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1D-ranked Mission:Secretary(closed) Empty D-ranked Mission:Secretary(closed) Sun Nov 10, 2013 10:38 pm



Hotaru had gotten up earlier than usual, he had a small mission he was doled out yesterday evening. His apartment was vacant except for the necessities, a very basic set up was all he needed. A bed, table, stove, fridge and sink was basically all that occupied space in his home. Flicking off the covers and letting his feet hang limp over the bed side, Hotaru let out a yawn and a long stretch. It felt good, limbered him up and got him ready for activities. He began his normal routine, eat, shower, oral hygiene, dress and leave. He was not on an official mission, so his traveling cloak and conical hat where left at home. Instead he wore his usual attire which consisted of: a long black Shihakushō worn over a white undershirt. This was all held together by a red sash, his bottoms where the Usual. A white hakama with the lip of the under shirt hanging over it. Finally his headband was firmly placed around his forehead and tied snugly, he was ready to greet the day.

The mission was a pretty standard one, fill in for the Kazekage's secretary. The secretary was out sick and need to be replaced for the day, an easy task for the day. It would mostly involve paperwork, meeting people, and eventually more paperwork. But it payed ryo and ryo put food on the table. Walking the streets of Suna so early in the morning Hotaru noticed he had beat some of the local shop owners and vendors to their stores. Some where just in the process of unlocking their doors, others where stocking or taking inventory of stock. It was odd, his schedule usually had him waking up two hours after the shops had opened for business. He paid it no more mind and continued his stroll to the center of Sunagakure where the Kazekage's office was.

Looking upon the cocoon of sand that was the Kage's office, nothing remarkable stood out. Hotaru had passed the building hundreds if not thousands of times in his life as a Sunagakure citizen and ninja. He opened the doors and went inside the building. On the second floor was the Kazekage's office and outside it was the secretary's desk. A worker was there to greet him and help him settle in to his temporary position. "Basically i'll need you to read mission reports, validate and file them." The worker said before  handing him a sheet of paper that contained all the cross reference information. It held the proper pay for each rank, and the description of each mission to cross check with the mission report. The stack of reports was not large, but by no means small. After giving his thanks to the worker, Hotaru started his work. It took him four hours before he was scraping the last of the papers from the table. He had read all types of missions from D-A rank missions. Though, any real attention was only needed with the B and A rank missions. Some where quite explicit with the level of brutality that occurred in the mission. One told of a group of Chuunin who where sent to eliminate a group of bandits in the sand. After a grueling battle, all five of the bandits where eliminated at the expense of two of the three Chuunin who where on the mission. He did not recognize any of the deceased names but validated it none the less.

After the grueling hours spent cross referencing, checking, and validating the various reports and prices. Hotaru was mentally exhausted, he wondered how the secretary could keep up with this and the other paperwork that undoubtedly needed to be done in the office. The worker came in to release him of his services at the end of the day. The rest of the day would be spent sleeping. Paper work sucks...


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