt risking your life just to survive or live for a moment was useless, you had to work hard to save up your ryo, build up your home base and learn all the jutsu in the world. He had done a mission with a masked guy on previous occasions and learned how explosive some jutsu can be and even witnessed a dual bladed two elemental style sword ninjutsu combined with some katana style which he learned from Mizuki-sensei back home.

Makoto nodded his head when he was told to stay close and do what his senior said, he definitely knew there was a gap between them and for one it helped him to forget how horrible this desert was, all the sand in his hair and just everywhere was so much sand it was horrible, but for some reason the way the sand moved always intrigued him.

"I was told if its too dangerous I should run away, otherwise I must do what I can to set off the explosives with this switch", as Makoto took out the ignition switch. He then carefully put it inside his shield for safe keeping since it was important as he just made sure it was still with him. Makoto was not sure if Raphael also had one and he did not add anymore needless information in his reply as time was of the essence as they would soon have to see the situation for themselves.

Words = 475

4A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Empty Re: A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:20 am



Raphael smiled when the boy revealed an ignition switch, no doubt it was used to blow explosives within the tunnel. It was good that there was a least a contingency plan made for an event such as a wide press attack upon them, it also told the boy what kind of defenses the village had as far as defending themselves when over ran. Rather than try to fight them back they would blow them as well as their entrance into their homeland into pieces. The next thought that crosses the male's mind was wondering if they had more than one tunnel between the land of wind and the land of mountains, as if that was the only one he would not want to be stuck on the other side of that tunnel trapped within the land of mountains. The male decided against asking the boy this question as he doubted the boy would be allowed to tell him as he was an outsider from the boy's land. As the pair topped the sand dune they were met with a sight that Raphael almost could not believe, the Iwagakure forward base camp within the land of wind was in flames. The culprits behind this was long gone but the flames were still raging on, this was an unfortunate sight but it meant that the Intel was true and there was an attack against Iwagakure. Raphael would let out a sigh, "there is nothing we can do to help the battle is long over here, come we must continue to the border camp before it it too late." The male said in a solemn voice to the boy, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder as he spoke. He knew all to well the pain of loss and while they did not know if there were any from Iwagakure that died within the camp it was best to not focus on those that might be dead and instead focus their attention on those who might still be alive. Once Makoto was ready to move on they would continue the silence between the pair would linger as they both raced towards their destination. Anger flooded the males mind despite his best efforts to remain calm about the situation, there was not much they could do if they arrived and the enemy had the camp surrounded they would have no way to get to the tunnels to help the stone shinobi. To the males surprise however when they topped another sand dune they were met with the sight of the enemy only attacking from one side. Goes to show you the stupidity of bandits the boy thought to himself as he scanned the camp that had now become a battleground. "There on the other side it seems there is way to get to the tunnel from there without having to go through the enemy first. We must get inside and help them repel the attack," the male stated as he pointed to where he was talking about. "With any luck we won't even need that trigger," he stated with a slight chuckle as he moved towards the camp with the intention of sneaking in the back of the camp closer to the tunnel.


5A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Empty Re: A Tunnel Collapse (Invite Only) Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:14 am



Makoto noticed a smile on Raphael's face which made him feel a bit more confident as well as comfortable considering how easily tension could build up in missions. The level of stress build up was still rather massive though as he waited for Raphael to state something or discuss anything that was important to the mission. The one thing that bothered Makoto was that he had this device in the first place as he was hoping they would not need to use this, but as was usually the case expect the worst and get something even worse as some grumpy old man once said.

Makoto could not believe his eyes, as it had come to the worst possible scenario as there was fire everywhere, though deep down inside Makoto was thinking of setting things on fire. However those thoughts were kept at bay as he did not want to start thinking like Maikeru when he punch people so hard they looked like they were exploding.

Raphael sighed and said that there was nothing more they could do for the border camp and that they had to get there before it was too late as he scurried a long with a hurry and some extra oomph in his step. Makoto did enjoy getting the pat on the shoulder as he looked down at the time, if it was not for the way he was raised he might have been hurt more. However Makoto understood that when you grow up people disappear or go out on adventures and leave you behind.

Makoto was not sure why, but he had this feeling that Raphael was furious. However Makoto thought he was imagining things as they kept heading there and then they stopped. Raphael had this idea of going to the peaceful side of the battle since the bandits were just performing a frontal assault as Makoto simply nodded and complied with Raphael's orders. He could be talkative at times, but in general Makoto seemed extra obedient when he needed to be as they made their way towards the encampment.

It seems that this mission would not be as difficult as it appeared at first glance, but this was no reason to take it lightly at all as they made their way closer with Raphael in the lead. Makoto making sure to keep the trigger handy just in case they needed it after all.

Words = 475 + 402 = 877

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