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1Loss of a Student[Private] Empty Loss of a Student[Private] Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:57 am



As I sat in my office I heard my door rattle a bit, somone was knocking on the door. A momment later the door opened, there I saw a ninja with a Kirigakure headband on his forhead. "Hello there. What can I help you with?" I asked the man. He seemed to be slightly out of breath. " Lord Mizukage, we have some information about one of your students,Himitsu." He told me. I stood up and slowly walked over to him, as I walked I began to speak. "What information is this?" I asked. He looked around the room for a momment, he probably never saw the new room. "She is missing sir. It's best you see the scene for yourself." He said as he began to run towards the 'scene'. "Scene?" I asked questionably to myself. I sighed and began to ran after the man, quickly catching up.

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