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1Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:11 am



Mission name: Collapse the Tunnel!
Mission rank: B
Objective: Save EVERYONE
Location: Bordercamps
Reward: 500 ryo +3 EP
Mission Description: “We can’t hold on here! This place is overrun! How the hell did they find the tunnel!? … We can’t outrun them like this! You! Take a team, and take this ignition switch. It’ll detonate the charge we set further down the tunnel, but you have to get close to use it because of the walls.”
Mission Details: One of the many Iwa escape tunnels they used to enter the nation has been overrun with bandits of varying ranks, chasing Iwa ninja back up the tunnels and into their country. But, least you all be cut down, you’ve been chosen with 5 other ninja to face the tide, and attempt to blow the charges to cut off the enemy.

The cave is filled with Bandits of varying ranks between D-B and the occasional A. All have X-1 stats of their ninja rank as well as Bukijutsu. All of them are wearing mixed armors of heavy and light of their ninja rank as well as weapons of all shapes and sizes. Note: Only the charges will collapse the tunnel due to the chakra reinforced stone the walls and ceiling are comprised of. Must be within 20m to blow the charges.

2Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Re: Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:30 am



Verdandi moved through thee hysteric masses of Iwa soldiers and civilians. They were moving past the tunnels to get back towards the camp and into freedom. The tunnels are long stretched and thee retreat would take at least another hour. The problem was. The bandits were not far behind the masses. Having already taken down several soldiers that tried to fend them off. The ones that were supposed to blow up the tunnel already dead. The only hope to get the lot of them to safety, was to push back into the front waves of the bandits and detonate the tunnel to completely shut off their possibility to march further. Verdandi was very aware that the guy assigning her to this duty, did this solely because she was probably the only B-Ranked ninja in this retreat group. Verd had been originally tasked to safeguard the retreating forces anyway. So finally getting her hands onto an active objective rather than just following the troops and hearing people fall to the enemy was way more her thing. The guy placing the detonator into her palm already ran for it and once the troops were incoming for them, four of the supposedly five helpers ran for it as well. Verd stared down at the last guy standing strong and showed some guts at least. Smiling her most perverted grin as her eyes started to glow with thick heavy Hyouton chakra.

"Don't worry my friend, courage will always be rewarded. I however need both my hands free if this is supposed to work. Why don't you carry my burdens?" She smiled down to him. However, there was not much time for proper introductions. Some low ranked soldiers were already incoming for them. Verd shortly stepped away so the first one missed her with his spear. Grabbed him by the neck so he wouldn't accidentally run into her new friend and then toss him to the wall so she could bury her long A-Ranked Katana deeply into his guts. Twisting the blade and pulling out so he could fall to his knees and stay there to bleed. More were incoming. But funny enough they were all compressed down to this one tunnel. Verdandi inhaled shortly, the next incoming four soldiers were crawling into the tunnel towards them. Verd lifted her palm and slowly, tiny, beautiful ice born birds would start to form from thin air. The little fellows first twirling around Verdandi until all eight of them were given life to. Until at last Verd pointed her palm in direction of the incoming bandits. The birds moving forwards to hit them into their legs. Collapsing them to the floor one by one by cutting their legs wide open. Verd just had to walk past them and stick her blade into each of them once. "We just have to keep moving forward. Eventually we'll get to the detonation site. Just keep pressing that button every once in a while!" she chuckled and kept moving, her blade ready to taste more blood as it was.


Chakra 315 / 350:

3Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Re: Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:29 am



As strange as it may be, Ryo seems to always ask himself the same question: How in the hell does he get into situations like this?

Ever since he got assigned to help out the village's border camp, everything seemed to be going south. The first few days he was there were simple. He was a laborer tasked with heavy lifting and other menial tasks that others were too busy to do. Then, only a few days later, he's suddenly a stealth operative tasked with making his way through a full-on battle to steal some papers off of a Kumogakure official's desk. That mission made him question why they were really there. On the surface, it seems that every nation intends to help the ravaged Sunagakure back off of its feet. In reality, however, the whole situation seemed to be turning into an all-out war and the shinobi from each village didn't have any power to stop it. Ryo's role was simple as it was for most shinobi. He had a single job, which was to do what he was told to do. Satisfied with his performance on his first mission, the people in touch weren't hesitant when it came to other assignments.

