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1Secretary for the day! [D-rank Mission] Empty Secretary for the day! [D-rank Mission] Fri Jul 15, 2016 8:11 pm

Ren Sabaku

Ren Sabaku

A secretary quit for the missions office, what a boring way to fill in for a mission when there were so many other things that she could have been doing today. Although Ren was always used to the paperwork from the hospital this was a different level of... busy work? Instead of checking signatures and marking for specific signage to indicate urgency and mark everything in order and ect, ect... This was almost purely just making sure that the reports were there and that the squad leaders signature was formatted in the right spot. Ren wasn't even allowed to break the seal to check the reports and perhaps get a good story out of it, but instead just checked signature after signature.

Well at the very least, at least Ren didn't have to be outside in the heat anywhere doing anything too strenuous. For now, she just had stacks of files to sort through and mark off and stamp as received or to set aside to be checked by someone else. It was tedious like busy work and everytime her stack dwindled, more papers came in, and on top of that the occasional distraction popping up to drag her attention away. One staff member even going as far as to ask for coffee at one point, she honestly found it a bit demeaning but she could complain later on... when she was off duty and paid for this busy work.

For now, she mindlessly drolled through the stack of papers and stamped the top of them when all was said and done. Hours of it, covering that and other forms as well, it was no wonder that the previous secretary quit. Her mind would wander occasionally just not to go crazy, or something along those lines. Every now and then her attention would get caught by some birds in the window or the sound of wind or some other noise. Honestly, she was doing far worse at staying on task then she thought she would and perhaps that would be part of the problem with her and her busy work productivity.

An older man, a jounin from the missions office entered from the door behind Ren to check in, his voice was a bit more curious in tone than questioning, "So Ms. Ren, how's the job going? Adjusting nicely, getting through all the papers alright?" he asked with inquisitive eyes and stood next to the desk she sat at. She spun in the chair slightly and set the pen down, looking up to him to answer,

"Oh, it's going alright, it's just dragging on and with a lot of hours left to go and all..." she laughed a bit and scratched the back of her head a bit bashfully. "But yeah," she continued after a short pause, ignoring any reaction he might have had to her joking around, "The papers seem to grow and no matter how many I get through, I can't seem to make a dent in them. So tedious for simple paperwork..." Ren added on and glanced to the files in front of her. He merely laughed and patted Ren's head as he turned back towards his office, Ren's face turning a bit red with.. anger? Or embarrassment as well. Laughing as he turned back, "Well, you'll get the hang of it soon enough, just keep at it kiddo..." he entered into his office and closed the door.

Ren sighed and scratched her head as she turned back to her desk to continue the grind of being a temporary secretary for the day.

[605 words]
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