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Daisuke had just left the second village of his long and extended journey that his kage sent him on so long ago. It was such a perilous mission that he had sent him on. The first village that he had decided he would journey to had for the most part been a success, many things happened, but the highlight of the entire visit was that he had become the masked hero of the streets, the superhero that many looked up to as a competent role model, exterminating crime that had been so frequent in that village in the name of Kumo. In his second stop along the way of the journey that he had so 'loved', the visit had ended up being none other than a complete and total disaster, but a success at the exact same time. Not only had he learned that the entire populace of the village hidden in the mist was either an aggressive idiot, an idiot, or some sort of buffoon that didn't have a word to describe it at the same time that they had been one of the previous descriptive words. But perhaps the biggest event of this visit was that he had also kidnapped a younger girl from her abusive home and killed a ragtag group of so-called 'bandits' that threatened the life of a small child, which resulted in him saving a small "Genin's" life. Should any of the shinobi in that village actually be deserving of even that ranking of power. He believed that more proper and descriptive words that would effectively describe them were in terms of certain bits of their personality. Bits that had proven to be rather stupid or incompetent. This was certainly a village that he had hated visiting, and he hoped to never have to visit the mist village again, let alone the country that the village called home. The village members... Their intellect was that of an infant, and their strength was that of a genin, but perhaps that was a bit of an exaggeration. He was confident that he could easily take them out. However, immediately after taking off from the village gates with his new kidnapping victim, he decided to take a more exciting route than the traditional boat or bird. Effectively, he ran ACROSS THE OCEAN that bordered mist and surrounded the water country. He rather simply, and almost with a bored attitude, strided over waves that were just to tall to run over. He bounded over the tall walls of water often called tidal waves and eventually, after a long period of dashing, managed to make his way to the land that was on the other side of the massive desert of sea salt. Yet, somehow managing to keep himself and his companion mostly dry. At the end of the journey across the ocean, he decided he would take a seat with one of his cloths. He dried his blades with said towel just in case they managed to get wet enough to rust. That'd almost be a tragedy. There was no way to predict what he might run into on the long journey from the shore to Kumo. He didn't even really know the direction there. So he simply ran around until he managed to catch sight of the mountain range in the distance, setting off memories of home in his mind, prompting his sprint in that direction. His journey was a rather simple one from that point on. He ran toward the gigantic mountain range that housed Kumo, scaling up and down the snowy mountainous slopes, until eventually he arrived at his destination, companion still mounted upon his shoulder. He entered through the gates after filling out paperwork for bringing in a guest. It was certainly strange, and the guards could tell, simply blinking at Daisuke like he was a freak. He was never really considered the compassionate type.



She was leaving Kirigakure for the first time in my life. It was... Exciting? No, it was emotionally stirring. All of this, it just had happened so fast. She had came home late, much to her mother's displeasure and had received a horribly long lecture. To which she had tried to make a say in it. From there... From there it just spiralled downwards into a excruciatingly anguishing topic, or rather a wildly extravagant and albeit inimical session of indictment.
'Why can't you be normal?! Why couldn't you have been like everyone else in the Haruto clan?! WHY?! You are a disgrace to me! Too me and your father! I wish you where never born, because you can do nothing for this village, YOU USELESS LITTLE SHAME! The only thing a child like you has ever brought to my household is ignominy!'
'But mother-'

She flinched and attempted to clear her throat several times. All of this, her whole entire fragile little life had come crashing down in less than a day. Well, you could say that it was bound to happen at some time or another. Her mother had always disliked her, but... Why? Himitsu thought that she knew exactly why. Through her mother's senseless ramblings, and her father, she had found out the events that conspired on the day of her birth. 'I will never have another child.' Her mother had said once. To afraid to ask her mom why, she went to her dad. He told her. He told her that she had been born through a thing called a 'Caesarean section', where they had to cut her mother open in order to save them both. This happening had caused her to lose the child every time she tried after it. That was the sole reason behind her mother treating her more horribly than scum at first, but then it only got worse when it was discovered that Himi had in fact NOT inherited the Haruto clan's Kekkei Genkai: Resonance.
Then tragedy struck.
Her father died, cut down while on his last mission by a hostile rogue ninja. I killed her on the inside to know that he would never be coming back, that she would never ever hear his soothing voice again. Yet she moved on to meet and train with who was once her Mizukage and her sensei. Then she had met her two other team mates; Night, who was very talkative and rather nosy from what he could tell, and Hiragana. She suddenly felt an inundating wave of guilt and apprehension surge over her entire body. She felt like a worthless person for abandoning Hiragana... He had been so sweet and kind to her and asked nothing at all except her attention in return. Her mother... Would she tell them that she fled, or that she was dea-
She was jolted out of her thoughts when she had noticed that they were moving up and down constantly. She didn't know that Kiri had hills, or well, very many slopes at all for that fact. She clung even more desperately to the huge man's shoulder. She was seriously resisting the urge to scream her lungs out. She wasn't what some people would consider a flight loving creature, in fact, she was greatly addicted to the ground, or what she preferred to call 'a rather earth bound person'. She was begging to wonder where they were at. She had been told that the village hidden in the Mist was surrounded by the ocean. If so, is this what the ocean felt like? Is this what ripples were? Maybe this strange up and down motion was caused by large ripples in this monsters body, or what some people have described as waves. It was generally wet and windy, a slight breeze or a gust of salty air constantly blowing her bangs out of place. For a moment she wondered what the ocean looked like. Was it a huge person? Everyone had always referred to it as a body of water...
Then the movement stopped suddenly. Land? Had they gotten to land, or where they on the water's flat and smooth back now? She confirmed it as land when she heard the heavy footsteps of the man hit against good solid earth. With the sound came a sudden climate change for the cold, and soon after that she felt the man slow down and finally stop, the sounds of people and a village circling her head once more. She could hear a pencil scribbling across paper.

They had arrived in Kumogakure.

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