Today wasn't especially unusual to Ryo, but it definitely reinforced his theory that he was cursed. His assignment now wasn't very simple, easy, or relaxing. If anything, it was a nightmare. Since he was technically a shinobi, despite not having any real ability, Ryo was tasked with escorting and safeguarding a group of civilians and other soldiers who were making their way through the tunnel and back to the camp above ground. The whole plan went exactly how one would think it'd go, with bandits appearing out of nowhere and chasing them towards the camp where they'd find more people to slaughter. The only sensible option was to have a small team of five make their way through the bandits to detonate charges that were previously set to block the bandits' path off, which was a task that the previously assigned team failed. Somehow, Ryo got put into the five who stayed back. To make it even worse, three of the five ran away before Ryo could even think about the option. Now, he was with only one other person, making it impossible for him to run away now. One could interpret this as bravery, but with the shocked and fearful look on Ryo's face, this probably wasn't the case. The girl who stood with him, through the detonator at him, simply telling him to hold on to it as she cleared the way. This was good news, since holding a small remote was something that Ryo could do. Shortly after this saving grace, however, Ryo was reminded of his situation as a bandit sprinted towards him, only to be brutally taken care of by his new friend before he could even touch him. With his white button down now spotting specks of a stranger's blood, Ryo quickly started following the path his new companion seemed to effortlessly clear for him, trying to stay out of way and close enough in case something were to come his way. This probably wasn't going to be as easy as he first thought.

Word count: 559 of 559

4Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Re: Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:10 am



Verdandi smiled her usual wicked smile from getting a lot of playtime when she was in rage mode. Getting to smack people in the face whom clearly deserve it always brought the adrenaline rush up her neck. Verd could see that a multitude of lower ranked enemy's were incoming for them, probably a dozen or more. Verd decided that a quick solution for the lot of them was necessary to proceed. So she lowered her head and used her majorly superior speed and reflexes to jump straight past them until she was in the middle of the lot. Having sheathed her katana, she would have to step on some heads to get where she wanted to but their reaction time was no match for her speedy movements. She was already forming wind seals in her palms on her way there and once Verd stood in the very middle of the lot she would instantly exhale her powerful wind chakra. With a sudden blaze, invisible blades of fuuton chakra would start to slice their way into her enemies. A round sphere of chakra splat the enemies against the close walls of the cave before the cuts would be aimed at head and throat level, slicing their faces and throat skin into carved flesh. Whomever was not left behind blind and screaming from the wound received to their face, was now holding onto their throat and feeling themselves bleed out. Verd quickly unsheathed her blade to give whomever was left standing the mercy killing they deserved. Probably.

Eventually one of them had escaped and was running towards her companion. He was however, by all means capable of taking that one down by himself. Verd nodding in approval and moved further down the tunnel. Soon having to face her first B-Ranked enemy. The man was thicc by all means. He had fat muscles and was so tall he barely fit into the tunnel. Donning a large two-handed hammer he would come at Verd and stomp his fat weapon to the ground. Leaving a major hole where Verd just stood but a second ago. Making her realize that he wasn't her to joke around. His elbow hitting Verd's stomach and tossing her back a little. Leaving her out of breath for a minute. But also making the ice princess pretty damn mad at him. With little regard to what he possibly wanted to achieve here, Verd formed the seals for suiton, sheathing her blade once again to accomplish such. The wild water wave she exhaled ran down the giant like he was a child. The confined small space of the tunnel didn't leave much way for him to dodge or for the water to not-hit him straight in the face. Despite of making no damage, it pushed him back and down on the floor. Verdandi however, wouldn't wait until the man enjoyed his shower. She moved in and conjured a weapon specific for this situation. A smaller katana, very thin, more like a needle, it would come into existence after a simple snow hand seal and she would grip it tightly.

While the water was still pinning down the giant. Verd would jump into the air and come down flying with a somersault that gave her intense momentum. The C-Ranked ice blade would stuff its thin needle form straight into the man's stomach, before its contact with suiton would proceed to slowly freeze the ice covering him. Ver moved the needle and watched how blood spilled from the giant's stomach while his body was slowly frozen to the ground. His corpse neatly sealed into a frozen sculpture to the floor. Verd left the needle where it belonged, in the guys stomach. Checking if her companion was about to catch up so they may move forward.

