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1Babysitting(request-private) Empty Babysitting(request-private) Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:02 pm



Malacanth had recently received a job that would be interesting to say the least. For some reason the Kazekage decided that Malacanth was a person who should be entrusted with small children. Even he was surprised at the thought that someone could trust him with children. If he is going to take care of them though, might as well have a little fun. With this in mind he made his way towards the center of Sunagakure. It was unsurprising that someone rich enough to hire a shinobi would live here as only the most prestigious of clans or the richest of citizens could afford it. Malacanth knew the area well as the Chikamatsu's puppets were on high demand amongst other puppeteers so they could afford a clan compound here.

Malacanth stood in front of the gates to the gigantic mansion, waiting to be let into the most likely pompous woman's house. When a butler came forward and let him in, he walked in while stuffing a piece of candy in the good man's shirt pocket. " Theres your tip!" The butler rolled his eyes at the man's perceived sarcasm and led him to the main entrance of the mansion. The inside it what would be expected from one of the riches of Sunagakure. A woman who could probably be considered the embodiment of wealth stood in front of him. A dress that probably costs more than his current living expenses and jewelry that probably costs double that. She scrutinized his weird scientist appearance until her eyes widened, recognizing him as the child of her neighbors. " I see your my children while I attend a charity event. Be.....pleasant, I remember you were a little off when you lived near here. Malacanth smirked the creepiest of smirks and said " I'll be a little more normal for you." The woman didn't seem to give to much thought to it though as the charity event was more important than making sure her children weren't scarred by the genin. The woman left him, telling him the kids were in the room to the right.

Malacanth entered the next room to take stock of his new charges. Two boys and a girl is what he found, playing with a various assortment of dolls and toys. They all turned when they heard the door, probably trying to figure out how much they can take advantage of him. " Ok young ones, if any of you cause trouble you lose a finger! Behave yourselves and I have candy! " The kids seemed scared at first but the candy part made them perk up and think he was joking. Malacanth was fairly serious though but didn't care enough to dispel the misunderstanding. The next couple of hours was a blur of fun and semi-creepy fun with a mad puppet master. The same traits that put adults off make kids laugh and made it somewhat enjoyable for Malacanth. Kids don't seem to care about the generally crazy personality of the genin. The best moment for the children was when he started using Perfection to play with them. They thought of it like a life sized doll that would react to what their doing and allowed Malacanth to rest a while.

The mother returned after five hours of schmoozing whatever business she is trying to get better relations with. All the kids were sleeping from exhaustion which the mother was pleasantly surprised with. Malacanth was told he had done an adequate job and would be payed in full. He took what was probably a small pittance of her wealth and left the house with the unexpected idea of doing more babysitting.
620/600 words

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