640 / 1150

Chakra 265 / 350:

5Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Re: Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:54 pm



Now with the detonator in his hands, he would start to repeatedly press the button as he followed his new companion through the masses. The girl he followed was truly out of the world, as in, she was literally from hell. The way she brutally dealt with the bandits that opposed them were unlike anyone who had a soul. The lack of remorse she had towards other humans kept Ryo on edge, thanking whatever deity was out there for putting her on his side. As Ryo maneuvered his way over the bodies that scattered the floor, they'd start their way through the tunnel, only to be greeted with a group of bandits bigger than the last. Ryo stopped in his tracks, convinced that there were zero chances of getting through a force like this. His new friend, however, had a different plan. When Ryo froze, her pace only quickened, leaping over the lot of them like they were just a hurdle at a track meet. From the sidelines, Ryo couldn't see the girl through the masses, but that was quickly resolved. Out of seemingly nowhere, wind blasted through the tunnel, slicing through what seemed to be all of the bandits in front of him. The blood produced by this spectacle was easily the most the young man has ever seen in his lifetime. Immediately after he realized what had happened, with the specks of blood on his shirt becoming large splotches, nausea hit him. He turned away, bent over and gagging towards the floor. Why was he apart of this? This whole situation was like a war zone. It was a war zone. Was this really what being a shinobi meant? Would he get to the point where he would slaughter a dozen people without a second thought? Tears suddenly filled his eyes as disgust turned to sadness when he finally noticed the hurried footsteps towards him.

He looked up to see a bandit, covered in the blood of his friends, running towards him. Much like Ryo, the girl responsible for the slaughter scared him. To the bandit, Ryo was an easy target. This wasn't exactly the case as Ryo was a shinobi with the training to defend himself. Still, was he really capable of killing this man like the demon child that defended him? The answer was clearly no. He couldn't quite bring himself to do something like that at the young age of nineteen. Not yet. Although, if he didn't do anything, the man running towards him would. With tear still filling his eyes, Ryo shoved the detonator in his pocket, using both hands to form a series of hand seals. As the bandit got closer and closer, Ryo suddenly disappeared, a hole in the ground replacing him. The bandit suddenly stopped, confused about where his target went. Suddenly, as the man stood still, Ryo's hands would come from beneath him, grabbing the bandit's ankles and pulling him into the ground. With the bandit buried to his neck, Ryo would effortlessly come to the surface. The jutsu wouldn't hold the man for long, but now Ryo had more options than to kill him. With a second of thought, Ryo swung his leg back, kicked the bandit hard in the head. Not hard enough to kill him, but it would definitely keep him in that hole for a while.

Turning back around, Ryo would see his companion and her new... art piece. A large man was covered in ice, frozen to the ground as blood seeped out of him, stuck there until he died. He was far beyond the man Ryo dealt with, and the demon girl managed to kill him before Ryo finished his job. This girl was truly something else, far more skilled than Ryo will probably ever be. As the girl continued their pace, Ryo followed swiftly behind, pulling the detonator back out of his pocket. There were no words said, and even if there were, what would Ryo say to someone who wasn't human?

Word count: 678 of 1237
Chakra 240/250:

Last edited by Ryo on Wed Aug 08, 2018 5:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : killed to kick)

6Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Re: Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Wed Aug 08, 2018 1:05 am



Dandi didn't really get much of the young boy's own adventure but she was certain that it wouldn't be his last one today. The two of them were getting closer to the point where the bomb was supposed to be buried. But the closer they came the more enemy ninja would be evident to be flooding the area. As soon as Ryo was close, Verd grabbed his palm and tugged him along. She would use her strength and speed to move fast enough to pass through many rooms and corridors while bandits hissed at them. Not long until Ryo would realize that there were seemingly hundreds of enemies following them. By now. Verdandi had a good sense of coordination and despite the fact that the cave tunnels started to branch out further and further she instinctively knew which direction she would have to aim for. However, she did pass the right corner a few times causing some awkward situations where she had to run past the bandits again that just picked up her trail and were supposed to follow her. Verd giggled as she sometimes had to tug Ryo in a bit closer to her so she could properly adjust his momentum and keep him pulled to the same speed without hurting him. Eventually they came closer and closer and had seen what seemed or felt like thousands of bandits in the whole cave system. Verd wondered if Ryo was aware what would happen to them if he actually pressed that button.

Once they arrived near the bomb. Verd saw that the bandits haven't been lazy either. The way was closed down. Barraged. The former hallway cave tunnel to the entrance of the enemy side had been completely shut down. Potentially to prevent a counter attack? Or did they know the bomb was there. Verdandi didn't have the time to bury her way completely through the pile of mud. It'd mean that she'd waste a huge amount of chakra. Instead she formed a thick ball of dense chakra. A small Rasengan. Pushed it tightly to the wall and blasted a rather large hole into it. Peeking through Verdandi was pretty certain that there were no or barely no enemies behind the barraged area. She turned around and gazed at Ryo. "Alright buddy. Since we kinda have to get out of here the way we came in. I'll have to sort of make a way for us out and… do my thing. I need you to climb past this hole and run forward. Press the button and when you hear it go 'boom' you better turn around. The first explosion doesn't yet trigger the whole set but we'll have limited time to get out once the fireworks start." Verd smiled. Giving her friend a leap of trust by pushing him gently towards the hole in the wall. Verdandi would hence turn around and stare at the seemingly endless number of enemies incoming for them from the hallway. She was already charging her chakra. Hyouton would start to glow all over her skin. It was time for a massacre.

530 / 1680

7Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Empty Re: Collapse the Tunnel! [Ryo] Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:07 am



Verdandi sighed and waved for the kid as he went off into the hole. She glared forward and at the various people crowding the tunnels. She would slowly raise a thick ice armor on her skin and exhale a pained scream before jumping into the fray of them. Slicing her blade through the lower ranked ones seemed no problem. The genin-level enemies would sink to their knees, only able to deal with the heavy wounds of the A-Ranked blades cuts. Verdandi's sword soon activating its saw form. Each cut starting to cause her enemies to bleed. Eventually as she reached the central point of mass, Verd placed a simple exploding tag at one bandit. Freezing his feet in place and running away in a psychotic giggle while she could hear him scream and try to remove the tag from his frozen body, before he would blow up along with about a good twenty soldiers next to him. Verdandi's demonic way of slaying her blade through the masses, would soon reap up panic in the eyes of her enemies. A lot of the lower ranked criminals that previously mocked her and wanted to slay her so bad were now retreating back into the tunnels. Verd hunted quite a few of them down on their retreat. Making sure to slice her sword past their backs and over their spines. Reaping her saw blade along the bones to cause direct bone damage and leave their skin wide open for a lot of bleeding potential.

Sometimes, between the masses of weak, she'd face once again an equal. The hammer man had been the first. Now there was a young boy with a spear. Verd chuckled still in bloody frenzy as she attacked him. Walking up the walls aside her with supernatural walking expertise. Jumping down on him from above. Quickly changing her motion to a somersault as she avoided the spear and sliced a first katana hit straight past his face. His bloodied expression slightly disgruntled and very angry. Continuously he would push against Verd and try to spear his weapon into her guts. Verd just avoided left and right with her majorly superior reaction and dexterity. Laughing still in an odd frenzy of bloodied joy. Soon moving in between his legs and cutting his knee caps up. Coming up above him from behind before she pulled her saw blade down over his back across his spine, ripping his flesh wide open right from the start. Verd would watch how he sank to his knees and screamed out a guttural gasp of pain before she would slice her blade in from behind and cut her way past his torso and past his heart. Crushing it with the piercing part of the blade. Leaving the man to instantly be freed from his remaining pains. Verd turned around. Most enemies seemingly dealt with. But eventually she'd hear the boom coming down from the corner where Ryo had gone to. The explosion slowly exhaled itself into the cave system.

Verdandi quickly ran back to catch up with the little boy. Grabbing him quickly by the arm. Pulling him onto her back and grinning as she whispered for him to sit tight. With her fullest, quickest burst speed, Verd would dash past the lot of her enemies. Hundreds must still be in the cave system. The ones near the central explosion had already died. The heavy exhale of the force was coming closer to Verdandi. It was about to catch up. Ryo would probably see how the hundreds of people behind him just slowly dissolved within the powerful explosion or got buried in the rubble of the collapsing tunnel. Just as the explosion itself was about to catch up to the two of them. Potentially swallowing them as well. Verdandi exhaled a wind technique. Slipstream Dash. And in a blink of a second she passed the remaining distance to the exit. The wind enhanced hyper speed movement coming close to a teleportation. Ending up outside, back in the sun. Along with all the civilians that had successfully fled the whole tunnel system. Verd would exhale her deep surprise of having made it out in time. Despite acting all reassured about it. She was honestly under the impression that it'd end up being a suicide mission after all when the boom went off that powerful. Considering that the man who gave them the ignition switch was heavily surprised to see them would underline such fact. Verd would walk by him and drop the switch in his palms. Winking.

She'd give little Ryo a tight heartful hug. Thank the good boy for having done his job oh so well after all and then, with another sudden blink of an eye she would disappear from anyone's view. Another last mission of those she was finishing up were done. Time to catch up with her stuff and get ready to go home. Back to Kiri.


830 / 2510

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